> 2008 I'm in Paris generally feeling safe. Some black vendors under Tour Eiffel trying insufferably sell some shits other blacks here and there.
>2017 I'm in Paris which is overflooded with blacks and muslims runing rampant everywhere. I even ended up accidentally in one district (around Barbès – Rochechouart) in which i haven't met a single white person for 20 min on the street.
>2005 I'm in Berlin, a lot of turks and kebabs but despite them city filled with germans and europians.
>2016 I'm in Berlin, literally every corner and place is occupied by shitskins and blacks. Under the Brandenburg gate afganians protest for their cause, on Alexander Platz another manifestation comprising vietnamese.
What went wrrong?
David Diaz
>around Barbès
Connor Morgan
diversity happened u fuckin bigot
Jaxson Green
Brown is the most diverse colour because it comes out of everyone's ass, no matter who you are.
Major science has proven this.
Adrian Powell
>What went wrrong? Us not siding with Germans back in '39 you moron.
Henry Thompson
that you write about your *feelings* like the little soyboy pussy that you are
Michael Martinez
>I'm in Berlin, literally every corner and place is occupied by shitskins and blacks. Under the Brandenburg gate afganians protest for their cause, on Alexander Platz another manifestation comprising vietnamese.
AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I wish I had gone on a trip to beautiful Germany!!!
Aiden Hall
>2018 I'm in Berlin. Blacks and Turks are in certain neighborhoods. SW Berlin is fine.
Cooper Robinson
That's very reassuring. I've heard recently that Alexanderplatz is now a high crime area, is that true? How about Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg?
Kreuzberg is something else than Friedrichshain. The latter is former east Berlin. Kreuzberg has always been known for the roaches.
Owen Nguyen
Jordan Butler
My girlfriend was in Dresden few weeks ago, I told her to be careful around shitskins. She just laughed. Few hours after her arrival her iPhone got stolen, police told her that this happens a lot and most likely they will not find it.
Mason Gomez
>what went worng
Szkopy follows the government propaganda, as usual
Xavier Lee
Anthony Long
Sebastian Reyes
>I wish I had gone on a trip to beautiful Germany!!! Germany has been a shithole for decades now you were born after "beautiful" Germany was already a thing of the past
Hunter Taylor
Aaron Clark
>iPhone niggers did her a favor, get her an Android goy
Landon Kelly
nothing wrong with turks lads
Josiah Stewart
Frankfurt. Germans are a minority in Frankfurt.
James Ross
>2008 >"some" vendors around eiffel tower listen here you underage turbovirgin if I catch you larping on here again, I'll make your plumber uncle un-clog all the drains with his mouth how pathetic do you actually have to be to lie about going to paris, literally fucking everyone has been there not this plumbernigger tho, fucking LMAO@urlyfe budd
Jordan Gutierrez
>Being proud and laughing about territory which have been completely blacked The absolute state of the Parisian soyboy cuckhold individual
Jacob Miller
I think you're lying, not to be a dick but the only niggers I saw in Berlin were in that park under kreuzberg. They scatter every time the police whistles, hide in the bushes and then go back to selling drugs.
Anyone seen this shit in Berlin?
Nathaniel Clark
Romanesque master race reporting in.
Sebastian Williams
Berlin is a cesspool of kikes, faggots, communists, niggers...black and sand variety.
Christian Harris
>Anyone seen this shit in Berlin? Yes
Charles Cruz
Please leave the EU. Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia should all leave at same time.
Angel Sullivan
Paris is bunk some piece of shit tried to rob me so I knelt down and started tying my shoes and told the fucker when I'm done tieing my kicks he's gonna get fucked up he ran away t. Big Canadian