Cred Forums humour thread
Cred Forums humour thread
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bumping with more
Don’t blame Muslims for radical Islam it will only further radicalize them!
Whites need to do something about the mass shooter problem they keep perpetrating. Stupid fucking whites and their guns
Teeth not yellow enough.
>WWI pickelhelm
>asking Italy for help
what brainlet made this meme?
spotted the German expat
>kekistan flag
just kill yourself anyways
Pick one or the other. You can't have it both ways.
> Asking italy for help
Is that John Oliver? I love his show, I'm glad he's coming back today.
It's impossible for me to fathom how butthurt one has to be to make these. Is it because you're virgins? Or what?
What a humorous coincidence
>call us virgins
>Say Trump is fucking us
Which one is it?
Bernie nooo
Better without the last panel, but still one of my favorites
Ndabaningi Sithole {pronunciation: nda-ba-nin-gee see-toe-le} (31 July 1920 – 12 December 2000) founded the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU),
"Less" is how a hick would say it.
>the jew isn't folding hundred dollar bills
What a waste.
things like this make me sad desu senpai
poor girl, not her fault genetics fucked her over, bet she has a heart of gold though, this is the last stage of reincarnation for her, being of light capable of traveling the universe is next, im jealous
All the fat neckbeards complain about getting a bad lot in the genetics department, but at least they don't literally look like goblins.
Lol, my Spanish teacher taped this to the classroom door after Trump won, you have to read this shit, you can't even make it up.
Good call.
and critiquing the grammar is how libtards avoid debating points
many Merry Friends do
im just saying its not her fault, the fat neckbeards are making a choice to be lazy and eat shit food while wasting their minds on anime and vidya, this girl despite her looks is leaving the house and using her time to care for another living creature, she is worth 10 neckbeards
What god would allow such diabolical creatures to walk this earth
not to defend neckbeards but nobody is at least attempting to compliment them in any way, some would probably leave their houses if people didn't openly consider them repulsive
it just dawned on me that the el goblino meme is VERY similar to the nazi propaganda during ww2, since we know there is a worldwide anti white agenda in play, i wonder who is behind this meme
Well played
they ARE repulsive, grown men with that kind of attachment to anime and vidya are buffalo bill levels of creepy
that's kind of sad, other black kids his age are starting to get into bad crowds and setting themselves up for a life of failure, his peers will call him a fag or say he's acting white for being productive and he'll have a fucked up life of "keeping it real"
dont see nothing wrong, just a sister praising the brother in assembling a laptop from a tech program.
how the fuck is this news
oh shit it says nigger on the wall
when a black kid does something nerdy white kids do literally every day, its news, really starts my cashews
>gay lynching festival
Wtf i love Pakistan now
Imperial Germany didn't attack the whole world. They were forced into war when the fucking retarded Tsar intervened in a local issue between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Then instead of minding their own fucking business the French mobilizes their army because they were still butthurt about a 40 year old war; forcing Germany's hand on the Western front.
Now that's more like it!
lol fuck you
Germany asked for italy's help during WW1 on the outset of the war and Italy eventually Joined the Triple Entente because by year 1915 Italy believed the Central Powers were going to go nowhere and joined the other side
I don't understand how people in 1st world countries in current year can be so tech illiterate.
>t./ b/tard
should say "in Sweden" instead
I will hand it to you, this was fucking top notch.
Lol my Spanish teacher literally had a damn Stahlhelm that he walked around class sometimes with when he was looking for cheaters. And the old guy literally called some kid a fag and said he hated brown people. Pretty based guy desu.
>Implying Kaiser Wilhelm was solely responsible for WWII
>Implying that Marx wasn't a dirty J*w
>Implying based Martin "On the Jews and their lies" Luther wasn't right for calling out the catholic church on corruption.
>Implying Rome wasn't going to fall with or without Alaric .
>Implying Hitler's fight against world Jewry wasn't justified and it was the British 's fault for declaring war.
audible kek.
This. Not that I expect intelligence from a Kekistan poster.
I ain't laughing, step it up faggots
Karl Marx is a Jew, so disqualified. Alaric precipitated the fall of the Roman Empire, since the Germanic peoples were forced to enter Roman territories or be slaughtered by Huns. Wilhelm I didn't declare WW1, learn history pls.
angela merkel is subhuman, so also disqualified.
god doesnt interfere
vaffanculo, crauto
this always makes me crack
But they're easy to make, 110% accurate, and they make people like come here and cry, how can we lose?
I got a solution for that kid.
>WW1 helmet
>Italy pls help
Are you retarded? Even if this was supposed to be WW2 Germany never asked Italy for help
oh god, I didn´t even know about this piece of filth, I just watched an episode to learn about him. It´s incredible!
i leave out dry food and water for the little bastard and change it when its empty. as long as you teach the cat not to piss/shit in the house there is virtually no maintenance.
You cheeky cunt.
Makes me laugh every time.
Don't tell me what to do
Wow. This is huge. Maybe Mr. Israel intentionally looked the other way.
It honestly looks like they don't give a fuck about their children. "I can't pay for you, so I will guide you into traffic" WHOOPS
>that reptilian hand
Bernie posting when
>not accepting an invitation from someone who could tip ICE on you
indeed, mexico isn't exactly sending their best...
Frickin heck
Shiieeeet well played ser.
you son of a bitch
>fucking retarded Tsar intervened in a local issue between Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
Serbia is little Russia.
Greatest of allies. When Serbia goes to war, as does Russia, vice versa as well. It's been more coop recently (volunteers etc) but still to this day.
>translate from german
Top kek
got me good
More like a Stirner egoist refusing to accept Faarquad's spooks about having to accept his fate and bring him a woman.
The problem with your theory is that it literally doesn't work except on total retards.
God reacts to freewill.
And her parents decided not to kill her to avoid this.
Not much God can do at this point.
Oh fuck
The whole world attacked Germany. They weren't forced into war by the Tsar. They were forced into war when Gavrilo Princip assassinated Franz Ferdinand.
>humor thread
Nice projection there.
Saved as "american media.jpg".
I got my 2d waifu
but why
what the fuck, why would you save that?
dick nut
hmm, really makes you think
Italy was member of the Triple Alliance
Yeah. And they said no because they felt Austria started the war. Then they backstabbed the Central Powers.
I should have seen that coming
So damn sad
saved :DDDD
Thank you. Someone who knows their fucking history
That was good
That's obviously not a Heli though, most likely a cargo plane
>The modern day roasties
Alaric saved Rome from total anarchic collapse and starvation, since at least the Vandals were ready to negotiate with him.
Martin Luther's movement degenerated from a reformation movement to a full-blown heresy serving the interest of individual european princes
Wilhelm II was basically under a commercial lockdown, since the other great powers didn't want their influence to exit Germany, being the number one powerhouse in Europe. It's similar to Japan's entry into WWII.
Hitler wanted the the little coastal city that was full of germans and that poland didn't want to let go, even if he negotiated for free movement for both countries in the corridor, and Britain and France declared war on him.
Wow, I'm so convinced that Germans are the problem.
pretty sexists
Well played
The headlights look scared, not laughing.
Damn, well when does my qt3.14 gf show up?
>a hoax
not using another shoa
Fucking kek
underrated kek
i hope i have a gf as cute as this cat
>that mujahdeen
>when a doodle is more expressive than a real face
I'm scrolling this thread, and there is little to none humor. Why can't right do humor? Is it due low IQ or just being retarded ideology stuck in time? Ffs we are in 2018!
Is the blended image from something specific?
Your (You)
Have a gold star.
Breddy güd
well done
Top kek
Gravity well or Gabriel's Horn?
Switch dennis and mac.
White male here. I've wqs chewing some peanuts and realized I invented peanut butter
This meme was made by a leftie
Note the Jewish last name. Only a Jew would try to propagandize students like this. This is third world behavior. Jews really don't belong in white civilization. They can't do rules-based society, law and order, rule of law, one standard for all, etiquette and social norms, personal restraint, etc. They do whatever serves themselves or the tribe in the moment, shit on everybody and everything else.
This me me should be retired.
Good job
Even CNN ain't that retarded
Do you not know about Pan-Slavism? The KuK would have been overran by Slavs anyway, even Hitler thought so; it was doomed to fail
Incredibly underrated post
fix me lmao
You sadistic fuck
I feel like this was made by a leftist who thought I would be pissed off and not save it to display unironic national pride.
>no knowledge of historic events
>WW1 pickhelm
$20 say this was made by some leftist faggot on twatter
got me
but I have one
what now
jesus christ
But we are red skinned.
Big if true
And not laying more blame on the autist Bismarck.