Colgatefags explain yourself!
Netherlands: Migrant Student Gives His White Diversity Teacher Lesson In Multiculturalism
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Quick rundown?
Aquafresh m8, Colgate has different color theme.
I don't go into a monkey cage and act suprised if they throw feces at me or try and fuck my daughter, he knew what was coming.
It's a nigger being a nigger.
>even with a broken arm the huwhite man keeps holding the black man down
Lol "Fighting for his life"
Arm punches with no body behind them at large angles from skinny as kid...
What's really cringey is that the coon is trying to sound 'moroccan'
>ape doing ape things
What do you expect us to do, give every teacher a cattle prod?
>A white teacher with a broken arm was instructing a class
Typical. They can never attack someone that is on equal footing
>nigger attacks guy with broken arm
Typical nog behavior. Fucking cowardly. My hatred for shitskins in reaffirmed.
Not a bad idea, user...
based black man attacking cultural marxist jewish indoctrinated teacher. based
>from December 2015
piss off with this
Billionaire Richard Branson dominates his boytoy Barack Obama
Once tamed, the mulatto is a docile cuddle bunny
Good, goyim, forget what migrants do, it's in the past anyway
Karma's a bitch
School teachers are responsible for indoctrinating whole generations with multicultural horseshit. I hope they all get ripped to shreds by the niggers they love so much.
looks like the teacher learned more than the student.
oy vey goyim, never forget the 6 trillion cuck school teachers bitchslapped by migrants
empathy is a tool Jews amplify within others
migrants aren't doing shit here
we're fine
Hell, things are much worse than I thought. I used to laugh seeing these things happen in American schools.
>students don't even step in to help
Either the teacher's also a nigger or everyone in his class is.
Found the original
Is it me or does the teacher also speak with a Turkish or Moroccan accent?
From what I hear the other students are also immigrants or children of immigrants (judging from the accents)
I hear some Dutch fagboy's voice if I'm not mistaken.
He looks roach to me, but who cares.
>What are the Rotterdam riots
>What do you mean immigrants commit more crime?
It's a Somali
Isn't the "teacher" just a student? Looks like a shitskin too.
>Go through murder files of the Netherlands
>it's basically just 99% brownies shooting each other over drugs
Our police is useless but atleast they got a bunch of people that were planning terrorist attacks last few years, glad that's over now and ISIS is kill.
>its weird immigrants get higher numbers in crimestats while the police keeps arresting them for no reason other than prejudice and discrimination
He looks a bit too old, but you never know. And yes, it's a shitskin too.
oh pleur een eind op, iedereen die voor de overheid werkt of heeft gewerkt weet dat mensen met afkomst uit afrikaanse landen of uit het midden oosten veeel meer in de onderwereld rondzwerven dan ethnische nederlanders
Unfortunately the government here doesn't really release stats on specific crimes (as far as I know) unlike Germany. So we can't really say how overrepresented immigrants are with the most important crimes (murder, rape, etc)
Best thing we have on that topic is inmates in prison, where immigrants are 62,6%.
There's some drop with the second generation (except for Turks). If crime is related to IQ, we would expect that (since IQ is partly environmental)
teacher probably said something racist. I'm not for violence, but some teachers are just jerks and should be beaten up more often.
I believe the CBS does. Perhaps search better.
Not that I've seen, certainly not in the annual Integration Report. I know that with regards to murder there are stats on victims available (
Ok. Not gonna search myself, cause it's uninteresting.
Did some more digging actually, found this on rape and shit
That's brilliant, actually
teacher was being racist and calling the guy a nigger
he deserved it
>"Let me show that guy who calls me a nigger he's right"
It was a muslim teacher, not white.
Fake news retards. The dude assumed to be a teacher was a fellow student, and he started shit himself first
Thanks for the info, but both are shitskins anyway so who really cares?