Heard you wanted to get rid of sandniggers?
Ban circumcision in the name of progressivism and child's rights (which essentially isn't incorrect btw).
>inb4 hygiene
Ban Circumcision
Other urls found in this thread:
Look at those margins. Whoever made this is literally retarded.
A stupid argument, even from a leaflet.
>a stupid argument
You're using a flawed graph with margins that are retarded. Pretty obvious why you faggots constantly post that image rather than one that is actually legible and gives accurate information.
while it has less accurate margins it is alot clearer
Lol someone is mad the rabbi took his foreskin...
>What's going on in Slovenia?
Yeah, 63 kbs more clear.
The liberation of pseudo-Germany was a mistake.
Slovenia explain yourself.
It's alright Moshe, perhaps in the next life you'll be spared the snibbety snab so you'll know what it's like to have normal sex.
Ok, I assumed everybody knows that america is jew'd to the core and the majority of males are circumcised, ok ?
It's a common knowledge.
Besides, I did post a map with a more accurate representation.
Lol, "liberation".
Thank you so much.
>capable of being read or deciphered, especially with ease, as writing or printing; easily readable.
Why don't you just stick to your own language? Something can be written clearly in the sense it's printed neatly but be illegible in the sense the information on it is unable to be deciphered.
It's actually funny because a Jew would be the one to defend these margins to make the mutilating of baby dicks more appealing and normal.
>has extremely wide margins that make it vague on the specific percentages
...yeah? Exactly my point doofus.
A bump before I return to work.
explain yourself slovenia!
Who cares about stupid Slovenia?
Our goal is to unjew the US.
Also, this map does seem to be a bit off.
I'll use this one for the next thread.
why is so popular in us???
kek, why is most of niggerslavia so high?
Fucking hell!
I've never met anyone in my life with part of their willy cut off and it's happening to loads of america.
I always thought it was odd why this was even a topic but theres so many americans on here it don't shock me no more.
btw whats up with south korea?
Any parent who circumcised their child should be immediatey executed along with the doctor performing it. We need a zero tolerance circumcising law in the US. I mean it too, execution. A bullet to the base of the neck right there in the hospital.
Anybody here who defends circumcising just because you are mutilated also deserves to be immediately killed. Death to all of you. Death is the least of what you deserve
Muslims. Literally called "ceчeни".
Would be interesting to learn the actual story behind this phenomenon tho.
It's mostly Bosnians, Albanians and their diasporas.
Do it, Burger.
The question of ban should be raised.
Talk about it, shill about it, spread propaganda.
Stop hidding behind that flag you dumbfuck.
That map is fucking retarded. Most males here are not circumsized. The only ones that had their penis mutliated are either muslims or kikes. Real percentage for circumsized population should be around 5%, maybe even less.
>Heard you wanted to get rid of sandniggers?
Can't we just grow a spine and ban sand niggers? Nobody actually wants to ban burkhas or religious symbols, we want to ban Muslims. Very few actually care about circumcision, we just want to ban subhumans. I wish our politicians would just say so. It'd be so much easier to choose who to support.
Easier said than done.
Our politicians are pawns, the few who dare to suggest those solutions are immidiately dealt with.
This is why it is essential to use "democracy" and "hooman rites" as a weapon in the meantime.
t. vpn JIDF
If you are from Slovenia, type something in slovene and represent the God Empress.
Here, found a good video.
There are also jews involved, paying a lip service, obviously.
All Circumcision threads: Gross Euros doing mental backflips to feel secure about their stinky ant eater dicks.
Circumcision is useless. That's it.
sauce user
>rite of passage to manhood
>you get mercilessly teased if you weren't circumcised still by the time you were in fifth grade
>getting snipped apparently makes you taller
>considered cleaner
It's true in my country
I did say inb4 hygiene, Shekelstein.
>I have earwax, must cut off ears, will be cleaner.
>My ass is full of shit, must invert it and remove colon, cleaner.
>Nose has boogers, off with those nostrils. >Shit, what do i do about my saliva !?
>/snips tongue.
>muffled grunting
There is no good medical cleanliness reason for circumcision, Jews do it simply because they enjoy tasting child cock.
Fuck your inb4.
FGM is banned but they still find a way. As long as there's gibs, they're not going away unless forced. I predict things will get so bad that mass expulsion will occur around 2045.
What is the punishment for fgm ?
I'd be down with this ban. Although I don't particularly think circumcision is too bad, it's unnecessary. Also, why are Americans so circumcised? You're not a Jewish nation.