Devs Feb 16 >N Homs:de-escalation agreement collapses, opp calls on turkish army help >Afrin:Turkish forces capture 2 new villages >Yarmouk:IS captures 2 new neighborhoods from HTS >Report:Turkey resumes financial support for FSA&Ahrar al-sham in N sy to replace US aid that was cut >Report:Reconnaissance unit of SAA entered Afrin >YPG accuses Turkish army of gas attack on village in Afrin, 6 injured >Tillerson confirms USA will stand with Turkey against "terrorism" >YPG spox welcomes the SAA into Afrin to help protect the Kurds from Turks >Bukamal:IS attacks & captures 2 SAA positions around the city >Military sources:Troops started to arrive in E Ghouta >Sources report that YPG is withdrawing from the E cs of DeZ, handing it over to the Deir Ezzor Military Council >Afrin; FSA captures town of Kudah Kuwih and Balilko hills, Turkish troops are attempting to cut off Rajo city from other areas >Pro-gov sources; Militant sleeper agent belonging to an unknown faction attempts assassination of 3 top Tiger Forces commanders >Rebels in N Hama fire several missiles at Mhardeh Power Plant, leaving millions on the Sy coast without power
=== NGO’s and hybrid warfare: === WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade - Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria - === /sg visits Army 2017 - Aleppobro takes pix for /sg - muh gas - === Thread reminder to watch Threads.
>Turkish army is bombarding the center of district Rajo
looks like they'll attack it soon, lads.
Liam Baker
>thousands of pakis fighting in Saudi Arabia
For the love of god somebody please stop this. The Pakis are worse than Saudi Arabia.
Is this just a muslim blood factory for the eternal hebrew?
Cameron Foster
sometimes I feel like the quality of footage is shittier than during WWII. We get shitty shaky cell phone footage that's compressed to to a 0.000135 Mbps bitrate. In WW2 you had big mounted cameras with good optics.
Alexander Lopez
Rate oc
Gavin Cook
what did he mean by this
Luke Hernandez
>GG Allin >microdicked poop-loving degenerate
Robert Howard
Yeah but that WW2 footage was often staged and used over and over again, in this war we have go pro footage and hundreds of drone / anti-tank missile footage, ofc quality > quantity but its still a lot.
Oliver Campbell
kek, quality rescaling
Jace Gomez
>conflict escalates
Will /sg/ become great again?
Ethan Edwards
Adrian James
>go to concert >microdick naked fat autisti starts fighting people and shitting on the floor >it's the musician gg allin and his fans were a mistake
Eli Powell
Liam Foster
Cheers. I recently watched one of them. Bashar Jafari is such a cool, dignified guy.
Ryan Myers
thx almost looks like mattis
Ian Kelly
/ksag/ when?
Zachary Harris
Where did the article say Paki are fighting in Saudi Arabia?
Lincoln Peterson
No problem familia, figured someone was gonna post the list eventually so it might as well be me.
Christopher Hernandez
he meant that he is both a cancerous influence on the world and riddled with a virulent form of siphilus that will destroy those who associate with him. he is an inveterate liar, conman and criminal fraudster. the only reason god does not strike him down is fear of contamination.
that is what he meant. and that iran has made him wear his brown safety underpants every day.
Jace Hall
S O O N . . .
Jaxon Thomas
I don't why, but the part that's making me lose it is the spanish subtitling.
Jackson Fisher
Perhaps he was referring to what I said in the FNR, given the military stated they'd stay within KSA's borders, but in fact KSA isn't entirely in control of their nation.
Joseph Edwards
>FSA forces captured Dervish Ubasi village in Western Rajo. A female YPG militant was captured by FSA forces.
Colton Sanchez
what the fuck
Samuel Watson
disgusting weeb
Evan Ramirez
there definetly is more footage. If you consider all the unpublished because classified shit a few orders of magnitude more. Not only all the footage of the jets, also all the drone reconaissance. I bet a single RQ 4 can create more video footage in a week than what we have of WW2.
>only three weeks These people should have never gone to war.
Nicholas Cook
I'm not sure if you're larping, but if they died fighting the Turks,
F, unironically.
Matthew Collins
1231238129th time YPG made a deal with SAA for Afrin.
Ayden Butler
Jason Ward
G'night familia Enjoy the gains, more news soon. It's been a weird couple of days for me but it's always nice to come back here.
Zachary Ortiz
S to shit in grave T to tfu on it F to flip it off U to urinate on it
Aiden Clark
I don't get it, why did Putin anounced the end of this war just a while ago if they are still fighting? what changed?
Ryder Gomez
if they joined those commies at the risk of their life then they're unironically poofter cunts
Hudson Long
Caleb White
Good night, FamiliAnon.
Hudson Thompson
did you feel a connection, anzac?
Jace Miller
>MOROCCAN ARMY TO INCREASE OUTPOSTS ON ALGERIAN BORDER I don't get the games between the Royal and Algerian army. It's not like there's much happening around the borders apart from weed smugglers.
Indeed, and this is one of the first wars where non-state actors can easily analyze military strategies and political maneuvers in real time. The era of "open data" wars? Seems like this really began in Ukraine.
This seems to be characteristic of countries that are relatively developed and have an educated/internet-savvy population: you don't see this much footage coming from African warfare.
Aaron Gonzalez
it won't be the most brutal fighting they'll end up getting green bussed and we all bloody we all know it
Juan Bell
>anounced the end of this war he announced that isis is over, well at least as an state organization.
Jordan Robinson
goodnight, frens
Connor Ward
Good night mate. Thanks for the news
Grayson Hall
>German Goo Girls
Jackson Ross
Amen to that
Easton Roberts
>BRUDDAS >maghresoi starting to use the Ugandan Knuckles meme long after it died
David Rivera
to long for a sigle webm with 3MB file limit and most of it doesn't work without sound
also get webm for retards, it's the most idiot friendly ffmpeg wrapper out there
Anthony Murphy
Well, I didn't deny that they are poofter cunts, I'm sure they are. but to say that it doesn't make up for killing Turk cunts is a little bit obtuse. no offense.
Adam Williams
I just liked the snipah video. > they'll end up getting green bussed Duh. >also get webm for retards, I have it, I'm just feelan lazy.
Jack Brown
he had a moderately cool moustache, i hate when people with moustaches die i don't know why.
Landon Howard
Nice Merrell moabs
Bentley Barnes
but isis is not over, or is it?
Christian Williams
>implying they actually killed anyone
Aaron Bailey
Didn't the initial report said there were only 2 ? The Spaniard and frenchy?? I read that a guy from holland died in DeZ
Asher Lewis
hit and runs, ambushes and IED's are what they're limited to, as well has attacking rebels
Justin Jackson
Both need to give Poland money for reparations.
Joshua Fisher
If only it wasn't all so terrible to watch.
Watching entire lines of armor cruise into a city without infantry support at the start of the war nearly gave me a brain aneurysm.
Luke Gomez
Hey guys memba her? she got sentenced to 6 years in iraq prison. I hope she stays there, but i doubt she will face the full time. she will probably be released much earlier
Luis Gutierrez
No. I'm not Left wing, but credit to where credit's due.
Am I really the only one on /sg/ that hates the Turkish army?
Justin Ross
Thanks for the update. Sad she didn't get the death penalty.
Charles Torres
I hate turks in general
Liam Barnes
>not hating both Turks and Kurds equally
Jayden Rodriguez
i do it with my calvary on rtw all the time
Nathaniel Bell
>Am I really the only one on /sg/ that hates the Turkish army? Their army specifically?maybe Plenty of people who aren't exactly a fan of turkey tho
Luke Carter
why not hanged? I thought that's what they do with them
Jace Bell
she'll be released after the whole prison's had a go and a guard cracks her skull open
Jackson Thompson
Michael James
>Am I really the only one on /sg/ that hates the Turkish army?
Geopolitics goes beyond mindless pure hatred. /sg/ is playing it's role. If Jews went publicly around insulting everyone they hated they would not be influential as they are now.
Liam Russell
Chase Martin
german autisitic girl who got married to an ISIS recruiter. husband is kill, she got shot in the leg in Raqqa
Jordan Williams
only reason to hate on turks is if we fucked your father/mother at some point in history. and it is probably true considering the flags here.
Logan Ward
Poorly trained armies plagued with corruption are a plague in the Middle East. Hopefully the war has managed to purge the outdated nepotism and conscription-based arab army scheme and will push them to form real, professional armed forces.
A prime example is the concept of shock troops for asymmetrical warfare, as incarnated by the tiger forces.
Nolan Edwards
as a country yes but not as an insurgency
Samuel Anderson
> #SAA artillery preparation fire is currently targeting insurgent positions in #AinTerma, #BeitSawa and #Mesraba. #EastGhouta offensive will prob. commence soon.
Ryder Brooks
try looking at maps from 2014
Carson Taylor
Goddamn towelheads abusing poor German mentally impaired girl.
Matthew Harris
So when will the offensive to retake Ghouta begin? Tomorrow at dawn?
That convoy was more than twice the size of the offensives that liberated Aleppo and Eastern Syria(before crossing the Euphrates at least)
John Hughes
shias cucking out again
Wyatt Wright
I like your smoking animu images.
Grayson Smith
I understand they will be over soon then
Levi Scott
Redpill me on what the FUCK is happening in Afrin, lads? I've been out of the loop for six months. Apparently USA is abandoning YPG and tFSA is attacking Rojava?
Christian Walker
Yeah the dutch man (Sjoerd Heeger, nom de geurre Baran Sason) died allegedly from a "car bomb" yesterday, in Syria, in DeZ governorate
Jordan Sullivan
be real, she's not going to survive an iraqi jail
Robert Nguyen
Hang her high
Samuel Wood
>I hate turks in general >is bulgar
Don't hate yourself, you should love yourself.
Anthony Scott
roaches are al-babbing afrin, manbitch soon - t. spurdojuan
Levi Lewis
german teen girl who went rouge and joined isis. Married some chechen fighter and got catched in the ruins of mosul, in the last days of isis there
Jose Gray
well thats the usual punishment, but it looks like she's getting a jail term in Iraq. honestly, the hanging would have been quicker, she'll die in prison
>lack of self reflection; the post It's almost like people dislike your country for producing cancerous diaspora, being a cancer in syria or other various reasons
SAA formations assigned to the operation Tiger Forces Division; 14th Special Forces Division; 1st Armored Division; 4th Mechanized Division; 9th Armored Division; Republican Guard 104th Brigade; Republican Guard 105th Brigade; and Republican Guard 106th Brigade. Source:
Daniel Sullivan
never gets old
Jason Davis
just some cheeky banter m8. also you are the last person to accuse someone for being cancer.
Xavier Reyes
>tfw foua might never be reached
Angel Campbell
I have no clue what the fuck it means.
Oliver Sullivan
It's been over for them for some time now.
Dominic Anderson
it's like "viva" in Spanish
Charles Anderson
I'm fond of the pepe version.
Ethan Torres
>I understand they will be over soon then >he doesn't know ISIS/ISI has been announced "defeated" several times ago and still always became stronger than ever before short time after. The reasons that made ISIS/ISI become that strong are still here, so a military defeat won't make them disappear
Matthew Miller
ok? >also you are the last person to accuse someone for being cancer. And why is that?
Leo Gutierrez
you mean the taliban?
Isaiah Flores
Sweet, this is the kind of detailed info I like to see
Jose Foster
I don't smoke, but it undeniably has a great aesthetic.
USA never really protected YPG in Afrin apart from smuggling weapons in, so they're facing a semi-competent military opponent for the first time without being able to call 5 airstrikes per second. The disillusion was strong, especially amongst foreign recruits.
Ian Perry
yeah, it's a classic, the crying roach wojak makes it
Kevin Hughes
Both germany and jews worldwide owe Poland like six trillion shekels
Mason Ortiz
Sleep tight.
Anthony Butler
idk, but i am pretty sure you guys did horrible things in certain places on earth
Tyler Ward
That's a nice Slav. It would be a shame airstrike were to hit them :)
Michael Fisher
why do these ypg women let themselves get captured by turks/rebels? surely they know they're gonna get raped excessively
Ethan Walker
ISIS / rebels in general. The Talaban will probably maintain their insurgency for the next 100 years, tbqh.
Lincoln Powell
Rwanda, mate.
Matthew Diaz
Well, the meme itself is funny.
Most of the ones exposed to it are normies pretending to be edgelords.
Dominic Williams
Guy is more pretty than this disgusting fem kurd.
Charles Jackson
>oh no the huwyte man didnt stop negros rom chopping eachother up with machetes 30 years after their independence wew
William Evans
here are fresh dev's lads... exceeding 460 characters so the great trimming of dev's shall start when I finish updating maps.. .will all be ready before fresh bread
Devs Feb 18 >E Ghouta:Tiger forces start massive artillery barrage against jihadists defense lines in Masraba,Ayn Tarma&Beit Sawa >Kurdish media:SAA will enter Afrin following deal with Kurdish militia >IS traps US-backed forces in counter attack in Al-Bahra village >Afrin:TFSA capture Al-Muhammadiyah >Kurdish fighter claims Turkey using napalm, chlorine in Afrin operation >Kurdish foces attack HQ of Turkish Army in S Turkey, claim several soldiers&TFSA fighters killed >Netanyahu:Israel is readyto 'act'against Iran if 'necessary'-while hovering piece of Iranian drone >Iran's response:Israel is using aggression as a policy, responsible for mass reprisals against its neighbor’s, daily incursions into Syria and Lebanon.In the last days the so-called invincibility Of Israel has crumbled >Turkey denies using chemical weapons in Afrin >Kurds lose 2 European fighters in battle with TFSA >IS pocket in Homs-DeZ desert becomes a big problem following due to constant raids and ambush attacks.SAA Gen. Jamal Razuk died in an ambush >New Al-Qaeda affiliate group by the name of Jaysh al-Malaheem has appeared in Syria >Turkey extradites high ranking ISIS commander to Iraq >Turkish PM:Turkey is fighting terrorism, not waging war in Syria >Syrian Army foils terrorist infiltration from Lebanon >Unconfirmed:Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham preparing to merge to be called called Jabhat Tahrir Souriya >Houthi forces strike Saudi Army positions in the Jizan Region >Taliban attacks gov forces in SE Afghanistan killing 5. Afghan Air Force conducted several strikes on talibans in Farah prov >IS strikes back in Sinai, claims several army vehicles destroyed
Leo Gutierrez
But seriously when is the E Ghouta offensive going to begin?
Landon Sullivan
Assad should retake Antioch, modern syria is descendant of Seleucids
Josiah King
I can't hate them. They're just tools of the government, sacrificed as a means to an end, and an end more shortsighted than the Iraq war.
Misguided and misled, yes, but they took up arms for their country believing fully it was a noble and patriotic cause. I whole heartedly hate the government, but I have to respect the men caught in the storm. I know all too well how easy it is to become entranced by the beat of the war drums.
Kevin Baker
20 mins
Alexander Cruz
>implying they dont intend on being enriched by the bbtc
Cameron Young
what about congo?
Jace Young
Tanks in 30 minutes.
Jeremiah Hall
>but it undeniably has a great aesthetic. Yiss.
Jayden Butler
> In 1919, Belgium inherited the colony as part of a League of Nations mandate, which partitioned German territories after World War I. Belgian colonizers initiated more direct control in Rwanda maintaining an existing political system, which allowed native monarchs to rule over the local populous. This policy intensified ethnic divisions and fueled conflict that lasted into 1990s. >Allowing the existing Tutsi monarchs to exhibit control over the Hutus proved immediately effective, allowing for colonization without a large force of European troops. The Belgians further exploited the Tutsi-Hutu division, lending military and political support to Tutsi leaders who maintained the policies of their colonial rulers. According to the University of Pennsylvania’s African Studies Center, Belgium instituted political and economic reforms in the 1920s and 1930s in hopes of integrating native Rwandans into the political process. However, these policies only served to consolidate power among the Tutsi elite, who controlled much of the country’s resources and intuitions.
Wyatt Garcia
19/02/18, 3:43 am, Sydney time.
Logan Brooks
I miss those days
Noah Hall
Fuck so tanks in 30? Shit so jets in 10 minutes?
Juan Lewis
>Oh, this again? >sips chocalate milk
Ayden Richardson
Are you an Arab by any chance?
Lucas Wilson
>using napalm is illegal
I cant wait for news reports saying just that. I bet they are going to believe that the Kurds actually cleaning themselves is now a chemical attack too.
Thomas Lee
its heating up in palestine lads, anual kike carpet bombing when??
Parker Bennett
Joshua Sullivan
Dylan Hughes
Chase Hall
>I don't smoke, but it undeniably has a great aesthetic. I see you are a man of culture as well.
Dylan Edwards
Goddamnit...this is..disturbing. And coming from me it says something.
Jonathan Ortiz
>The practice of hacking the hands off corpses in the aftermath of punitive expeditions became common as evidence (pièces justificatives) that government supplies had not been misused.[32] When soldiers did misuse their equipment, they cut hands from living people to cover their activities.[33] Photographs of victims, taken by missionaries, were among the most potent propaganda for opponents of Leopold's regime in Belgium and the United Kingdom. Other practices used to force workers to collect rubber were taking women and family members hostage >WE DINDU NOFFINN
Liam Roberts
Not even slightly. White (at least 56%) and Catholic.
Joshua Bennett
>Leopold's regime >regime
Hudson Gomez
>at the time, it was a colony under the personal rule of King Leopold II of Belgium
Dylan Wright
Robert Cook
Levi Edwards
>its fun when people say erdomeme's regime but its not fun when people say someone else's regime
Jace Clark
>muh huwyte guilt kikery Tutsi were the ruling class before >we arrived and they were so after >we arrived But ofcourse all those events 33 years after their independence is our fault >congo >horrible things goyim,i
Connor Cruz
did someone say sip
Ayden Turner
Blake Martinez
post yfw kurds and israel wuz real niggaz the entire time
Oliver Richardson
>400 slavs massacred at oil field hahaha btfo
Samuel Baker
I mean, the guy is only just being nice
Joseph Williams
Belgian goverment was forced to annex congo after he died Glorious ancap times
Kevin Wright
whats with the news of SAA and Afrin? what will the turks do if a deal is made?
John Ramirez
You sounded familiar to an user who was an Arab. >White (at least 56%) I chuckled. Since we started talking, what do you think about Trump?
Benjamin Jones
Love this anime, but I never can review it.
Brandon Bennett
Keep going forward.
Oliver Miller
Colton Evans
Did you realize, that your (non)-country was the worst colonist?
Landon Nguyen
>9999 >welp FFS, I got my locations wrong.
E. Ghouta is the larger FSA pocket NE of Damascus. The one at the SE, will the Tigers steamroll through after wiping out E. Ghouta?
>whats with the news of SAA and Afrin? Still rumours at this point I believe Mountainroach shitting his pants, dog bless twitterwarfare Turks would probably see the SAA controlling Afrin as somewhat of an improvement but as our resident kebabs will tell you, they don't really trust assad on their border with their history with the pkk
Justin Morgan
Jordan Powell
Been a while syrupslurper, at least 2 weeks since Al-Ais if my memory serves me right. There are 5 more to go, according to the Astana/Soçi. Probably the rest of them will be positioned in Southern/Southernwest of Idlibistan in a clockwise manner, and Tigahs will be forever denied of their rebel blood. Such is the life in the zone.
Devs Feb 18 >E Ghouta:Tiger forces start massive artillery barrage against jihadists defense lines in Masraba,Ayn Tarma&Beit Sawa >Kurdish media:SAA will enter Afrin following deal with Kurdish militia >IS traps US-backed forces in counter attack in Al-Bahra village >Afrin:TFSA capture Al-Muhammadiyah. Kurdish fighter claims Turkey using napalm, chlorine in Afrin operation >Kurdish foces attack HQ of Turkish Army in South Turkey, claim several soldiers&TFSA fighters killed >Netanyahu:Israel is readyto 'act'against Iran if 'necessary'-while hovering piece of Iranian drone. >Iran's response:Israel using aggression as a policy, does mass reprisals against neighbor’s, daily incursions into Sy&Lebanon.Israel invincibility crumbled since the downed F16 >Turkey denies using chemical weapons in Afrin >IS pocket in Homs-DeZ desert:Constant raids and ambush attacks on SAA. Gen. Jamal Razuk died in an ambush >New Al-Qaeda affiliate group called Jaysh al-Malaheem appeared in Sy >Houthi forces strike Saudi Army positions in the Jizan Region >Taliban attacks gov forces in SE Afghanistan killing 5. Afghan Air Force conducted several strikes on talibans in Farah prov >IS strikes back in Sinai, claims several army vehicles destroyed
Jace Smith
why d you have to keep saying it though?
Caleb Long
*blocks your path*
Adrian Ramirez
On point. Not only the SAA has no intention to clash with Turkey, also Putin wouldn't allow it. And kurds getting friendly with Assad means that the US will also drop them. Those fuckers are on their own there.
Bentley Edwards
Ah, I see. Please install HD cameras that records your trajectory, and don't dive in but drift onto your target. [COOL VIBRATIONS]
Kayden Rodriguez
Go around them then.
Angel Thompson
Thanks Romania-bro.
Asher Collins
ok last one before i go vape weedu and shop for clothes
Ryder Miller
Both better and worse than I imagined him to be. Obamas domestic and foreign policy was just so bad that anything would be an improvement. Nearly shit myself due to the missile strikes, but that ultimately stopped all calls for a no fly zone and a US invasion. Domestic policy so far has been as good as it reasonably could be, but foreign policy needs work.
Right now because of the bullshit investigation he is unable to act properly in Syria because Russians exist, and I fear that this will continue through 2018 almost to re election. Thank fucking god we didnt get Hillary at the very least.
Kevin Wilson
Unilateral surrender to the Syrian Government?
Josiah Nguyen
>Go around them ?? You mean rebelz? Yeah. Unless Turkey collapses, Idlibistan is gone. Fairly reasonable. >Thank fucking god we didnt get Hillary at the very least. Well, if she delievered on her "No fly zones on Syria." shit would escalate hard. > bullshit investigation Memo didn't change shit, right?
Nathan Harris
That's a big kurd
Zachary Ramirez
Lads you were right. The meme is no longer a meme. It's literally just begun. The opening salvo's of artillery and missiles are hitting E Ghouta as we type.
Night of bombing has begun.
Julian Howard
*puts on sunglasses* We're back baby
Adrian Garcia
Death to Germany, of course.
Carter Mitchell
Don't expect gainz in first week tho.
Nicholas Cooper
>assadist brainlets finally learn not to attack east ghouta from the west after making 0 progress and losing 1000s of troops in jobar
Bentley Thompson
Oh shit Roly Poly 2.0
Jack Thompson
>german media german media is known for being a 24/7 kurdshilling.
Julian is an anomaly. Your entire media is shilling for the kurds 24/7.
Camden Thompson
Np lad!
Evan Johnson
every inch
Connor Parker
It's time.
Levi Moore
peshmerga without ballistic protection >why
Andrew Rivera
>Tomorrow Syrian Army will enter Afrin /#Aleppo
Brody Stewart
Turkroaches BTFO
Austin Gonzalez
watch out: röpke is payed by german salafists
Juan Ward
slava ukraini!
Grayson Long
With Turkey there might be another evacuation deal
Robert Adams
>#Yemen : During last two weeks #YSF made advances W #Taizz city (Jabal Raḩnaj) & W. Albaaqa city ( #Sadaa province ) with the capture of Jabal Maḩjūbah & surrounding hills. Also #Southern_Resistance made some advances in #Lahj (Ar Rakab village) province against #Houthi forces
Connor Turner
>SOON >the next day >any moment And so on for 2 weeks ongoing...
David Kelly
I want that ass to sit on me so I can sniff it thoroughly
Christopher Walker
Honestly Leopold and the Belgians did nothing wrong, it was just black people chopping up other black people. Literally a local custom, and we should respect and support it.
Ethan Butler
>that fake scope overlay cringey editing desu
Noah Nguyen
Jaxson King
Connor Gomez
This war started 7 years ago and I still can't make my mind up completely on the Kurds
Jaxon Stewart
Hunter Martin
They could've at least edited in the correct sight picture.
With the meme might of Kafranbel, I say Nay! The SAA shall be repelled and defeated! Inshallah!
David Clark
Više A follow up about the latest reports from #Afrin #SAA won’t enter the region suddenly First a ceasefire must be issued between #Turkey and #YPG Then the Russian Military Police will entire the area Then the SAA will deploy forces there, putting an end for the clashes there.
Daniel Russell
Asher Campbell
Proved that everything we already knew about the investigation was true. It's all bullshit and was a political hit job that spiralled out of control. Now everyone is covering their ass in the special US Attorney way of needing to white socks someone in order to justify their investigation and not get fired.
But the left might as well be wearing ear plugs. They simply didn't care and act like nothing happened. That Soviet ideological subversion is one hell of a late hitter. I wonder if Putin finds the irony in it as well.
We are in the 11th hour, and are dangerously close to going EU Neocommie. I can only pray we shifted the overton window far enough to save us.
Anthony Ortiz
Please remember to replace /sg/ back into the title for nest bread.
Hunter White
Forget reclaiming every single inch, every single rebel must die!
Anthony Stewart
Death to Turkey, of course.
Joseph Rivera
alright thanks for pointing that out
Camden Cook
>he thinks that every inch meme will become real Cute.
Eli Cook
Good post
Owen Taylor
>ANF: "alongside the possibility of the agreement including the undertaking of a joint military campaign on al-Bab area and Jarabulus, located under the control of Turkey"
>Who is going to defend the west while they move their troops to attack from the east? They just didn't have enough troops. Stop being a brainlet.
Noah Williams
Thanks Pingu, you're the best.
Elijah Morgan
I love how it sounds like the ambient noise of city battles in WW2 FPS's. Pretty uncanny. Vid related
Jacob Powell
This war started 7 years ago and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on and why. All sense was lost in the first year, and I am convinced our leaders are more confused than we are.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this reality.
Dominic Martin
Why not? Who will retain Syrian soil? Little Gurds? Erdomeme? Idlibistan headchoppers? They are all SOL, only a matter of time.
Justin Ramirez
Jaxson Kelly
actually things are well in focus and well covered today compared to the first several years, people didn't even know it was happening until syriangirl and the protesting servicemen came along
Elijah Campbell
Baking fresh bread. Give me a good title for pic.
Juan Nguyen
oil pipelines for monopoly
Sebastian Walker
>she thinks it wont al mawt al bolandi, of course
Gabriel Morgan
afrin gainz
Wyatt Barnes
big guy edition
Chase Clark
Poor, starving rebels
Hudson Lewis
The Kurd Beast Edition?
Owen Garcia
*THICCens in Kurdish*
Ethan Diaz
True, that will take a lot longer than the rest, but obviously we weren't talking about them. Reclaiming everything except the Golan is still 100% defeat for the (((west)))
Anthony Robinson
Jest Right, ese
Christian Johnson
>Know ISIS can't eat pigs so become one
Very smart
Jeremiah Clark
TRIGGERED weebshit /mlp/ole>the other r/sg kh*mmies
Kayden Clark
War in Donbas begins again when?
Jack Diaz
>thinking I am shia-larping attention hoe Dumb kekistani
David Murphy
Landon Ramirez
Yes. But why?
It boils down to pure CIA glow in the dark niggering.
>Proved that everything we already knew about the investigation was true. It's all bullshit and was a political hit job that spiraled out of control. Now everyone is covering their ass in the special US Attorney way of needing to white socks someone in order to justify their investigation and not get fired. Yes, lawyers, judges, attorneys were all smokescreen against the populace for higher powers. They are there to give the pretense of a just world, and nothing more. I hope you remember this well, burger.Your country drank well too much blood, while showing itself righteous. Not that you are responsible, but in this dark times of people "voting" and shieeet, populace can be hold responsible too. >But the left might as well be wearing ear plugs. They simply didn't care and act like nothing happened. That Soviet ideological subversion is one hell of a late hitter. I wonder if Putin finds the irony in it as well. I will nitpick over "Soviet" word there. Scratch that. Put the kike instead. >We are in the 11th hour, and are dangerously close to going EU Neocommie. I can only pray we shifted the overton window far enough to save us. I think not. You guys are screwed demographically, and so is the majority of Europe. >Neocommie Are you over 35 years old, by any chance? Gommie filth was itself fake enemy. You were always a, hell every country so far was and is a neocommie state. The elite have created a self cleaning, self feeding, self teaching slave population who will never rebel. The free market illusion, and the sensation that every man can start a company and be successful is the carrot. Carrot that you can never bite. If you fill a service that market haven't tapped before, you will find yourself being forced to ally to some big companies or they will eat you alive on the market. No matter what you do/produce/provide, you cannot stand against the sheer capital expenditure of the current owners of wealth.
David Anderson
>#Syria #Damascus #EastGhouta #EasternGhouta #Tiger_Forces #Tigers_Men Soldier part of the New Military Operations said 4 Hours Ago. "Nashabiyya under fire. Tiger forces have started operating" and posted a photo of a map showing Nashabiyya which looks to be the intended target
Austin Hill
So why did the Russian mercs make a sloppy attack on the clapistanis this week?