How does that make you feel?
How does that make you feel?
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hes not wrong
Literally who?
Found the kike
Why does West Point have such ridiculous uniforms?
This. We are going for the Chinese model globally.
I legit emailed 2 generals and his base commander and they said they were looking into it. Has his Twitter gone back up yet
Communism can't win because we'll never reach a true post-scarcity economy.
Fun fact! That same kid got kicked out. Something about adhering to a political association policy.
Look into those eyes, I thought they were joking when they said leftists didn't have souls.
Sad. He's a healthy, young man, his medals show that he's not a loser. Just by the looks I can tell that he's something most men can never be. Yet there he is, promoting this retarded ideology. His eyes are the "sleep won't fix it" tired, but I can't see evil in them.
I think he sees the problems of the world, and genuinely believes what he promotes. That doesn't make him any less wrong tho. He's on the wrong side, but I think people like him are bound to come to their senses eventually.
>Fun fact! That same kid got kicked out. Something about adhering to a political association policy.
proof nigger?
His parents said he saw combat somewhere and it fucked him up and changed him.
nice meme
this guy was was kicked out for being a faggy drumpf supporter
Makes me feel to join the military, those uniforms are fucking A+++
>How does that make you feel?
Good job, proud of you user. Leftist scum needs to be purged
Pretty sure this guy got BTFO
The real problem is white pants + not wearing any underwear.
Did (s)he died?
If I was his CO, I’d have him shot for treason and plotting to overthrow the US Government and Constitution.
Wasn't there some other faggots from Annapolis that tried the same shit, except it was a spade?
its xir you bigot
If it will
It'll collapse on itself again, because it's just a huge con job. People, who promote communism, who plot for it behind the scenes do so to gain power, nothing more. It upsets the status quo, but then step by step the country will start to re-invent capitalism or in worse case some form of feudalism to actually get shit done.
There haven't been a communist country that didn't quickly devolve, or I should say evolve into a new class society. The rulers are new, but they are rulers and they will start to arrange their power to stay and how can they make their own lives more comfortable and enjoyable through their position and nothing changed.
People will never ever pander to and genuinely care for the trash, who can't do meaningful jobs. People of the proletariat were never oppressed for any other reason, but because they are not capable as individual to be of any other use to others.
I understand the gripes with capitalism but to jump to communism that is retarded
That's the military academy uniform, not the regular army uniform.
No he didn't. Those pictures were from 2016 and he's a second lieutenant now.
Gonna need a source on that faggot
>Since tweets of 2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone first swirled around the internet on Sunday, several outlets have printed rumors and speculation about his service.
>To start, the former West Pointer graduated in May 2016 — when the now infamous photos were taken — and is currently in the field with 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, according to Army spokeswoman Lt. Col. Tonya Stokes.
>Multiple online military news outlets have reported that Rapone is a one-time member of the 75th Ranger Regiment and was “released for standards” before receiving his appointment to the U.S. Military Academy.
>released for standards
Hmm, can I get a quick rundown?
It's a blanket term that is used when someone is disqualified from being a ranger, whether it be physical or disciplinary. Whatever he did couldn't have been that bad if he was able to get into West Point still.
But where is he now, I can't find shit. Not sure if the army scrubbed the story and kept him on the DL in a real unit, or is assigned to alaska scrubbing toilets. I hope it's the latter
Like convening a Courts Martial and hanging this bitch for treason
>Whatever he did couldn't have been that bad if he was able to get into West Point still.
He almost killed a guy with the back blast of a Gustav and was a whiney pussy that was a walking safety hazard to his squad mates. It's also worth noting that West Point is pretty much a Naval Academy tier joke now rampant with apathetic officers and cadets that won't hold each other to standard.
He's getting fisted by his command more than likely and given a job that doesn't requre a security clearance while he finishes out his contract. Dude is a fucking idiot that trashed his career for a meme of a political ideology.
Call the base and find out. His last location was Fort Drum in northern New York
I'm gonna need a source on at least some of that senpai
Fucking Army lol.
Pretty sure he got charged with conduct unbecoming
didn't he get kicked out for these pics?
>But where is he now, I can't find shit.
This has been memory-holed hard. There has been literally no new information since early October. Not even a mention of him.
So adopting communism for 30/40 years then selectively removing it from the most important economic hubs after it proves to be pure madness?
>being based
I can't believe it. Next they'll actually pass their celestial navigation courses.
>how does this statist autism make you feel?
the way the rest of it does
>while continuously turning more black and brown
you're in for good time
didnt pol turn him in?
Here is the source on Rapone being a absolute moron.
Keep in mind the info they have is coming from guys trying to stay anonymous because they would get fucked by command for speaking out. Given the record of the site I'm inclined to believe it.
Here is the source about West Point being a joke
I knew the school was a joke but hadn't heard anything about his departure from the rangers
>be in US Army
>having lunch with 1SG and CO
>good ol PFC Carter from Compton is with us
>1SG "Carter, who is someone you have great respect for? "
>expecting to hear Malcolm X, mlk jr, tupac
>"I'd have to go with Carl Marx, 1SG"
>pic related, our faces, everyone knife hands internally
>"what about you user?"
>"I'd have to go for Joseph Stalin"
>Carter chokes on water
>CO "why the hell do you look up to Stalin? "
>"I just think anyone who kills that many commies deserves respect"
time to form private militias and start throwing the socialist MIC out of their own helicopters if you ask me
wtf is this shit?
>a Jew for communism
Imagine my shock
KEK, i bet this was a psy-op assignment desu, no one is as stupid as this guy seems
Makes me realize how infltrated we already are, no wonder I was disqualified from even entering on a fake alcoholism charge when I barely drink. If you dont think the Chinese have plants in high ranking positions in the officer core you are sadly mistaken
its to establish the officers as being above the enlisted. The uniforms and insignia are 'inverted enlisted uniforms'