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>People actually think these things are human
Oh look this thread again.
Remind me why i should give a fuck?
They're definitely human.
They're also a reminder that being human is not all that special or far removed from the animals. What makes us different is our Western Civilization, our intelligence and our more social disposition. .
Racists hate happy black people.
This is the black version of pic related
Jewish made movie does the most ridiculous race baiting ever with the most stupid and insulting lies, and these black are not only offended, but they think it's great.
I think it's funny as hell.
More like jew version
Pretty much. I saw nothing wrong with this. Africans are a bit louder when celebrating, but who cares?
fixed the pic
god those fucking south african niggers are the fucking worst they are epitome of subhuman they are the worst and least evolved africans in africa in my opinion. They weren't even native to South Africa and ruin in less than 2 generations. My fathers best friend was killed last year there, I'm so glad my parents left south africa before I was born
fuck you nigger
They then left the theatre to go carjack some white people
i fucked up the eye colors
All they care is that their kids see a toy and superhero that looks like them. It's not a big deal really. I know the Blade and Hancock were things, but they weren't exactly the same as a kid friendly huge Marvel superhero.
Nigger identified. Alert animal control,
they're not human
It looks like the Flintstones
They were native to parts of South Africa. The Khoisan were in the West before the Dutch came, although there were never that many Khoisan.
The Zulus and Xhosa were in the Eastern part before the Dutch trekked there. There's a reason they had to fight them when they trekked there. To say there was nobody there when the Dutch got there is a flat out lie.
>wuz kangz memes have become real
That's what you think now. From now on they will chimp out about every super hero movie. Where da black mans at? Why all dees white folk in da moobie? das racis.
Nomadic tribes don't make a settlement. You can't really colonize a people if they don't live there permanently. You're just making better use of the land.
>black panther
>A fiction
>created by white people
>popularized by white people
>movie budget comes from white people
and yet blacks thinks this movie is 'culturally' connected with them
Niggers are thousands of years away from being fully evolved.
Fukkking Niggers.......HATE THEM!
I really don't think so. Maybe they'll want more black superhero films from the comics being made, but it's not a big deal. The only downside I can see is that capeshit gets perpetuated even more.
well even so they ruin the fucking the country that was given to them in less than 25 years, they're animals and still think the poor white farmers (who actual help them) are evil. They savagely kill them and take their land. The fucking king nigger Jacob Zuma is a hateful nigger monkey who's jealous of whites. I wish Europeans could've just murdered all the africans in africa it would solve a lot of the problems we have today
this this this
also this
The Khoisan were nomadic, the Zulu and Chose weren't. And even if the Khoisan were they still inhabited the area. It's entirely possible to colonize them. They themselves got pushed westward by sedentary Bantu people.
How can soyboys even compete?
someone should make a wojack version of that nigger
I agree Zuma is a corrupt bastard and the ANC is a garbage party. Their role in ending apartheid allows them deflect criticism. But hey at least they impeached Zuma.
I want all the whites in south africa to get a one way ticket into the states and settle down in an unpopulated rural state like montana. I guaranfuckingtee you that south africa would be rwanada or liberia 2.0 if they left
That is because you do not understand the negroid. Chimp outs will happen. All the major awards shows are now chimp out sessions. It will be happening with super hero movies now at the minimum.Do not underestimate the nogs ability to demand gibs.
Sheeboon in the orange looks like she’s preparing to take on Johnny Cage.
Thread theme
I'd say more Kenya tier, but I don't doubt it. Very little of the Africans there are educated. Afrikaners seem pretty attached to South Africa though.
I wonder if we can get the same results with an Asian super hero movie.
already did
You think Moonlight won best picture if was a chimpout? I think the movie was garbage, but the Oscars rarely picks the best movie anyway so I don't care really. They seem way more preoccupied with #metoo now anyway.
> kangz making a lot of noise in a cinema
not really new tbf
You think when Moonlight won best picture of was a chimpout?*
yeah they are that's why a state like Montana would be perfect for them, they'll assimilate in no time
It was*
Jesus I can't type today
We never had to fight them you fucking idiot. Yes we clashed the first time we came into contact but that is normal, and is wasn't us who were the aggressors because we immediately changed the course of the trek. Besides, the english came into contact with any bantu BEFORE we did as they settled in the eastern cape WHILE we were still trekking. It is ONLY the english who fought wars against bantus. The only battles we fought against them were defensive and we trekked into another direction EVERY time we had conflict. That is until we came to were the Boer republics were. We settled there because it was vastly underpopulated. The only extremely small bantus population there were the remnants of the genocided tribes who fled Shaka and the impi's.
the Khoisan are still battling for any recognition and representation in the Bantu Government of SA because acknowledging them would undermine the narrative about the whites being the only colonialists. As soon as you mention the Bantu Migration via West Africa you get told that archaeology is "White man's science". This is one of the driving forces behind our regressive leftists saying that "science needs to be decolonized" - so that they can rewrite history.
So you did have to fight them? That's all I'm saying. The trekkers went there and got attacked.
Tard, they chimp out about where mah black queens and kings at in dose nominations, dis racis. Stop defending the nog. If you want to be a social justice warrior train the nogs to quit murdering everybody and committing so many crimes.
I'm pretty sure the Boer Republics were that far to get away from English rule.
Black Panther presents a narrative that creates grievances against white people by making the unwashed masses of historically and economically illiterate plebs to believe that Africa could have even been close to that if not for colonialism AND white people. It creates resentment amongst blacks towards whites and helps to push Afrocentrist narratives. It is more dangerous than it seems.
There are almost no ethnic Khoisan left. Coloureds are mutts. The closest to real ethnic Khois are the rural coloureds in western an northern cape farming communities and you must be fucking joking if you want to give them control off anything.
Western civilization only exists because of white people.
These things in Africa aren't human.
I've never seen them riot about it. Like I said who gives a fuck about awards shows?
Found the nigger lover.
>foreign movie makes movie about fake Africa
Why do these people care about representation in a movie made in a different country to them? Hollywood movies are globally released, but they're still American movies.
Do they give a shit that Bollywood or Japan doesn't make black superheroes? They're just as foreign to South Africa as America is.
give bantu's power was a terrible idea, bantu's in north africa and east africa are still used as slaves. They're fucking on the bottom of race barrel after abos
United States version, political edition.
I just don't see the point in getting worked up over award shows.
Why do all blacks have rhythm?
Pretty sure the government doesn't care because there are so little of them. The few that are left live in the desert that no one wants anyway.
No we didn't. Defending yourself against being slaughtered in the middle of the night dousn't mean to fight. If (a) and (b) have conflict and you say (a) is fighting (b) it is because (a) is the aggressor and (b) is merely defending himself. If (b) tries to flee to a new place where (a) is not there and (a) follows just to kill (b) then who is the aggressor. To fights implies aggression against another. There is a very important linguistic distinction otherwise you can just paint us with the same brush as the English therefore undermining our right to this country.
I actually enjoy seeing jolly African Americans because they are like clowns that make me laugh.
That is to say I laugh at black people, not with them.
It's not so much a hate thing
Yes but that is not the main and only reason.
This is why they want to flood your countries with these people-because they'll go crazy over mediocre capeshit and consumer products.
>this level of meme convergence
>Black people dance in public with strangers
Yea good job white people, you go home after the movie and find ways to not talk to each other while eating dinner while watching TV. Great job making this thread, guess you weren't too busy raising a white family. Cucks.
>being tbis butt hurt over super hero movie
At least theycarent shootin up school like a pol boi
You mean this?
Seems like it was the main reason.
You're talking in circles. The fact that the Zulu attacked the trekkers means that they had to fight them. I'm not sure why you keep arguing this.
Nah we just want them dead.
i read that Professor X isn't really dead, he's just waiting to reincarnate and in the next X-men film he's going to be played by a black dude.
Looks like they’re actually calm in that clip.
I’ll juzt leave this here. Kek.
Africans lack the 6% Neanderthal DNA Western Europeans have. They are literally Human 1.0.
Civilization can only occur with IQ's >~90
Great fucking points, Spaniard.
It's really unnatural seeing them in a modern building.
>Seems like it was the main reason.
Getting away from the British is the reason FOR the trek (although there is a religious reason which no one, including other SA anons, know about). Settling where we did was because it was the first uninhabited land we came across.
>neanderthals are smarter than humans
>humans kill off neanderthals
>mixed neanderthal/humans are smarter than pure human
>pure humans 1.0 kill off humans 2.0
Christ on a crutch. More english saffer hate.
it isn't neanderthal, at least it isn't what they say it is nothing is
We did not evolve from apes that is just another jewish scam
nice digits tho
the bantu migrated south from western africa.
Anyone gonna do some 80s larping and/or breakdancing at the premier of pic related next month.
never said I did. just saying that they've been given a raw deal by both white and black settlers. they're not even included in our 11 official languages. you're right though. their descents are fucked.
>it isn't neanderthal
then what the fuck is it
sub saharans obviously lack something that all other races have
We aren't evolving we are de-evolving we seem to do it in cycles I can give you my working theory if you want but here is the math to prove it convulsively, it is ...... complex desu
Most people are so brainwashed by the system they don't even have the thought process to make sense of it yet, the world is nothing like what they try to make people think it is you will have to watch this entire playlist just to begin to understand how deep the lies go and what this world reallyis
they are probably playing that seal some from batman forever in the background. nigs from hollywood taught them that that is the official anthem for black pride
This is my theory I wanr you as I said it will not make sense to you are first and requires a lot of knowledge to understand you don't have yet
They can't
Fuck someone call 911
I don't see a problem. They're not being violent, just being excited. White people do the same shit at tailgate parties and monster truck rallies.
Let niggers have their Wakanda. They don't have much else in pop culture.
The video cut off just before the gunshots and people started looting.
i wish i had the lack of self-awareness of a mediocre chimp
sorry some of it was cut off this one has it all
>>People actually think these things are human
A great mistake user, soon rectified by any proximity to them.
isnt countries like Somalia etc, worse?
>66583 [Reply]▶
i swear niggers dont know how to shut the fuck up they always fucking play there shitty music and blast it, talk to loud, scream at each other. If they wanna dance do it at a fucking party not at a movie theater
This is why Wakanda does not exist
>this is why Wakanda does not exist
The skull shape is so similar... has anyone else considered the possibility that these artificial reconstructions of hominids are misleading us? They show thin lips, and those simian open holes where the nose should be, things that I'm not even sure how anthropologists could ascertain that they looked like that just by examining the bones. If these features were replaced with thick lips and wide noses, well they would look almost exactly like the Africans we see today. I imagine that would cause quite a stir.
Ye, I've learnt to just deal with it. I'm happy to help were I can but I just can't force myself to be apart of a community that hates me for my heritage as an Englishmen. It's really stupid to clump a massive group of people into one collective, besides I've met many Afrikaaners who are just as cucked and pathetic as the English/Anglo pop here.
Reminder that race differences in intelligence are real, this explains why Africans can't into civilization.
Zero sympathy for whites in shithole Africa
Imagine my surprise.
Come home black man, wakanda is real. You can find it Eastern Cape.
Our new president Cyril Ramaphosa is an elite black businessman. He called for land expropriation without compensation in the agricultural sector at his first state of the nation address 2 days ago.
Get ready bois...
Please learn the difference between English and British
“What is really required to defend ‘the West’ against the sudden rise of these barbaric and elemental forces is the strengthening, to an extent perhaps still unknown to Western man, of a heroic vision of life. Apart from the military-technical apparatus, the world of the ‘Westerners’ has at its disposal only a limp and shapeless substance – and the cult of the skin, the myth of ‘safety’ and of ‘war on war’, and the ideal of the long, comfortable, guaranteed, ‘democratic’ existence, which is preferred to the ideal of the fulfilment which can be grasped only on the frontiers between life and death in the meeting of the essence of living with the extreme of danger.”
t. Julius Evola
You should have seen the jungle boons twerk when 'Planet of the Apes' was showing.
now I made sure they aren't humans
Wow this spoke to me. It speaks to life in SA. Thanks fren
WUZKANGA, where all the smart niggers be.
dude nobody cares stop posting this
>literally went from 600 murders a year in whites only/out after dark apartheid SA to 20,000 murders a year post apartheid SA.
These people truly are delusional.
Maybe we can convince them to trade their whites for our niggers so we can MAGA: Make Africa Great Again
>People actually think these things are human
Lol no.
all i could think of
It's called "Synchronicity".
So it's true. Niggers really are incapable of learning from history: Zimbabwe.
holy shit
False. I actually hate ALL black "people".
They dont even know what happened yesterday let alone what happened to Rhodesia. They arent aware of the fact that the only reason south africa staved off becoming a shithole country as long as it did was because wgite people.
What the fuck are they celebrating though?
A fictional story with fictional characters where blacks are legit KANGS. And their kangdom is only possible through magic because whitey is too powerful otherwise.
>A faint "Kill the Boer" is heard in the distance
when african niggers chimp out are they also somehow victims of systematic racism?
Africa is rightful white man clay. Bring back colonialism or China will not think twice about doing it.
>If these features were replaced with thick lips and wide noses, well they would look almost exactly like the Africans we see today. I imagine that would cause quite a stir.
Most everyone knows that niggers are revenants of homo erectus. They usually say 'archaic hominid', but the fact is that they contain DNA that split off from the rest of us nearly a million years ago.
All the sciences. Man I can't stand the ignorance that comes with this level of confidence.
KRS-1 is actually a great rapper tho
The absolute state of Cred Forums shitposters.
if someone wanted me to read a book called "KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNIVERSE" I´d ask him if he wanted to diddle my balls.
He's not as great as some people think. He's also leading the charge of African revisionist history. They made this series of documentaries called 'hidden colors', and it was so ridiculous I couldn't even watch all of it, not even in the background as I did other shit.
I hate niggers but blacks being happy about a movie and finding pride doesn't anger me as much as jews bullying them with slave movies
let them be, most of Cred Forums doesn't give a shit.
we're more annoyed by KIKES advertising their products by provoking and bullying people;' "read =/= feminist ghostbusters / racism related to nu star wars and zomg, all black cast in a capeshit movie"
we don't care,... we just think it's EVIL that jews bully and provoke, turn people against each other to market their movies, it's wrong.
>but user, the cinema viewings been dropping, they need to market it somehow!!!
yeh well if you had any creative vision behind your movie you would rely on the movie being good in and on itself and you wouldn't need to brainwash people espacially kids to look at it from a political angle, to choose a yes or no camp, this advertisement they do nowadays makes people either support the movie like religious zealots or hate it like racist bigots, it's stupid. but then again it's not, it's smart, because giving it negative attention makes people talk about it and negative attention is better than no attention, jewish advertisers know this and that's why they market the movie like this, it's disgusting
I LOVE movies from the 80's 90's and they all have a diverse cast, nothing annoys me about other races in those movies, wether they're being played like real people or like stereotypes because the underlining message wasn't aimed to be some hamfisted political message about PCuckoldry and racism and feminism and other nonsense.
Have whites ever done such a retared thing because of a movie?
Khoi aren't bantu you fucking nigger, they're closer to aboriginals.
Zulu migrated south.
It doesn't matter, because all the black-as-tar niggers in South Africa are not any more native to the area than the whites. What is even worse is that in American education, they teach us that the Europeans genocided the Khoisan, when it was actually the Bantu-speaking demons.
People can't be bothered learning the difference and just scapegoat the English as "evil" while regarding the rest of the British as quaint and pleasant.
This is what they do best, frankly. This is them at their natural peak. They should be free to do this in the jungles of Africa, far away from us.
We partially brought this fate on ourselves, though Jews and blacks also ran the slave trade.
Imagine what our world could be without them.
Hahahah do it m8
it's a fucking super hero movie and they are in the FUCKING cinema
i want to come to america just to experience americans IRL, i'd be laughing my ass off every fucking day, how dumb can they get lel
>I know the Blade and Hancock were things, but they weren't exactly the same as a kid friendly huge Marvel superhero.
>Niggers censoring media to be age-appropriate for their children.
>Niggers parenting their children in any recognizable form.
This video just made my gf a racist.
pretty dumb's like i live a movie every day
They do for sauce
imagine the noise if you shouted "NIGGERS" very loudly into that group
god i wish i was there
That is in South Africa, but our niggers are pretty bad too.
i'll do it tomorrow for u serbianon
They're celebrating something that we're banned from having: an ethnostate. I'd say it's pretty reasonable to hate them.
That video is great. Made my morning. Good times, good times.
The correct phrase to insult these South African baboons would be kaffir.
nah somalis don't kill people trying to help them (i.e. turks and Italians who have businesses there) etc and they just have a large inbreeding / first cousin marriage problem which makes their IQ really low afaik. That + islam, i'd rather deal with black arabs like somalis than retarded bantus from south africa