> The Army is ordering its hardened combat veterans to wear fake breasts and empathy bellies so the
> Sgt. Michael Braden, a helicopter crew chief who has served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo, said he was less than enthusiastic about taking part. “I didn’t want to do it,” said Braden, 29, of Everett, Wash.
> Despite his misgivings, Braden strapped on the empathy belly and spent Tuesday morning learning low-impact aerobics moves like the “grapevine” and the “V-step.”
It's been happening for a while. It's a joke to pretty much every soldier I know. Most of it is just SHARP (Sexual Harassment blah blah etc Prevention) but last week my unit and I sat under around 5 briefings of suicide, sexual assault, and other stupid briefings. If you get caught falling asleep you'll get smoked to hell, but it's whatever.
Parker Fisher
It happens more than you think.
Parker Collins
women have no business in the military
Isaiah Rodriguez
Does it have hormone injectors or are the soldiers actually larping?
Levi Howard
>pregnant troops
William Young
Maybe but it's a good gig for them.
Jacob Bennett
This is why America will lost a world war.
Julian Butler
Battle babies, they just cover em with razors and go into battle swinging their babies
Sebastian Scott
so is welfare
Lincoln Thompson
It's a good thing they're mostly fighting illiterate goat fuckers. But at this rate, the first time they run into a modern foe will be quite a shock for them.
Liam Morales
100% agreed. Yes, america is still ahead in military technology and military spending, but in order to win a war you need crunchies on the ground. you need hard motherfuckers kicking in doors and murdering everyone which the US soldier is no longer capable of doing.
Aaron Edwards
This is actually fucking genius. The only outcome this will have is pushing the grunts further to the right. This shit might work on POG faggots but there is no way in fucking hell grunts took this as anything but the slap in the face that it is.
Angel Thompson
Powerful.....ly disgusting pigs disgracing the uniform
Daniel Diaz
So, they're teaching male troops about how fucking useless pregnant women are in combat? Great idea.
Jacob Campbell
the west is doomed
Gabriel Mitchell
>5 briefings
fucking hell 10 years ago the safety brief was "wrap it before you tap it, dont drink and drive and 16 gets you 20. Oorah!"
Jackson Murphy
Hudson Green
>pregnant troops What the fuck
Jaxson Hernandez
Good, they can train for their time as russian POWs then.
Charles Sanchez
Lol no.
Evan Sanchez
This cant be real?!?
Josiah Young
Whats next, they gonna require they wear a Kotex in their ass crack to simulate a period?
No wonder the USA military is a JOKE.
Jackson White
What happens if you just tell your superiors to fuck off in this situation?
Michael Young
Who the fuck is dumb enough to enlist if they're pregnant
Leo Williams
Yeah well maybe in informal briefs. Also I don't know what the USMC is like.
Michael Murphy
>Pregnant troops
Why kind of sick fuck would put pregnant women to fight in wars?
Lincoln Allen
Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed in 2011, the Empathy Belly and Tits thing was back in 2012, Stronk Womyn in combat units was in 2013, the breatfeeding awareness program in 2014, trannies became a thing in 2016. It all went down so fast.
Luis Evans
Explain yourself, how is the US military a joke? Just would like to know your opinion.
William Sanders
you really NEED a woman president.
Joshua Phillips
They get a bunch of gibs and waivers, it's a pretty good deal.
Carson Rogers
>empathy training
I hope they start training them about all the Haji’s families they killed.
Hunter Ortiz
>Feels Like he Doesn't Belong in The Military Anymore Wow this sure does work!
Camden Smith
if it happens please invade us so i can defect and fight with you slavs against these fucking traitors
Jack Taylor
>pregnant troops Literally what?
Christian Parker
They do get promotion points for attending cultural sensitivity training.
Lucas Thompson
but why
Andrew Hill
Better do what Xer says. Even if it means sucking off the enemy or running into a minefield
Nathan Sanders
What better way to drive a man to be a killer than to keep fucking with him like in the OP?
Adrian Ward
This is why I chose not to join the military.
Dominic Nelson
you're just asking to be liberated america
Juan Lee
The same people who keep preaching about male privilege.
Easton Williams
>Army Of course it's the fucking Army. They have already dropped land nav and grenade proficiency as graduation requirements for officers because women can't navigate or throw grenades worth a damn. I know the Marines are having issues with muh women, but this is just pathetic.
Tyler Cox
It isn't him that loses his freedom and half his pay for two weeks.
Jonathan Green
Judging by the timeline of Obama's reforms I'd say they had a plan to purge the military from all its toxic masculinity.
Noah Howard
you're not driving him to be a killer for the US's goals, though. you're demoralizing him and will make him leave the army
>purge the military from all its toxic masculinity i will cum in my pants when our "tolerant" military meets the "toxic masculinity" of the russians/chinese. do you think the slavs/chinks will rape the trannies/fatslags before killing them or just plant one in the back of the head and call it a day?
>He'll be the first to fire shots at the corrupt state when shit goes down. i am hoping that this is the case. the traitors in our gov deserve to die publicly
Mason Bell
>do you think the slavs/chinks will rape I think they'll torture them more than rape them.
Samuel Reyes
Women get a ton of free shit and don't have to actually participate while pregnant.
Jacob Mitchell
>pregnant in the battlefield what's the worst that could happen?
Samuel Baker
Like I get that oil is the cause of war.
Everyone needs oil.
But opioids? Are there that many addicted losers in the world to go to war over a plant?
they get pregnant so they don't get deployed... and gibs.
Dominic Davis
Ian Lopez
That happens after.
Jason Gray
are you telling me that THIS isn't considered a spoil of war?
Jacob Harris
[muffled wha wa wah wa wahhhh in the distance]
Easton Jenkins
how can you possibly be this retarded. women niggers go back to le based reddit
Michael Gomez
dick eater!
Luke Cruz
>allowing pregnant women near the military This is sheer insanity, what the fuck?
Cameron Hill
Not likely. I think Germans are the only people the Russians have any track record of beating. They've lost to Japanese, Poles, Afghans, pretty much everyone except you.
Liam Davis
Yeah, I saw that not too long ago and it angered me. Women don't belong in the military, standards get lowered for them, and the overall quality of the force drops.
Ethan Walker
no, but this is
Owen Davis
Doesnt seem that bad of a trade off
Samuel Scott
Tyler Gomez
how do you think the CIA funds their black budget programs? they imported a fuckload of cocaine form south america in the 70's-90's, they funneled crack into niggerhoods to get black budget monies, and they've recently been trafficking opium/heroin for their budgets.
our gov needs a good spring cleaning
Anthony Murphy
sauce on that webm pls
Noah Gutierrez
It will when you realize you still have to pay for your own haircut, uniforms, your own medals and company RR...
Owen Watson
You're a moron.
Ryder Parker
It's just a matter of time at this point. We've become completely divorced from reality.
>you should empathize with welfare ghetto trash who get a truck driver's cum blasted up their festering gash so they can dodge deployment
Brayden Cox
Opiates and opiate derivatives are the bread and butter of pharma companies dude
Eli Taylor
>men get strapped with these prego vests >pass basic training >women are no longer allowed to get out of combat by intentionally getting pumped full of jizz Fund it.
Owen Anderson
>one place >one you want masculinity in every part of society the entire reason it's good for the army is that it makes effective cooperating groups if the army does it because it can't afford to fail then generally speaking society should do it to - aggression, hierarchy, authoritarianism, being well armed, discipline, etc
Carson Ortiz
> Welcome to Breastfeeding in Combat Boots – a non-profit whose mission is to advocate, inform and support all personnel serving in the military (active, reserve or guard) and other non-traditional jobs (police, firefighting, construction) who wish to breastfeed while serving their country. This isn’t an easy combination, but it will be well worth it, for yourself and your baby.
Julian Ross
what the fuck man
Jordan Moore
why are there pregnant troops
Nathan Ramirez
CAn you pls sauce me on the faggot in the beginning?
Levi King
>America >Lost a world war ok sven, go back to your obscure part of the world that literally no one gives a fuck about, and cry about it while im here in the greatest country in the history of the world I can't hear your cries over the sound of the star spangled banner
Jason Myers
sweden is it's own level of fucked, but you're blind if you think 56% and falling america isn't fucked, too
Nolan Peterson
guys stop I can't keep getting complaints from neighbours who hear me screaming at odd hours
Oliver Murphy
American military is an embarrassment, say what you want abou the UK but at least British soldiers are real men
Matthew Cooper
What's the significance of 9/11 and the Taliban banning poppy growing?
Luis Cook
The digits don't lie.
Connor Peterson
Not so fast
Jaxson Sanders
>went to Jefferson memorial for a captain's reenlistment >tons of tourists watch brief ceremony in respectful silence >now imagining those same tourists watching these women disgrace the uniform in the same fucking place I'm legitimately getting angry here.
Christian Flores
The US Military needs to die
Connor Gutierrez
>Sgt. Michael Braden, a helicopter crew chief who has served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo, said he was less than enthusiastic about taking part. >“I didn’t want to do it,” said Braden, 29, of Everett, Wash. >The 78th Aviation Battalion mechanic said he was ordered to do the training even though he doesn’t have any female soldiers in his unit and doesn’t see himself as the right sort of person to run the aerobics classes that make up a large portion of the PPPT training. >Despite his misgivings, Braden strapped on the empathy belly and spent Tuesday morning learning low-impact aerobics moves like the “grapevine” and the “V-step.” >“This whole thing is pretty uncomfortable,” he said of the 25-pound pregnancy simulator. But, “body armor is a lot heavier.” >Braden said he didn’t know there was such a thing as physical training for pregnant soldiers before he started the course.
So whose pet project is this? Seems most soldiers didn't even know it was a thing.
Luis Martinez
>PREGNANT TROOPS >PREGNANT nuke us now please
Daniel Wilson
keep fighting the good fight for your cianigger masters goy!
Joseph Harris
>captain's reenlistment officers don't reenlist, they have to file paperwork to leave
Asher White
Where in the army now
We learned to milk a cow
We pulled its tail instead of its tit
and wound up with a bucket of shit.
Grayson Peterson
Why is this happening? Maybe pregnant women should not serve in the military?
Easton Myers
>“This whole thing is pretty uncomfortable,” he said of the 25-pound pregnancy simulator. But, “body armor is a lot heavier.”
Kek. Women
Adrian Myers
Wow, she's cute!
*psychosis intensifies and lust for flesh*
Henry Martin
>The Sun And I will just put this fake news into the trash where it belongs you French coward
Levi Jones
At least I can take solace in the fact that, if the shit really hit the fan, our leaders would drop all this diversity and inclusiveness bullshit in a heartbeat and do what was necessary to ensure our survival.
Sebastian Lopez
>Be in military >forced to take vaccines for anthrax and shit >vacine fucks you up >brest feed baby an experimental vaccine for ANTHRAX. My god bioweapons program for free with a bid to the USA military Umbrella corp.
Ryan Cooper
Well, I'm enlisted, I got tasked to set up the chairs and drive the TMP, then keep civilians back on the perimeter. It definitely wasn't a promotion ceremony, so what would it have been?
Angel Ross
Pregnant soldier fighting ww3 when?
Jack Green
Benjamin Allen
Do you think that's why CIA orchestrated 9/11? Just to get their drug profits back?
Xavier Brooks
>pregnant troops What the fuck am I reading? If a woman is visibly pregnant SHE'S NOT OUT THERE ON THE FIELD.
Jonathan Cox
>what would make a sane man use one of those things? to avoid getting your shit pushed in
Lucas Allen
He meant to say Americans will lose the next world war. Which is very unlikely, America will be a fucked up liberal paradise by then. Everything wrecked to shit and rendered to ashes.
Jose Barnes
I thought women get leave if they get pregnant or, at worst a comfy office spot
>bellies are literally just glorified sandbags >they get taught low-impact aerobics moves Good job showing how hard pregnancy is by giving men, that have to run with over 20kg of equipment through a couple miles of forest, something that weights 10kg at most and giving them incredibly basic yoga exercises. That will surely prove that it is hard being a woman.
Daniel Nelson
I wish I was as certain of that as you are.
Alexander Sullivan
Embrace the suck
Jace Cruz
This is so fucking stupid.
Nathan Taylor
Wow. Sounds like you hate women. And some men can get pregnant too, bigot!
Elijah Ortiz
Is this satire?
Jackson Powell
>meets the "toxic masculinity" of the russians/chinese one child policy means most of those chinks can't even see a picture of pussy, the russians are ultimate cucks they'd let you bang their little sister all night for 1 dollar
Andrew Brooks
I get the feeling that if america had a real war against a real power they would be like the Late period Ottomans
Julian Martin
>our gov needs a good spring cleaning what drugs do you think Trump should push on the ghetto?
looks like he's sticking with heroins to be honest
Brody Reyes
Yeah I lost all interest in the army now.
Logan Adams
What the fuck.
... What the fuck.
What the fuck? What the fuck.
Hudson Moore
>Do you think that's why CIA orchestrated 9/11? that was a coverup to hide the CIA Thyssen Hitler connection
Nolan Flores
>I get the feeling that if america had a real war against a real power they would be like the Late period Ottomans
Fellow leaf, I feel the same way!!!FACT!!!
William Turner
Can you imagine if those sissies had to fight some battle harded russians?
Fighting peasants in the middle east is one thing, fighting against actual well equiped and high tech warriors is something totally different.
I'm not rooting against the US, but this sissy culture within the US armed forces will be their downfall, if not rooted out.
Chase Anderson
Actually I'm pretty they don't have to follow orders blindly. At least in my country you only have to follow lawful orders, so if your sergent orders you to shoot at an unarmed person you can refuse to do it
Jose Brown
More like the US military
Dylan Gutierrez
we need a major war. and all the leftist soldiers need to be on the front lines
Jeremiah Robinson
> implying you wouldn't
Oliver Ortiz
best movie i've seen this year. 10/10.
Adam Anderson
>sir, if I put this on week before deployment >can I stay home?
Bentley Butler
Wanting a promotion?
Kevin Martin
No they wouldn't.
Connor Kelly
>Fighting on the side of the enemy who invades your homeland
I'll be sure to execute traitors like you and the leftists first
Kayden Moore
That's true here too, but I don't think this would constitute an unlawful order.
Justin Allen
Canada is just as bad.
Andrew Scott
>I feel >fact! This explains the absolute state of your nation.
Jose Cruz
>served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo He deserved it.
Nicholas Nguyen
its very significant. The timing of 9/11 thought was due to the pentagon audit in which it was found that the pentagon was mission trillions upon trillions of dollars that "just disappeared".
Operation Abel Danger was a military intelligence operation (in which General Flynn took part) that produced intelligence in which the entire 9/11 scheme was uncovered. The Military Intelligence guys reported all their findings to the DIA and the DOD, and every other alphabet. They were told "lol no" with the official excuse being that "they could not verify the threat that the MI guys found because the CIA isnt allowed to share intelligence with the FBI"
This was all the point where a behind the scenes group of /ourguys/ realized that they needed to do everything they can to organize a revolution to take back the country.
Benjamin Lee
Baldy thinks she's actually a soldier, 4th from left is >I had 4 brothers, I'm just like one of the guys!
Christopher Parker
>fight for jews >end up being hummiliated by your masters, have to wear fake tits and stomach kek, completely deserving.
Dominic Parker
Yep. The survival of le 56% white race. The Murican race
Josiah King
It's like Anglos everywhere have lost their mind.
Joshua Baker
>The breeder filth of USMC >The QT Mummy pilots of USAF
Tyler Williams
user, we've committed all kinds of atrocities during war. We still commit atrocities today. We bomb civilians, women and children, and give absolutely zero fucks. We torture and degrade prisoners of war. Our leaders have no qualms about doing what is necessary to get the job done.
Telling women to sit down, shut up, and let the men handle things is pretty far down on the list.
Parker Jones
They get pregnant to avoid deployment .
Blake Rivera
Oh,how women feel... cool cool, but why the fuck would a pregnant woman go into combat? Are women on draft now?
if you can't serve you have to go back
Easton Brooks
You're god damned right.
Jack Watson
Oy Vey!
Matthew Diaz
>Fast forward 6 months >New movie about an elite special forces unit composed solely of pregnant women BTFOing all comers >They never had to deal with (((toxic masculinity))) >120% Rotten Tomatoes rating >Hordes of sub-90 IQ roasties think it's a documentary
Thomas Ward
>Telling women to sit down, shut up, and let the men handle things is pretty far down on the list. The fact is: we're allowing our own population to be replaced illegally because it feels bad to call a spade a spade. The emasculation and destruction of the western male ideal is a planned endeavor.
Robert Garcia
change of command? idk but officers don't re-enlist
Christopher Richardson
Then why the fuck do you have a commander or such if you can do what you want, if you fuck up on his order he is guilty, but if you disobey... i think you get some sanctions,at least until you clear it up and report him for war crimes
Ethan Butler
as long as i get to murder these leftist pinko cucks, kikes, and their pet niggers i'll die happy
Owen Thomas
It's smart, free gibs and the government pays for your new spawn
Adam Parker
I'm curious myself, because that other user is right. Was he getting a medal?
Levi Anderson
>Iraq,Afgan,Kosovo Fight for Jews,get a HUMILIATION from your own superiors Deserved
Dylan Morgan
>who is Alexander the Great
Aiden Bell
It's just an example because most pretentious libtard civvies dislike soldiers and the military because they think it's all just a bunch of mindless drones and not 'free' and 'smart' like them. In reality they're just afraid because they know they'll shit their pants first day of boot camp where they won't be pampered anymore and can't get their latte with soy milk and pumpkin spice, so they pretend they're above it
Oliver Bailey
the last couple years of onigger the recruiters were required to go on a dysgenic recruitment spree. These are the results we are stuck with.
Ya know.. It really isnt that bad. >Identify all the Marines and soldiers of worth, isolate them from this shit >use them to train up quality recruits >when war kicks off deploy the snowflake divisions after low value objectives >enemy sees massive force going after low value targets and is confused >they must be trying to secure a foothold in this region >divert most of their forces to counterattack >deploy our actual military >actual objective secured >snowflakes dead
its a win win
Jonathan Cooper
Aaron Gonzalez
So not only should we cripple the military with women, the men need special training so they won’t complain when the women mysteriously fuck off and get pregnant whenever danger lurks and get to go home with full bennies instead of shitting themselves in a trench while getting shot at?
Carter Rivera
Zachary Hernandez
For people that have to train these sluts that get knocked up right when they're about to be deployed. It is a huge fucking waste of money. These bitches should be shamed not encouraged. This is retarded levels of virtue signaling.
Brandon Foster
Jordan Foster
Warmed the cuckolds of my heart user.
Eli Richardson
How does this make them more effective and formidable on the battlefield?
>*shots ringing out over head* >oh fuck! Sure glad, I strapped on tits and did aerobics back home. Super prepared right now! >Tribeca-shuan, you non binary conforming minx - Please throw me the bullet proof pregnancy surrogate, theres a love!
Jayden Wood
Your blackpill is misguided. Go check out the comments sections on random articles. Once you identify all the obvious shill posts and cross them out the only ones that remain are literally calling out the kikes in no unsure terms.
The pendulum yet swings.
James Russell
Oh you're pregnant so you want to avoid the draft? It's okay! We already trained all our troops in pregnancy acceptance! Actually, it was 9 months of their entire first year in the military!
John Evans
Why would women want to go to war anyway? It's not fun at all.
Jaxon Taylor
Look at this
Elijah Morales
Damn I'm glad I got out.
Bentley Sanchez
they want to say they were marines more than they want to actually do the work. Bet they can't wait to rub that shit in peoples faces stupid bitches.
Ryan Parker
No, you want that everywhere. Why do you think lefties and kikes call it toxic? Because it works. They don't want white men to be productive individuals with a family, they want white men to be slaves.
Jaxson Torres
You know,if this was real,i would be impressed but we know that they are just going to mix you with chicks and faggots
Kayden Jenkins
You have been fighting glorified colonial wars against failed states for the last 30 years. These 'enemies' have no organization or modern equipment and their most effective tactic is suicide attacks or IEDs.
Your military and society is like a glass sword. As soon as you start taking some losses, you'll shatter just like in Vietnam. Regardless of how awesome your arsenal is.
If we fast forward 30 years, you'll probably resemble Mexico and your military will probably resemble Russia's in the 90s. Every corrupt general will be trying to sell off your military arsenal to make himself rich to take care of his family and the quality of your soldiers would be almost nothing.
Nicholas Ward
Im almost positive this has been said in the thread but Ill say it again... WHY IS THERE EVEN A CONCERN ABOUT PREGNANT TROOPS IN THE MILITARY?????
Evan Flores
>pregnant troops
fuck this gay earth.
Hudson Garcia
>that dick outline
Oliver Bell
Wouldn't pregnant females in the army get a maternity leave or something? What's the point of this?
Eli Wright
It's so the troops don't call these bitches, bitches. Because getting knocked up to avoid deployment is fucked up, and it costs the Army ~1 mil in training and equipment for a soldier that'll never leave.
Dominic Martin
Logan Harris
why do you hate women
Aaron Bennett
To further emasculate and humiliate hujemrazi's.
Carson Garcia
Consider the following:
Males only in the Army and Marine Corps
Females in certain jobs in the Navy and Air Force
Fuck Coasties
Nathan Williams
Why women are allowed to have long hair in military? Everybody should be treated equally.
Chase Carter
>empathy belly
Oh my fucking god, burgers, I will never let you to live this down.
Jacob King
Rapid enemy combatants toddler recruitment? 3rd world A cup titty vs 1st world D cups. I see where they might be going with this.
Easton Bell
I'm not sure if you meant to say cockles or if that was intentional but it's pretty funny either way.
Aaron Scott
Joshua Ross
That's what we're moving to. The Navy noticed how much money they were blowing on bitches that just avoid deployment by getting knocked up. They're putting them in roles that don't need deployment or training. Of course this makes them worthless after they re-enter the civilian workforce, but that's not the Navy's problem.
Hudson Gomez
Another one
Jace Jenkins
We can't go up against a serious country.
Oliver Morales
>empathy belly pretty soon thin/fit people are going to be required to wear fat suits in order to more fully understand the plight of the obese.
harrison bergeron was apparently a guidebook
Kevin Ross
Don't worry, you got robots and drones and shit.
John Jenkins
Your police still seem good though........
Aaron Johnson
>empathy belly
Mason Young
>we'll drop land nav and grenade throwing from graduation requirements >but let's make combat experienced troops put on pregnancy vests >this couldn't possibly make morale lower >why is the suicide rate so high? Somewhere in the void there is an e-6 is contemplating suck starting his m4 because the army has lost its damn mind.
Eli Miller
It's not just money, somewhere between 7 and 15% of the cunts get pregnant on a deployment and have to be shipped back home, meaning more work for the men left to deal with the situation.
I can't even avoid this shit when I lead my own platoon or my career will be destroyed and my men ART-15'd.
Brandon Smith
Because westerners are living in full on gynocentric society. The trick to remedy this would be to actually treat women the same way that men are treated, but no there will always be same fucking faggot who will make excuses, lowers standards for them or carry their load.
Give public a pic of all-female squad torn to shreds by RPG and all of this shit will fly out the window.
Alexander Thompson
>pregnant troops
Two words that absolutely shouldn't go together at all. It's fine if women want to work for the military, even pregnant women, but they shouldn't be considered fucking soldiers. Troops get sent into battle, there's no damn way any pregnant woman is being sent into combat at any point for any reason. Bet. They're just employees of the United States military, and paying them to play soldier when they can't possibly fulfill that duty if necessary is straight up bullshit. If women want to sign up to be a soldier fine, it's not a good idea but as long as we can actually use them for what they are agreeing to be I'll let it slide. Drop a whole platoon of them into combat and watch them fail miserably for all I care, at least they can be used to do the job even if ineffectively.. but when they're pregnant they sure as fuck can't be used as a soldier so they should be told to fuck off and come back in 9 months.
>. you need hard motherfuckers kicking in doors and murdering everyone which the US soldier is no longer capable of doing.
Hey, we actually do have those but they just go unnoticed in the sea of stupid fucks that is our massive military.
Christian Richardson
lel, literally killing 2 birds with 1 stone is a positive.
Michael Kelly
Naval Officer here, the problem is entirely in the officer corps. It's not the enlisted men's fault.
Write your congressman and demand they stop promoting leftist losers to general/flag rank. This shit CAN be stopped.
Why won't the people who saw the action stop them? It's funny sure, but also horifying. Do those fucking faggots know that Chinese and Russian are using these pics and stories as a propaganda for their troops?
Sebastian Sanchez
I hope the chinks take over I really do
Brandon Cook
>It's not the enlisted men's fault. Well duh, obviously they didn't, like, petition the high command "Please let us wear these pregnancy simulators".
Gavin Cooper
Ivan when will you put us out of our misery
Ethan Lewis
Sadly true Sven. Whatever happened to those raw hardened recruits who wanted to shoot someone. Nowadays people join the army for the reputation or because of some Vidya.
Jace Russell
We have our own miseries to worry about John, you'll have to deal with it yourself.
Noah James
Read the history books bud. This is the type of shit that happens in the late stages of social collapse.
It's only going to get worse and eventually the Empire will fall. I hope you all prepared at least a little.
Jayden Scott
>pregnant troops
Do we have literal retards running our military or something?
Samuel Hill
Thanks to social media it will ridiculously accelerate, though.
Cooper Wright
Btw I'm curious now. Do you guys have disabled troops?
Ryder Morris
Mestizo troops defecting to Mexico when?
Jonathan Robinson
When EU mans up and dissolves NATO,EU will get the first bullet then you and Ivan can battle it out on "de_middleeast",maybe even try nukes in the Syrian desert
Christopher Cooper
I suspect fixing the liberal problem in academia might be a more essential step to help fix this and so many other things.
Isaiah Martin
That’s a bullshit cop-out so that officers and politicians can cover their asses and push accountability and responsibility downward while keeping all the power.
Jason Carter
I thought because they get free college
Alexander Nelson
>transgender troops
Christopher Bennett
Like I’m going to fill you in on the wheelchair calvery or the comfort corgie shock troop brigade
Levi Jenkins
>Not giving yourself a C-section on the battlefield
Connor Lopez
yeah i'm gonna start rooting for ISIS
Evan Smith
Good. Once America falls and it's evil destroys itself then Ireland will rise up and claim our position as the sole superpower of this universe. Our empire will rule the entire Galaxy.
Zachary Diaz
>comfort corgie shock troop brigade kek
Robert Bailey
pregnant female troops. sounds like some starship troopers type shit
Gabriel Brooks
As long as the baby is born with a gun in their hands.
Samuel White
Jose Hill
Jace Moore
If they don't do this then they open up for exploitation. They don't necessarily have to send preggers off, bu t they have to have the option or every woman is going to learn to juke deployment by getting preggers.
Gavin Powell
Do everything you can to shield your men from this bullshit. I mean cause a riot in your COs office about how this is not useful training that will not increase combat effectiveness. Be the biggest administrative pain in the balls you can possibly be. None of this training is effective and is killing morale. No 18 year old kid joins the army to sit through a diversity and sexual assault prevention powerpoint. The change needs to be internal in the officer's corps and it needs to happen now. Mutinies have been started for less.
The men will thank you for it.
Jaxon Reed
yea and there are marine fags who are straight pogs acting like they are equal navy seals because of the bs marine propaganda. marines do 6 month deployments while army was doing 15 month tours in iraq.
Jaxson Taylor
>how to loose your commission day 1
Asher King
This x a billion
Christian Gonzalez
This is what peak propaganda looks like.
Ayden Ross
I wanna fukken destroy these roasties
Luis Richardson
What the fuck is this shit? God dammit Obama. If a woman gets pregnant in the military she should be discharged. Especially if they're rank and file troops.
John Phillips
Absolutely this. At a minimum we need to stop throwing money at universities so they're forced to scale back.
Ending federal student loans would be a good start.
Long term, it's really questionable whether it served the public to grant these institutions tax-exempt status. They're not charities, they're very successful and lucrative businesses.
Josiah Jenkins
what weapon he used? i mean the policemen...idiots
Matthew Bailey
Robert Carter
>pregnant troops >pregnant Berets. Women in combat roles. LARPing as preggers. Just pussify the killitary even more famalam.
Connor Gutierrez
> women > not fucking their way up the ladder Good luck with that
Hunter Perez
Medals for services rendered I’m guessing. Nice
Logan Hernandez
>Hyperpogs >Ultrapog post Zama
No surprise.
James Flores
Definitely need to clean out the military academies, and really scrutinize the officers commissioning through ROTC.
Some people don't make the distinction between officers and enlisted and blame good hardworking sergeants and petty officers for this nonsense, rather than placing the blame where it rightly belongs.
Isaiah Butler
>Your blackpill is misguided I don't mean it as a blackpill, it's reality. I want people to stop ignoring all the conditioning shit going on. Most of it is slow grinding, slippery slope sort of shit (well we did this, we might as well do this)
Angel Taylor
>implying pregnant troops have to earn their pay
Hunter Watson
>When did the military start getting cucked?
This: For every idiot like this that outs themselves, there's hundreds that just keep their heads down.
Jack Howard
>When did the military start getting cucked? Chicks have no business in the military. Dumb, dumb idea.
Ryan Johnson
Nice spacing my le space bacon narwhale xD
Cooper Parker
they're growing drugs because the non-muslims are banning it instead of muslims banning it
Adam Reed
What in the actual fuck is this fucking bullshit? ENOUGH!!!
Anthony Martin
Why the fuck are there pregnant troops? The entire system is breaking down.
Caleb Long
im glad i went to detox once after a month long drinking binge that led to a seizure and am now ineligible for service because i would probably enlist
Jacob Rodriguez
Zachary Garcia
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Camden Martinez
You're not funny and no one likes you.
Liam Phillips
user doesn't know about the strength of diversity! > Army chiefs trial flexitime to stop women soldiers leaving service
Aiden Torres
Let's pray america doesn't piss of chinese or russia because if the go to war with burgers they are fucked
Dylan Howard
I understand why women want to join military
>join >get pregnant >pregnants can't be forced to fight or train so get send home while still receiving full army pay without doing anything
if i had a vagina i would do it too
the real retards is the army who let's them do that women should be allowed into military but they have to sign a paper saying that if they get preggers they get fired instantly
Logan Richardson
USAF and tank crews are the only places that really make sense to have front-line females since there are height limits.
Caleb Cox
Cuckservatives didn't get the memo
Christian Garcia
How can women like that ever get through the bootcamp? I thought it was pretty hard even for men. Let me guess the don't have to do it or have some super easy version of it
Ryan Price
Leo Young
Women can be just as tough as men
Daniel Edwards
No wonder Vietnamese with outdated shit kicked your asses
Logan Collins
What the fuck westerners, stop it already. Seriously.
Matthew Clark
Leo Wood
Yeah, the women have a lot easier time when it comes to PT than us men do. It's ridiculously nerfed. Thankfully I haven't had to deal with many women and the ones that I have are actually pretty cool. However, they're older and matured. I've watched some youtube videos of young female soldiers doing vlogs when it was brought to my attention and they're highly unprofessional and act like ditzy teenage girls, not one you could rely on on the battlefield. They get smoked a lot because they can't turn off their damn emotions, shut up and listen. If they manage to stay in, they usually become pretty chill by their thirties lol.
Jose Williams
They're not even picking the cute ones
Chase Thompson
they can't because genetics. a butter than became a rock because it wills so to be effective fighters with stamina and shit as peak mean women would have to take drugs like roids etc women would only be good as military secretaries back at the bootcamp or drone operators
Jackson James
This is why I plan on defecting to whoever we're gonna fighting against in WW3
Xavier Taylor
Isaac Scott
Due to the fact that there wasn't a war for a long time, people got the chance to start taking things for granted and started wasting time with pointless shit like the sjw crucade and feminist crap. The funny thing is that these soyboys and lezzies have the big strong rough men to that for that because they won those wars for their freedoms way back when. When the next war comes it will be pretty funny to watch as all these affirmative action "soldiers" completely collapse in a real combat and as the people in charge slowly realize that thanks to their sjw bullshit half of their army is completely useless for anything war related
But it will be too late then..
I do wonder, if the next nation that comes after them will eventually do the same mistake
Tyler Taylor
Being a faggot in a faggotized society
Logan Hall
Please, I implore you, fucking invade already and save us! Or at least start shipping us weapons. The only things we have here are sticks and bad language.
Jonathan Sanders
Zachary Butler
America has never fought a real war. Thats a fact. Joining late in the world wars doesn’t count. Let’s be serious here. America has never fought a worthy opponent in it’s history. Just injuns, inferior mexicans, weak spanish and a bunch of small irrelevant small shitholes across the globe. If push came to shove the US would never stand a chance against a real power.
Jace Evans
Pregnant women should be sent home.
Asher Lee
I see nothing wrong here
Jack Morgan
The military started going downhill with George W. Bush, Obama merely accelerated it.
pic related, what the blank check DoD received after 9/11 got us
Jayden Price
Noah Ortiz
Fucking hell if this is true I have to stop laughing at the Brits now and I'm glad I never got in.
Jeremiah Flores
My father was a career U.S. Army officer. He said it started back in the early 80s when they first started "modifying" the physical training standards so more female recruits would pass. After that, it was incremental changes like increasingly strong regs against "politically incorrect" behavior. Eventually, they established a thing called DACOWITS (look it up for the full story) and that served as a driver for everything else.
Jace Hughes
Luis Taylor
>Powerful.....ly disgusting pigs disgracing the uniform
You can't disgrace an Army Combat Uniform all that much. It's already a piece of shit.
Tyler Wright
Implying hes not a meat sheild
Jason Mitchell
the day where having battle buddies is replaced with having an assigned battle baby
Isaac Edwards
The 1980s was the apex of the US military desu
It's all been going downhill since the Gulf War.
Adam Thomas
and that's a good thing
Sebastian Gutierrez
The US army isn't for national defense, they have nukes and are an ocean away from any real power if anyone actually were to attack them.
It's for imperialist wars, and anything that weakens it is a good thing for most people around the world.
David Clark
>At least I can take solace in the fact that, if the shit really hit the fan, our leaders would drop all this diversity and inclusiveness bullshit in a heartbeat and do what was necessary to ensure our survival
John Ross
The problem with hardened combat veterans is that they're really fucking hard to kill. They get their legs blown off by land mines and still won't fucking die.
This causes a major problem for Western governments as they are saddled with paying out for disabled war veterans. The whole point of a soldier is for them to die. There are plenty more where they came from.
So dumbing down the training, cutting back professional fighting units and going for volunteers and part time warriors makes it much more likely they'll die on the job rather than get injured.
Benjamin Adams
Thats retarded, you dont instantly put on that weight. The bitch gains like 15 pounds over the course of almost A FUCKING YEAR. You cant just strap that weight onto someone and scream DURR NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS.
also the thing where the strap electrodes to you and shock the shit out of you is not comparable to contractions.
Cameron Robinson
>needing a meat shield when you have PASGT
Kevin Ward
The slide became noticeable to everyone after the Gulf War, I agree. He says "the seeds were planted" much earlier; he went active duty in late 1967 and rotated to Vietnam just in time for the Tet Offensive.
Brayden Allen
>When you used to think the american military in action meant the thunder of marching, the hum of tank treads and fighter jets screaming through the air But in reality its this, no wonder kim-mong-un rips on you weekly
Evan Taylor
>actually doing it remnants of respect for military lost. Way to embarrass yourselves and our country.
Hunter Hill
Damn, how long was he in?
Jason Diaz
>test to see if soldiers are emasculated enough to follow ridiculous orders for the upcoming civil war in America where they will be ordered to kill civilians with guns.