How much longer before capitalism collapses in on itself?
How much longer before capitalism collapses in on itself?
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Any day now.
t. (((Marx)))
that's a redpilled pic
Why is there a Swiss Flag at the top?
red shield of the rothschilds?
Oh look the caste system
Those who rule
Those who pray
Those who fight
Those who buy and sell
Those who work
no system ever collapses. USSR did not collapse. Gorbie voluntarily submitted to CIA orders.
haiti, india, png, south africa, china... are all around even after multiple "collapses"
collapse is a meme
Why the bottom tier has around 7.9bn+ down there. Keep working and feeding me poorfag.
In 2021 when Bernie takes office
That picture doesn't represent capitalism at all. Fuck off with your strawman argument you worthless communist
i didnt make this but they misspelled communism
Isn't that pic literally how communism turns out, just with more people on the bottom
yeah the second level turns into the bottom level and the fool you level turns into another shoot you level
im sure hes dead by then
It wont
Capitalism is the reason why we have luxuries like modern medicine and high quality goods.
Competition stimulates creativity with in turn stimulates evolution.
Socialism will make you stagnent.
capitalism hasn't made you creative enough to know how to spell stagnant
It will not collapse. It has no reason to collapse.
leave Stefan be.
he is right.
>these people think they are the master race
Automation will kill it. But what to do with all the unemployed slaves?
>with in turn
If you just sucked it up and learned the English language, you wouldn't have to resort to poorly crafted memes, my fat American friend.
well played, you adressed non of hes pointz and instead decideded to point ouwt his spelling mistake. Let's see if you can catch every mistake in this sentence now, you seem to be prtty good at it!
>(((Nedeljkovich))), (((Brashich))), and (((Kuharich)))
I didnt even make the typo retard.
The Singularity will replace capitalism with fully automated luxury communism
What a compelling argument
Automation won't kill capitalism. Why would it? It will make the economy even more productive.
living a luxury neet life will be the death of the human race
The great tragedy is that pictures like this led to the idea of the workers revolution to seize the means of production from the fat cats at the top and bring the wealth back to the hard working class. In the end this just led to communist dictatorships that ended up creating essentially the same stupid pyramid.
The true red pill is that life itself is a pyramid scheme and a scam that you were forced into without your consent and no matter what we do in life we can never avoid hierarchies.
Trolled Molyneux
every box ticked
Where do they breed these fucking retards? Marxism, Communism, Socialism, all have failed and failed multiple times, all with horrible and predictable loss of life, but you newfag Marxists still keep bashing on the one system that creates wealth and opportunity. Just kill yourself.
Its women and weak men who are envious of strength and feel threatened by reality.
Stupid cunt.
after reading the unabomber manifesto i really started to doubt that technology is actually good for the well being of mankind.
No, you're just a stupid cunt.
It could last indefinitely if people weren't bleeding it dry with social security, a broken healthcare system, and the military. Insurance companies will be the downfall of the United States. Healthcare was much more affordable before they created the chargemaster. Likewise for drug peddlers. It shouldn't be legal to charge $2,000 for something that costs $0.01 to make when your tax dollars are paying for it through medicare. The same goes for bloated military contracts. Were it not for all of that we could slash the budget by at least a third, giving us a yearly surplus to pay off the national debt.
Pic related
Cant wait for the end of the British empire and the official beginning of the swiss/banker/pharmecuticamindcontroll/socialism... can you?
Implying America is a capitalist economy
>tax 3 trillion a year
>spend 3 trillion on redistributing wealth
>spend 2 extra trillion then we take in
>social security
>hospital subsidies
>food stamps
>tax subsidies for damn near everything
The only capilistic about us is intellectual property, and private property(lol property tax, your renting)
The only equality Communism provides is equality of misery.
The Happening
You're raised to be a warrior. You're taught that your country is under constant threat. And it is.
How would some manifesto change your reality?
You are hardwired for seige.
>good banter from a amerimutt
>Why would it?
Capitalism is built upon wage labour. Automation will destroy wage labour. What wil happen to the masses of unemployed?
The Canadian made the typo you dumbfuck.
except nature equipped organisms the ability to fight and slaughter one another to challenge the hiearchy and dominance of the other.
the pyramid scheme is an artificial construct based on the absence of natural conflict against dominance/authority.
nature wants you to rally up a lynch mob, niggaa
Most countries are going to fall apart the second capitalism "colapses". I know you /leftypol/ commies love your powerfantasies of leading revolution against evil capitalist goverment or rebuilding the society into perfect communist one, but you have to realise that most of these "revolutionaries" would die of hunger if their local mall closed.
>In the end this just led to communist dictatorships that ended up creating essentially the same stupid pyramid.
Most of the communist regimes vastly upgraded the living conditions of their citizens.
>when people die in capitalist societies, it's their fault
>when people die in socialist societies, it's communism fault
t. luddite
>Implying college liberals will not be the second group lined up against a wall (first it will be the gloablists capitalists)
You must be confused, the government is not the economy.
Never, shill.
lol ur literally a cucked good soyim bitch
do you realise that /leftypol/ and college communists are the only one's who actually wants communism, right? No one else in their right mind wants it back, baka user
:::Commissar visits collective farm:::
Commissar: How is production?
Worker: Oh Commissar, wonderful!
Commissar: Really? How are the potatoes?
Worker: Oh my, if we could put them in one pile they would reach the foot of God.
Commissar: This COMMUNIST country, there is NO God.
Worker: That's okay, there are no potatoes...
When did Marxists forget that the lumpenproletariat get the rope too?
technology is bad goyim! take more cheap labour!
>communists are the only ones who want communism
Really makes me think!
Only if they actively defend their masters like good dogs. The proletariat can still be educated.
HAHA, well memed sir!
You are so completely wrong it is astonishing.
When people die in socialist societies, it is because they were not reverent enough toward their glorious leader, they starved due to their poor understanding of economics, or that they did not sufficiently embrace their slavery.
>except nature equipped organisms the ability to fight and slaughter one another to challenge the hiearchy and dominance of the other.
But this is illegal now we have state paid warriors/slaves who prevent us from beind violent
Violence is owned by the government now we sold it for the illusion of safety
Still a cunt
While it's painfully obvious that only communists want communism, that's not what I said, user. I said that communists only exist on /leftypol/ and colleges.
>socialism is slavery
In USSR, the maximum workday was 8 hours a day max. Even during WW2 it was increased to only 9 hours a day, and after the war ended it went back to 8. Meanwhile in capitalist west 12 hours workdays were the norm.
>I said that communists only exist on /leftypol/ and colleges.
:::American Dog, Venezuelan Dog, North Korean Dog hanging out:::
American Dog: When I bark, they bring me meat.
Venezuelan Dog: What's meat?
North Korean Dog: What's bark?
indeed social contract is an illusion. people used to join gangs, form tribes, clans. fight, rape, kill, burn shit down. they knew life wasnt about being a docile sheep and submitting to an illusion of society. it was about fucking everything up and looking out for your balls. now people just wallow in shit and expect the oligarchs to hand them a beautiful life.
you gotta fight, in the upperpaleolithic tradition of your genocidal rapeloving caveman ancestors.
only 10% of the population will make it to retirement, anyway. by the time the you retire, there will be no more whites left and the shitskins will be happy to slaughter the last white and take their possessions. so you are all just dead men shitposting
Yeah, but don't dare criticize it, or to gulag you go.
that looks diffrent though
my first thoughts
Sad but true, what can we do. This is the end of civilization it will take centuries to recover from this, if we recover at all.
There are more people in american prisons right now then in Gulags at any time.
And your are making this point to prove what exactly? That USSR was less productive? That they produced inferior products? had less of them? had a lower standard of living?
I can keep going if you want more examples.
You are wrong.
You know you are wrong.
You will always be wrong.
What is free speech?
Its not capital if it can be printed at will. That picture was created at a time when money had a fixed value. These days, moneys value changes it decreases. If you explained Quantitative Easing to a person in those days, they would have laughed and warned you about inflation devaluing the currency. Potential negative interest rates are just insane.
A debt based fiat currency is not "capital"
yeah, no. 99% of commies are either college kids or college dropouts. keep dreaming, baka user
It won’t.
The difference being that in American prisons, the prisoners do not die of malnutrition or from being worked to death.
Once again, go kill yourself commie fucktard.
>What is GDP
Any day now, comrade.
Any day we'll have the dictatorship of the proletariat...
>But this is illegal now we have state paid warriors/slaves who prevent us from beind violent
its illegal to be illegal. the millions of illegals here are all legal. millions who ignore laws become the victors.
the civil rights rioters burned down entire cities in the mightiest cunt on the planet. no one stopped them. now they own the planet!
the russians would burn down their entire cities and towns instead of leaving it to the invading mongols/french/germans. thats how they survived, by burning their shit instead of giving their shit to invaders.
dont become history... make history
Our system today is socialism - obviously
How could capitalism collapse and what would replace it?
Also, remember to sage in every reponse, OP is a shill.
well, that certainly explains the differences in outcome between the two
That the so called slaves in USSR were so oppressed that they worked far fewer hours then their FREE neighboors in western europe
>That USSR was less productive?
USSR produced exponentially more goods then nazi germany
>That they produced inferior products?
best tank in the war: t34
>had a lower standard of living?
Which was vastly improved under USSR
>best tank in the war: t34
Radioactive paint, broke down constantly, only advantage was the numbers.
For best tank, look at Panther.
>The difference being that in American prisons, the prisoners do not die of malnutrition or from being worked to death.
So this is a good thing? You are proud of providing vacations houses to criminals? Ok.
And the vast majority of people who entered gulag system came out alive. And you are talking like american prisioners are not worked like slaves in their prisons.
Murder the farmers in Ukraine
replace them
starve because they don't have a clue
murder them in turn because not productive and they became a class
ah yes
>For best tank, look at Panther.
>he says this unironically
Germans were so superior that they won the war.
WHat are you trying to say? That ukrainian kulaks dindu nuffin?
>current year
>best tank in the war
I knew you were delusional, but you can't be serious here
I can't walk in here without tripping over your logical fallacies.
Gulag apologist, really?
kill yourself.
We're talking about superior engineering, the germans had the best tank, but smaller numbers and lack of materials played a big role in their defeat. Also the very intelligent plan of invading the USSR while also letting their ally bomb the US obliterated any chance of winning the war.
This is a very silly pyramid.
The top is the banking families, the second tier is the central banks, the IMF and the BIS, the third is the commercial banks, the fourth is the multinationals, the fifth is the media, the sixth is the government, army and police and the very bottom is the upper then middle then lower class.
Banking is not capitalism, it is parasitism.
The logical result of capitalism sure, but it's not required for it whatsoever and in fact hinders it immensely by putting legislation into place to reduce competition and preserve the system.
Remove banking and you remove a lot of the problem.
Nice argument
>it is wrong to arrest criminals and your enemies
t. cuck.
After all, the good christian way to deal with your enemies is to invite them into your home, amirite?
Nice try, Boris!
I don't foresee a collapse, more like a forced transition from privately owned to worker cooperative.
Like one day Cuck in chief own SpaceX and rule it like a king asking for an idol of himself to be built on Mars.
A year of trouble later Cuck in chief no longer have control, space idol is cancelled and real space work begin, everyone do the same jobs they've always done except that decision come from people who actually merit their salary.
No reason it will any more corrupt than it is now.
When will it happen?
A day when the 0.001% fail to keep a retard in check and by divine right of ownership he threaten to fuck up a key industry to the point where following order is tantamount to suicide.
>We're talking about superior engineering
The best engineering is the simplest one, something that autistic germans did not understand. When a german tank broke down, it had to be towed to Warsaw so it could be repaired, since crews did not know how to perform the repairs themselves. When a t34 broke down, the crews, most of the times, repaired them on spot.
> but smaller numbers
European axis had twice as many population as USSR
It looks like your wife has been stepping out on you again.
You're answers are more fucked up than a soup sandwich.
You have obviously eaten too many paint chips
christianity has nothing to do with anything.
Once again, kill yourself.
Well if it was built by freemasons then probably never. Those boyos actually know how to build solid shit
just history and we're doomed to repeat it.
South Africa right now nothing in the media
Poland and Hungary, Czechs remember. only a couple of generations ago for them. They recognize a flawed ideology creeping in because it's still living memory.
How destructive it is.
No hope for some countries however.
Majority of ex-soviet countries want USSR to return
said the increasingly nervous commie for the trillionth time this nanosecond
must be young and stupid lke you
sorry for the ad hom but, really you don't know what's good
No, the people who were polled lived in both systems, socialism and capitalism. The vast majority preferred socialism
>really you don't know what's good
But you know? People who actually lived in both systems do not matter? Nice logic you got there, mr Goldberg
What poll?
What methodology?
Where is it published?
What was the exact question asked?
oh, and kill yourself.
fixed it for you.
> The best engineering is the simplest one
A simpleton with Communist flag. How very fitting.
I've posted the links, you are free to go research them yourself. I know facts are fake when they don't conform to your ideology, but there is no way to spin this. Majority of ex-ussr citizens and eastern european countries preferred socialism
links are here
I was talking about tank numbers.
As we can see in pic, the german tank crews were heavily outnumbered, and for reference, Tiger I + Panzer IV + Tiger II is only about 10.000
The germans never had the resources to produce that ammount of tanks.
Gee i wonder u fucking GNOME
>I was talking about tank numbers.
Because Soviet engineering and productivity was superior. So it is somehow USSR fault that the nazis could not keep up with USSR?
>The germans never had the resources to produce that ammount of tanks.
Germans had almost the entirety of europe under their control.
Oops, logical fallacies again. In your comment, you failed to make clear that the people polled were only those who lived in formerly communist counties. Your answer implies that everyone was polled and the result was a preference for socialism, which is impossible.
>> Germans had almost the entirety of europe under their control.
> unironically thinks that a nation with it's army spread out thinly across Europe is magically capable of efficiently taking the resources of occupied Areas while being at War
You are embarrassing yourself, Commie. You probably don't know this, since Commies pretty much suck at everything they do, but transporting Resources from one place to another requires a whole load of logistics and time. Given enough time, Germany might have used those resources to supplement their own, but they did not have the time - and neither did they have resources left for planning this, since everything had to be concentrated on the war effort.
>hahaha, i'm going to ignore everything you wrote and all links you posted, because i've assumed some things incorrectly.
Can't argue with that!
>> unironically thinks that a nation with it's army spread out thinly across Europe is magically capable of efficiently taking the resources of occupied Areas while being at War
That is because nazis were terribly inneficient and failed to establish friendly and effective puppet regimes
>v but transporting Resources from one place to another requires a whole load of logistics and time.
That is because Germans were inefficient. USSR also had the same problems, except USSR infrastructure was much less developed. USSR had to transport resources from much larger distances then Grmany. Perhaps if the nazis were more interested in developing their logistics then killing jews, they could be a match for USSR.
> since Commies pretty much suck at everything they do
They seemed especially adept at raping German women
How much longer before natural selection collapses in on itself?
No, you just got owned.
You are shamefully dishonest (like all Communists) and can only resort to personal attacks when your poor logic fails.
Touche commie fag.
I win.
And stay there
Accurate, I'm surprised that even with a brown underclass, they still managed to make white people work even for them.
Yugoslavia was paradise
>commie pretends lend lease didnt save him
As if we run real capitalism
the soviets introduced the idea of angled armor, which provided the same if not better protection against shells than regular vertical armor, which is far heavier in result. this was of course a huge save in money and metal, this and the vast amounts of heavy industry facilities in the USSR granted the ludicrous numerical advantage you posted.
>That is because nazis were terribly inneficient and failed to establish friendly and effective puppet regimes
> youre all inferior
> why wont anyone be my friend
Lend lease only arrived in significant numbers after Stalingrad battle, and after Stalingrad the war was pretty much over.
What's funny is that the soviet union became caste system. I think someone is projecting.
The LTFRP is most notable as high amounts of automation leading to high amounts of unemployment within the private economy. I think in a Marxist sense, that is the most logical, definitive endpoint. UBI and public job guarantees might extend the ownership rights the ruling class have to productive capital, but capitalism will have experienced a fundamental change in its dynamics at that point and not quite be capitalism as Marx understood it. I think that would be an "end", though it wouldn't necessarily be socialism.
>How much longer before natural selection collapses in on itself?
Survival of the fattest
Usually in one or two generations a ruling class becomes inbred an impotent, like what happened to the south.
>As if we run real capitalism
Lolbertarian pls go
Above is what they portray.
Below it's what actually like.
What exactly is wrong with the reality illustrated in that image? Do you just not like hierarchies?
>HAHA, well memed sir!
hello their, mister troll
That is because Germans were inefficient. USSR also had the same problems, except USSR infrastructure was much less developed. USSR had to transport resources from much larger distances then Grmany.
Transporting resources in an Area which already has dedicated transport routes is far easier than transporting it through most unfamiliar territory. The latter case requires thorough planning. Also Germany had the inferior number of human resources - they had a total of 15 million soldiers over the course of the war (maximum was a peak of about 7 million near war-end), whereas the USSR had more than 34 million soldiers. And unlike Germany, which had to spread it's smaller army across the entirety of Europe, always in danger of getting attacked by rouge elements and Resistance groups within their occupied territory, Russia was pretty much limited to familiar territory (their own and that of their vassal states), with barely any chance for unexpected attacks to happen on the soil that they were familiar with.
Then again, you ARE a Commie. It's probably too complicated for you to understand.
> They seemed especially adept at raping German women
Yes, Commies are subhumans, that's something everyone here is aware off. I could ask you why you would be proud of such behavior, but then again, you are a Commie.
>Usually in one or two generations a ruling class becomes inbred an impotent
And then they're supplanted by new politicians/corporations that haven't? Do you even understand how natural selection works?
>Meanwhile in capitalist west 12 hours workdays were the norm.
it's funny you say that when the people in the ussr tell horror stories that they weren't allowed to leave until they filled their quotas.
Its why the north rules over the southern inbreds today
>Also Germany had the inferior number of human resources
Wrong, German held europe was much more populated then USSR. It's not USSR fault that Germany could not mobilize their allies.
>The latter case requires thorough planning
Something nazis were imcapable of. Don't forget that Soviets had to rebuild everything in a couple of months(Operation barbarossa eliminated 90% of Soviet forces in the eastern front)
> And unlike Germany, which had to spread it's smaller army across the entirety of Europe, always in danger of getting attacked by rouge elements and Resistance groups within their occupied territory, Russia was pretty much limited to familiar territory (their own and that of their vassal states), with barely any chance for unexpected attacks to happen on the soil that they were familiar with.
So it is somehow USSR fault that Germany was imcapable of brokering friendships and had to viciously attack every neighbor like niggers?
> with barely any chance for unexpected attacks to happen on the soil that they were familiar with.
They could be attacked by Japs at any time.
>it's funny you say that when the people in the ussr tell horror stories that they weren't allowed to leave until they filled their quotas.
source? Also production quotas were the norm in western world during the industrial revolution.
Depends how hard they push affirmative action/death of meritocracy.
He was 100% correct. Humans aren't wired for insanely large, hyperindividual, cosmopolitan life. We're wired for tight knit community and family in an agrarian or pastoral society. The mass alienation and subsequent depression industrial society brought about is why we have shootings like Florida
The real question is what the aim of industrial progress will be after cryptocurrency takes the market over.
ok so explain how much better living standards have gotten since the internet? fucking delusional.
lol yeah you "rule" us that's why trump is president right?
nothing it would devolve into many factions fighting for dominance after the dust settles it will be divided up onto a bunch of tyrants, dictators and monarchs.
Trump is from Ny cleetus
Hmmmm. This looks familiar.
>faggots keep replying to shill threads
Come on you cunts I know it’s hard but stop that
Its as old as civilization
>The best engineering is the simplest one, something that autistic germans did not understand. When a german tank broke down, it had to be towed to Warsaw so it could be repaired, since crews did not know how to perform the repairs themselves. When a t34 broke down, the crews, most of the times, repaired them on spot.
German engineering was also shitty they also broke down it just took like twice as long as it took Russians not only that but the Americans had to supply the Russians with parts for their tanks.
It can't happen soon enough.
But there needs to be a power structure ready to go so that Gen Y doesn't still create oligarchies and repeat the mistakes of Gen X and prior.
Gen x is really the only group that wasnt programmed. They sort of slipped through tge system. Millennials are hopeless. They're already obsolete and castrated.
Corporate, bank bailouts subsidies
You can profit off tight knit communities and families
Time will tell.
Corrected that for you.
do we still live in the industrial revolution?
not only that but if i refused to fill my quota would i be sent off to the gulags or just be fired i wonder which would be worst?
not a chance in the close future since even china has fully embrace capitalism.
The issue is that the working class it's always the same.
Not even with population replacement whites have managed to position themselves at the top.
God bless you user.
it's kinda funny but i remember when a black woman wrote an article about how she is against meritocracy since it will end up with whites running everything.
yes, liberals are capitalists
I always found the term social liberal to be such an oxymoron.
Socialist welfare state and cronyism with massive national debt is not free market capitalism. Market crashes happen due to cheap fiat money from central banks that inflates bubbles.
"Capitalism is essentially a system of mass production for the satisfaction of the needs of the masses. It pours a horn of plenty upon the common man. It has raised the average standard of living to a height never dreamed of in earlier ages. It has made accessible to millions of people enjoyments which a few generations ago were only within the reach of a small élite." - Ludwig von Mises
Notice that they only evil religious people are Christian priests, really makes you think.
Is there any country where the army has a decent pay?
Every dollar printed is charged interest. You can't pay off the debt. That's the point. Capitalism and communism are both jewish constructs. Don't confuse business & trade with (((capitalism))).
before the internet, television, radio or newspaper everybody gathered together every Sunday to listen to their priest to be propagandized they controlled the decimation of information back then. with each new innovation those in power always made moves towards controlling these outlets now we have the internet. if we manage to maintain free speech then we are headed towards a Golden age that puts all other golden ages to shame.
Not with radical life extension