Guess who draws swastikas like a retard.
Guess who draws swastikas like a retard
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You can always tell it's a Jew when they want to pretend to be Nazis but for cultural/ethnic reasons never carry out the false-flagging too accurately.
my guess it's a dyslexic rabbi
Daily reminder that these people are the so-called "master race" and they are supposed to be the masterminds behind globalism and "white genocide"
The embassy received a shitton of threatening emails and calls after Israel's reaction to #GermanCamp, it could be an idiotic pole who can't draw for shit.
KEK! What's so hard about drawing a swastika? Why do this keep happening?
fug :DDD
we musd eratig Kate de jooz :DDDDDD
heil hordlerw
It's obviously some kike trying to imply poles are nazis, how can you arrive at any other conclusion?
heT ymGim! Kwon
No practice
Hiel Hortler!
hail hortler
Jews destroyed our country with their puppet Hitler. It's no suprise they love nazi symbolics.
>a church got shot up
>oh but goyim, a fucking graffiti is much more newsworthy, it's people being angry about us, the chosen ones!
Fuck you poles. close the fucking embassy and fuck off.
hil holfer :DDDD fug
fuggg :~~~~DDD
make it shine, bitch.
Yes, because every Jew is the mastermind. That totally works and wouldn't be a clusterfuck. There are guys at the top who run the ideas downwards to those willing to collude. Hence why you occasionally see Jews who don't do any funny shit. They are out of the loop or had nothing to offer so they don't get in on the plan
But yeah, being in doesn't mean being intelligent. Most are also very egotistical as they are essentially above the law when doing this subversive shit
>Hail Hortler
Exactly, they can never bring themselves to draw it right. The symbol has some huge psychological effect on them.
It's a shame hitler couldn't stop the poles from perpetuating the genocide of the jews. Even now they're so blunt as to demean the symbol of the warriors of human rights and philosemitism :(
Hindu folks you hate too? XD
Based Poland
I feel so ashamed of being a J*w puppet G*rm
Normies never cease to amaze me. If you're going to false flag, is it really that hard to Google what a Swaztika looks like first?
Every time
do they not teach the local rabbis how to draw swastikas??
must be a gifted jewish nigger-kid. or a Mongo
We have literally meme about this....
>tfw you are so familiar with the swastika that it enrages you seeing it drawn wrong
Its not hard at hard. Id say its harder to draw a swastika wrong, than it is to do it correctly.
oh fuck not again!
hial Hotla
Fuck you jew, Israel will be nuked some day soon.
>polish politicians say time and time again that "holocaust" happened
>Cred Forums: xD based poles
fucking retards
zi ghairl
fixed it for you
Please tell your people to train drawing symmetric shapes.
Only if you all agree to leave Poland. Fair trade?
hey rabbi
as if we'd unite with jews
Liberal faggots can even do false flag correctly, pls go back to CIA class of false flaging 101 to improve your skills.
Shut the fuck up, faggot american. No slave will dare to criticize his Master !
Now, Open your mouth bitch.
how hard can it be to draw a plus sign and then add dashes in a clockwise direction
jidf,thats who.
roll the video and ill guarantee its a jew
Someone used to writing in this alphabet
Lol cant be, its another nazi conspiracy against jews.
So are swastikas the normie version of trying to triforce or what?
Yes master
I am fat and stupud
If people can fuck up a swastika, i cant even imagine what would happen if they tried to draw a black sun
give us an Israeli chimpout ploxx. they're begging to smacked down for the next 1000 years. just begging
but but jews were smart. they as bad as arabs
fucking subhumans
a poorly drawn swastika is irl trolling you guys understand that right?
10 out of 10 it's some drunk people doing a late night prank
If the Jews can have an ethnostate, they can't begrudge others who want the same for themselves. Accusing the Poles of xenophobia is hypocrisy at its zenith.
their wife's black sun
I'd rather unite with Muslims against kikes than unite with a filthy Jew
so, did Holodomor happen?
fuck muslims and kikes.
You either unite with whites only or lose.
its like them writing G-d, its like some bizarre sand superstition. and probably inbreeding.
but it's hard to member user