I don’t like the casual sex that Roosh promotes, but I’ve learned more about women from him than from anyone else. Like me, he said early on he tried to get women by being their friend. He realized that didn’t work, and started studying autistically.
I work with college students, most of whom are women, prancing around in their tight yoga pants. Like Roosh, I think, “why are you here?”
>Educating women increases a woman's income. Increasing a woman's income delays or prevents marriage. Delayed or prevented marriage leads to degeneracy & reduced birth date. Degeneracy and reduced birth rate lead to collapse. Reverse the collapse by halting education for women.
>listening to a degenerate shit skin for information
Jonathan Jones
The best I have
Henry Jenkins
I don’t know anyone else who talks about women candidly like him. Maybe Andrew Anglin, but he doesn’t really say how to interact with them beyond looking fit and eating healthy.
John Allen
Once there was an African horse at a nearby barn, and it’s hair looked exactly like that. It was really angry and just kicked all day in it’s stall.
Christopher Jackson
Here's the thing;
Roosh is a hookup artist. He does his thing to fuck women. He is in his late 30s and he is single without children.
If that's the future you want, follow his teachings 100%.
That isn't to say that modern women aren't trained to be sluts by academia, government and corporations. They are. But that doesn't mean that all of them are.
Virgins are out there, you need to be able to spot them and recognize them.
And no, you're probably not going to get a supermodel. They've been tricked out already.
Daniel Ward
I don’t see anyone else offering advise on how to interact with women. If they are, I’ll take it. I’m not into fucking sluts.
Colton Butler
Roosh is a LARPer, he has yet to back his claims of all the adventures of his. Taking photos with hooters does not suffice.
Jeremiah Brown
just one horse? lol
Camden Barnes
Do you understand what an oxymoron is?
Josiah Fisher
god she's so 56% but those titties
Carson Williams
Brittany is playing 4DD chess, burgerbro
Noah Mitchell
>be woman >get money
Levi Evans
Of course cunts shouldnt be in schools. Nothing good comes of it. Cunts should be married immediately after their first blood at the latest, ain't no reason for them to be in no school.
Christian Long
I'm glad Roosh is out there doing his thing, but he's always had a chip on his shoulder that turns me off. Women are at best fucking annoying and at worst destroyers of civilization. It's in their nature. It's much better to laugh at their ridiculous power fantasies and penis envy and to out-logic them at every turn. Never even concede a battle, these bitches are out of pocket. Listen to Patrice, user. youtube.com/watch?v=LPq7CyHqQ2I
Jaxson Wood
You need to be healthy, have some degree of wealth, have a place of your own, your own personal transport and not be a complete sperg.
Getting a date is easy. You need to put yourself is social situations that has you interacting with women.
From there you need to be able to ignore their physical attractiveness (remember a lot of it is false thanks to make up) and make a decision based upon their responses whether you put them into the FUCK AND DUMP category, or date-and-potentially-wife category.
Never date someone with the power dynamic against you. If they try to compete with you on that field, remind them that they are a woman. If that doesn't register, finish it.
Dylan Edwards
No, women are not worth educating.
Anyone who has worked in a dangerous lab with them can say the same.
Christopher Wright
Cunts should be in schools though. For sewing and housewifery.
These government certifications would be a great boon for any prospective husband.
Grayson Ward
Yes, these bitches can't cook anything except gluten free vegan weird girl muffins. Fucking useless. I've talked to some of these bimbo dickers like Roosh, and I wanted the secrets to how they get these bitches to cook and clean... THEY DON'T!! They fuck these whores for free!