>Assault weapon bans wor-
Assault weapon bans wor-
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Here, have a bump from my
Which side are you arguing for again?
Isn't that the question of the day? Am I the man of many masks or am I the man of two? One?
Enough talk, ban all the guns
>motivation will dwindle
I'm not convinced. I think deciding to kill people like that isn't a
>well that will be inconvenient, nevermind
kind of decision
>liberal logic
There are knife attacks in this country than attacks with rifles
>Assault weapon
'Assault weapon' is not a legally defined term
Liberals believe shooters are mentally ill people who are also rational beings that don't want to go through too many hoops. Don't question the logic.
Well that's where you're wrong. It is a legally defined term, it just has a million different definitions in a million different jurisdictions.
>a United States federal law that included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms it defined as assault weapons, as well as certain ammunition magazines it defined as "large capacity"
Not sure what you mean by that.
>Ignoring content to argue language
day of the rake soon
>It is a legally defined term
It is a very stupid term and is almost entirely based on cosmetics of the gun. AR-15 and Mini-14 have the same exact same killing potential, except one is called an "assault weapon" whereas the other one isn't.
Dear Americans, please keep slaughtering yourselves
t. russia
get a life, bin that knife
You know the US isn't the only country with mass shootings. It's the media making these ass holes famous that drives them m.dw.com
>It isn't defined
>ok it is, but I don't like the definition
You know both of you are stupid, right?
>It isn't defined
When did I say it isn't defined you stupid motherfucker?
>"would need to go through many blackmarkets and illegal things to get it."
It's scares me that people think that is hard or something
you said
>it is a legally defined term
using meme arrows. Which, forgive me for assuming, I assumed you were using sarcasm to further your point about the weak definition.
What we really need to do is ban single mothers thefederalist.com
"As such the perpetrator will instead source a weapon that's easier to acquire and commit his crime anyway."
The end.
>using meme arrows
I thought they were used for quotes
My point is that I assumed you put the quote in your post to disagree with it man. Kind of a moot point at this stage
Indeed aquafresh, we can't let the leaf menace continue.
They're all batshit insane, all of them.
>psychopath willing to murder people
>probably obsesses over fantasy
>is suddenly dissuaded by minor delays
Sorry but no. There's 1001 ways to kill a lot of people with every day objects. 1 man with a machete can hack through a huddled mass of shaking civilians with ease.
Hell, 1 man with a knife and brass balls can silently kill 8 or 9 people before anyone is even alerted there's been deaths, not to mention vehicles. You know those cute little marathons and bike races? Yeah, get ready for Muhammad #923579 to launch himself downhill with a semi and plow through your shitty barricades in to that massive group of people killing and injuring more than a gun could.
I don't really give a shit how many shootings we have in America the people have a right to protect themselves and not depend on police.
Then Antifa will actually be able to become a problem.
This is all the media's fault. If they didn't put these nuts pictures all over and make them famous, they wouldn't have an incentive. Look at John Hinckley Jr. biography.com
He shot Ronald Reagan just so Jody Foster would know his name.
When I was a kid, edible products didn't have safety seals. Then there were the tylenol murders en.m.wikipedia.org
All these copy cats sprung up because of the media coverage.
When my dad was in high school, he used to take a rifle to school and keep it in his locker so he could go hatched practicing after school. No one thought anything of it because shooting up schools want a thing yet.
Straya did it. And they still have the same average gun deaths as they did before the ban.
That is fucking stupid. Russia doesn't want the US to have guns. They probably don't even give a shit one way or the other.
You must be a Hillary supporter to bring a Russian conspiracy theory into this debate.
As Ben Shapiro pointed out with one of these shootings the guy had modified the gun so turning it into a semi automatic. Another had a restraining order against him, but the background checks didn't pick it up. There are already assault weapon bans and background checks, they just aren't working.
The best thing people can do, is carry a gun to defend themselves.
Western civilization is collapsing and people who don't fuck around like Muslim extremists are circling. Don't be fucking stupid.
Obscurity is not security.
If a guy wears transparent pants to carry out a mass shooting, can't you clearly see the man's nuts?
>If a guy wears transparent pants to carry out a mass shooting, can't you clearly see the man's nuts?
Good one. You made my morning.
How many mass shootings did you have last year? How many has Germany had in the last decade?
I don't even need to look into it to know that last year alone you had more than Germany in the last decade.
My point is the media coverage of mass shootings here is what drives them. The news media plasters these ass holes faces all over the place. All a mentally ill person had to do to become famous is shoot a bunch of people.
Germany has likely heard of our mass shootings, but very free here in the US would have and knowledge of a mass shooting in Germany. Fame is the main inventive.
If they stopped showing pictures of the perpetrator here, and stopped saying their name, it would take away the incentive.
Considering the mental faculties it takes to dehumanize somebody enough to murder them in cold blood, it isn't a logical stretch to already assume they would already acquire a weapon illegally. It's not a question of motivation. It's a question of decision making.
People make a decision first and then act upon them. It's like anything else: You have an idea like, "I'm hungry." and then you make a sandwich and eat it. Nobody makes a sandwich for no reason, eats a sandwich and thinks to themselves only afterwards: "I'm hungry."
They don't murder someone and then decide afterwords to murder someone. That doesn't make any sense.
>All a mentally ill person had to do to become famous is shoot a bunch of people.
Holy shit, this is why you faggots are hard to listen to. You don't have to be mentally ill to do something like this.
My point was that the US is uncomparable when it comes to mass shootings.
We agree on the media part. I never understood why naming and shaming is so big in the US. Then again, my country has 18 million inhabitants vs the 300+ million yours has. So the impact of the naming and shaming isn't as harmful I guess. We would read Nicolas C. instead of Nicolas de Souza Jesus Hernandez Burrito Speedy Gonzalez Cruz.
If a pistol grip on a long gun is what makes it "more deadly", it's a pisspoor definition.
The only full coverage way is to ban all semi auto longs and all handguns. Mostly the handguns if you are more concerned about actual deaths.
The ban wouldn't go well, and any attempt to enforce it would make the Bundy Ranch siege at the BLM impound look like a kindergarten field trip.
I'm not claiming to have any answers, more just laying out where this "gun grab political movement" has to go to be effective at all.