Dems are finally ready to get dirty after taking the high road for so long.
What would they do?
Dems are finally ready to get dirty after taking the high road for so long
so they’ll finally act their true selves in public?
Finally theyre admitting this
They weren’t playing dirty before?
There was a high road? Did I miss something?
So gun battles in the street are coming?
They would fare better next election if they would stop calling half their potential voters as evil racists and use the Obama-tactic of always talking about everyone's benefit and helping everyone. You might get few pats in the back in your inner circles for telling voters to go fuck themselves but its a fucking terrible campaign tactic. Populism is what wins you elections.
Sounds like an opportunity gentleman for shitposting let's see what we can get these dumb bastards to believe
I can go higher than they can, I can go lower than they can.
Their entire fucking conglomeration. Let's go bitches
>being corrupt criminal communists was them taking the high road
You must be a Dreamer. Nice
don't you know liberalism is inherently morally superior and that there are no logical challenges to it?
Wait have you not been watching your daily required amount of the zogbox?
Encourage them to do just that. "going high" for them is election fraud, lying to get FISA warrants, supporting domestic terrorist organizations, condoning rapists and criminals and even attacking their own voting block.
Let them go a little further and watch as people call for them to be publicly executed.
oh mighty kek. bring us a Dem Chimpout
So, everything will be the same?
Right now? Nothing. If they get back any branch of Congress this year then they'll just do what the GOP did to Obama post-2010.
paying for a dossier that says your political opponent had hookers piss on him is taking the high ground?
Yea remember that yuge story on the front of the NYT where dems were paying people to incite violence at Trump events aka Bird dogging. me either.
Hey, that's a wild conspiracy, and I think its dangerous people are allowed to think like you do. Please delete your post so we can avoid other people misthinking about the sincere intentions of leftism
theyve always been dirty cheating liars. It's insulting to everyone's intelligence that
>when they go low we go high
was ever the democratic party's motto. Especially in 2016. They can't go lower, there's no more down. The russia collusion and pussygate where the lowest tricks they had.
I know this is a hard concept for someone from a Nordic country to understand but in the US we bitterly hate our partisan enemies and seek to punish if not kill them. Democrats and Republicans are are divided cleanly along race, class, education, geography, gender, and age in a zero-sum society. They are like Shiites and Suunis. We are motivated not by love of our party but hatred of the other in voting behavior.
The Dems have been fighting dirty for since forever. It's the Republicans who just recently begun to understand that they need to fight dirty too if they ever want to defeat the Democrat party.
I'm a 4th-gen 150 IQ white boy that grew up doing problem solving for GD and Bloods in the midwest. You don't have neat labels for me.
They'll start assassinating members of their party that don't fall in line and kidnap children to sacrifice them in a pizza restaurant's basement to demons in exchange for power.
Ah, w8, that was playing nice.
And I take a look at Obamas two campaigns and his whole schtick was to promise better conditions for everyone. Compare it to Hillary Clinton whose campaign was "you guys are racists in Middle America I don't care about you lol", then wondered why she lost. You can't win the election with minority- and city votes alone, thats impossible.
Well the Republican's main strategy is to just repeat lies until they are accepted as true. This is effective because the gop gets their talking points and they ALL forward them, their media, their representatives, their pundits, they all chant in lockstep.
It is MUCH easier to market simple lies then complex truths (Cred Forums is an embodiment of this, as an example).
But it's even easier to just laugh at them.
Dems main problem is they behave as if the GOP cares about anything but slavishly serving their donors. They create pretense for the GOP by trying to reason with people who want nothing to do with reason.
They SHOULD just scream "liar" and start mocking them for being a retard every time a gop member opens their mouth.
Also I'd focus purely on economics, point out the bloating ridiculous spending the GOP always engages in, how all of their financial rhetoric is a lie. I'd never stop talking about the growing disparity between productivity and wages, and I'd specifically point out how the GOP's bills are literally handwritten by shills like ALEC.
I'd stay on point and never move away from calling them out on lies, and discussing strategies to empower workers and strengthen the commons, since the GOP's marketing strategy relies on them getting their retarded base to look at and think about anything but their abject servitude to the donor class.
I would not give the GOP the social-issue smokescreen that it needs.
This would actually serve my constituents in the long run anyways; whatever social problem a person has, it can be solved or mitigated with affluence.
Basically I'd act like a late 1800 era Republican.
Maybe it's time for the right to fight dirty.
>these people want to run your country
Have an archive link to go with that screenshot
wtf russia stop hacking our elections leik omg
stop hacking my mind
it hurrrtttsssss
Checked and keked
This is actually not the normal state of affairs of US politics, it's explicitly a Clinton symptom.
>Here in the US
>Meme flag
You mean rigging elections, spying on their opponents and demonizing everyone as nazis is “playing nice?”
>And I take a look at Obamas two campaigns and his whole schtick was to promise better conditions for everyone
No true. He coldly character assassinated Mitt Romney as a plutocratic venture capitalist early and often throughout 2012, and he only won in 2008 because of again, hatred, of pic related.
Hillary was hated less than Trump and she got millions more votes, but they are all clustered into a few mega states which is why she lost the Electoral College. This will probably happen again in 2020 and will not reverse until 2024 or 2028 at the earliest when enough reactionary old boomers are too old to vote or die out and get replaced by their demographic enemies (unless the Democrats begin to only carry ~30% or less of the White which I don't think is impossible since 35-37% support is their post-Civil Rights Era norm). This same cycle of replacement is why Southern States switched from Democratic to Republican-governed in the late 90s to 2010s (Alabama's State Government switching in 2010) as the last of our "Greatest Generation" those who came of age during the New Deal of the 1930s left the Earth. They were the final pillar of major support the Democrats had among the White race.
So they do nothing different?
All those words and no actual suggestion.
The right continues leftist policies and spending. You cannot call out spending hypocrisy because your party platform is to spend EVEN MORE. It doesn't matter if your opponent will spend trillions because you can't offer a better deal.
The left fails because it is a party built on identifying problems while providing no solution. Even when they have a solution they fail to implement it because they want to dangle that carrot. It's why school desegregation, open abortion and same sex marriage all had to be won in the supreme Court, they weren't going to put themselves out of a job. It is the same that you are doing now.
>people writing opinion pieces for the NTY are woefully unclear on the MO of the DNC for the past 60 years
Those limp wristed,latte drinking, prius driving fags are not honing to do shit and they know it. This is why they want to take away guns. They know that the only way to beat us is to make us as weak as them. They are pathetic weaklings, that get bitch slapped by alphas. This is why their base consists of women, gays, and trannies. They are the wounded animal the hunter is about to strike upon.
voting in the year 2020.
i am sincerely interested at how could they possibly get dirtier. even in my second world former commie shithole politicians were never that audaciously lying and fucking with people's heads.
>Hillary was hated less than Trump
>Democracy got Trump elected
>we need to cheat even harder
You need to be brain dead to support liberals these days.
>implying Hillary wasn't playing dirty
She's as dirty as you can get and that's why she lost against a clown.
They say they have the moral high ground, but their moral high ground is degeneracy, and policies that are either bad or dangerous for citizens. It's double think. Coming from commies, it should be no suprise.
Just a reminder: neither political party gives a fuck about you.
user can you marry me so I can leave & move to Finland I'll be your qt boi
they've attempted to subvert democracy so much through media control, demographic shifting, voter intimidation, and political assassination that I don't even consider them citizens anymore, just enemies of the state
Is this an Onion article?
Turn off the Zog, and listen to the Bog
High Road is the Hershey Highway
I don't recall the Demonkikes EVER taking the high road on anything.
The "high road" during the election was colluding with the MSM, committing massive voter fraud, having the FBI let Hillary off the hook, and paying women to accuse Trump of raping them.
You serve Satan. You don't HAVE a high road to take.
Seriously what the fuck is in your tap water up there?
Why are all leafs such massive faggots?
No wonder your country is almost exclusively brown now
If shooting at our politicians is Mr nice guy then they are even more evil than i expected before.
>Literally fake shit with an attempt to accuse an American Citizen of fucking treason
>Being nice got us Trump!
A wigger
Democrats haven't been on a high road in their existence as a political party. And, like the whipped slaves that they are, their constituents can't wait to be back on the plantation.
>we lost therefore we should cheat
Leftists are psychopaths.
how bad did these guys hate fucking losing. kek
they have been re fighting the election every week since the election. like holy shit.
They are the State. Left and right (RINOs)
*Enemies of the people
Protect Little B at all costs
It was always dirty, but they always take on a facade.
You would think months of sexual assault and rape allegations from their side would have dispelled the illusion that they're anything but hyporcrites - but no.
I wonder how many votes the GOP got just because dems presented themselves as moral exemplars.
Try again.
The normal state of affairs in the US is one-party dominance built upon demographic supremancy whether that was the Solid South for all of history except during Reconstruction or the country writ large.
It goes from agricultural landowner-backed Democratic-Republican domination from 1792-1824 when the Whigs were finally crushed into submission creating the Era of Good Feelings.
Then the D-R party split into the Jacksonian Democratic faction which would dominate until 1854 when the Civil War broke out. Following that, the Industrial Northern Radical Republicans who won the war for the Union punished the Democratic South with Reconstruction until they gave up trying to redeem that part of the nation in the Compromise of 1877 when they traded the Presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes for relinquished federal oversight of Southern elections and Jim Crow began which weakened and flipped state control back to the Democrats.
From 1896-1932, the parties control remained the same but coalitions changed as the Capitalist-fueled Republicans won most elections over the marginalized populist Southern Democrats.
Following Hoover's victory and the Depression the Democrats would again be swept into power for a very long time (1932-1964) in the Progressive era.
As stagflation and civil unrest of the 60s & 70s developed they were put out of power by Republicans who solidified control of government from then until now on the basis of Boomer-replacement. Notice that even when the Minority part does seldom when elections (only single-term Carter, Neoliberals Bill Clinton & Barack Obama) they govern as moderates attempting to hold the center against the shift of the Overton Window. This is also why Nixon was relatively moderate domestically (creating the EPA for example) because he had to deal with a Democratic Congress leftover from the tail-end of the (1932-1964) Progressive Era.
what second world you liar? serbia has vibranium, when it is cold we vibrate and the cold goes away.
The democrat has finally revealed himself for what he truly is.
You need to fuck off.
They've been on the high road? When was this?
>executions in the street isnt considered low to the deomcrats
jesus what the fuck are they planning now?
I wish a nigger would
10/10 for bants NYT Opinion that was a good one
>So delusional they actually think they ever 'played nice'
>only won in 2008 because of again, hatred, of pic related.
being a nigger helped obama too
step up you game.
still funny after all these years.
arab springboard into a disaster, am i right fellas. ba dum hiss.
if the arab is with isis, do they call that artillery?