It’s official: Black Panther is truly the greatest Marvel movie of all time.
Ben Shapiro: Black Panther “is one of my top 3 Marvel movies. Maybe #1.”
I agree, still doesn't change the fact that every single Marvel movie in the history of filmmaking was absolute dogshit.
>true wife
what did he mean by this
What a fucking KEK!
post it
when he just says 'wife' he is talking about his bull
>top 3 marvel movie
Yeah that's not exactly high praise.
This is a jewish last name, I aint even kidding
Reminder that if you think comic book movies are a serious affair you suffer from arrested development and you are the problem with men today
Wtf I hate Sharpedo now. Fucking jew tricked us. HE TRICKED US!!!!
Honestly wasnt all that amazed by the movie. Was ok, but seemed like one of the weakest marvel movies to date. And the cgi did turn to shit later in the movie which was weird. There was a good bit of shit that didnt make any sense either, like the writers forgot what they were doing for a bit.
You can see his kippah in his profile pic lol
translation: please become a #based blackman and subscribe to me jamal
not surprising, this kike has pretty bad taste
Pretty Cred Forums desu if you listen to his talk show. I honestly hate that he talks movies but enjoy the politics.
Daily reminder that Shapiro thinks that Wonder woman and Batman v Superman are great movies.
You're lying
Congratulations, you're the last person on Earth to find out that Ben Shapiro is Jewish.
The CGI was appalling.
The Busan car chase was shit.
The Rhinos were literally laughable tier.
The final fight was PS3.
>says this while posting on a board that is obsessed with capeshit and has infantile discussions like which character is stronger
I want his sister's milkies
She's off the market now boys
Wow Cred Forums users really are intellectual
>There is so much racism in America that a movie about 13% of the population someone manages to break box office records and garner universal praise.
what were my chances anyway, she probably marries another jew or a based black man.
>It’s official: Black Panther is truly the greatest Marvel movie of all time.
... but this is true. It isn't a comedy like Thor was and it has great villains, probably the best soundtrack to any MCU film ever and for once I am so looking forward to a sequel
>the fake shill MAGA accounts bitching that he enjoyed a movie
Look through some of their profiles, definitely posers/liberal false flaggers. You're all being played.
How can someone that likes BvS like Black Panther?
Thats the complete opposite point that she is trying to make
Where do you think you are?
Your chances increase up to 1000% by drinking bleach.
Saw it last night. It was good but it was pretty much a Marvel film with black people. Had some very odd choices I can't get in to but most of the felt like it was more pandering to what white people saw blacks than what blacks do. Felt like I was at a Kalahari resort most the time.
>dumb trump supporter
>it’s a f-falseflag I s-swear
>The final fight was PS3.
So that "leak" fight was actually the final render quality?
Wow. I mean there's even bts photos showing they built part of that Tron-Roadway for real, and yet it still looked like realtime game rendering in the clip.
No real human being writes like this on their fucking twitter, not even a retarded Trump supporter.
Fucking hilarious when this clown pretends like he knows anything about movies
Never underestimate boomers on Twitter, senpai. The ones on the other side of the spectrum spend all day bitching about Russia
Boomer twitter is pretty bad, and it really is hard to tell who is a shill and who is serious.
>this thread is discussing a jew and roach's opinion on a black nationalist film
le 56% face
Yeah I watched YT reviews for it too
>Ben Shapiro: Black Panther “is one of my top 3 Marvel movies. Maybe #1.”
Oy vey
M8 I have relatives in southwestern Virginia that act exactly like this on facebook.
Based taste
well of course i did. i as a member of the whytepeepoe got my ticket torn up at the entrance and refused entry.
I'm black myself, but when I saw the reception to this film and fucking idiots literally doing a BLACK POWER solute at the end I was ready to hate on it. Like I though Get Out was fucking terrible.
This movie was legitamently good though, the villain wasn't some sperg, the aesthetic was great, and the ending with the villian was amazing.
Never felt tense during fights when he had the panther suit on and his powers, so it was really cool that they take them away for challenges.
But a few side characters almost dying here and there kept shit tense, like his sister, his ex, and the gorrilla guy(fucking great in the last quarter.)
Everything just kind of makes sense and everyone felt justified in their actions, just a good movie overall, only complaint is that i don't remember any of their names.
No, the leak fight wasnt render quality
accounts like this are unironically russian bots a lot of the time
What about these black panthers, Ben?
How many white girls have you BLACKED?
Whoa, they're *unironically* Russian bots? :O
That's not saying much though. Most MCU movies are okay at best.
You should work for the FBI, your detective skills are incredible.
If I was her I'd just sit around all day playing with my tits.
>Ben Shapiro has retarded opinions
And water is wet,
Why is the opinion of a kike manlet relevant?
Ben has shit taste in films. He was slobbering all over The Last Jedi everyday for like a month. He's the epitome of a soyboy faggot
You and ben shapiro should be sodomized by an elephant.
>But she has the misfortune of being conservative pundit Ben Shapiro's sister
really that could describe her life before or after the trolling started
Who the fuck gives a fuck what this cunting Kike cartoon cunt has to spew. People here should be more concerned about contributions made on this Hasbara honeypot being memory-holed by non Jew posters... this place is an obvious fucking kike trap you gullible fucks
I'll bet that, given unlimited federal resources and a team of experts, he could find the Florida shooter mere weeks after it happened.
Probably because the movie absolutely shit on 'muh narrative,' and beside that, most Marvel movies are complete shit, top 3 isn't high praise. Here's a quick synopsis of the plot to help you understand why this movie is actually a stick of dynamite delivered directly to lefty cucks:
Jews like ethnostates, who would have guessed
Its Martin Luther King versus Malcolm X with white sidekick
>taking someone who liked Batman v. Superman and Justice League seriously
What the fuck did the poor elephant do to deserve that?
>best Marvel movie
All the best Marvel movies were made by Fox: X2, First Class, DoFP and Logan.
>prefers DC to Marvel
wtf I hate Shapiro now
>greatest Marvel movie of all time
isn't that a bit like the old joke about winning gold at the paralympics tho
>when she sees my dick
How much is Shapiro being paid by Disney?
Original total recall and aliens 2 are the greatest movies ever made mate.
The also made the worst.
X3, Origins Wolverine, Fantastic Four, Elektra
mfw this kind of schlock gets made, yet Gaspar Noe can't finance his next film
I've not seen BP, but it'll have to be pretty good to be better that GOTG, Thor Ragnarok, Ant-Man, The first Avengers, Iron Man 1.
It'd have to be damn good to be better than Deadpool, and it would have to be amazing to be anywhere near Logan, which is the only actually good Marvel Movie. The rest are just cookie cutter action movies that are just OK
If you care about this manlet, you should refrain from speaking his name here.
Jew if big
>with my true wife
In the land of freedom you can have a fake wife too?
He's a Jew. He's probably paying Disney to produce that crap.
>best marvel movie
That’s like being the best special Olympian
First iron man was good, after that I kinda lost interest
He is a member of the tribe.
I do not disagree. But that does not ruin the best ones for me.
>with true wife
does he have a fake wife?
also welcome back to Cred Forums
pssst, just meme wakanda into reality and make all the niggers move there
There's no way you're right. A Jewish White Supremacist? That's ridiculous.
Lots of manlets in here jerkin off about their favorite bedtime stories. Get a fucking life faggots, none of this shit is real. Stop giving them your money, stop giving them your time and attention.
>top marvel movies
this is like being a gold medalist at the special olympics
What’s that big titty bitchs name again
Hey fuck you, Doctor Strange was good
Who gives a fuck about this kike?
It’s officially kosher certified now.
BTW, looking forward to the debate between Ben and Ryan Dawson.
Is this from Cred Forums? The posts read just like it's from here.
Shapiro is a Jewish beta male. Of course he's going to like this movie. I'll still never see it, I don't watch any modern movies.
wow the jew is promoting nigger culture to white people. imagine my shock.
"eternal life is evil"
kys, literally anti christian propaganda
Amazing. You are the last true detective user. Keep up the good work
>don't remember their names
All you need to remember is that they were kangz
>B-b-but ALL Marvel movies are dogshit
Just remember this thread if someone says white people lose with class and black people chimp around
The Jews got to him
Oh wait
>it's official
>in case you didn't know by me pushing ADL fake news
>i'm a shill
cool story Ben, glad you finally got that off your chest
true wife?
Cred Forums eternally btfo
A movie about niggers, acting like niggers, projected in a make-believe super-hero franchise (sorry always hated the superhero bullshit generally speaking), is now the top movie?
Going by the trailer it is typical CGI run of the mill bullshit; with nigger clichés to the max. That's all it is.
Super hero movies and most recent scifi movies have been copy/pasta CGI piles of shit though, no matter what the race.
True wife = Jew wife. Even fucking rhymes
You can always bet on the jew.
Shapiro is such a rat
It is a good movie see it 3 times plz k thx bai
Course it is, everyone on Cred Forums is a libfag
You idiot, the deal for eternal life was literally a metaphor for making a pact with the devil. If anything it was pro Christian. The whole theme is "stop trying to fuck with the natural order"
wrong forum, dude
who is Shapiro? is he /ourguy/ or a libcuck?
"Niggers? On my Khazar Milkers?"
It's more likely than you think