>be American
>get shot
But seriously, having easier access to firearms is literally the reason all these people are dying. How can you not support legislation that limits access to these firearms. Clearly this easy access is a cause of the problem.
>be American
>get shot
But seriously, having easier access to firearms is literally the reason all these people are dying. How can you not support legislation that limits access to these firearms. Clearly this easy access is a cause of the problem.
Other urls found in this thread:
FBI is loving this.
>How can you not support legislation that limits access to these firearms.
Go look up how many innocent people were shot or blown up in the last week in Africa or the Middle East.
Reading comprehension lacking here. Im not advocating for taking away guns, common sense gun legislation is clearly better for utility on society. Exhibit A being easy access to these firearms correlating with people shooting up schools and concerts
>having easier access to firearms
What of the Swiss?
>Clearly this easy access is a cause of the problem
Try deporting blacks crime will drop
Or look into mental if you want.
>having easier access to firearms is literally the reason all these people are dying
The swiss literally have ammunition restrictions and are only armed due to conscription literally strict gun laws
Glad to see you know what standards to aim for
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. ( archive.is
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. ( archive.is
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. ( archive.is
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. youtube.com
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.( archive.is
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. youtu.be
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. youtube.com
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.( archive.is
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. ( archive.is
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. ( archive.is
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. ( archive.is
There is already legislation that limits access to firearms.
Law enforcement is incompetent in a manner that no law can fix and once again dropped the fucking ball.
Why the sudden proliferation of mass shootings in the last 25 years? Why did it start during the AWB?
We'e heard that bullshit many times before.
My guy, gun control does jack shit. The only ones who will turn their Rifus in are law abideing citizens, people who are responsible. Such is the case in my rathole spit of land, the majority of people who are using firearms are either: A, Farmers, landowners and otherwise well to do toffs or B, Drug pedlars. It does naught but disarm the populace and make it harder for them to protect themselves whist making appalling amounts of shekles for the morally bankrupt shitbags. Don’t make my mistake and pawn off your freedoms for safety, it earns you nothing but locks and chains around your knecks and ankles.
I don't care about school shootings, having an AK or another rifle is one of the best things that can happen to you.
That's like owning a sword or a crossbow back then, you know?
>Clearly this easy access is a cause of the problem.
Nothing is clear if you're an idiot, and we have more than our fair share.
No one ITT is suggesting we ban pistols and hunting rifles.
>There is already legislation that limits access to firearms.
In other news, mentally unstable teenager buys AR15 and kills 17 people
>strict gun laws
Top kek do some research.
>But seriously, having easier access to firearms is literally the reason all these people are dying.
[Citation needed]
We had even easier access to guns in the 1920s-1960s and these school shootings didn't happen.
Give it a year or two and you will be; they're cracking down on knives in the UK ffs
Let's make guns illegal. Worked for our drug problem.
Exactly. Further Legislation won't work; at its core this is a culture issue that NOBODY is willing to address.
Who cares?
More guns = more dead mutts.
The only good mutt is a dead mutt.
Give it a year and you'll want to force Americans to buy fully automatic guns and explosives even if they can't afford it.
Let's trade retarded arguments again sometime.
Hey, man. Victorian-style Butter knives are dangerous.
There's absolutely no historical precedent for such an act, but plenty for mine.
Rarely if ever has a government given their civilian population more fire arms and weapons, but across the board governments crack down on the lawful ownership of civilian weapons.
wtf was that shit
swiss education is top tier, you can not compare them with the stupids americans, just look at their president
No, you dip, look at Japan! They were disarmed entirely and would you like to take a stab at the question ‘have they been given the right to possess weapons back yet?’. Governments like a docile and unarmed population, it keeps them safe and well fed on the illegitimately confiscated money of an underclass who have no realistic way of reclaiming their autonomy. Trust me my dude, it’s a slippery fucking slope.
burgers are so damn brainwashed by all this lobbies.
harder regulations = burgers crying about getting their guns taken away
just make it harder for retarded people to get guns, this would help a lot.
>Christians: 1
>Atheists: 0
Oh so we're going to reclaim our autonomy and overthrow the US government/military with a militia armed with semi-automatics?
Go make up fake laws to your genderqueer friends. White America is safer than most European nations, and we do it without sacrificing our freedom.
a firearm is a simple machine, people make ar15s out of soda cans. you cannot regulate anything, so grow the fuck up and get over it. all these shooters are democrats, then democrats whine zbout gun control. just stop shooting people none of us will jave to deal with this shit.
"Common sense gun laws" is a deception. Their endgame is banning guns. They openly admit this when pressed hard enough.
try again. with different tactics and regulation. DO FUCKING SOMETHING YOU RATARDED FUCKS
>Be American
>Dont be a pussy and have a means to defend yourself against guns
>Dont get shot because you're not retarded as was prepared to defend your life with your god given right
>Btfo the "Be American, Get shot" shills
No clearly the streets of obviously mentally ill (and violent) people is the solution. The shooter should've been locked up in a facility.
Your right, a ragtag resistance to the US military would never be able to wear it down to the point they said fuck it.
Really fishy. Something doesn't smell right and people can't stop politicising the whole ordeal.
Articles on the ABC describes the alleged shooter as having autism, which apparently "often leads to social isolation", ignoring the apparent bullying happening to the young man.
this is some stupid shit. Do nra people actually have such a childish logic? Or is this just trolling?
Bingo bango. It's about control, and if you look at all these shooters they are all turbo liberal nuts. The same people who are demanding you surrender your guns are the same ones shooting everyone as a justification for that very surrender.
I would like to believe it's a conspiracy, because that would actually give me faith in people. But honestly, the fact is liberalism is just a mental illness.
its not a problem big enough to justify surrendering your mean of defending yourself
Thread is spam because this is already been decided with the Second Amendment. Shall not be infringed. Next?
Not an argument
Liberalism is more than a simple mental illness it is a societal illness. It's a path to pure degeneracy and destruction of any higher order. Read some Evola and you will begin to see the mechanism in place.
The final question becomes: why has liberalism been actively spread in our society?
This look fun? Come and take it you faggot
>being retarded means you don't get to have rights
>the government decides who is retarded
Fuck off communist
old meme
Sadly no. Our way of life has to be continually argued for. These nuts proclaim on national TV on a daily basis our constitution is outdated and doesn't really matter. The same nuts who argue to ban guns. The same nuts who then go out and shoot up a school. They simply hate.
I want a gun control anime waifu
Still not an argument
lol then why bother if people get killed in the schools
Something is far better than the seven heaped shovelfuls of buttfuck nothing, you still have the option to grab SKS and go innawoods and Gook around until the military has enough of the blatant Betrayal of trust perpetrated by the US government, We surendered that option long ago. Please yank, you have to understand I have seen where this road goes.
Europe has more mass shootings than the US does, and they occur at a higher per-capita rate, as well.
still an old meme
Yeah you are. Once legislation is put in place and a bit more of guns are limited, another shooting happens. Another 24/7 media circus begins. More crying and bitching. And people like you begin to scream for more legislations. If you’re not capable of using your fucking brain and realizing that there’s a much more troubling undercurrent that’s pushing society to such violence, then you might as well puppet everything the antigun media is spewing.
Your end game is confiscation. Fuck off with your stupid defence.
No its not. The Jews stole the future of the US. Its their fault and they want to take away the goyims only way to fight back
maybe the schools are turning people into psychopaths
Maybe. Certainly Jews DO spread it at a high rate. But I have met alot of very redpilled conservative jews who are pretty much walking the line between nazism and conservativism. Honestly I think it's just a sickness.
Yes absolutely, but I don't think its being deliberately spread as some component of a logical and purposeful conspiracy. Leftists obviously conspire to subvert laws and culture, but I think their purpose is honestly just degeneracy and leftism. Like a cancer it grows, and I think the reason is a lack of shared societal and cultural norms binding us together. We have no shared purpose or unity as a nation, so every individual simply seeks to maximize his own persona benefit. Many do this at the detriment of the nation. Leftism is simply a mental justification to undermine a society for personal benefit and maximize short term pleasure in the face of accepted but now outdated cultural values. It's a rationalization for jerking off to kiddie porn and traps basically.
I live in california. Unless you’re trying to tell me all the blatant gun grabbing shit our politicians have tried and succeeded in doing by repeated “compromises” is not real, you can fuck off to your slowly eroding sovereignty under the EU.
Well duh, but the question is supposed to serve as a open ended piece for reflection. We shouldn't simply stop at Jews though; they are simply the servants of a greater evil. I do not know what lies beyond them, but I know that as the hierarchy ascends, the veil between this world and the next begins to fade and the nature of belief and reality becomes one and the same.
Beware the deep places of the earth.
I completely agree, do they realize the second amendment was written when being had MUSKETS. AND NOT HIGH POWERED RIFLES.
You had less gun control in the 60s/80s and barely any school shootings.
> Sovereignty
> EU
Pick one
People had*
Then why didn’t the amendment list “muskets” or “small arms”?
Question: Are all leftists unwitted pawns or do some understand what they're doing?
You are never going to overthrow the government.
No correlation between gun ownership and mass shootings (or homicide rate).
That doesn't make sense. What motivation does Cruz have to confess to a mass murder?
>Having to use sound logic is a meme
Kys immediately
right comes with duties. Do not mix the right to have arms with the right to kill. If u are not doin ur duty of be a sane human then we have the right to take ur gun. We have the right to protect us, or by taking ur gun or killing you. We don't have to ask whats is more reasonable.
Cannons existed back then dumbass
Brazil has lots of gun restriction laws. See how well they're doing in terms of controlling what goes out.
Anyways KYS pussy.
what are you talking about dude
How is removing human rights NOT GOOD?
Okay? What’s your point? You cant commit a mass shooting with a fucking cannon dumbshit.
>go to see Batman, get shot
>go to concert, get shot
>go to school, get shot
you know what they all had in common? they were all autists
we don't have a gun problem, nor a 'beta male' problem
we have an 'omega male' problem.
Banning guns outright will get you nowhere in the US. However, Slow steady chipping away at the ability for people to obtain guns will. Progressives play the long game, nigger.
Shall. Not. Be. Infringed.
if we make the entire US one large gun-free zone like Detroit and Chicago; this will stop entirely
What even was the Maxim gun? They knew that technology would not just sit idle, the also understood that the government would have a sizeable chunk of the weaponry. This was a clause to make sure that in the event the US degraded into a tyrannical hole in the ground the people would have the me to oust the ruling class and return democracy.
I think some actively understand what they are doing and don't give a shit. Certainly. I mean, leftists are people like you and I. Intelligent people rise to the top in society, left or right. Hillary Clinton for example almost certainly knows what she is doing. Some of her comments made in private indicate she's a pretty jaded and mean but nonetheless aware person. Another example is Pelosi, a woman who probably washes her hands after shaking a blacks hand and is surrounded by armed gaurds in her villa. But on some level you either have to just not give a shit or actively believe and live the lie. Which I think is why the left has such a high incident rate of sociopathy. They aren't making them, the left is a more natural environment for a sociopath.
They had automatic weapons back then, but I'm less interested in this argument and more interested in picturing sandy hook with a cannon
>be Jewish
>stage a fake shooting
But seriously, having easier access to Jews is literally the reason all these people are dying. How can you not support legislation that forces a nation-wide Holocaust. Clearly this Jewish presence is a cause of the problem.
So if whites don't disarm, the government won't be brave enough to force more diversity on their communities.
If regular people don't disarm, the state will call them potential threats and kill them for not disarming, for crimes they might commit in the future. (Liberals hope this scares you into disarming.)
The Government will never disarm and will continue to make space age weapons while you will be blacklisted and or assaulted for saying you prefer to live in a white community. (I kick myself for not buying a bunch of Northrop Gruman stock, that thing is on a roll.)
When are the Plebs going to learn, you don't get your government to respect you by being submissive little pussies who beg for rights. You declare yourself to be a free man and you find other such people to work with. City slickers have a harder time understanding free men because though the city makes a lot of money, it is often the least free place you can go.
Don't disarm free man. Your government sure won't.
Why won't you gringos accept it's a culture problem and not a guns problem. It's laughable how quickly everyone dismisses the videogame and violence relation but immediately bring back the gun control laws Everytime this happens. it's not a coincidence that every single American movie features or mentions a gun at least once.
>they had automatic weapons back then
Get an education dumbfuck
Please tell me people LARP being this fucking retarded. Its utilitarianism at its finest. All of those bills were supposed to be just little "nibbles" at gun rights so we can take the "bad guns" and "bad guys" off the streets. You illiterates are missing the fucking idea that gun right activists have been snowballed into taking away most of our constitutional rights down to the barebones and even redtaped around and around on semi auto rifles.
Now we are at the talking point of taking away the rights to rifles that are "assault weapons" or not for "hunting" all because the big government thinks its for the greater good. Taking this away is the final and last step to an unchecked government from the people as there's no room for a revolution. Any rule, any law can be passed within one administration so long as the wrong people get voted into government.
>tl:dr Molon Labe motherfuckers
> I think the reason is a lack of shared societal and cultural norms binding us together
Where and how do you think they went? And by whom, by extension?
The government doesn't has to force diversity, you are diverse enough.
We literally reached the point when you can only become a mixed country or dissapear as a country.
>americans dying
Mcfucking kill yourself desu
Yes you can.
It’s like arguing with sheltered communists. There’s always an excuse for why it didn’t work.
Wait a second. Hasn't the mayor of Londonistan come out and say that terrorist attacks are "part and parcel" of living in a big city?? Remember that??
Europoors keep backing up and correcting themselves. Taking away guns in the US is never going to happen. Ever.
His point exactly
Well i'm sure that thought process works just great in whatever backwards tribal system you live in like the Congo or the jungles of Bolivia. But in the west, with it's advanced culture that has yielded inventions such as antibiotics and spacecraft, we understand that rights and laws are the basis of a successful civilization. So feel free to stay in your mudhut and answer to your village elders, who may mandate today that a man who masturbates too much is a threat and must be stoned, but I for one intend to continue believing in civilization.
There were also crank guns. Not in ready or wide use, but it was definitely made and known. Also, they specifically used the words “arms” which encompasses a lot of shit, why use such vague language if they were writing a document that would be law of the land for a country they hope to exist far into the future?
You can't just disregard half of your country because it's a crime ridden shithole. That's part of your country, which makes your entire country a crime ridden shithole. And which freedom is it you have that any european doesn't have? The right to get abducted and tortured by your own government if you're under suspicion of being an extremist, for example?
Do you believe there are people who could benefit from leftist societal decay?
No you really can’t
>being this retarded
Yeah, this is why people are done trying to talk "common sense gun control" with you faggots. You're just too stupid to realise why.
It's more like the person is saying that cake is bad for you,please don't eat too much and then you guys throwing a tantrum when you're only allowed a slice despite the fact that this cake can easily be linked to causing many, many deaths.
But we still have to have open borders with shithole Mexico, right?
There's no way anything illegal will get through that boarder...or the coast of Florida.
Yeah go try to commit a mass shooting with a cannon and come back to me retard.
remember how Norway imposed gun control and they never have mass shootings +BONUS, they have long prison sentences just to make sure
Slowly eroding implies there is some left, the EU is like a deal with the devil.
>having an AK or another rifle is one of the best things that can happen to you.
>having an AK
Nice advertising Vlad.
>try and kill multiple people with a cannon
That's what it was designed for dumbass.
Based Mexibro. Tell the guards at the wall I said it was cool if you come in. If you want to i guess.
No seriously this is 100% correct. Though indicative of a larger societal and legal problem that treats civic virtues negatively and doesnt acknowledge any responsibility of a citizen to be armed to be a bulwark against tyranny and uphold the rule of law to pass on a stable and successful nation to his children.
>Leaf education
>What is canister shot
>Explosive balls
Fire that shit into a crowd and have 50+ casualties instantly.
They intend to force a lot more and are getting worried that an armed citizenry might create several ethno states around the years 2035-2050. The Industrialists and their Central Banker BFF's love Mass Immigration because it provides them with cheap workers, cheap help around the house and exotic dates. My guess is they would import about 100 million more workers to the USA if they weren't worried about a revolution from either the Mestizo's or Whites. Both of those groups have a lot of experience with firearms and would pose an insurmountable challenge to Government if a civil war broke out. So the Government has to use every mass shooting to make yet more calls for civilian disarmament in the hopes that they get to be the modern equivalent of Feudal Lords. Civilians with a right to have weaponry like their government has can not easily be pushed around.
You can have my AR-15 and we can revert back to era appropriate firearms when your piece of shit opinion is reverted back to paper and yelling like an autist on horseback until an angry property owner trying to sleep shoots you with his musket off your stupid fucking horse and compensated 2 shillings for his trouble.
I'll hate to break it to you, but most people it's out there fucking people of random races.
>be american
>use an anecdote as if it's evidence
>get confused when other countries call you stupid and a typical american
It doesn’t hurt to have a contingency. The founding fathers were playing the long Game and making sure that the rules would be upheld.
>no way. our borders with Mexico are drum tight +BONUS, they're such great allies n' all they would never allow illegal guns to accidentally be shipped into the US
digitspeak tho
>>use an anecdote as if it's evidence
>uses an anecdote as if it's evidence
I mean, was it your plan to be retarded or....
The only duty I have is to uphold the Constitution, by killing or otherwise. If you disagree, enjoy being on the other end of the barrel
This is a terrible argument. I don't know if you are playing at being stupid and liberal to distract, but you use the same polarizing language liberals use on facebook, so I do harbor a suspicion your a shill or a troll. In either case, it won't work here, because I can just call you out on it.
Firstly, I'm not "ignoring" black america. But in order to solve a problem, you must identify the source. It would be very convenient to the left if we couldn't, but we can. And it's wholly endemic to the Black community.
It doesn't make the entire country a shithole, in the same way genocide and child soldiers in the DRC doesn't make Denmark a shithole because they are both on earth.
And I have the right to bear arms, which is what this entire discussion is about. Did you forget that, or was this an obvious attempt to distract, polarize, and obfuscate the discussion?
You didn't make an argument. You just spouted leftist dribble.
To quote what you wont read, listen up you fantastically retarded mother fucker. We have given you gun control, and everytime something happens, you want more. I don't know if its because you are literally fucking retarded and don't understand people are behind these murders and not the weapons they use.But I don't see you going on a campaign to end heavy duty work trucks after all those kids got ran over in Europe. See
What was the Bolshevik revolution?
What was the French Revolution?
What was the Arab Spring?
What was the War of Independence?
Governments stand on the backs of the people and under the right circumstances and a little luck a small revolutionary group can remove a ruling class
Go try to commit a mass shooting with a cannon. I’ll wait.
the UK gets it right on gun control +BONUS, they don't take any crap off their politicians. UK politicians are kept in line by the vigilance of their citizenry; amirite tho?
Shit makes me ashamed to be British desu. Why did we not stop it?
Ok, just wait here. Don't move from your screen...
AIDS has killed millions of homos, so lets outlaw dick smoking.
lies. lies. more lies.
Narcotics are illegal and there's plenty of those everywhere. Not hard to smuggle or find at all. Guns are even easier to smuggle since dogs can't smell them. No reason to restrict ownership of them.
Also 500 people a year die from being shot by a rifle in the US. Out of 300000000+ people. Statistically insignificant I'm afraid
Checkmate gungrabbing shit libs!
and look at Sweden where nothing bad ever happens and everything is always terrific. Thanks Barbra Spectre
Reddit spacing and "you're a shill haha, I won", how nice. Figures /ptg/ would be in here.
Your logic of excluding your niggers makes as much sense as brits excluding London or frogs excluding Paris when discussing how fucked their country is. And this isn't even a problem with your niggers, because they would just get into a fight fight immediately if something was bothering them. It's socially outcast whites and spics doing all this shit. The issue with mass shootings is primarily that any retard can effortlessly get whatever weapon he wants. I live in a country where owning a weapon is considered a privilege that you earn, not a right given to any piece of shit lowlife. I own rifles, and I am happy that the average retard here can't. Your right to own weapons isn't something unique to USA. Only that it's a right given so easily.
Good soyboi.
>be jewish
>be subversive to host nation
>come on Cred Forums to sow discontent among those who dont want anything to do with your subversion
>control mainstream media
>control social media
>control lobby firms
>control banking cartels
>control democrat party
>control globalist cartels
>promote open borders in every white majority country
>promote war in the middle east
>promote the islamic invasion (hijrah)
>push multiculturalism on every white country
>push for jewish only immigration to irael
>promote pornography
>promote mental illness like transgenderism
>promote disarming those who oppose these agendas
>cry out as you strike those around you
promoting all types of mental illness and then attacking those who resist it by guilting them is the fingerprint of the subversive.
the OP fits the description
The lighter skinned ones will be the Masters and the darker skinned ones will be the Slaves. Not all mixing is equal. Did Trump let his children mix with niggers? No. He let them mix with Jews who are so white they have to remind everybody they are Jewish. (Most of people refer to as Jew or Jewish is people that come from Eastern Europe. The religion Judaism has followers in Africa and the Middle East, believe it or not.)
The point, just because the old definitions of race may change, the trend all over the world is for the lighter skinned people to be Masters and the darket skinned people to be Slaves. The light skinned people of the world only lose if they self destruct. Their ace in the hole is that everyboyd secretly and not so secretly lusts after them and wishes to breed with them.
Well thats a great question. Invariably, by one race, gender, creed, or religion, the answer is Leftists. However they got to that perspective, they are there. Even Israel has them, and they undermine the society there the same as they do here. I think it's rather more a question of societal inertia. Of the willingness and mindset of a people to see each other as brothers, as comrades working towards a greater goal and to innately put aside differences to work for societal betterment. Undoubtedly it would statistically be beneficial to spend our money more wisely on charter schools in black neighborhoods because charter schools are statiscially much more likely to work and education statistically lessens crime and ignoring crime statistically has a higher economic impact than dealing with it, not to mention the benefits of just not having criminals. And a good argument could be made for cutting some ineffectual DoD programs and foreign aid, which statistically is proven to HARM the recipient country.
- Making something of black communities would hurt Democrat voting base, so the Democrat party will oppose
- Cutting DoD programs would harm certain Congressional donee's, so it wont happen
- Cutting foreign aid would harm certain NGO's so it wont happen
The tools to fix these problems are congressmen. Elected politicians are our societies tools to fix problems. The issue is these tools are locked in the shed, and the man with the key makes you promise not to use the tools if you want to hold them. They get away with this because society just doesn't care. Imagine a world where 99% of people are Ron Paul. That's modern China. They just give a shit. Maybe less vocal, less enlightened, but that level of commitment to societal success.
Absolutely, foreign nations, citizens at home and abroad with economic interests, globalists generally. Leftism is like a firesale of national resources. Free reign to pillage a state.
Will pay how ever much it takes to shut this leaf up. God speed burgerboi
Did you know that the highest paid ethnics group in the US are Indians and then asians?
yeah butt if we have a war on guns, then things will get better overnight. remember how we had the war on drugs, and now nobody can get drugs anymore?
Shitty comic. How is increased background checks and a waiting period taking more of the cake?
Firearms are not the issue. A person does not see a gun, think "gee, I think I'll use this to shoot people now," and fly into an uncontrollable rage.
So you have a disgruntled murderous person with a gun. Take away guns, you now have a disgruntled murderous person without a gun. Is that an improvement? Perhaps yes, perhaps no. But the fact remains you still have a very dangerous person on your hands either way.
So it's plain to see that the root issue is the one that needs addressed. Where does this aggression and discontent come from? Primarily, single mother households. A single mother is astronomically more dangerous to society than an AR15, and the numbers show this very clearly.
Instead of banning guns we need to stop subsidizing poor life choices that trickle into the next generation. End the welfare state, make America great again.
I don't understand, OP, live grenades have been illegal to possess in Sweden for many years but police stations still get blown up by live grenades more and more in recent years. It's almost like it's not the tool that's the problem, but certain people wielding them, and it's almost like laws do nothing to 100% prevent something...
Because they are allowed to advocate for their Color/Ethnicity/Race and are allowed to be given positive discrimination. There is a Herculean effort going on in every (((Media))) organization to demonize white people and white exclusivity. The Indian's and East Asians are indeed very intelligent groups of people. Unlike whites, they are not taught self hatred or penalized for preferring their own. There is no comparison as long as whites gleefully attack Pro White Anything while praising and helping Pro Any Other Color/Ethnicity.
The funny part will be the first time a non white ethnic movement kills a white self hating politician on live TV. (((They))) are squandering so much political capital in their effort to break the white community, that they have not bothered to check the power of East Asians or Indians.
People like you are the cause of the problem fuck off pussy
>implying there aren't already background checks and waiting periods
Hey dipshit the dude was reported to the fbi multiple times. The same fbi that cleared clinton. Guess they are fine with murderous people huh?
don't you worry. as soon as "The War On Grenades And Acid Attacks" kicks off; that nonsense will stop overnight
They don't advocate for shit compared to black and hispanics, yet they manage to de facto control your economy and highest centers of learning.
>only nation where this happens regularly
>forgets about south africa
>middle east
>only nation
edgy satire site takes a hard left
is Cred Forums under attack?
>advanced culture
>17 kids dead
>having this debate
ok dude sure
I don't ignore them.
This is also part of my perspective. If you want me to delve into the issues facing the black community, I can. I lived in one for three years.
You are ignoring the fact that statistically White America is as safe as many nations of Europe. Whites and Blacks live very much apart in the USA. It's not that a white person is genetically less likely to misuse a gun necessarily, but the culture and society they live in encourages responsibility and safety.
The people who go on shooting sprees are invariably three things.
- Leftists
- Social Outcasts
- White Youths
Thats not a coincidence. The shooting spree issue is completely separate from America's high gun related crime incident. Its two issues. All the "Mass Shootings" combined would be a drop in the bucket of gun related homicides in any European country, European countries which by the way aren't immune to dejected white youths going on shooting sprees. I believe you may have heard of one or two.
You are conflating two separate issues. And it makes you unable to recognize a solution to either.
On gun ownership in the USA, I for one am very happy anyone can buy a gun. It's a remarkably safe system. I know hundreds of gun owners. I go to gun shows with literally thousands of people the media would label nuts walking around hundreds of thousands of unsecured firearms and millions of rounds of ammunition. I have gone to hundreds of gun shows. I have also gone to shooting ranges with dozens and dozens of complete strangers firing personal weapons with no inspection by any authority, perhaps ever, thousands of times. Never seen a single accident. Never seen a mean word.
In addition to that, blacks, hispanics, and arabs are treated much better and respectfully at these places by these people the media would label racist nuts than in liberal inner cities.
>thinking a costitution is perfect enought to defend by all cost
so fucking simplistic
Your argument is that if 17 children die then your country isn't advanced? What about Breivik? Or Bataclan? Or Kunming?
The Constitution and it's Amendments were written as rights the government cannot infringe upon. Why the fuck should we allow the one thing that will abuse and destroy our rights the power to do so?
If you come for my guns I will fucking kill you
>muh guns
Guns aren't the problem guys, it's the people that can easily get guns that are the problem.
Amerimutt logic everyone
I don't think anyone argued it was perfect. Don't put words in peoples mouths. Furthermore, its an inane and self defeating argument because the constitution itself has provisions to alter itself so inherently it cannot claim to be definitively perfect. But it IS our system of government and it IS your duty to defend it if your a citizen.
Simply because the Asians and Indians have high intelligence combined with high group cohesion. Whites have high intelligence but almost no group cohesion. Hispanics fall below whites in I.Q. score and Blacks fall lowest of all on that scale. There have been no successful Black power movements that weren't propped up behind the scenes by either a Khazar Jew or white self hater. Blacks only have group cohesion when someone else does the organizing for them.
Whites have been forbidden to have group cohesion ever since the Nazi's lost WWII in 1945. Since that time, whites have been taught to race mix, to not discriminate in favor of whites, to discriminate in favor of non whites and to attack everything Pro White while supporting everything anti white.
There is no equivalent attack on Indians or East Asians who are free to mix or be exclusive as they wish. Combine that massive advantage with their naturally high intelligence, and you should not be surprised to find them at the top or near the top of society. The more you know.
17 last week,really I have to say the shit that happen every week. I have to make everything explicit or can you do the job to look up what implicit means
>Misses the regular mass knife attacks in China
>Misses the vehicle attacks throughout Europe
>Misses constant suicide bombings around the world
This source disproves your own statement though?
>Total Firearms: 8855
give me the sauce for redpilling purposes.
>less than two tens people in a country of nearly 400 million die
>that is < 2x10 out of 400000000
>niggers kill each other every day in their concrete jungles
Compare white america to europe and see what you get.
What about you compare white america to white europe and see what you get?
>17 kids dead
If you find this impressive you should open a book and read some history.
>having this debate
It's not a debate, its schooling morons like yourself. You are literally dumb enough to put forward that violence and death stops with the removal of guns, as if humans haven't killed or were incapable of killing before they were invented.
Asians, like in all asia has subsaharan iq, yet the groups that arrive to the US are the smarter, the issue is that no group in the US it's smart and culturally proper to do those jobs.
In Europe they do have competitive white groups.
You can't retroactively double back onto an argument you didn't make. Not because it isn't obvious, but because if you don't make it people might not respond to it. Thats how arguments work. If you don't raise a point its not a point. It's not other peoples responsibility in a discussion to preemptively respond to you.
It doesn't happen every week. The rate of mass shootings in the USA is about once every two months, and thats crazy low because it basically doesn't count black people. But thats how the DoJ cuts the cheese. In any case, per capita we are pretty much Europe. Don't conflate nations with population numbers. China or India has waaayyyy more mass shootings than the US per year in any given month. They also have a billion people.
why i have to defend it if i don't agreed with it. i have to leave the country or what. there is a reason parlament, congress and even turns of presidency. Ejecutive power have the duty to aply politics necessary to make sure the present day works. sayin that defending the constitution is enugh and dodge debates about things that happen every week es foolish. We have to adjust to the times.
You know what? Most of my figures were before the migrant crisis really took effect, so I already kind of was doing just that.
Do you really think most of the brown people here came from the refugee crisis? That's just a drop in the bucket. Most of them came over here during a worker's shortage during the 60's.
How many of it is gang related? Suicide? Accidental discharge? They put it all in the same column, not separating it to push an agenda
The same could be said about the other data as well than, making all collection of statistics useless unless you categorize it ad nauseum.
>ban guns
>killers now use knives, cars and explosives to kill large amount of people
It's materials, guys. Really, let's not address the problem at the roots. It's material things causing this! Ban em.
when i put foward that violence dude. i say what has been say here is stupid, the dude says that we can not take the guns of retarded people bc is their right wtf. and i say we have the right to defend us and one of those ways is to take the gondman gun or kill and we know what way is more reasonable. i dint say that we have to kill of course is more reasonable to take the gun I HAVE TO MAKE EVYTHING EXPLICIT FGS
We need firearms to shoot the bourgeoisie
This is exactly the problem. Society allows people to drop out of it, to fall away and get left behind. It's no surprise then that from time to time someone goes off the rails. In the USA they pick up a gun and shoot up a school. In the UK they abduct a toddler and smash his face in with house bricks.
A school shooting in America is just a symptom of a wider problem. That there is a system of winners and losers and that sometimes the losers just get fed up of losing.
Exactly my point.
>at its core this is a culture issue that NOBODY is willing to address
You mean the culture of not enforcing existing gun laws and taking mental health concerns seriously? Or is it the culture of giving people powerful psychotropic drugs instead of good supervised long-term care? Or is it the culture of putting mentally ill people into the general prison population instead of proper mental care facilities? So many choices...
So your touching on something rather touchy insofar as the US Government's jurisprudence and law goes.
Since the French Revolution that inspired the founding fathers and in the literature that they read for inspiration; Voltaire, Locke, ect... there is this idea that people have the right to rebel against tyranny. Now in the USA thats called treason or sedition or tax evasion or contempt of congress depending on how you do it. But how do you codify the right to rebel against that very same legal system? Long story short, you pretty much can't, and its kind of just an inherent tipping point of when a people are so sick of their governments bullshit they just decide to hang them all.
But legally speaking, yeah you totally DO have a legal duty to defend it even if you don't agree with it. If I don't agree with taxes or the draft it doesn't just not apply to me.
But no, the government's responsibility is to perform it's legally delegated function, not "adjust to the times" or "make sure the present day works". A system that would prioritize doing things as you see fit whenever and wherever wouldn't be a system. It would be anarchy and madness, and would be rife with corruption. I mean, more rife than it is now.
Should there be weapon restrictions in terms of how many guns and ammo you can have?
This user is right, we need a mass banning of matter...
Probably all of the above
No there aren't. The Florida shooter bought his gun on one day.
>not knowing muskets were the "high-powered rifles" when the US Constitution was written
>Let's ban guns, people are dying!
>Let's not ban weed, alcohol, pre-marital sex, abortion because freedom lol
>America is the only place where this happens!
>All the truck, bombing, and knife attacks in Europe don't count
>Overall homicide rates nor firearm homicide rates matter, only "mass" shootings are worth looking into
The left is absolutely intellectually bankrupt
You can have my guns...
One bullet at a time.
There are background checks. The problem is that the rules are often not enforced properly. An estimated 61% of private resellers don't mind if their buyers are unwilling to do a background check.
This man gets it.
Symptoms of a wider issue. How we treat mental illness is a crime, agreed, and the rate at which people probably needed mental help probably has been underappreciated for centuries, but I think there is a larger force driving people to NEED help in the first place at a higher rate than any time since the industrial revolution.
I have to agree with Netherbro here, within a community the issues are communal. White Netherland's communities gun crime is a result of community issues. I'm willing to wager theyre pretty much the same as White america's, though statistically slightly less because of slightly less availability of firearms.
>anders going for the championship
>i say we have the right to defend us
You are right you do have a right to defend yourself. Go buy a gun and learn how to use it and then defend yourself if the need ever arises. If you are talking about the state, this has already gone up the supreme court. They decided it's not the governments job to protect you, that's one of the reasons why you have your 2nd A rights genius. Seems like you are woefully behind not only history, but the rationale behind any of this history.
>But seriously, having easier access to firearms is literally the reason all these people are dying.
What is to prevent blacks from moving en masse into a previously white neighborhood and shitting that up? If you have to live in gated communities to stay somewhat safe from the violent negros you've let roam your cities for decades, then you're no better than South Africa.
The mass shootings in USA would not be a drop in the bucket in any european country. Only if you count eastern european shitholes that have whites living in nigger culture. People being shot dead is not common in any actually civilized country. The people you know, and the people going to gun shows, are the gun enthusiasts who would acquire firearms even if they were made slightly less accessible. The problem here is the guys who aren't interested in guns, but get a weapon to kill people because they're fucked in the head. A guy like this Cruz cunt shouldn't have had easy access to the weapon he had. I don't know the 2nd amendment word for word, but I'm sure you do. It speaks of a "well regulated militia". People who go to gun shows and are actually interested in firearms could qualify for that. Socially outcast highschool kids don't.
you mixing defend constitution with obey the law. If one would be the president we have to defend it, go through the process of candidate and then president u retty much has to valide the contitution, thats obvius. but there is a space as a president to be critical about it. as a citizen u are only obligated to obey the law, u can debate about the constitution and judge it if u want.
>common sense gun legislation
this is subjective and rarely actually defined
It would only harm law abiding people. Mass shooters only need ONE gun, so saying you can only have two wouldn't really don anything would it. And illegally obtained ammunition isn't an issue in the USA because legally obtained ammo is plentiful. But there is a black market for illegal ammo from Russia due to an ammo ban on Russia, and it's more plentiful and cheaper than the legal 7.62x39 or 5.45 ammo. Black markets would develop overnight and anyone motivated enough to obtain it legally could do it just as easily illegally. I know I could.
Incorrect, in many states, such as mine (Virginia) no background check is required for private sale. Cash and its yours friend. No ID needed.
Why does the method he obtained it matter so much? When I was living in PA I had a hispanic guy at a liquor store offer me a full auto tec-9 for $600. Criminals will obtain guns if they want them.
Anyway, the only group of people that you can slander and still keep your job are white people. Everybody knows what that means. Whites can be bullied by everyone else. Which whites get hurt the most by this? The working class whites who were never very well educated to begin with. They learn from a young age that they are on the bottom run of the Sympathy Ladder and that they can go to jail for trying to create Pro White anything. Most of these poor whites did not start out being hateful people. They were driven to hatred by the anti white discrimination they face from every single institution in a society that mocks them as White Supremacist. They are considered pure evil for saying things like blue eyes are more beautiful that brown eyes. White skin is more beautiful that brown skin. NO OTHER ETHNICITY IS REQUIRED TO HATE ITSELF TO KEEP ITS JOB. I hope whites learn how to fight back while there are still enough white people for them to be relevant.
kill the guy is more reasonable then? (when he atack me of course)
A small threat to the majority population is treated with more seriousness than a major threat to the minority population. The moral is “Don’t be a minority”
>enact gun control
>mass shootings increase in death count because criminals don't give a shit about gun control and law abiding citizens will be powerless to stop them
Thanks, idiots!
>American shooting thread
>head to /biz/
>threads about day trading Smith & Wesson and Big 5 Sporting Goods Corp
>drop in 10K
>pump 6% in a day
>dump the next day
>$600 for dead normies
Anyone else know this feel?
> system that would prioritize doing things as you see fit whenever and wherever wouldn't be a system.
this things goes to a process, dictate by laws and even the constitution. i will mysefl more clear. when i say "adjust to the times" or "make sure the present day works" i reffer to politis of state and congress. not a tiranic way of put shit without order.
Completely, you don't know his intentions or if hell regain sanity and stop beating you within an inch of your life (assuming no gun) You have no way to judge if they want to kill or simply assault you, ntm being assaulted is not tolerable either. If someone is threatening your life why in the hell do you care about their well being. They obviously give zero fucks about yours. If they did, they wouldn't be attacking you now would they.
Thats accurate, its like telling me I can't eat my cake because other people irresponsibly used it.
>he thinks anybody is going to read all that shit
Yanks are a hilarious cancer
Anyhow, your country needs to regulate guns - you're literally the only first-world country on Earth that has these frequent shootings, and you also happen to be the only one that allows disturbed teenagers to buy high-velocity semi-automatic rifles - GEE WHAT A FUCKING COINCIDENCE
the what do you do in a school shoting? iluminate me
>common sense gun legislation
nigga what?
>set cannon on main hall
>pull fire alarm
>hundreds of kids out in the hall
>fire cannon
>50+ kill count
>muh government tyranny
same shit tier argument that doesnt apply anymore. Youve probably had multiple times when you faggots thought the government was overstepping, when was the last time a gun was used to solve the issue? Fuck off with this shit already
>another britcuck
>says he won't read shit
>thinks others should listen to him
Thanks for the chuckle m80. Now fuck off mohammed.
Also having trucks kills a lot of people, as due planes. Why aren't we banning?
Like physically moving in? Cops, eviction, arrest, swat teams, the national guard, probably the US army if shit got real hot. Realistically speaking having to get up for work in the morning ( inb4 haha blax dont work, yes most do) alcoholism, drug abuse, general laziness that comes from a high calorie diet and easy access to entertainment, combined with the vast distances they would have to travel. Seriously from where I live it's like an hour drive to DC and im considered in the DC "suburbs" where the poor blacks live. They would have to drive out here, no metro rails.
I wouldn't argue we are actually factually as bad as south africa in terms of lifestyle. And realistically concerning blacks we never will be. As a percent of the population they are declining due to high rates of abortion. Hispanics are a different story.
Don't go defining who is and isn't a civilized country. It's turbo subjective and you just kicked the first country into space and the first country to develop atomic power and land on the moon and the current rising superpower that lays more road then the rest of the world combined out of that club.
The people I know WOULDN'T get guns if they were illegal, thats the problem. Because it would be illegal. And we don't commit crimes. The only people it would harm is law abiding citizens. Cruz got a gun legally because it was the easiest way to do it. But its easy as fuck to get illegal guns here too. Just most end up being bought by drug related criminals and then snitched out by informants.
The part about a well regulated militia is not binding, it's a preface and has no legal value either at the time of signing or now as held by the USSC. In support of that statement I would direct you to the numerous drafts of the second amendment and every state constitution which has a similar provision, most of which have no preface and some simply state no law banning weaponry shall be passed.
How is he wrong? You haven't disproven what he claimed. Are you both flat earthers too? Because it seems you love to make claims without evidence
>White America is safer than most European nations
Cars and planes weren’t designed specifically to kill. A guns literal sole purpose is to kill or harm
Are you retarded? Did you not read what the second amendment is for?
>americuck gets salty at civilised people laughing at his pathetic country
This is nothing new to me
Cars and trucks should be banned as well.
You are advocating creeping encroachment of our second amendment rights. Of course you shills won't flat-out "ban guns", you'll try to slowly but surely restrict the second amendment into oblivion.
Fuck off and die, shill.
All of these country's have small populations compared too the us.
>uses cnn as a source
>thinks he is civilized because he is disarmed
Ok, this has to be b8. No one is this retarded.
Guards, etc. I don't know what hole you've been hiding in but take a trip to an inner city school. They have already tackled this problem. Which is why you don't see that many inner city school shootings. They had to deal with not just guns but other weapons being brought to schools.
>your country needs to regulate guns
I don't think you know what the word regulated means because they already are. How are those trucks of peace and bombs treatin ya bong. Tbh I think I would prefer they stick to guns. Your mass killing kill counts are higher and way more gruesome. Maybe some life altering acid for ya face ?
witness says there were multiple shooters:
witness says he thought it was a drill because told there would be officers firing blanks
CNN national security correspondent Jim Sciutto interrupts interview guest to deny there was an active shooter/SWAT drill, says it was a fire drill
Cattle farmers. A dozen rednecks ground the FBI and DOI to a halt and made them fuckoff because a few hundred government agents would rather make it home to supper than even risk taking a bullet. Government agents tuck tail and run when theres even a risk the opposition has adequate training motivation and weaponry.
See: Waco; Also known as How to Shoot Kids in the Back.
I love these threads.
Shills and leftists thinking they can change pol opinion on gun control.
How delusional.
OK and he waited a year to shoot up the school. Thus WAITING PERIODS WOULD HAVE SOLVED NOTHING.
What WOULD have solved the problem is if teachers themselves were armed and returned fire.
a c c i d e n t s. maybe u can drive a car to kill someone but mostly are accients. Stupid
>can't spell "countries"
>says "too" instead of "to"
>doesn't understand "PER 1 MILLION PEOPLE" - that is, a per capita statistic
Every stereotype about yanks is true
This pic makes me really proud. God Bless this country.
it really shouldn't to you
No way to prevent this =
>You aint grabbin muh guns, I dont care if yeee kids die
Plenty of guns here too, but we don't have mass shootings. Why is that?
Is there just something wrong with Americans?
then why are we having this fucking dabete? pls go post this to every thread about this shit. end it dude
Pretty sure muskets came in high calibers back then
All of the shootings happen in MUH "GUN FREE ZONE." Just like Chiacgo (aka niggerville) is a "GANG FREE ZONE"
LEGAL gun owners, including teachers, ARE NOT allowed to have guns at school.
A gun is a tool for killing like all other objects are tools. Killing isn't morally bad, its the intent. If you kill someone about to kill or in the process of killing is that morally wrong? no. A gun is a tool like all other tools.
How uninformed can you be. Cars are always used for terrorist attacks? Have you not read the news in the last ten years? Remember the truck in France a couple years back? A terrorist stole a truck and ran over killing 86 people. There has never been a mass shooting even in the US with a gun that came even close to that number. Ever. Fucking get a clue bitch.
America should adopt Japanese gun laws.
>Anyhow, your country needs to regulate guns
No we don't, in fact we can relax the laws on guns that exist! We can, and we probably will!
>you're literally the only first-world country on Earth that has these frequent shootings, and you also happen to be the only one that allows disturbed teenagers to buy high-velocity semi-automatic rifles - GEE WHAT A FUCKING COINCIDENCE
No we arent. Mass attacks happen all the time across the world. London Bridge, Manchester, Westminster. You seem to be having them at a WAY higher rate than we are per capita. Glass houses mate.
WHITE america. Don't post incorrect evidence that doesn't refute my point to support an argument refuting my point.
There has literally been a handful of Islamic based terror attacks in the UK compared to the near endless list of mass shootings here in the US. More Americans have been killed in mass shootings over the last 50 years than the American death toll in every single war we have been involved in combined going all the way back to the Revolution.
Better yet we should adopt butter knife and tv licensing laws from england, right Nigel?
Both, although the vast majority are useful idiots (tools) for the few who are actually calling the shots.
that means the first amendment shouldnt include current technology, leaf
People die everyday
It amuses me how emasculated you cucks are.
When creatures feel threatened, they lash out...
Your facts reveal nothing but your own bias. The population of all those countries combined don't equal the USA, and none of it deals with the underlying issue with is in the black community.
Keep trying to deliberately distort and confuse the issues to support your own ends.
More Europeans have been killed in terror attacks than in the last 60 years of war. Thats not exactly shocking when you consider that its ONLY 3x more dangerous to be a soldier in war than one at peace, because much of the danger of being in a military is just being around that much hardware and people using it, and that an entire population of millions is committing crimes at a massive rate than a few hundred thousand or perhaps million men sitting around doing nothing. Statistically your talking out of your butt.
i have a solution then. although with terrist atacks won't work. HAVE A DECENT EDUCATION SYSTEM. of people bring swissland to the argument. But swiss have a top tier education.
can we agree that would work?
But people would have still died. He was also already diagnosed with with mental issues.
>Calls gun owning rednecks emasculated.
>As he butters his bread with a spoon.
Just make sure your state-mom doesnt see you holding a piece of metal. Remember, your girlfriends strapon shouldn't make you feel girly. Your a big boy!
Don't know why more schools aren't run like that desu, it might be a State thing. Even the non inner city schools are ran like this and usually have a local PD officer assigned to the school.
>More Americans have been killed in mass shootings over the last 50 years than the American death toll in every single war we have been involved in
>Being this dumb
You don't fight wars unless its against someone like Argentina. Your more apt to protect pedophile rings to the tune of how many little kids ? Yea sick fucks like you are the last country I would take advice from on anything. I don't consort with savages who protect pedophiles. Even the excuse was spineless, too civilized to insult their religion means you are apparently to civilized to protect your own children
That's fine. The point is to make it harder for criminals to obtain guns. Law abiding citizens will leave no problem buy guns legally.
>More Europeans have been killed in terror attacks than in the last 60 years of war.
LOL how convenient that 95% of Europe hasnt experienced a war in 60 years
It would solve the black communities issue with gun deaths in the USA, but that would take away democrat votes so it wont happen.
maybe is cultural marxism
Here's what you simple-minded leftists don't realize: the guns aren't the problem. The US has had a gun culture for centuries, but not centuries of mass shootings. This is a fairly new phenomenon.
Back in the 60s or 70s, guns were even less regulated, yet we weren't seeing mass shootings like we do today. The ease of access has nothing to do with it.
I'm not talking about making guns illegal, I'm saying they should require a bit of effort to legally acquire. Some autistic teenager who has no friends isn't going to easily obtain a firearm. Ghetto niggers will, but that's an entirely different discussion.
are you sure abot the democrat votes dude, ARE YOU SURE?
imagine of the FBI did it's job and the Flordia shooting never happened. Or if the huge school campus had more than one guard on it.
Oh! No!. Don't do that! Think of the children! Armed guards and police thst do their job oi vey!!
Why would I do this?
The left has made it clear they want the white men gone. That wasn’t a huge deal to me, because I’m not white. Until Zimmerman, when I learned that they would simply declare anyone to be white. And I realized “white male” was code for people they don’t like. Not males of pure European descent. Some they made it clear they are going to dispose of whoever they choose if they have the power, I will not let them have that power, and one way is to make sure that every part person they disagree with is armed to the teeth.
Your only going to harm law abiding and fuck American society in the ass. It'll turn whats left of country into a shithole like white England, emasculated and feeble and foreigners in their own land and unable to stand up to their oppressive orwellian state, and will do nothing to cull gun violence. England has a moat around it. You see the resistance we get to a wall or border patrols? Most illegal guns come from south and central america and if we arent allowed to stop people and cars crossing in how would we stop them bringing guns. Guns which criminals now have an incentive to buy because they cant get them legally or in a grey zone. There's a reason handguns are the preferred firearm of criminals in the USA, its because theyre legal and concealable. If you ban guns it'll be uzi's and Mac-10's like in south America because you have to get them brought up north illegally and theirs little sense bringing LESS dangerous weapons that are just as lucrative.
Fukken. WHAT. Falklands, OIF, Gulf War 1, Mali. Or did you mean on their own soil. Tell me, which war on American soil in the last 60 years are you recalling?
What the fuck are you babbling on about? LOL
>You don't fight wars unless its against someone like Argentina.
>your more apt to protect pedophile rings to the tune of how many little kids ? I don't consort with savages who protect pedophiles. Even the excuse was spineless, too civilized to insult their religion means you are apparently to civilized to protect your own children
75% of pedophiles are white here in the US, sounds like youre projecting
>Yea sick fucks like you are the last country I would take advice from on anything
(same flag)?????
>maybe is cultural marxism
Ill warm up the helo
Americans and their legislation can't agree on anything.
And I mean anything. They can't ever come to a compromise.
>Fukken. WHAT. Falklands, OIF, Gulf War 1, Mali. Or did you mean on their own soil. Tell me, which war on American soil in the last 60 years are you recalling?
Thats all a small part of Europe and the Gulf war really? how little involvement did European forces have in that conflict, fucking please
>75% of pedophiles are white here in the US, sounds like youre projecting
Disgust of people abusing kids is projection ? Really reaching for that one aren't you, im pretty sure most people find any form of abuse of children disgusting
In the very least the politicizing is what's fishy. Think about it. The situation at Vegas didn't play out the way they wanted it to for gun control, so their solution was to pin this guy as some white supremacist/trump supporter make people go against that stuff even more.
Although most crazy people don't think about the effects of their actions, most conservatives would realize that a school shooting would hurt the second amendment.
There really is just something not right here.
Freedom of the Press is not the same as the Right to bear arms.
The press is a constant, not something that necessarily evolves drastically.
left out the part where the incompetent government didnt follow already exisiting laws you faggot ass liberal maggot
>90 mass shootings
But we've had mass shootings every day for years.
Daily reminder. Do not post anything beyond this point.
Here is why I think your wrong.
He's not autistic. He's a social reject. That's not being pedantic, he doesn't have a mental disorder preventing him from being logical and calculating in the long term. Thus, can and will be able to get a gun, or plan a terror attack of some kind, with a pressure cooker, knife, or vehicle. He's not stupid. He had the wherewithal to go to a gun store and fill all the forms. It takes more planning and effort and plain old calculated rage to do that then jump in a truck turn the key and ram a parade or band practice.
"Ghetto Niggers" won't get guns easily. In fact, socially rejected white kids will. The overwhelming majority of firearms used in black crimes are obtained either stolen from white people or from cops themselves who sell evidence. So if you ban guns, you basically removed those. Great right? Wrong. There is another source waiting in the wings. A third of guns used in crimes and confiscated in this country are here illegally. They come into the country illegally as criminal arms shipments. The US Government already has one of the largest and most powerful agencies, the ATF, devoted to stopping this, and they cant. So when you ban guns, all your going to do is make the illegal import market boom. Criminals will probably find it EASIER to get guns because there will be a proliferation of arms dealers and a business around it.
No right is absolute. Sensible gun laws NOW.
>reading comprehension
but it could be that scool shootings only happen in america AND there's no reasonable way to prevent it. why would anyone think there's some deep contradiction here? turning the USA into another nation is not a reasonable way.
lol meant to reply to this guy
I think it's the fact that we've created areas where a madman knows for a fact that either no one will have a gun or he'll always have the better gun. Hence why every single shooting is in a gun free zone, and the one that did the church got shot down the second he left the gun free zone.
Wait...Almost all of the states with no shootings are highly homogenized low population states....
>rat utopia experiment intensifies
>racial undertones toot in C#
High population centers (cities) do have a strong correlation with mass shootings.
That you realize so little of the extent of Europe's foreign involvement over the past 60 years is really sad. Over 4000 brits died in Korea and 400 in Afghanistan. Its a country of 50 million. Statistically theyre barely better off than we are in terms of servicemen's deaths. And the French have it bad with Algeria and Indochina and Africa. Nothing to say of the Netherlands in Africa. Educate yourself friend. Your discounting something you haven't looked into.
Hello me. I'm not even religious, but my turning point was when the fucking SPLC became the first organization that apparently knew the mind of God and decided who was and wasn't muslim, because the Democrats hate when their pets bark at them.
Am I sure that educating blacks would harm Democrat voting? Yes, statistically educated blacks only vote democrat at a rate a few percent higher than whites. Am I sure that Democrats are deliberately keeping blacks uneducated to further their own interests? No I'm not SURE. But I have a strong suspicion they are.
Let me ask you this. Is it a coincidence the blackest parts of America are the most Democrat, are the poorest, and have been that way SINCE they became Democrat and have seen only decline since then?
>>be honest and reasonable
>>want a proper scientific investigation of exactly what happened, with proper collection and examination of evidence
>> Broward County officials unanimously vote to bulldoze the school, preventing any possibility of the above, three days after shooting
Yeah, let's ban guns!
holy fuck op, you're naive
And as I stated here:
Voting Democrat and having become crime infested shitholes since they became democrat.
Getting rid of guns won't get rid of how much we hate each other
Molon Labe, cuck
he owned his guns legally
There is nothing wrong with Africa. To say otherwise would be racist.
Most of your post was unintelligible, you mentioned something about religion and pedophiles and Im just assuming you were generalizing Muslims
Does anyone want to discuss the fact that protocols were in place to keep this person from owning a weapon and they were not followed. It's ironic to say the least.
Easy access to guns is part of the problem but more important is the poor mental healthcare system. Because of muh freedom you literally have loonies that in other parts of the world would be in institutions receiving treatment walking in the streets with no control at all.
Yes just look at Chicago. They have strict gun laws and it is basically a paradise.
>Be british bread.
>Have to be eaten whole.
>Common sense gun control already exists
>People debate pointless minutia
>Gun crimes follow demographics
>Mass shootings do not, they are just nihilism
>No social fabric in our society beyond hedonistic consumerism and attention whoring
>Mass shooting is the cliche copypcat "horrific act" that gets guaranteed (you)'s
Japan has no threat at their border like Mexico to the US. Your argument is invalid.
The reason he didn't use a truck or a knife is because with a gun you're a lot more certain to get kills, and possibly a lot of them. See how well it went for that spaz with the Italy shirt who was shot in the neck by a cop while swinging around two knives in school.
Let's look at it differently. Say we won't touch the gun laws at all, despite them at the moment being so loose is a major contributor to the problem. You clearly have a problem with young social outcasts who decide to go on killing sprees. What would you suggest as a solution, if not making it harder for them to get their hands on automatic weapons?