Why does Cred Forums ignore that he said this?
Why does Cred Forums ignore that he said this?
Other urls found in this thread:
4th dimensional chess
I eat babies and pray to Satan -- Hilary Clinton
that was 20 years ago. who cares?
Op thinks Cred Forums existed in 1998. Cred Forums wasn't even invented until 2003.
I like this quote.
Hes not a company man
Nice try shill
debunked in like 2015
Really makes you think.
I was going to post this
why do you ignore that it is not about anything at all but cock blocking frustrating and spiting the left? trump could do about anything and we would not care as long as the left gets assmad and crybaby about it
leave these hallowed halls LIBERAL SCUM!
Seeing as its been confirmed this quote is fake and gay, yeah I typically ignore this.
Oldfag here,you're an obvious shill because Cred Forums was a lefty board back in '98
I'm embarrassed for the dog. My dog wouldn't have a human like that.
based, I would've done it even if he said that
Pol didn't exist in 1998
>the joke
>your head
Digg and Shoutwire were far more popular back then, no one even heard of pol, Trump's a time traveling visionary
pre-9/11 and pre-internet quotes about politics and society dont really apply to the modern day
Its a fake quote you dumb fucks. At least google it.
>There are people here who think OP wasn't parodying lefties who believed the original meme where he said he'd make dumb republicans to vote for him.
and they say the left can't meme
that's satire you absolute retards
>google it
because the fucking date didn't tip you off?
The underlying joke that I don't think you all get is that even the original of this picture is fake.
Reddit 4 life
>Cred Forums
lay off the bong
>Trump have ever said this
That never happened, faggot.
>Cred Forums made in 2003
just stop
Fake quote. That was supposedly said on Oprah, yet there's no clip of him saying it.