What are your thoughts on police body cameras?
What are your thoughts on police body cameras?
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I think we should only use body cameras on female police. Pretty HOMO to look at men's body :D
miss me with that gay shit :DDDDDD
There should be body cameras on everybody whose salary is paid by taxpayers. We deserve to know how our money is being spent.
They appear to be doing an excellent job of documenting the use of force in an age when the truth has to compete with The Narrative
Best thing to happen to American police. Now they have footage that indisputably shows that nogs were asking for it.
Makes an already stressful job more stressful for no reason other than to ingratiate niggers.
Hilarious to me. Blacks demanded them, and as soon as cops started wearing them, police shootings of blacks increased because now there's irrefutable evidence the nogs deserved it.
>Show bob and vagene
If its her body cam it can watch, from the pile its in on the roadside, if you know what I mean
>They appear to be doing an excellent job of documenting the use of force in an age when the truth has to compete with The Narrative
What this guy said.
It doesn't matter though, literally the camera could film a nigger eating a baby and charging the cop with a machine gun and if the cop kills him they will still kick and scream. They aren't concerned about "police brutality", they know full well why cops kill them. The whole thing is just the latest power play for gibs and body cameras are another concession.
It's alright. We got them in Denmark and the only thing they contribute to is evidence against perpertrators and people who tries to pick fights with the police.
Pretty big backfire seeing that they were forced in by leftists who were whinning about being arrested for throwing molotov cocktails.
So there's video of that cunt getting raped.
I'd like to see her body.
It's great. The police must have cameras. People lie too much.
>I dindu nuffin
Here is the video piece of garbage
They're great for proving that Tyrone started hitting himself in the face for a chance at some lawsuit money.
True, but the stories with footage that exonerate the cop dry up in the news cycle a lot faster than the ones where they can make up holocoaster-tier bullshit.
She can record me bedding down with her every night.
I want police to use them and then post the daily videos of niggers being niggers so more people can see how subhuman they are.
you understand why thought right?
blacks have an average IQ of 85 for the USA. Whites are 100?
If the news outlets an brainwash the average 100 IQ person. Imagine the effect on a populace of an IQ of 85. they are going to believe EVERYTHING they are being told coming from the tv.
So if the TV says blacks are getting shot unfairly. They want body cams. Now blacks are being shot fairly AND more often.
Its' fucking with their minds. Because their belief was that blacks were being mistreated and abused.
So the only way to go is left. Start blaming the camera's themselves for being "racist"
to you or I, that is the sound of lunacy.
For niggers, it's the only thing they have to cling onto, without their tiny minds exploding, to the reality. That is opposite of what they are being brainwashed into believing.
Any case in which a bodycam or dashcam is missing should be thrown out immediately, regardless of the reason provided by the officer for "losing" the video.
It's so easy to record and store video these days. There's just not excuse not to use best practices, except in cases where the officer doesn't want video to exist because he fucked up.
While I agree with you that the usual suspects would insist that deadly force is never legitimate against The Oppressed, that isn't the big gain here. There exists a sizable number of folks whose sole sin is to believe what they are told. The steady drip feed of Truth and Evidence against the screeching harpies of the political left is probably red pilling more folks than you would credit. Ultimately, the Police require the support of the populace to be effective. Only the truth will serve to preserve their standing against a concerted propaganda campaign. Body cams are a necessary evil.
Yes. Let's get a camera on this police body immediately.
They should be running open live broadcasts 100% of time so public could see everything without censorship.
I wouldn't mind supervising that cop in OP when she bathes.
Good idea providing that they cannot turn them off before they plant evidence. I also believe the footage should enter public domain (with facial blur and voice masking) after the case has come to a conclusion.
Most cops leave them turned off until after they shot someone, so they serve little purpose.
I dunno, they tend to "malfunction" a lot when the cop is accused of malfeasance.
For example, this lefty "student" was claiming she didn't do nothing, then the police showed video
good. sounds like the police are more comfortable shooting in circumstances they're authorized to because they have video documentation to support the decision.
police doing what they're supposed to do when they're supposed to do it.
>Good idea providing that they cannot turn them off before they plant evidence.
Good luck with that everything is timestamped
If the general public has to be recorded the cops sure as FUCK should be.
A camera for each nipple under the shirt
If camera is off for even a second while cop is on duty, he should be immediately fired.
Sadly not here. We have some cops with body cams that have been caught planting coke and weed on suspects properties.
Yeah well good luck because that's the reality ever since they started being used.
If cam live-streams everything to the public, its easy as fuck to spot when someone turns it off.
3rd party NGOs which save all streams and run automatic analysis for signs of abuse will appear immediately.
Cops will say "oh no it's too expensive to stream" while they order a few more MRAPs.
I'd body her camera if you know what I mean
Bodycams just means that the people pushing for them will shoot themselves in the foot for their interest groups. Now that cops have to leave their cameras on for engagements, there is no leeway. Catch someone with a non violent crime like let's say, a small baggie of pot, needs to be enforced.
Bad cops will also be held accountable even after getting past all the red tape of the hiring process after the Ferguson effect.
Have some juicy bodycam footage of my city of Chicago.
I think this instance, the cop gets pinned by a 19 yr old drunk driver.
Good because they keep police honest and exonerate them when it's some dindu claiming "hands up don't shoot" bullshit.
Also helps show when police actually are complete fucking psychopaths, like pic-related
absolutely necessary and no reason not to
if they aren't hiding anything wrong why would they ever refuse
I want to rape a police cunt so bad. Leaving her beaten and violated on the ground, she has to go back to the police station everybody knowing she was raped. Be even be better to stalk her and rape her over and over, at her home, while she's working, then eventually shoot her with her own gun after raping her tgen fuck her again while she's dying.
*blocks your path*
something on that uniform seems a little off.
Copfag here
Pros: quickly stops complaints in their tracks when supervisors can look back and say the magic words "sir, this officer was nicer than I would have been in this situation and did nothing wrong"
If force is used supervisors and the public can see I was doing my job correctly and unfortunately had to get a big rough when dealing with the meth head who told me he "wasn't going to jail"
Cons: big brother is watching. Apparently the cameras we're being given soon have a live feed the cheif and other administration can view at any time.
This effectively means I can never have private conversations at work again.
Also you can throw police discretion out the window. If I'm always being watched, and I will be because my primary supervisor is managing spy. I will never let anyone off for minor stuff again. Tickets and arrests for everyone horray!
body cameras are a good thing and only serve the public interest with their use
Yeah man there's a woman wearing it.
unreliable, too shaky, cop can cover them with their hand, or turn them off on when he pleases.
WE need drones following cops at all times streaming footage to social media sites.
>I will never let anyone off for minor stuff again. Tickets and arrests for everyone horray!
Thats good.
When cop is letting someone DUI off the hook, he's endangering everyone.
>WE need drones following cops at all times streaming footage to social media sites.
Better yet, just contract Google to make fully automated AI cop.
It protects both sides.
It shows the cops doing their job and video proof niggers are niggers or it shows how corrupt cops are.
He said minor stuff. A little over the speed limit, tail light out, etc. Different than driving drunk.
Europe deserves to live under a totalitarian government. Europe has been beta bitch and so it's only right that they live under a Stalin government.
But America is a place of freedom, liberty and limit government. I think police should wear body cams to keep them accountable. But that body cam video CANNOT be used against me in court as evidence, no matter what. America is a place where the White man is free!
He said "arrests for everyone" and you aren't getting arrested for tail light out.
Most police i know have been advocating for bodycams for years to prove that niggers are infact niggers, the problem is most police departments aren't nycpd or lapd and don't have anywhere close to the budget to be able to afford them
He said minor stuff, like slightly speeding or jaywalking. DUI isn't minor.
I mean to be completely honest I have never ever gotten a ticket or drove my car in an unlawful state, ever, and it never really took me conscious thought or great care to do so.
I have very little sympathy on even minor shit like
>just a little over the speed limit
why go faster at all? It certainyl isn't hard to adhere to it
>tail light out
why not get it fixed asap? You have to get it fixed sooner or later, so you might aswell just get it done.
There isn't really any excuse for minor shit too. This might be baseless but I believe it's probably the same mindset as driving drunk. People who don't understand they're endangering others by disregarding safety.
No, but you will recieve the maximum fine instead of the officer letting you go after you promise to take care of it.
What are the odds that you're one of the people that, when they get pulled over or something, rail and wish the police were doing something better with their time?
Isn't it completely normal to tolerate something like a broken light if it's not beyond doubt that the person is getting it fixed as soon as he can, or is on the way to get it fixed?
I've been stopped on the way home after it broke, and on the way to the garage the next day, and I didn't get fined or anything for either of those times
No that's not it
It is normal for you not to be fined or anything, but it's also normal to get pulled over for it. There's a fair chance you weren't aware of your taillight being out(which as most traffic violations over here are strict liability, ultimately doesn't matter), plus if you're up to shady shit they might get a bead on it. There's no real downside to pulling someone over for a taillight, except you might waste some of your own time and there's an incredibly small chance you pulled over a dude who will just start shooting.
i enjoy watching them but think the camera on the shoulder should be mandatory. the chest cams block lots of views.
Police will complain about the cameras for awhile then they will love the fuck out of them when they start to reveal what really happens on the job and people start seeing how niggers really behave. Eventually the black activists will complain that body cameras are racist.
I think they are a must.
>you can't film me I'm a private citizen
Don't get pulled over, faggot
>Eventually the black activists will complain that body cameras are racist.
Jesus Christ this will be hilarious when it happens.
*enforce body cams and have mountains of visual evidence about how retard niggers are*
Nah, the government will stop releasing body cam footage as to “not promote racial stereotypes”
It's very interesting how policing was viewed before and after cameras got more common. Before the police have always had the benefit of people believing their word agaisnt the "suspect". Even though they most likely had negative encounters with police themselves. But once you have the film of how cops aggressively escalate situations and how when people die at their hands but still walk on charges, then they start losing the hearts and minds of the population.
Today's law enforcement is the biggest threat agaisnt our free society.
completely pointless
Found the statist. All those infractions are designed to do is drain your wallet. It's backdoor taxes (extortion) by threat of violence (imprisonment)
Cops are niggers. JuSt in a different gang.
This. It should be on all cops and be remained on. If the cop turns it off, they need to face consequences. It protects both cops from being wrongly accused of crime, and it protects citizens from misuse of police power. The only Niggas that don't want it are dirty pigs and their bootlickers
I think they're useful, they give cops the confidence to do their job if they know they are in the right or catch psychopaths like that one guy who shot a drunk guy because he didn't EXACTLY follow his orders
Also, here's a case of body cams being good evidence for cops
>Black man gets pulled over
>Has a record and needs to be arrested
>Shows up in the hospital with almost all of his teeth knocked out and broken bones all over
>Wife cries on Facebook that it was police brutality because he was black
>Police body cam shows black man actually jumped off a highway that was like 30m off the ground
Laws govern the boundaries of law enforcement day-to-day conduct. If the laws are a threat to free society, then you should seek to blame the politicians who make the laws, not those who are bound to enforce them.
I have no problem with the Police being a very fierce dog, provided they are kept on a very short leash.
>>just a little over the speed limit
>why go faster at all? It certainyl isn't hard to adhere to it
Here there's no fine for five over or at least they won't bother with it. Which leads to the question of "why isn't it just higher?" but whatever, I don't drive.
Found the retard. I just explained the reality of what happens, I wasn't defending the ethics of it you brainlet.
I will simply move around them and continue walking.
half an hour will pass until they respond.
>Today's law enforcement is the biggest threat agaisnt our free society.
Yup, definitely a brainlet.
This is an excuse for tyranny. Politicians break laws everyday and are guarded by the police and in return the police don't need to fear prosecution. It's the reason why hillary clinton will never see the inside of a jail cell.
>no memes about op pic being a jewess
Good idea in theory, in practice the jury isn't allowed to see that evidence. At lease that's what happened during the soy cop twister episode.
Your explanation conveniently left out how the citizen is shook down for his hard earned money by a man who had never earned a honest living. Cops are welfare queens.
Bad. Caught me red handed trying to stick my thumb up the constables ass.
Try explain that to a judge.
How do you figure, princess? I live in Ma. our attorney general (maura healey) decided to "reinterpret" a law from the 90s and banned all AR sales in Massachusetts. She basically went around the constitution and citizens. The police directly answer to the attorney general, she's their boss. This put small firearm shops out of business and the cops enforced it the whole time. Keep living with your head under a rock. MAGA right? You fucking bootlicker.
Side note: one manufacturer called "Troy Industries" somehow is still making guns. Very interesting how the owner is a retired Mass State Trooper and hired one of the snipers from ruby ridge while marketing to police.
They protect their own and don't give a shit about the constitution.
>Here there's no fine for five over or at least they won't bother with it. Which leads to the question of "why isn't it just higher?" but whatever, I don't drive.
Because if it was higher, people would go 5 over in turn and complain about being fined just the same.
for female cops like her it should be pointed down their shirt
No one, of any worth, has unironically used the term bootlicker.
I like em. They protect good cops and expose bad cops.
The government thinks they have the right to spy on every citizen. So we have the right to spy on every cop and know what they are doing.
If police are doing their job properly they have nothing to hide. That's the argument they use against us.
Good idea but for some reason they always malfunction.
Govt. always has to buy an over priced proprietary thing instead of say something like a Gopro
Kek. Nevermind the example I gave you of current moden tyranny under the police, just get sad I called you a name.
what kind of weird shoes are that?
yes add them on politicians as well
I'm not endorsing tyranny. A professional law enforcement body appears to be a necessary part of civilization, as the monopoly on use-of-force by the state is what prevents a nation from spiralling into tribal warfare and civil unrest. If you wan to live in a place where there are no cops, then kindly fuck off to Somalia and enjoy the sensation of a warlord's bare foot on your face. (Ancap solutions are as yet untested in a modern, developed nation. We can talk about the Icelandic justice system circa 1000 AD if you want).
Criminal offenses that everyone would recognise under English common law (murder, theft, rape, slander and so forth) require a counter of some kind. Order must be maintained - at the most fundamental level, that means having some burly chaps to stand behind the guy who says "Be nice or else". If you're annoyed that people in power enjoy the fruits of corruption, your ire is at human nature and the natural, emergent consequences of power. It is no secret that power corrupts, but it is not a strong argument for tearing down pillars of civilisation. There is nothing better to replace them with, because human nature remains a constant.
With facial recognition software the footage could even have facial blur added in real time to a livestream of the police body cam. If snapchat can add a mustache to your face in real time then it could add a blur effect to the face region as well.
>cop gets pinned by a 19 yr old drunk driver
Can't understand why he didn't pull behind it when he had the chance to block it in. It's like he thought he would be able to stop it from backing out with his body or something
I have zero problem with those basics (you mentioned rape, murder ect.). The issue is moden policing isn't policing. It's law enforcement. Not just semantics. Cops are used to steal from citizens everyday. And are paid out of that stolen money. In America they take 1/3 of my paycheck off the top, add in the rest of the taxes I pay on various goods and we're up to at leaSt half of my money (earned by swinging a hammer like a white man should) stolen from me. Now these pigs wanna take another $100 cause I didn't feel like putting on my seat belt (literally effects no one but me). That's called being a slave.
I'll stick by my original statement.
About what case are you talking about?
Police do not make the laws, politicians do. You and I agree on much of what you say, but I'm not going to kick the dog for doing its master's bidding. The police are obliged to enforce all the laws passed by the government. If they were selective in how they did not, they would be undermining government legitimacy. Which is bad (see Somalia).
Eh, slippery slope that would allow abuses. It’s a great idea in theory. I can see corporations doin this. Let’s limit to LEO and Washington DC folks. I fear for the future where CSPAN chanel USPO12-DRONE-JEFF and thousands of others are streamed live. I’m tempted to tell you to kill yourself for suggesting to, ultimately, kill humanity.
>not going to kick the dog for the masters bidding
This is were we disagree. If the master sends the dog to come bite me and I did nothing to instigate, then it's gonna get shot, not kicked.
I suppose were just different people with different views. My view is what I've earned is mine and no one had a right to it.
I would prefer a copy of the tape after fucking this lady cop... So naturally yes.
I feel that every single law enforcement officer should have to wear one. The benefits to the officers are measurable - video is compelling evidence of an officer's actual conduct. The only cops that complain are the ones who like to walk the line and sometimes operate above the law. You can't complain the cameras are Big Brother when cops are literally Big Brother. Who watches the Watchmen? Their body cameras.
I do think the current systems need a few improvements:
>officers should not be able to turn them off or pause/disrupt recording for any reason
>all on-duty cops should wear them including detectives, supervisors, anyone who directly deals with the public
>video should be streamed or uploaded to police database AND city maintained independent redundant drive so there cannot be any "missing" or "corrupted" recordings
>anyone should be able to walk in and view or be given a copy of any video of their personal interactions with police
>random officers feeds should be selected and viewed by IA as a spot check to ensure officers comply with rules. They should also select random police reports and pull the video to make sure officer's reports match what really happened
>officers should not be able to turn them off or pause/disrupt recording for any reason
How do you take a piss then?
I think if something happens and the cop doesn't have it on, they should be immediately fired and prosecuted for evidence tampering. Automatic.
Okay only if they back up videos on a puplicly accessable website with timestamps and officer info.
> Glorifying diversity-quota woman-cop abominations
You're an ultra-beta.
It helps good cops by giving them proof that they are good and people who would be mistreated by bad cops by giving those people proof of a bad cop being bad, it's good for everyone involved.
They should be required in all cases and there should be a lock to prohibit the officer from turning them off.