Are blacks seriously going to chimp out over a movie? Lol its hilarious, they're dancing in the theatre, throwing their fists up, calling it a masterpiece. It's a fucking Marvel movie, it's just like the other stupid superhero flick. Are Ooga Booga's this pathetic? I bet if you moved to the Congo you could makes Wakisha real, I guarantee you that we American whites will even pay for the plane ticket there. Go prove how advanced you are lol. Fucking spooks these days.
We Wuz Kangz my nikka, Finns look at wakaneda it b tell
Can you faggots ever stop talking about this dumb nigger movie for just one fucking day. Jesus Christ, go back to Cred Forums you homo
It's political so shut up faggot and its better than talking about "Oi vey the Jews have more sheckels for the shoah" every post or whatever the fuck. It's relevant and funny.
you fucking faggot , are you saying scotts didnt chimp out over braveheart white americans over birth of a nation irish over Michael collins The vatican over home alone its nomal you fucking NORMIE GTFO
Nigger detected
Maybe people would make more all black movies if they didn't get the weight of changing the entire world thrown on their shoulders every time you did.
Throw them a bone and they want the whole skeleton.
No one is going to want to become embroiled in this bullshit if they make it massively inconvenient or expensive.
The people on Cred Forums would probably just tell him to fuck off to Cred Forums. It's best if this kind of discussion remain here.
Hollywood Elite Triggered By Breitbart’s Positive ‘Black Panther’ Review
>Wakanda is ruled by King T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), who is also known as the Black Panther. T’Challa is big on border security, believes Wakanda and Wakandans should come first, and fiercely protects his country’s culture from outsiders, including refugees. If this is all starting to sound familiar, it should. Also like President Donald Trump, T’Challa’s beliefs are not based on race. This is not a “black thing.” This is a culture/survival thing.
I work at an AMC in a borderline black area near Detroit and I’ve never seen such a display of jungle antics from so-called “human” beings before in my life. So many blacks dressed up in African costumes but also outrageous unrelated garb like mummy wrappings, head-to-toe tinfoil, flava flav with clocks... and they chimped our and jumped up and down in their seats booting and hollering and throwing food and possibly feces at the screen.
Also the entire building smelled like marijuana. Management didn’t want to do anything out of fear for being called racists
I don't think he's a nigger, because a nigger wouldn't know any movies besides Black Panther and Boyz n da Hood or some shit. I think it's a cucked up soyboy.
Did Scotts attack British people who went to see Braveheart? Same fore birth of a nation? They just watched the movie. Chimps attack, dance, scream.
>throwing possibly feces at the screen.
Being that most nigger women have herpes and most of those don't know it- fecal matter needs to be assumed to be covering most niggers. They're incapable of hygiene.
What the frigging heck did you just say about us?
Looking forward to the Nigerian "Wakanda Tours" scam.
checked, How will Nigerians use SNAP benefits?
im not black , im white, ill say that to start.
and oh man, most of the posters here, like yourself, seem to be really no life losers. Like I WISH i knew what you looked like. I guarantee you have no friends IRL and thats why you post pointless, racist shit like this.
take care, faggot
Wakanda fags are the soyboys and autists of niggers.
>King T’Challa wills it. And February is colored history month. And since there isn't much in the way of history, we ought to let them have this.
wow what a homophobe
so the blacks have fallen for the hollywood jew again and now believe they are futuristic egyptians? LOL
>We hear from PostTrak that African American moviegoers at 40% are driving Black Panther‘s ticket sales.
It's a nigger movie for niggers and white sjws that watch it multiple times.
>Still watching Jewllywood trash
KY fags
hahhaah faggot ive got you now your face is mine .
scotts beat up english after brave heart that is a fact.
Also you retard luddite the kkk went national after birth of a nation. kkk are the biggest group of albino chimps in our country. read history you cunt
This will tank in China, I can already see it.
Was it Livonia? I won't even go to the emagine in Novi anymore, that whole area gets extra dark in the evening