Tick Tock, Gunfags. Gen Z will finally be the ones to end your second amendment.
Tick Tock, Gunfags. Gen Z will finally be the ones to end your second amendment
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Okay, good luck with that!
I would love to see the Constitution amended.
Just know all of those kids you're ignoring are going to be voting soon. There is going to be a progressive wave in your country like you won't believe. Better be ready to hand them all in, stupid American.
if god wills it Gen Z will be the one that will put a bullet through your face
Not on Trumps watch, faggot.
Oh, btw... have fun with all your Muslims.
That's what this is really about, right?
You're pissed that in the next ten years your country will be mostly Muslims, your women will get raped, your economy destroyed, your culture becomes Middle Eastern... wow, you got a lot of misplaced hate. Anyway, have fun losing everything.
Gen Z is the most progressive, anti-gun generation ever. Not gonna happen.
Stop scapegoating Muslims; the overwhelming vast majority of Muslims are good people.
this, Gen Z is based af, at least here in Spain
No chance in hell. They will gay themselves out of existance before that. *spits*
Do you want world war z? This is how you get a world war z
The ruling class prefers their slaves unarmed.
You mean Gen Z will call 2/3rds of the states' legislative branches together, propose a constitutional amendment that nullifies the second, then get 3/4ths of states' legigislative branches to approve it?
Good luck.
Did you convert to Islam yet?
>Gen Z is the most progressive, anti-gun generation ever. Not gonna happen.
>Gen Z is the most progressive, anti-gun generation ever.
>Gen Z is the most anti-gun
>Gen Z is progressive
someone post the gen z graph for this retarded nigger
Same in my hood in US. Guns, projected energy weapons, are not going away.
BAN ASSAULT FRIES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This shit again. lol.
Not going to happen. It just won't. You can post about it on Cred Forums or Reddit or wherever. You can make videos about it on Youtube. Fill up Facebook and Twitter with earnest declarations of the next generations intent to disarm Americans. It isn't going to happen.
Here's why: 10% of the American population is not you. This small 10% equates to about 30 million people. 30 million people who refuse to relinquish their firearms. It could be more than 10%, it could be less. But those people will fight you tooth and nail. They are willing to die to prevent what you want to do. Are you personally willing to die to see them disarmed? No, of course not. You want the police and military that you hate and sneer at and despise to take their guns. You will run out of men with guns trying to take guns before you can take all the guns. And sure as shit, your punk, coward ass isn't going to die for gun confiscation.
>290k favorites on this tweet
The tide is turning, progunners.
I am Gen-Z (I am 18) and in my generation, the silent majority are Right Wing. Even my qt nerd girlfriend is right wing. Its just the loud mouths that are left-wing.
TL;DR Wishful thinking sand-nigger
Be ready to see america vote RED in the following election, for the year they try to grab the guns, all blue gun grabers will be hiding in secret annex and basements or will be rotting in mass graves.
Greeting from Canada. You can take them from our cold dead hands.
>Last years photo from the Ottawa division
Here in England, even my Nerd Girlfriend is Right-wing, Doesn't support race mixing and cares about the economy.
Anyone who has seen the Manifestos over here votes right.
208K on this one. Public opinion is just not on your side, Cred Forums
0/10 bait, needed more sage
>short hair
>temple prostitute
Yup that woman is on a mission to hell
>looks like bait fren
>this is a right wing generation
Wow, 524K Favorites on this anti-gun video and one of the most liked tweets of all time. You people are in the fringe.
russian bots pfft
>of a population of 300 million
maybe kids will stop complaining, expecting things to be handed to them, and will learn how to be industrious, no law prevent determination and free will
Is the traffic on Cred Forums so slow that people keep responding to obvious bait threads?
50k likes and jesus will cure your brain cancer
Sure. That' why anti-gun politicians have so much power in the USA.
Oh wait. They don't outside of hardcore liberal enclaves like California. Even Canadian politicians are reticent to increase gun control.
Yeah, I bet that poll was done in a liberal collage or some nigger city like London or LA. Silent majority man.
>Most conservative generation
>end 2nd amendment
So, are you just retarded?
Also, Bisexuality doesn't mean left wing. Being left wing means being left wing.
Gen z is also eating tide pods and don’t know which bathroom to use.
Antifa fags are gen z.
Please faggots come for the guns door to door. Please.
It's over.
same in lithuania , at least for the boys
girls are still whores tho
Joseph McCarthy did nothing wrong.
U.S has a population of 300 million.
Your numbers are literally nothing
Honestly why is low quality spammed shit like this even tolerated anymore?
Sage and report.
Doubles confirm
I'll believe it when it happens. Until then, gun control gets destroyed on the federal level and most states don't even tolerate that nonsense.
Don't you get tired of making these threads every hour?
Gender has never defined a person in the history of the universe. A person is defined by their actions. Fuck, these kids are functionally retarded.
Our children are being used as weapons by the enemies of the state in an information war. Any attempt to take guns should be met with ruthless opposition.
This wasn't a scientific poll, dipshit.
What scientific polls are you using?
>Hurr twitter likes means we win
Assuming all of those likes are both real people and Americans (they're not, the statistical likelihood of both being true is astronomical) only 0.17% of Americans liked that post.
Sage goes in all fields for Shill threads/demoralization tactics /concern-trolls ... this is sliding a thread with critical information
(((Public opinion))) aka what the Jew controlled corporate media wants you to think. Get gassed fucking kike.
Deaths in mass shootings also skyrocketed after the AWB expiration.
Your retarded party and ideology is so fucked
>Meme flag
If you must reply remember not to bump. Try reporting the thread instead.
so your retweets on shitty social media means more than polls ?
How delusional do you have to be to think that your right to own a lead shooter takes priority over a child's right to attend school?
>Sample size of 1.2million vs sample size of 80,000
THIS! Get rid of these things.
there were no school shooting in 60s , why?
nigger were not so niggers , didnt have rap music , gang culture
ban niggers and then we can think about banning guns
Doesn't really look like it. Looks to me like it's fairly consistent. Would you care to perform statistical analysis on it? How about on over homicide rates over the last 3 decades? Or would that just destroy your argument?
Gen Z has developed in porn since they were kids. Of course they're going to like traps or tomboys.
Thanks you sirs.
that 1.2mil of yours has probably about 5 percent of people from generation z
more kids die in America every year being backed over in their own driveways than die in shootings
In the U.S., 50 children are backed over EVERY WEEK because a driver could not see them.
Every year, thousands of children are killed or seriously injured because a driver backing up didn’t see them. A backover incident typically takes place when a car is backing out of a driveway or parking space.
Not before civil war 2.0 knocks brownies back into the dirt where they belong. Marxist Jews.
Despite gen z being the most conservative generation since world war 2....okay, sure.
>Said the increasingly nervous white man for the 50th time this year
Your time is up.
>meme flag
>12 posts by this ID
its not the constitution that grants the right to bare arms. It is baring those arms which grants the right.
Well come and take them then. Or are you going to send people with guns to try and take them first? I guess guns are good, as long as they're fulfilling your own political agenda.
Australia, stop triggering newfriends already
Hand them in? Jeez rabbi, you really are dumb. I, and many other Americans, are not handing in shit.
You may take our guns from our cold dead hands. Like I said, good luck with that.
>moving goalpost argument
Dude what a fucking crybaby. All of these people ought to get gassed. All people die. Some people are insane. That is life.
Fucking coddled cocksucking niggers don't realize how fucking luxurious and comfortable life is in the first world. Most of the rest of the world is a brutal hellhole. Even homeless people here live better than most emperors from history. These kids encounter the actual realities of life that their civilization shields them from and they burst into emotional tantrums. They are so self important too. "They will write about us in the history books!" You're some bald Mestizo cunt with a 65 IQ. Ban guns and nutjobs will just use homemade bombs which will probably end up killing way more people anyway. I can't believe anybody is taking this screaming child seriously. I am ashamed of my nation.
He certainly did not. I remember (((McCarthyism))) being propagandized at me in public school. Those commies always trotted it out as a horrible thing.
thx bruhfam
Fucking Canadian. I want that svt. Democrat importation bans on Russian weapons have made what should be a ~400 dollar gun cost upwards of 1500. Gib me cheap gun plz. I trade you
Is that a VZ there too?
Thinking of getting one. What's the Mosin like also?
>liberal spic whining about the Constitution
This is what a fifth column looks like.
You don't have a right to someone else's labor
I'm GenX - raised in a feminist boomer household.
I was told about how bad McCarthy was and what not.
Over a decade later I studied Communism.
As where I was blind, now I see.
That's a VZ alright, great gun, lots of fun. Accurate for the ammo, and definitely reliable. My Mosin on the other hand, well I'm probably a little biased but it's fun to pull the trigger but it doesn't hit shit. Probably because the front site post is fucked up.
Fun guns, though stripping and reassembly are a pain. I'll consider a trade if you meet me at the border with a high quality FAL or AK74. Currently they're around $800 or so because there aren't any new ones coming into the country anymore.
>a child's right to attend school
Not a protected civil liberty in the Bill of Rights.
Go fuck yourself.
50% of all gun crime is committed by niggers.
Ban niggers and leave our civil liberties alone.
Oh wait.
You're a Eurofag.
Go fuck yourself.
>I hope those little kids do our job for us since we're way too weak and retarded
the actual state of being a lib
Come and take em
>ak74 or fal
Both of those go for about 1500+ here too lol. There's a false inflation on ak74s for some reason, and fals are just that expensive. This is also here in az, where guns are not cucked.
Well thats just fucking retared its not gonna stop shit if we ban guns people will want them more and find many other ways to get them
>implying they'll get off their asses and actually vote
Sure, but they're available to you. They're outright prohibited in Canada because "muh scary death machines" even though we have alternatives to most of them that are legal. M14=go ahead, FAL=pas bon.
>FAL or AK74
Ain't these prohibited up here?
> gimme dat dere FN FAL
How is the NRA responsible for these mass shootings?
Why don't they ever blame the manufactures? Watching this has made me realize we need to raise the voting age to 26
They're preventing the passage of laws that would stop the shootings by paying off feckless politicians.
That's why I want to trade for one. Pain in the ass to buy in the states but if someones willing to trade then it makes things easier for me.
NRA donates far less to campaigns than all the anti-gun lobbyists do. It's just not politically advantageous to be anti-gun.
>paying off
how? the nrra has less money than bloomberg
Internet votes don't mean shit.
It's literally how David Brock became so powerful in Washington -- fooling people into believing there was support for a cause when there wasn't.
It's fuckin' bots.
AIPAC is more concerning than the NRA
Didn't you know that more people are murdered every year with hammers than ar-15's? More people get beat to death with fists, yes fists, as the weapon than ar-15's. stupid fucking communist
In the hyper-partisan environment where it appears Republicans and Democrats are always at each other’s throats, it is easy to forget that both respond to what’s at the fore of the national dialogue the same way: they do whatever they believe is the most politically expedient thing to do.
This inevitably results in knee-jerk, reactionary policy decisions that are more responsive to the media elite and special interests than the American voter.
Forget it. These kids are in one of like 6 blue counties in all of Florida. There's a couple in the panhandle, Orange county and the one below it, and the three down by Ft. Lauderdale and Miami. That's it. All the super left wingers in Florida are contained in those areas.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little red? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cred Forumsack’s finest brigade, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Antifa, and I have over 300 confirmed redpills. I am trained in autistic warfare and I’m the top shitposter in the entire Cred Forums board. You are nothing to me but just another shill. I will wipe you the fuck out with redpilling the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, commie. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of autists across Cred Forums and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, you shill. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, pinko. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can troll you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in slide thread exposing, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Cred Forums and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” reply was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn sheep. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Goldstein.
>progressive wave
Meanwhile, back in reality....
Good thing minorities will soon outnumber whites in your country.
Will you be collecting them personally?
progressive wave...won't be any such wave because these little shits will all get gunned down before they can vote, remember?
check again faggot
What makes you think I care about that kid. All I have to worry about is my family and they will be protected how I see fit.
you know that those whites will put a bullet in your head before you take their guns
oh and this
tick tock
no they fucking wont
they cant have an anarchocommunist revolution without guns
thats what they want right?
Whites make up 66% of native born births, if we end immigration whites will still be the majority.
from an NYT article earlier this week.
“The administration’s focus is not random. Nor is it illogical, if one’s goal is to maximize the influence of white people. Since the passage of the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act, the chromatic composition of the country’s population has undergone a fundamental transformation. People of color used to make up 12 percent of the United States population in 1965, and that percentage has more than tripled over the past several decades to the point where nonwhite people are nearly 39 percent of the residents of the United States (it is no accident that the country’s first African-American president was elected when he was elected). Mr. Trump’s team understands that the specific laws it seeks to eliminate have played a significant role in that demographic revolution.
Most people would probably like to believe that the era of widespread public support for white supremacist policies is over, but you wouldn’t know it from the timidity and rhetorical reticence of progressive and Democratic leaders.
The big-picture reality of this moment is that Mr. Trump is too late. His attempts to make America whiter are doomed to fail because the demographic revolution is now irreversible. The driving force of the browning of America is no longer immigration but birth and death rates. A majority of babies being born are of color, and a majority of people dying are white. Whites are already a minority of all children under age 5, so if all immigration ceased tomorrow, the country is still inexorably on a path to a new multiracial reality.”
That includes ALL births, including ones born to immigrants. If you only include babies born to parents who were born in America, whites make up 66%.
Wrong. Gen Z loves FPS games and loves shooting up schools apparently and the white males feel as if they are under attack by every race and gender but their own.
Never going to happen! These boys want their guns more than any other generation.
Lefties eternally BTFO forever. Gun culture wins again, and again.
You will need 38 states to do that. Good luck with that
Yeah, Gen Z will be the first generation to print their guns and keep them clandestinely like criminals do rather than boasting about their off-the-shelf A-15.
BWAHAHAHAH! Interesting why GenZ is trying to tackle this problem first and not widespread Corruption like Putin is tackling and for that reason is able to stay in power for so long? Just the other day he jailed few more Officials for misappropiating gov't funds and budget! Hillary and Obama with Lynch and Comey commited act of treason against American people and you faggots (genZ) don't give a shit! But MAH GUNS! But MAH GEN IS MOST CONSERVATIVE! Yeah, sure, little twerps, grow those things you call peckers first. Seriously, want to be the ones that enact large changes? Start with CORRUPTION!
good thing niggers and wetbacks are a small fraction of the population. otherwise the US would become a communist state, and nobody with a brain still in their head would want that
Not any time soon. There is also the factor that white people realize our majority is threatened, and we are now determined to stay a majority in our country. Add some government and tax incentives to having nuclear families and we are golden my friend.
I got 4 blonde hair blue eyed white kids now, how about you?
Gen Z is pretty conservative based on what I've seen and experienced. Remember when what adults liked was uncool? Now imagine if you are told by adults on tv every single minute that owning guns is bad, you should abort babies, accept those illegal criminals, if you disagree you are a racist, homophobe, bigot, etc. How do you think a group of teenagers will react to that, especially after seeing what that side does with riots and at free speech campaigns? There's a reason Trump won.
That and conservatives tend to have families. Liberals usually don't have kids. No conservative is gonna raise a liberal pussy
The couldn't pass an assault weapons ban under Obama with a democrat controlled congress. What makes you think they can pass gun control under a Republican president and Republican controlled congress?
There will be no new gun control laws any time soon.
yes i'm sure that gen z really appreciates some high testosterone bulldyke mexican bitch telling them they don't deserve rights or freedoms
Elite Greatest Generationals (EGGs) have been, are now, and always will be the biggest threat to any rights of us Hoi polloi.
LOL!! Yeah, okay. Taking gun's from law abiding citizens = Impossible. Unless the Govt wants to drone strike American's by the thousands or millions then NO, aint happening.
Do you understand that if you do a nationwide gun ban, and meth heads armed with an axe, gun, or knife break into your home, apt etc, that you will literally have to put your life in the hands of your phone, it's battery/ connection, and the response time and competence of the Police?
Wake up at night, realize people are in your house, one is coming up stairs to where your bedroom is, you hear one of them say "you take the gun, I'll use the knife". Better hope you can get to you phone in time, better hope that after you get to your phone they don't kill you, then rape your wife and daughter.
FUCK THAT.. I'll defend myself fuckface.
based Lithuania
Niggers and spics won't give up their guns either you faggot.
What is going on with Florida?
im a good dad i taught all 4 of my daughters how to shoot my lapau338 im like you never know when you need to reach out and shoot someone like sjws i told them only to use the AR15s for CQB battles when needed and use the tact 870 12g for home defence.
puerto ricans.
It is invaded by leftist cubans, puerto ricans, and mexicans.
This is the only reason why democrats are pro open borders. Most people who they are letting in are leftists.
Who cares about spics and niggers killing themselfs.
That sound you're hearing is your own pathetic heartbeat banging out of your chest. It's not a clock.
Drugs. Florida was never really a place meant for raising kids and whatnot. It's a place for old people to retire, and people to visit theme parks and whatnot.
When you actually live there, after a few times at the beach, and after a few times at Orlando Studios, D-Land etc., you realize there aint shit to do in Florida. Florida is has the worst statewide economy in all the US, it's almost broke. It's hot, humid, bugs, and like I said once you have hit the beach a few times, and spent hundreds of dollars at Orlando Studios, Disneyland, Six Flags etc, you come to the realization that aside from spending money on the parks, or going to the beach, there is nothing else.
All the old people who retired there from up north are fucking assholes, heavily medicated on Pain Pills, Viagra, or Anti Depressants, so it's pretty miserable there. Beautiful as fuck, but miserable
Yeah nigga come to the south and try to take our guns.
if every cop in the us was sent out to one home. just one home en masse throughout
>USA the turner diaries will become real
OP is a faggot.
Try taking the rifle from a former Army or Marine Sniper, watch what happens.
Can't wait until they start accusing rural states like Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Vermont, and Montana of "holding urban states hostage" when they try to repeal the 2nd amendment. They will NEVER reach 38 state signatures.
Well, OP also doesn't realize how small government really is, I mean aside from Military and all. My city PD only has 223 cops. That's it. County PD has 161. That's it.
It will never get enough votes in congress. They couldn't find enough votes even under the democrat controlled congress when Obama was president. They had years to attempt to pass this shit and didn't.
Far less than 1% of the population is police.
Less than 1% is military as well, including reserves.
Yet something like 30-40% of Americans own firearms. It is impossible to know the exact number because most states don't require registration or licenses. This is intentional. You can't confiscate them if you don't even know where they are in the first place.
Not only this but a huge portion of the police and military is pro gun and would defect. The government would be totally incapable of confiscating firearms.
>leftist cubans
Yeah you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
The only correct statements in this post involve drugs and retirement. Florida is a big-league contender when it comes to engineering, healthcare, higher education, real estate, and of course tourism. I have no idea how you could type a post this long and manage for it to be this fucking stupid.
This largely alongside with some central american immigration.
living in florida (especially where i live) the people are so old you cant even believe they can survive, the humidity is overwhelming, pretty much nobody knows how to drive and the old people shouldnt even own a fucking car, my dad has walked out of publix and seen old people die on the spot. literally right next to the middle and highschool a fucking drug store is just around the corner, and most black people act like they are in a fucking gang and all they do is *gang sign gang sign ooga booga "fuck a nigga bitch" if you didnt realize florida is not meant for living and should be americas national cemetery at this point
>Yeah you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I know many cubans are right wing because they escaped communist cuba, but plenty are still leftists, I've met many of them. I think it comes from the fact they tend to hang out with latino communities and are brainwashed by the groupthink of other brown skinned people.
Because I lived there shit for brains. I lived there for roughly 13 years, then got the fuck out. As a teen there was (fuck all) to do, aside from drugs, drink, nada.
The state is broke, it's fucking broke guy. Aside from Medical, Legal
THIS. Completely fucking true! 100%. Lived there 13 years, was the hottest, most humid miserable years of my life. No basements in mostly all of Florida because of the sea level. Worst drivers out of the whole US even San Fran, DC and NY. Swamps, Bugs, Fire Ants, Hurricanes, Daily Rain, Drugs Drugs Drugs, gangs
every kid I've ever met under 20 absolutely jumps at the chance to go out to the shooting range. I live in an area with probably a 3/1 guns to people ratio and there has been one gun crime in the last 30 years. and it was a domestic dispute over drugs that could have happened anywhere. fuck this out of touch "we don't need rights" bullshit
We ought to have some very mild gun reform to ensure background checks and ban bump stocks. If we continue the way things are going, next time dems get in office we may see severe gun restrictions. As a gun owner, I do not want that.
It's not my fault you chose to live in a college town and two large cities. Of course that's going to suck ass. I'm on the south end of the bay and life is as comfy as it gets.
Where are you at in Florida? That sounds like an odd mix. We have a bunch of older people in the area too but it isn't nearly as bad as you make it seem, and the older people tend to avoid living in areas with blacks.
>Gen Z
Lmao they never get off their phones or quit listening to their pop-rap. They're harmless.
Of course a Gonzalez trying to change the laws of the land
In catalonia people continue to be like feminist zombies
imagine if the niggers in your area invaded their police station lmfao
Kikes are making these school shootings to thrive gun controll. ((they)) wan't to strip you people from weapons for some future plan.
Bump stocks are for fags anyway. There is nothing in the way of "gun control" that can be done to make things any better. As it stands, I have to be 21 or older to buy a Semi-Auto AR-15, plus a 3 day wait on my background check. For a regular pistol I have to also be 21 and it's a NICS background check. Aside from Shotguns and bolt actions, most have to be purchased at 21 or older.
between Sarasota and fort Myers on the west coast
Port Charlotte?
I would pay to see this civil war go down just to watch liberals get ripped apart by asymmetrical warfare.
CNN has been parading that El Goblino incessantly.
Fucking commies getting airtime, when will the mainstream media get the firing squad?
>Gen Z
It will be none-whites of voting age of all living generations any time after 2028. Gen Z will actually be full of rightwing whites who want to preserve the constitution but they'll be irrelevant due to the fact that it won't matter how they vote.
Outstanding. You are familiar with Asymmetrical Warfare.
Most of the guys who were in the Asymmetrical Warfare unit in the Army were either SF (Special Forces) or (Army Snipers).
(tips kevlar to you good sir)
>Cred Forums doesn't realize that all other constitutional rights have limits on them
>Cred Forums thinks banning military weapons from dipshit civilians is an infringement on their "right"
It's made even funnier by the fact that the second amendment is a collective right -- not an individual right.
Read Locke
t. sargay
Kill yourself nigger shill. GenZ is the generation I count on to purge the land from the muds and shitskins
good fucking luck taking all the guns away. will never fucking happen.
You sound like some british kid I saw arguing this point in a podcast the other day.
Clearly 100% soy diet, guy looked about as fit as a dying 80 year old.
>report to (((mods)))
>Gen Z is the most progressive, anti-gun generation ever. Not gonna happen.
Maybe in west Baghdad
it'll be amusing.
overrun with jews and spics.
Tell that to the SCOTUS ruling that says 2A is an individual right. When you overturn that, then you can make that statement.
Yes, keep believing the (((polls))) good goy