Does nofap work?
It's true what they say: If you don't use it, you lose it
Have a good life when your cock falls off, user
Don't say I didn't warn you
It's no use except if you're vulnerable to placebo.
I did it for a month and a half, didn't change anything. Looking at the people who really are into nofap it seems to be entirely placebo.
Some studies suggest frequent masturbation has been linked to erectile dysfunction.
No fap for longer than 2 weeks will literally lead to cancer in your nuts. Fapping a couple times a month is actually good for cancer prevention. Im convinced the no fap shit is a jewish trick to get pollacks to get ball cancer.
Define frequent though, just because you shouldn't do it five times a day doesn't mean you shouldn't do it at all.
And lack of masturbation is linked to prostate cancer. There is moderation and balance in everything.
just dont watch 3dpd porn
that's 3dpd porn actually
There are no studies which demonstrate the link between abstinence and prostate cancer, only a lower frequency of masturbation compared to a higher frequency.
Soooo, shite argument mate
It doesn't do a thing if you lack direction.
But if you already have something to focus on, your productivity goes up 1000%.
Try it for a few weeks, see what happens.
Yeah nofap works. Ever since I started doing it my life has gotten better. Give it a shot.
Took me about 6 seconds to find something schlomo. medscape.com
The opposite is true, higher rates of masturbation = more prostate cancer.
Can you quote shit instead of linking a site you need to be a member of just to view its articles?
Frequent as in daily and you're misunderstanding the concept of abstinence in terms of nofap. As the screen shot depicted in my post suggests, there seems to be some positive side effects in correlation with nofap. Not that masturbation in general is damaging.
NoFap is a cult.
Go lift and eat right instead of being a bitch.
I've tried no fap about 3 times properly now.
The first time I got to nearly 2 weeks before I woke up and my balls were literally in pain.
Not an argument.
How am I supposed to get past day five without a nocturnal emission?
Already do, I'm just curious if semen retention can elevate my state of health.
Don't watch porn but jerk off in the shower or something once a week. Start lifting too and you'll notice your libidio is through the roof
Jerking off is healthy. It's the porn that ruins you. I know that this is kind of a meme opinion to have but I assure you that porn fucks up your dopamine system more than anything that you can legally get. The way this works is that back when humans were still developing as a species there weren't that many of us around and so the brain had to develop certain survival strategies. One of these strategies is heavy dopamine release upon seeing a naked female to reward the individual. While sex and orgasms work on the same principle they don't release as much dopamine as seeing naked women does. Watching literally hundreds of naked females WILL fuck up your dopamine system, making other rewards feel small and inadequate compared to porn. This is what causes nihilism, kills your will to act and makes life so, so much harder than it should be.
Yes , i tried to get to 90 days but only made it to 62 days and that was some of the best 2 months of my life in a while that I've had in terms of confidence
And productivity wise aswell as mental clarity.
But on day 63 the urges became strong and I convinced myself to fap and after that I did it again since I already lost the streak and snowballed from there and now I'm fapping everyday again and back to my old social habits.
Nocturnal emissions are the expulsion of cowper's fluid, which builds up as a consequence of sexual arousal.
Stop thinking sexual thoughts and lay on your side at night and nocturnal emissions will become a thing of the past.
I don't have that kind of control over my dreams. Especially sexual dreams. I also move in my sleep.
Jacking off and even having sex can reactivate the same pathways that were created by the pornography habit, thereby strengthening them, making your advice self-defeating and contradictory.
You need to quit it for good for at least two years.
you can call anything a cult. Cred Forums is a cult. back to the actual science, no fap is great, getting hard at bikini pictures like you're 15 again means your brain is regulating back to normal. if you have to jerk off to kinky shit it's clear you've desensitized all sorts of receptors in your brain.
that study is false. Not busting nuts will not cause cancer.
Maybe it’s a Jewish trick to ensure men are scared to do nofap and grow into stronger individuals?
all I know is nofap cured my receding hairline and girls are way more attracted to me now.
Dreams are the result of your daily thoughts. Alter them and your dreams will be altered.
>Dreams are the result of your daily thoughts.
literally bro science
t. vee
It’d better...
Perhaps the subconscious collects information in your day to day activities and archives them during rest resulting in dreams.
>the decision came too late
But he didn't :^)
Been trying nofap february, so far I've been holding up fine but my cock has shrinked alot and my libido is almost at zero.
So far the "benefits" seem like bullshit.
Nothing works
You have to fake it till you make it OP
Gonna take you a bit longer than a month bud
Sounds like you haven't really read up on the subject too much
>porn is bad for your dopamine but smashing your pleasure button isn’t
listen fellow pole, masturbating is terrible for you. not only will you go bald and have less energy in the morning, you may never reach your full potential because you’re throwing away extremely valuable sexual energy.
think of it like
>your goals
>hard work
vs not doing nofap
>your goals
stop being a fucking mouse who can’t stop smashing his pleasure button. Use your aching testicles to learn an instrument or crush it at work, get laid, etc.
I'd say its good if porn and fapping is actually hindering your life. I watch porn and fap sometimes, hasn't stopped me from progressing my hobbies or getting a new job.
I personally think its more important to control your desires than to just nuke them all and become a monk. Urges are fucking fun, just be a master of them.
unironically interesting since I've never had a dream regarding my daily thoughts or experiences
and they are all some form of nightmares
if you’re doing well off nofap, imagine how good you can do on nofap?
you could be hindering your potential, doesn’t that bother you? stop fapping and watching porn.
>hasn't stopped me from progressing my hobbie
Naw, but it'll still hinder you
It WILL stop you from being that extra 15% in all facets of your life
Yes it does very much
Only addicts defends porn and masturbation
Yeah it works. You have more energy, confidence and a of course bigger urge to talk to women and fuck their brains out.
But don't go all cold turkey on it. Everything in moderation. Try to keep it to a couple of times per month. Like every 8-10 days or so.
google: Use it or lose it.
no fap, makes you some fags's future bitch
/noporn plus opening the 'relief valve' every 1-3 weeks worked well for me.
>I masturbate to avoid anal penetration
A weekly cycle does work rather well for me, considering I have hypogonadism and never reacted strongly to visual stimulation, even back in the middle of puberty; while nearing the 7th I can notice it's easier to get erected on its own, it manages to reach maximum hardness and since it requires less stimulation to reach the erection, the time that passes from first stimulation to ejaculation is definitely longer.
I also found extremely important the amount of hours of sleep and even more than it the type of awakening: if it's sudden, too distant from your usual routine or stressful in any way (in terms of noise and light especially) the cortisol awakening response may spike excessively, hampering the effectivity and production of hormones.
sage because not political.
It bothered me when I used it as a crutch, but I'm pretty good with the balance I've found. In my experience I drop it all cold turkey when I start dating anyways, so no I'm not too bothered.
Well, here's what they thought of it before Freud single-handedly declared it holy practice to wank.
Pornography does have influence on society and is to some degree becoming political.
It's easy to abstain from 3D porn.... 2D is challenge
Juan i tried the 7 week cycle and it’s pretty good but have you tried seeing how you felt the coming week after skipping your 7th day fap? might still be able to level up more
the state of men is always political.
you think Crusaders busted nuts beforehand? no they harnessed that energy.
there’s a reason why musicians and athletes abstain before performing
Tried it, doesn't do shit.
The real problem is wasting hundreds of ours a year watching porn when you could do something productive. This is what this movement should be about.
The real problem is that you have all this time to be fapping 5 times a day. If you handle your business and have time to fap every day to ease the tension you are probably doing good for your health. It's not the root of problems.
For how long did you try it for?
Nah bud, even masturbating twice a day is creating a super high baseline for your dopamine levels which makes it harder to feel rewarded for doing other tasks.
Fapping 5 times a day for the foreseeable future WILL make you depressed
You ejaculate in your sleep when you abstain.
I quit porn around new years, and besides a single failure early on I've cut it out with no issues. I still treat with joystick 2-3 times/wk though, with a goal of 1/wk or less. I haven't noticed much change desu. Have I just not done enough?
Do you know what book this is from?
You could make the same dopamine argument for people being unproductive on coke etc. This is all from experience.
Get real.
Listening up folks because I practiced NOFAP
for 3 years in pursuit of spiritual aims from ages 15-19.
Here's some truths about it
>Increases your intelligence by rewiring your dopamine reward system
>Makes you more magnetic (not sexually, but charismatically)
>Probably helps the thickness of hair but its inconclusive
>Nocturnal Emissions didn't happen for me but I did eventually have side effects that caused me to quit........
Negative Side Effects:
>After two years or so I began developing a strange orgasm response to nonsexual activites
>Food would make me orgasm(no kidding)
>Yoga would make me orgasm (anytime I tried it---any pose that put pressure on my kidneys)
Since that time I've experimented now and again with it but it makes me irritable and (maybe because of my increased age) nocturnal emissions do occur
Nofap isn't really worth it. Instead you should practice obligational sex with your girlfriend and nourish eachother's chi stores.
Much better overall for your relationships and health.
>''Get real"
Really stupid? Is that your only argument?
Dude, if you used coke 5 times a day then obviously you're going to have problems in life
Are you being real?
27 days if I remember correctly. It just made me more horny and I came much faster for the next week or so.
yes, 10/10
Genetics do also factor in when discussing the subject of nofap.
user I... just don't know what to say to that story.
Yes, but not if used at the correct times. A bit of hyperbole 4 ur autism m8
I’ve found the best system is go cold turkey for as long as possible. if you’re in a masturbating cycle most likely you’ve slid potential wise. Take a month or two off from casual sex/masturbation to collect yourself as a man. Make sure you’re not balding, get your aesthetic and priorities straight.
then when you’re happy with the man you’ve become get back into the dating scene and continue ejaculating as little as possible.
You will maximize your dating potential on nofap.
>hours: 0-5
what the fuck? people look at porn for 5 hours straight?
"Work" for what?
What a retarded non question.
Ive probably fapped for 12 hours straight at some point tb.h
Tell me how you can use coke 5 times everyday of your life and still be okay, since you obviously seem to know that it can work.
Nofap works better than I thought it would. I have way more energy, more sex drive, and I'm consistently more motivated. Usually once a week or two I'll fap and get it outta my system but otherwise the day-to-day benefits outweigh the need to fap everyday.
Do nofap. Be a better you
You said coke 5 times a day, not me. Irrelevant tangent.
Work as in have any beneficial side effects usually bolstered about in the no fap community.
keep it up user. Life has only gotten better and better since i started nofap.
Wank enough, and you'll spend an hour just trying to orgasm.
I'd imagine the more you wank, the longer it'll take, especially if you're double dipping or edging.
Aye and you said it would work if you used it at the correct times.
So again, tell me how you can make it work then since you seem to posses this knowledge.
Coke is a performance enhancing drug when used in moderation. Same with amphetamines. What is there to explain? Everyone knows this.
That does not mean that you are actually able to take it 5 times everyday for your life and for there not to be a pretty significant detriment to your life.
You simply do not understand what you're talking about. You have no experience with taking coke 5 times a day for an extremely long time and probably not a single shred of anecdotal evidence.
Meant for
Masturbation does not increase performance and it would have the opposite effect because 'prolacktin' has negative effect on dopamine.
Not Having somebody jerking off to porn is a jewish trick?
How new are you?
Okay, here is the actual science behind it:
Not masturbating can cause a minor increase in testosterone levels, but the level is incredibly minor and you won't notice a difference. However, not masturbating typically leads to more sexual arousal, which can help you be confident when dealing with members of the opposite sex (IE: You're so horny you no longer care). Regular Masturbation (multiple times a day) can also lead you feeling tired because of chemicals released post ejaculation. Nofap also has the minor benefits of helping you get rid of some of your degenerate and sick fetishes, if you have them. Try not masturbating for two weeks and see if you need BBC Trap Cuckold Tranny Shemale Creampie Interracial Gangbang with a goat porn to get off.
So, to answer your question: Nofap has very minor benefits that are mostly psychological. However, I would heavily recommend that anyone who faps multiple times a day to try cutting back. Going nofap for even a few days after being a regular masturbater leads to some pretty great faps.
Occasional masturbation is good for you, however, so I would not recommend becoming celebate. Just jerk it a few times a week with days off inbetween.
correct, brother
No. It truly is all placebo.
>Deeper voice
Anyone can shift their voice octave slightly and keep up it
>Increased beard growth
How the fuck do you even measure that
>More muscularity
Unless you lift weights any small raise in testosterone would not lead to more noticable muscles. Most people jump into no fap shortly after joining a gym.
>Yes , i tried to get to 90 days but only made it to 62 days and that was some of the best 2 months of my life in a while that I've had in terms of confidence
>And productivity wise aswell as mental clarity.
Ive experiencing that right now, you are just very proactive.
what scared me were the flatlines in the first month but after that sexual urges and morning wood came back
It wont give you magical powers but effects are definetly not a meme
t. day 90 now and a personal record
>Not masturbating can cause a minor increase in testosterone levels
yes, but primary mechanism is increasing androgen receptivity, you can have as much T as you want, if your androgen receptors dont detect it wont have an efect
>It truly is all placebo.
t. someone who hasn't bothered to study this topic whatsoever
I do it 2-3 times a day and have been for 10 years, still get rock hard every night and morning and during the day. Your dick needs the blood, if you don't fap you're denying it good stuff to your dick. More blood flow is good for everything, including your dick.
>does not increase performance
Depends. Some studies show that busting nuts increase your test, and for me personally it checks out, even if from fapping..
You can achieve this just through masturbation, you don't have to ejaculate.
That makes literally no sense and is not backed by any science.
ITT Nopfap cult retards
longest I tried was a month and half, when I also happened to have a blood test
didn't really see any difference in this run, whether that's only for me while it may work for someone healthier I can't know, but it may still keep rising a few more days after the 7th by gut feeling, yes, but not by much and I just find weekly to be easier to manage.
You're telling me you can stop fapping for a month and stroke your dick for 15 minutes without ejaculating?
nofap is a fucking meme
I'm a week into a nofap
Post pics to tempt me so I can overcome and build more self control
>nofap cured my receding hairline
Long-term sexual absence leads to greatly lowered testosterone levels.
>That makes literally no sense and is not backed by any science.
you total fag, it doenst increase T it increases androgen and dopamine receptors since you dont abuse them by wanking, and it is backed by preliminary SCIENCE (=a buzzword) research.
what is bad about puritanism?
Fuckin powerful, great post
Keep lying faggot. Nofap is a reddit placebo cult, nothing more.
Yes, it deflects responsibility claiming that the key to solving problems is to be less active at the "wrong" areas instead of more active in the right ones of your life to turn things around.
I haven't ejaculated in months and I fap every single day
Just deleted all my porn except nudes of my GF.
Years and years, gigabytes and gigabytes gone. I can do this. Pretty sure I have ED too. It begins now.
EVERY TIME this thread pops up you get the same kike answers
>muh cancer
>muh placebo
Don’t listen to these cunts
And that's all you're going to believe in your mindset
Have fun with that buddy while the rest of us start making good progress and you're left behind
Holy shit.
Fap once every two week or even once per month. Highest mental strength to resist is the first two weeks. Get mental gains. Keep the urge to not kill yourself.
Also you don't reduce your semen retention. You produce less semen when you're nofapping. So you have to keep doing it.
Nofap is a meme. But fapping too much is also a problem.
Once every two weeks to a month.
Nofap forever if you have a GF or wife to drain your semen inside.
The idea is that there's a 7-day cycle of ramping up test production and every time you cum, you reset the cycle.
This means that if you cum on day 8 you're already full of test, and in 7 days you'll have another spike in test.
Sadly it also means that wanking every day will prevent your test production from spiking, thus making it detrimental.
What I've yet to find out is whether the 7-day cycle just keeps looping ad infinitum or if it requires an orgasm to begin.
How many times do we have to go over this
Masturbation isn't the problem, overloading the reptilian part of your brain with tons of porn is.
Hahahhaha HAHAHAHAHAHA this thread is simply retarded
Should I stop pissing too maybe I'll stop pooping or blowing my nose lmao
Masturbation is definitely a problem if doing it too frequently
>You ejaculate in your sleep when you abstain.
it happened to me in my teens. IF you use that energy via exercise or work it wont happen, also if you dont tease your eyes so to say it wont happen
>nofap community
thanks, nofap makes me want to break and build things the same time, I like the feel, like on roids
t. ignorant nibba
This is something I would expect from Australia.
Disregard that cycle and just do strength training instead. The increase from that is much more remarkable and you don't have to obsess about this shit.
When I was 30 my T started going down and I had to start supplementing. My pituitary gland was no longer producing enough lutenizing hormone. I've wondered, if the artificial intensity of internet porn could have exhausted the natural function of my pituitary gland.
The intensity of stimulation we experience from internet porn is not normal in nature youtu.be
Such compelling arguments.
Keep it down sweetie, I am richer, better looking and more successful then you ever will be sweetie. You need a literal placebo to make yourself feel better.
It takes 30 minutes of research to find the absolute pathetic state of the """"""fapstronauts""""". Absolute fucking neckbeards.
>What I've yet to find out is whether the 7-day cycle just keeps looping ad infinitum or if it requires an orgasm to begin.
this is the best I have on that matter, afte 7 days T actually drops...but your receptivity to T increases or smth like that
>go bald
Quick rundown?
it is the weirdest feeling to wake up from cumming
did it 2 or 3 times when i was in the military and didn't fap at all
Gee, sure sounds like you're not insecure whatsoever
And dude, I KNOW that you are ignorant on this subject so just watching you squirm around like this is kinda sad t b h.
Ay yo I didn’t beat my dick this morning and now I can fly!!!!
heredoe, if you have predisposition to bald it will happen anyway
Are there any resources about the effects on no-fap in women?
woah..... that really made me think......
The truth is somewhere in between user.
Don't make me laugh kiddo, you're gullible enough to believe that rubbing your dick or not is a factor in your life. You are pathetic, you're nothing.
Itt Cred Forums doctors discuss the production of testosterone and link it directly to masturbation
HAHAHAHAHAHA I wil, never reply to the two faggots giving me you's
You have to be next level stupid to believe a biological process on par with excreting mucus from your lungs and nose has the ability to influence something as complex as why and how much test your soy boy body produces
Hahaha hahaha
If any of you were actually worried about test levels you'd put down your iPads and actually for something manly like ejaculate all over your girlfriend
But his serum levels increased, so it can't be the receptivity. The negatives from over fapping are obviously real though, not denying that. I would guess the cycles are more frequent if you work out and stay active. Feels like it at least.
minor boost in confidence is the most tangible effect i've noticed. whether or not it actually produces results with women is a different story
A lot of anger in you too bud
And when you look at the effect of masturbating in regards to specific deficiencies in the body and the long-term dopamine effect it has on you, you will understand where this argument is coming from.
Since you are completely unaware of the points I listed above, obviously you're going to be like this.
These are the types of retards that believe that as soon as they stop jacking off a horde of girls will start flocking them exactly how the boomer bile from L4D2 attracts zombies.
I tried NoFap for 1 month, the only thing that happened in my case was that I was horny most of the time and also I found a lot of females attractive which weren't to begin with. If you truly want to try it I believe NoPorn is a better option.
>it took me 6 seconds to find a website that sounds believable enough in a link to get people that wouldn't bother to click or look to believe me.
You literally proved nothing.
There is Urological Association had found a link to erectile dysfunction and internet porn use. The issue is not masturbation. It's internet porn, which is a super normal stimuli webmd.com
It's more likely i'll ejaculate on a yeti
Ask Cruz if he found it to be successful.
Studies have shown a spike in testosterone after 7 days of not masturbating and after that slowly going back to normal levels but no long term studies have been done, but the theory is that , as you stop masturbating your body/brain believes you are no longer reproducing so long term it's possible that it increases your testosterone and hormones responsible for increasing confidence and charisma so that you have a higher chance of reproducing and passing on your genes and increases the chance of your genes survival, otherwise , if you keep fapping your body has no reason to increase testosterone or any of that because as you cum your body/brain thinks your spreading your seed successfully .
>You have to be next level stupid to believe a biological process on par with excreting mucus from your lungs and nose has the ability to influence something as complex as why and how much test your soy boy body produces
ask your boyfriend what is sperm made out of? Zinc and Magnesium, same minerals brain uses. not to mentiond dopamine and sex...watch porn, play viyda, muh dik whatever faggot.
>But his serum levels increased, so it can't be the receptivity
it was probably smth like that. methods of measuring blood hormons arent that precise anyway, so far the best expl I come up with is increased receptivity since similar thing happens with dopamin receptors with addicts - they work worse and therefore you need more stimuly.
Nofap usually also means noPorn, and 30 days is nowhere near enough to have significance, 90 days is how much is required for most , if you feel no significiant improvements after 90 then it's not for you
>A perfect example of how Nofap benefits it's advocates.
>but goys it's a cult
>an argument
You're not even trying, schlomo
>not only will you go bald
how to tell if someone is a retard.
Porn is a super normal stimuli gottman.com
Yes, but you are gonna pent up sexual tension like a maniac.
I can advocate for noporn. When I didn't have internet for months, my taste in women went back to baseline. Instead of looking at my coworker and going "too short, 4/10 face, small boobs", I instead went "look at that ASS" (she legitimately had a fat ass).
This stopped after looking at porn every day. I even noticed myself getting quick 'hits' of an image or two for no other reason than dopamine. Now I'm back to noporn, even if it's harder when you have so much at your disposal on Cred Forums.
Hey idiots, have you even noticed that the broscience behind nofap is 100% focused on the alleged biological consequences of SPECIFICALLY fapping and never sex, even though from your body's perspective busting a nut to porn is no different than fucking a real woman?
Seriously, how the fuck does fapping drain your precious bodily fluids any way differently than regular sex would? Sure, maybe psychologically it's a little different, but not enough to transform you into a low-test soyboy or whatever it is you're afraid of.
You're just re-contextualizing the fapping stigma in retarded psuedo-science.
Let's try it like this:
Fapping makes your standards reasonable. Instead of thikning that fatass butterface is hot, you're assessing her realistically. Seriously dude, think about it.
I am well aware of the pseudo-science you autistic neckbearded fapstronauts propagate across the internet.
Oh and just for good measure, "specific deficiencies" is not an argument.
Once again and for the last time, you're an autistic man-child that thinks masturbating is a deciding factor in life, you're practically retarded. I'm certain that you're in the double digit of IQs.
So I've read, I'll try to find some motivation to maybe get to 90 since most people see some changes when they hit 90+.
Been fapping only once a week for many years, it's no different.
A deciding factor in life? No.
But is masturbating a variable that can change certain aspects of your ability, perception, mood and reaction, yes.
Also, are you denying that frequent masturbation won't increase the baseline of your dopamine levels?
it's an arbitrary number imo. i felt the most benefits maybe 1/3 or half-way through 90 days and it didn't magically reappear at day 90. ymmv
>manus is a Greek word
stopped reading there
Which is worse for your health, nofap or nosex? How about which is better?
I love how you pathetic reddit fucks are ALWAYS coping with "self improvement" BULLSHIT.
You spend SO MUCH TIME just reading these bullshit "self-improvement" guides, do the most autistic, bullshit "NoFap" (FUCKING LMAO) routines and NONE OF IT GETS YOU ANYWHERE.
You've CONVINCED yourselves that avoiding alcohol, junk food or masturbating is the way to "be a real man"...but...LOOK AT THE GUYS WHO ACTUALLY GET LAID. Look at Chad. Chad wakes up at 2 in the afternoon, checks his phone and sees 5 new Snapchat notifications. All of them are nudes from different girls. Did "lifting" earn him that? Did those girls choose him because they liked his "increased confidence" which he got from NOT MASTURBATING? LMFAO. FUCK NO.
If you are not Chad (and believe me, you aren't) in 2017, YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE SEX OR START A FAMILY. You were BORN to sit in your room browsing the internet. Women want ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH NON-CHAD MEN.
>1 post by this ID
>90 days is how much is required for most
Ive just reach 90 today, my T was always pretty solid (based on dudebro measurements of muscle gain and sex drive) so I havent noticed anything dramatic but general positive change.
What helped is being banned from pol for a month of two so I wasnt exposed to constant porn shitpost and training grappling put me straight
>You spend SO MUCH TIME just reading these bullshit "self-improvement" guides, do the most autistic, bullshit "NoFap" (FUCKING LMAO) routines and NONE OF IT GETS YOU ANYWHERE
everytime I pass 40 days I find a job, dont know about redditors