God bless you, Cred Forums.
Come and discuss Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and the Church He established!
Respectful protestants welcome.
LARPagens and atheists: out!
God bless you, Cred Forums.
Come and discuss Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and the Church He established!
Respectful protestants welcome.
LARPagens and atheists: out!
Saint of the Day: Saint Jean-François-Régis Clet
Tenth of fifteen children; his father was a farmer and merchant, and the boy was named after Saint John Francis Regis. He was raised in a pious family; one brother became a priest, one sister a nun. Studied at the Jesuit Royal College at Grenoble, France. Joined the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) in Lyons, France on 6 March 1769, making his final vows in 1771. Ordained in 1773. Professor of moral theology at the Vincentian seminary in Annecy, France. Nicknamed “the walking library” due to his encyclopedic knowledge. Rector of Annecy in 1786. Director of novices in Paris in 1788. Director of the internal seminary at mother-house of the Congregation of the Lazarists in Paris, France. His community was disbanded, and their house destroyed by the French Revolutionists. Missionary to China in 1791. Assigned to Kiang-si in October 1792, the only European in the area; in 28 years of work, he never mastered the language. In 1793 Clet moved to Hou-Kouang in the Hopei Province where he served as superior of an international group of Vincentian missioners scattered over a very large territory; his pastoral area covered 270,000 square miles. In 1811 government anti–Christian persecutions intensified; the missionaries were accused of inciting rebellion, and had to pursue their work while on the run, often hiding in the mountains. On 16 June 1819, with a bounty on his head, Francis was betrayed by a Christian schoolmaster whose behavior the missionary had tried to correct. Force marched hundreds of miles in chains to trial. On 1 January 1820 he was found guilty of deceiving the Chinese people by preaching Christianity. Martyr.
I want to become a Catholic (raised by a Catholic father who left the church when I was born and a non-religious mother), and I'm planning on starting RCIA classes in the fall when college begins, but as of right now I can't go to mass on Sundays because of work, unfortunately.
Does your parish offer a Saturday Afternoon/Evening Mass?
I work on the weekends and just don't have time for church, unfortunately.
If you pray and ask for the time, the Lord will provide it. I know where you are coming from. I often thought I had no time for Him.
I can't do it Cred Forums
The whole no fun allowed thing is getting to me. Especially the no sex, no fap, no nothing before marriage. It might have worked at a time where you got married at 19 and then had no time to think because you needed to work. Not now. I'm not a virgin, I've banged a few girls and the idea of not doing anything before marriage is just off the charts for me. If on top of that I can't fap when thinking about a loving gf, fuck this shit.
Don't I have to go through RCIA classes first?
If I'm asking dumb questions, it's because I have a lot of misconceptions about the Church I'm still trying to correct in my own mind. My ex-Catholic father always describes the Church as a cult.
No question is dumb if it brings you closer to His Church.
You are under no obligation to go to Mass unless you have been through RCIA classes, but I would talk to a priest to be sure.
>Especially the no sex, no fap, no nothing before marriage.
You speak of these things as though doing them is freedom. But in truth it's slavery to your passion. When the urge hits, pray the Rosary. It's helped me.
Forgot to link you in
there is no god
>it's slavery to your passion
I'm more obsessed if I can't have something.
I tell myself I can't have sex and I won't stop thinking about it.
Went to a Latin Mass this morning for the first Sunday of Lent. It was awesome. God is great desu
You have to understand what sex is to a Christian, though. Sex doesn't exist for pleasure. Nothing in your body exists to amuse you or just make you happy. Your body rewards you with an orgasm when you have sex to reward you for reproducing, your primary biological goal. Sex is for reproduction, not amusement, and using it solely for amusement makes no sense. It's like eating solely for taste and not eating healthy food, which is something else a lot of people do.
Sex is the synthesis of man and woman in the creation of something new. Masturbation is reproducing the feeling of an orgasm cheaply without the other half! How does that make sense? It's like the people in Africa who eat clay because it removes their hunger, but they're still eating clay at the end of the day. Masturbating is like that. You're getting a cheap imitation of the feeling, not the real feeling of bringing a child into this world. How amazing is that? You can create something that wasn't even there before when you have sex! That's intensely special, and it has to be protected from being cheapened by non-reproductive sex.
Christians aren't opposed to fun. Catholic morality is walls, but they are the walls of a playground. Catholics are definitely more fun than Protestants, who are usually either absolutely insane tyrannical anti-fun puritans, or cheap non-religious deists.
Galatians 1:6-9, "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed."
The Bible tells us to expose error
(Ephesians 5:11, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.").
And to expose error we must make righteous judgments. Christians must judge in order to: 1. Try the spirits to see if they are from God, for many false prophets are in the world. (1 John 4:1). 2. Mark & avoid false teachers, slaves of their own bellies, deceiving many with their smooth & flattering speech (Romans 16:17-18). 3. Rebuke false teachers, rebellious men, & deceivers who subvert whole families with their false doctrine. (Titus 1:9-16) 4. Have no fellowship with immoral, impure, or covetous men. (Ephesians 5:5-7) 5. Receive not deceivers who do not abide in the teaching of Christ into our homes, nor giving them any greeting. (2 John 7-11) 6. Be wary of those who preach another gospel. (2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:6-9)
Get out of the false church of Vatican II
>a fucking wheel
I am sorry you feel this way. Perhaps in time you will see the truth. But as the OP says, Atheists: OUT!
I would consult a priest.
God is great! Go with him, Brother!
Are you sure about that, Raj?
Thank you. I've currently stopped pornography and masturbation - realizing that God doesn't want me to do that has helped me to stop - but I want to attend RCIA classes and learn more about the faith before I attend Mass. Thank you for your help.
Don't be afraid to attend Mass even before you are Baptized. Just refrain from receiving Communion.
Thanks for the answer user.
The thing is, if you allow me to take you up on the image of eating clay, when you have nothing to eat and are starving, you'll end up eating clay, or dirt cookies because it's a primal urge that needs to be dealt with.
Sure you can tell people that are really hungry not to eat the dirt, but only very few will be able to not do it "just because it makes no sense". Same for masturbation. I think it's a natural, primal urge that you already see in kids 3-4 years old. I try to refrain from porn as much as I can because I know how harmful that is to society is a whole, but if I fantasize about making love to the person I'm on love with and rub one out, I still don't agree that it's a bad thing.
A man has as many masters as he has vices. It is not easy to overcome the desire to masturbate, but ultimately, you have to recognize that you are stronger than your desires.
Did Adam have a belly button?
Remember, even those prone to degeneracy can create beautiful things for the Glory of God!
Aren't we all prone to degeneracy?
And if I just go "well fuck it I'd rather not mind"?
That's the joke, but Mozart was supposed to be extra prone.
Then you will disappoint God.
For those returning to the Church, and those who have trouble remembering prayers, try out the Laudate app. It's a great resource!
My life was easier when I thought the old fucker didn't exist.
So was mine. I spent most of my teenage years in my bedroom, watching shows and playing games and masturbating to online sex chat rooms.
And it was awful. It was easy, but it was awful. Living a life in accordance with God's will is harder, but I'll be damned if I'm not happier now that I've actually started trying.
Not a paedophile cult. I repeat, not a paedophile cult.
Though I am not a fan of the modernist designs, I am not sure that a picture of the Swiss Guard implies pedophilia. Which by the way is a mortal sin in the Church.
stop being a pussy and making excuses masstimes.org I'm sure your weekend isn't so busy you can're spare an hour for Jesus. You're posting here after all. You know how many hours Jesus was on the cross for you?
Is there a complete list of mortal sins?
I don't think there is a list, but vatican.va
10 commandments, Sermon on the Mount.
What do you make of all the snake symbology too?
How do catlicks defend the fact that their church is working with governments across the west to subsidize migrant invaders and bring them into our countries?
Church was pretty good today. One thing that bothers me is that the priest tends to get political a lot in his homilies, and he tends to be very left leaning. Other than that he's cool, and he's getting replaced soon. I'm kinda praying that we get a more conservative priest to replace him, or at the very least a less political one.
One of those pictures is with a Fish eye lens which makes it look more curved. Are you not seeing the face in the carving of Jesus?
Watch out for the toilet witch
She's coming for you
I'm seeing a lot of snake symbology.
This has been pointed out several times and they continue to post it unironically, it's almost like they're intentionally trying to deceive people...
Am I doin it rite fatheranon?
I haven't confessed in about a decade but I'm coming back to the church, should I refrain from taking communion until I can go to confession?
Those look like Anglican vestments. Who is that Cardinal?
Not sure what you're talking about. Provide a non-fisheye version.
I'm not a priest, though I want to be. But yes Ash Wednesday is a great devotional for the Lenten season.
Sounds like a question for a priest lad
I visited the Vatican once. Beautiful place. Those Swiss guards, man. They’re unfazed.
100% absolutely.
oh, gee I don't know, have you sinned in the past 10 years?
Okay I was wrong, who is that Cardinal?
10/10, would pray together with
Cardinal Keith O'Brien.
I think it's a half measured solution that will cause a greater deal of problems, as all half measures do.
Well, I am not the Pope, but were I he'd be defrocked and excommunicated. It's no secret our Church is in pain right now, but not as bad as it has been in the past. The Gate of Hell shall not prevail against it. The next generation of clergy will set things right.
ask your boss if you can do this (as was done in exodus)
if you can work twice the quota on saturday then go home sunday
in exodus, god had made edible dew which the israelites were supposed to only take enough each day for that day
and then enough for 2 days on the 6th day
and on the 7th day the dew was not there for they were to rest on said day
and that is why it is the sabbath day
you dont have to be so lazy that you cant get out of bed, just dont commit to any strenuous work (unless its to get to church)
You wouldn't make a very good Pope then.
>The next generation of clergy will set things right.
You think so, huh?
fuck off catholic niggers
the pope is a fraud, your whole religion is just an empire built on lies
I don't see how having no tolerance for child molesters would make one a bad pope. But I'm not the pope, so maybe that's why.
And I do think so. I have a lot of faith in the young priests. I knew a good number of them back in the day.
and on Peter.
Pic related. It's you.
unless youre part of 17th century massachussetts puritans, you can have fun
but sex isnt fun, it just feels good
so think about it: is your fun full or empty?
even the amish have fun
It's (((weird))) that Catholics don't just do mission trips, but instead pay for invaders to come here. There was a """"refugee""" that was brought here by a Catholic charity and he raped a 5 yearold white girl. It seems like the Church isn't defending Christendom, but actively working to destroy it.
Catholics do mission trips. We did plenty in youth group in the early 2000s and still do. What are you even talking about?
The Pope's main job is keeping his cult of paedophiles safe. Your religion has been infiltrated by satanists and you do nothing about it.
>don't JUST do mission trips
I'm saying they should evangelize in those countries, not bring the savages here.
I think I came back to the faith today?
About a year ago something particularly humiliating, that I know God could have stopped but didn't, happened to me. When that happened I basically said "Fuck you" to God and went my own way.
It's been a very meh experience.
There were too many philosophical questions that a life without God couldn't answer. My brain and heart were both saying "This is a bad idea." It makes the most sense to be Christian.
I believe everything the Bible says. I believe in the theology of my denomination (LCMS). I believe that God is good and loving and stuff. I believe that, for the most part anyway, the Christian moral and value system is the optimal one.
But I'm skeptical of God. Skeptical of how trustworthy he is. He's made it plenty clear he has no problem allowing awful things to happen to me (not to mention others). He's also made it plenty clear he has no intention of answering 99% of my prayers. It's like I'm talking to the air. It's so emotionally draining. How am I supposed to trust a god like that? I'm not convinced I can. I have a lot of emotional pain and skepticism to work through. And the typical BS answers that lay Christians give just don't work for me. I need something deeper than insincere sentiments.
Yet it's as Peter asked, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." So here I am, I guess.
Fair enough.
It makes me happy you've found comfort in Peter's words. He's my patron Saint!
What do you think the red is supposed to represent? They're fucking satanists.
What ever could red represent on a Cardinal? I haven't the foggiest!?
It represents the blood of white people Catholics help to murder
Blood does represent martyrs. So, partially correct.
You're just a piece of marble, and you should feel glad God chips away at you sometimes.
If you're embarassed, let go of pride.
What do you pray for?
God is not for everyone, only those who can. You better start making sure you can.
>God is not for everyone
I think he's under the thought that if God helps those who helps themselves, he will ignore those who don't try to help themselves
We ALL need guidance
That's true. I can go with that.
Yeah you're off by like a hundred miles there, I have no clue what you're talking about o.o
It's not comfort, it's reality
So clarify what you mean? How is God not for everyone?
That's still fucked up
An omniscient, omnipresent deity that doesn't help those who can't help themselves? If you really are a priest why would you support this?
Yeah, wasn't talking about your post, I was referring to the portuguese
Amen, brother!
I'm not. Who said I was?
I didn't say that, it was that who said it
>That's true, I can go with that
You shit on Mozart and then you tell people to download an app.
The biography is Mozart is self-explanatory.
You're a fucking clown. All these fake christian threads are fucking jokes made by subversive punks.
>If you really are a priest why would you support this?
I never said I was a priest, user. In fact I keep
p telling people to talk to one.
*fellates boy*
Clam down lads.
I don't think God ignores anyone. Everyone is assigned something.
I just know Jesus asked people to follow him to be granted eternal life. Those who can't follow Jesus, had better start chaning that.
Mozart was supposed a degenerate though he made glorious music. This is a petty well known fact.
You made a mistake meme priest. The ones who know the biography of Mozart know what happened to him at the end of his life.
You confirmed what i thought about who makes these threads.
Why do you hide behind a memeflag?
So if he wasn't then all the better. I don't see what point you're trying to make?
I'm not hiding, ameribro. No one has ever asked.
He is redman the red cloak signifies the blood of all the saints murdered by his church
A simple google search will give you the answer you seek, Aquafresh. It's almost like you are intentionally lying to mislead people.
I grew up with your bronze age myths
you've got to hold your head with both hands for two seconds.
your. messiah. was. no. god.
Jesus did not walk on the water, made no miracles, and he did not come back to life on the third day after.
It's all myths. For gullible people.
You are here on pol, which means you are actually at least somewhat smart so
dont give in to these lies
spread by men to fool themselves
God exists. Just make sure to drop any clergy.
Hello autistic toothpaste, took you awhile today
Totally plausible
Fuck off jewish shill.
i really do not care its like asking pagans why they do this or that
i swear i'm 100% honest with you
Dixibro, I love your Sanctuary pics. Keep them coming!
Then why are you here? To sow discord with lies? You are of your father the Devil, who is also a liar!
Jesus never existed. That is the conclusion of researchers who have combed 126 texts written during or shortly after the time Jesus is supposed to have lived. The research concluded that there was no creditable mention of Jesus whatsoever. The known sources such as Josephus etc. that do have very vague mentions of a possible Jesus are now known to be Christian interpolations and are academic embarrassments when used to prove the historicity of the "Christ". Jesus, the messianic figure at the center of the world's largest religion, Christianity, was simply a fictional character. The story of Jesus bears a close resemblance to numerous other mythological stories of ancient gods who were born of virgin mothers and performed miracles. Man made Gods.
its actually funny the whore of babylon is seen with red and purple . What colors shall we use ? lets use colors of corruption ... dont forget the silly hat jesus also wore
bronze age ended in 1200bC in the near east
Jesus was God.
No one would bother to kill a person that was just a normal dude claiming crazy shit. He had real power over people, and he got this power because people saw and believed.
I guess they should've combed more than 126 texts.
>Red and purple are a sign of the whore of babylon
>therefore the church is the whore of babylon
Muh liar papist have broken almost all commandments of god and i am the liar
No true Catholic like Francis, he's a fucking Argue commie
Yawn. Go start your own general. I'm not going to treat with your like any more.
Not even saying that the church is the whore , that is what you made from it ,it adopted the colors of corruption
>3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, a
Is there any good books, or references to what happened to Jesus from age 13 to his return to Jerusalem?
That's exactly what you did, sugar coating shit is still just sugar on top of shit
>Is there any good books, or references to what happened to Jesus from age 13 to his return to Jerusalem?
I am not the person to ask. It's my understanding the Church considers that time to be pretty mundane.
I.E.: Woman it is not yet my time, etc.
here I was thinking a color is just a color, and precedes from nothing, really, unless it's orange which precedes from the fruit, or is it the other way around? anyway, you can google why the church chose to wear the colors it does.
It also uses white and yellow and black. The church likes colors and won't stop using colors because some crazy bitch will one day pick the same colors. The church isn't a 13 yr old girl.
My ass, their hiding something
Why would the church literally erase 20 years of Jesus' life from the records? You mean to tell me the only things interesting about the Son of God where when he was a young boy and just before his death? Bullshit
The Church has become rotten and the Vatican is infested with vipers.
A Holy Crusade is called for.
The vile Pharisee and the filthy Saracen have no business in our lands.
The heretic Protestant and every other blasphemer can go up in flames too.
We must purge our Church, and our Christ fearing nations.
It's best to consult a priest on this matter.
I have, they're mum on the subject and said "no one is really sure what exactly happened"
You seem to be saying that Jesus SHOULD have done something?
Pretty ballsy to go to Jesus' face and tell him what he should've done.
Went to mass this morning and literally got a 15 minute lecture on racism and banning assault weapons.
Everyone clapped.
Black Mordor Ape, go back to Africa and run around in the jungle you rootless savage.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not for you.
Sorry, man. Pray to Him that he reveals this to you? I don't really know what to say.
That crazy bitch is literally the church
not crazy
The Woman and the Dragon
>1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
3And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
The Woman on the Beast
>1And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: 2With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication,
Shut the fuck up Abo scum, why Centrelink gives you cunts the ability to use the internet is beyond me, also I'm in pursuit of the truth which is a heavenly pursuit
I will and I pray he does
The Netherlands belongs to the Bourbons.
Instead of serving Christ you sold your lands to the Pharisees for windmills.
Faranese should have hung every last one of you heretics.
>drunken with the blood of the saints
I'm sorry, but it's a perfect match and most Catholics even accept that it's referring to the Catholic Church and a "falling away" that will happen in the future. Sedevacantists believe that it's already taken place.
Damn, better watch out for those Papist dragons then, I wouldn't be talking shit if I was you and my oponent was a dude who didn't get scalded by suns.
There are many gods
Ha the slave has a vile tongue to match his filthy apelike face and monkey brain.
Be off with you, screeching abomination.
LARPagans: OUT!
we call those others "demons".
The fuck are you even talking about ? its symbolic but the woman is literally the symbol for the church
Revelation 12 is the still uncorrupted church fleeing persecution
How would a Catholic go about converting an atheist?
>the gates of hell have not prevailed over the church
Catholicism is a wicked false religion my dudes.
If you died today would you go to heaven?
It's a simple question but it can nail down any false teaching easily because if you turn in your Bible to John 3:16 you'll find this:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
But James 2! You may cry. But James 2 makes a reference to Abraham does it not? And what does the Bible say about Abraham?
Genesis 15:6 says
"And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness."
Ok but we still have to follow God's word to go to Heaven, I mean that just makes sense.
Or does it
Turn in your Bible to Galatians 5
"Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace."
But my church taught me....
Stop right there, if your Church teaches you something the Bible doesn't, they're false.
>le 56% meme
Fuck sake I thought Aussies were original
Please sauce me
dude, you disapoint me
Here I was thinking you're a madman who didn't care about no sun being thrown in his face.
You go from "That crazy bitch is literally the church" to " the woman is literally the symbol for the church"
you're weak man.
How can you judge yourself worthy of Heaven? Do you have that Authority?
Time to get right with the lord.
It's not my words that put me in Heaven, it's God's word aka the Bible. I'm not arguing my opinion here, I'm showing you exactly what the Bible says about salvation.
How do you know the Bible is the inspired work of God? Where does this knowledge come from?
its both the church one not corrupted and then the church corrupted in revelation 17
But you are a papist god literally made you blind for everything , you think you are saved by eating a cracker
I don't get it why protestants make it part of their ceremonies to shit on catholicism, I mean, I do, protestantism worships hating the catholic church, from which the protestants stem, and without catholicism there would be no protestantism.
anway, protties believe in sola fide, Catholics have faith, so I guess catholics are saved by protestant standards, so now that we've settled this, and we concluded I'm saved by both catholic and protestand standards... I win.
You Sola Scriptura fags are hilarious, you really think faith alone is going to save you? Jesus's works we're an example to be followed, not abandoned just because you have faith
There can be no reasoning with Protestant heretics.
They ally with Turks and Saracens every chance they get, overthrow their kings, and congress with Jews and Black Apes.
The Crusade always purged the Jew first, and we must see the Protestant for what he is, a crypto-Jew.
Every last one of them grovels to the Pharisee, and serves the devil.
I dont take religious advice from idolaters.
>and without catholicism there would be no protestantism.
>Implying there would be no scripture without the roman catholics the 4 gospels and the letters from paul would just poof dissapear
If you're seeing dragons and sun-resistant women, it's not really other people that are blind, m8...
o shit, maybe revelation was about the show game of thrones. The end really is near! O both the show and everything.
If you were a proper Anglo-Saxon or Norman you would worship in the Church of your ancestors.
If you behave like an Ape, I will treat you like one.
I have no time for mewling Jews or negroes.
This should come as no surprise. Go to any protestant church and they are always shilling for the State of Israel.
If you're putting the Church over the word of God you're doing something wrong.
If you don't believe the Bible is divinely inspired, what exactly does that make you? Basically an atheist with a cultural practice of larping as a Christian.
Galatians 5. Also I'm not just shitting on Catholics, most Protestants also believe you have to earn salvation/you can earn salvation. Which the Bible says negates the free gift of salvation.
Like Jesus said, strait is the gate and narrow the way.
You have to trust God so much that you stop leaning on human understanding to accept the gift. Earning your way to heaven is an act of pride, foolishness, and defiance of God's will.
well, the protties did start hacking away books from the bible, so who knows?!
The Bible is clear that faith saves you, not any works of righteousness that you have done. And yes, we should follow the doings of Christ, no one denies that. But the doings won't save you, only your faith in Christ's sacrifice.
the revelation of jesus christ is about his church , hence he sends letters to 7 churches
>1The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 2Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. 3Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
>If you're putting the Church over the word of God you're doing something wrong.
>If you don't believe the Bible is divinely inspired, what exactly does that make you? Basically an atheist with a cultural practice of larping as a Christian.
Stop dodging the question. How do you know the Bible is the Divine Word of God?
I'm still saved though, because I believe.
That's what I do not get about protties. If faith alone is required what difference does it make that we also perform works? Catholics believe Jesus died on a cross for their sins, just the same as them. In truth it's because they are sour and their faith stems only, as you say, from the hatred of Catholics.
Nope, you because you trust your own works to get you to heaven.
The Protestant and his books must burn together.
They have bought us hell on earth, so now we will purge all Christian lands of their Jewish plot.
Protestantism is just the first step towards atheism.
It has no place in our lands.
I love this bullshit prottie brainwashing, have fun bending over and grabbing your ankles for the Pharisees you blasphemer
My mother was Catholic and my father was Presbyterian, my wife is confirmed Catholic, my parents didn't want to get us baptized because they thought it was a personal choice for myself and my brother
I went to Catholic school, Episcopalian, and Baptist and the one that was hypocritical was Catholicism, unfortunately I think it might be too late for me to enter the Church, but not for my daughter
Yes, but faith alone does NOT gaurantee entrance to Heaven
What can men do in the face of such mindless babbling?
thats the other way around desu. the bird was named after the prelate.
Did they ?Or did they removed the books the catholics used for political gain...i can just read everything today , your argument is moot
It's been right about everything else, why shouldn't it be right about itself?
"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."
That tells me there's always going to be at least one correct Bible version in circulation. If you then compare the Bible translations, you'll end up sticking with the KJV.
Zero contraditions in it, it never mistakes Jesus and Lucifer like the NIV did, and it doesn't insert church doctrine over Bible doctrine either by intentionally mistranslating or leaving verses out.
Do you think you can earn salvation without Jesus? Simple yes or no.
If the answer is yes then you're not saved by grace and if you've sinned in your life (the Bible says all of us have sinned and deserve Hell) then you're boned.
Jesus also states that you must follow the comandements, sell your riches, give them to charity and follow him to receive eternal life.
So, as to not take this story from the bible, I decide both works and faith save me :D
And since catholics are about faith + works, faith is there, therefore protestants also aknowledge we're saved and all this discussion is made mute.
I actually did not know that. But, the reason they are called cardinals has nothing to do with the color red. It has more to do with Latin and hinges.
*One that wasn't hypocritical
So you're saying because the book says it is what it is therefore it is? Do you not see how insipid that sounds? Do you ever wonder why there was so many protestant denominations?
>Yes, but faith alone does NOT gaurantee entrance to Heaven
Yeah it does, because faith alone is the requirement for getting in to heaven. If you trust your own works, then you're not getting to heaven. The point is to put all your trust and faith in Jesus Christ's sacrifice and not put any emphasis on your own works.
God promises that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is going to heaven. That's a guarantee, a free gift to us from Him.
Same reason there's a lot of nations. God is a God of division. If he wanted a single unified Church then why doesn't he want a single unified nation?
Hahahahaha, only a Catholic would distort Scripture this severely. The story you're referring to, with the man who did good works but refused to sell his possessions, is a story that Jesus used to prove salvation without works.
The man is telling Jesus how good he's been, how he's been keeping the commandments from his youth up. And Jesus tells him that if he wants to go to heaven, he'll have to keep the ENTIRE LAW, without breaking a single commandment -- which would involve selling all of his possessions.
And the man gets angry and leaves, "because he owned great riches".
The moral of the story is that no one will ever be good enough to work themselves to heaven, sinlessly, the way Jesus did. Only faith in Christ will get you to heaven.
If so then as demonstrated by out Portuguese friend, it should not matter if we are Catholics because we already meet the requirement of Faith. So really this discussion is moot. GO make a Protestant General.
not, I trust faith and works.
Faith + works.
Faith must be a part of the equation, therefore I am saved.
I don't now, did they?
No. We need faith in Jesus.
>Jesus also states that you must follow the comandements, sell your riches, give them to charity and follow him to receive eternal life
And that is wrong the reward for following jesus is eternal salvation, nowhere it claims that the rich guy was going to hell
>Being on pol means you are smart.
Fucking atheists think that whatever they do makes them some sort of ubermann
Nope, if you trust your own works in any capacity, you're not saved. The Bible paints a clear picture. "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?!"
Will you emphasize how great you are when you see Jesus in heaven or will you emphasize the fact that you trusted in Christ? Catholics will clearly start talking about how fantastic and good they themselves are, lol.
I can tell you're not saved because you're blinded to what that means.
I'll post it again please consider it carefully.
"Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace."
What does it mean for Christ to be of no effect? What effect was Christ meant to have on people?
It's crystal clear: if you try to earn your way into Heaven, you're rejecting salvation.
Depends on the person. Everyone is convinced by different things
It is never to late to kneel before Christ and be received back into the Holy Mother Church.
Only those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit which works through Christ our Lord as the Pharisee does in his Talmud is unforgivable.
Make your decision quickly, whether you will serve Christ or the devil.
War is coming, and the most pressing enemy is the heathen within our nations.
We have allowed the Protestant to ruin us, and now you must be checked.
Nope, I don't remember Jesus saying he has to keep the entire law without breaking a single commandement. You're putting words in Jesus' mouth, and that's heresy.
Paul said it.
i'm going to say it's highly likely God agrees since he allowed it to stay in the Bible.
you're right, it doesn't say that he's going to hell, it just answers his question of what must one do to receive eternal life
Prophesizing about God doesn't mean you believe in God.
Of course I'm saved, sola fide, bro. Just believe.
I serve Christ, the problem is the Church puts hurdles in to prevent conversion, if only it was as simple to let the flock in like it is with protties
There are two ways of getting in to heaven: keeping the entire law perfectly without ever sinning in your entire life. That's the way Jesus told the rich man about.
The other way is to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and not trust your own works. This is the way normal human beings get saved, because "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God".
>Went to mass this morning and literally got a 15 minute lecture on racism and banning assault weapons.
>Everyone clapped.
I'm sorry bro. Find a Latin Mass Church
You cannot tell anything because you are not God and you do not know what is in the hearts of men.
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Jesus Christ His only Son Our Lord, and The Holy Spirit. One God in a Holy Trinity. I believe that Jesus died on the cross so that my faith in him will bring me to Paradise.
You do not have the right to tell me what I believe. Frankly, fuck off.
But the man is a jew he would still be saved under jewish law he never broke the law
>Prophesizing about God doesn't mean you believe in God.
They called Jesus "Lord", they were believers in Jesus Christ as their Lord. And they trusted their own works. Notice how puffed up and proud they were in the face of Christ: "WE'VE DONE ALL THESE GREAT THINGS -- NOW LET ME INTO HEAVEN!"
Arrogant pricks, just like Catholics who trust their own works instead of Christ's sacrifice.
You're not mad at me, you're mad at your church for lying to you.
I'm not mad at all. I celebrated the Holy Mass this morning as Jesus commanded at the Last Supper.
The rich man? The rich man clearly did break the law. When Jesus told him to sell all of his possessions he refused, because he was so rich. And Jesus tells him that "it is harder for a rich man to get into heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle" -- then he says "but with God, everything is possible."
The story is one of the great faith alone stories in the Bible.
For fucks sake, no one is saying faith isn't required you fucking dümkopf, what's being said, and is true, is that faith ALONE doesn't grant you anything but faith
Otherwise any fucking Joe blow can say they believe in Christ will committing mortal sin, this is not the example Jesus set forth
>Otherwise any fucking Joe blow can say they believe in Christ will committing mortal sin, this is not the example Jesus set forth
Thief on the cross.
Of course Joe blow can get into heaven, that's the entire point of Christ's sacrifice. No one on this planet is good enough to go to heaven, so only through faith in Christ will you be made righteous.
The Bible even contains a story that Catholics won't even touch with a ten foot pole: the thief on the cross. The thief on the cross is the murderer repenting on his death bed, that Catholics like to bring up as an example of "dumb protties". Lol.
Of course it's easy to believe in Jesus and call him lord when he's up in your face.
But while on earth, prophesying jesus, and even call him lord, doesn't mean they believe.
Look at all the mega-churches. Do you think those clowns believe in God? Yet they preach and call him lord.
you equate and conflate a lot of things, and that's quite dangerous because you end up making Jesus say shit he didn't say.
Attending Mass is no great burden.
Would that Holy Crusade were called, and we could take mass in Jerusalem after slaying every heathen, meddling Pharisee and Saracen.
I pray vespers every night with my family and loyal friends.
Resist the devil, and rebuke him too.
Christian men do not lack courage, and we do not lack will.
What law did he break god never told the jews that they should be poor fags
> 21Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 22But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.
>if thou wilt be perfect,
>27Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore? 28And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. 30But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
I guess some protestants argue that if you do works, that will actually prevent you from being saved?
Which becomes actually really stupid since works would then become the only thing besides not believing that would prevent you from being saved.
You'd be better off believing and going out raping people than believing and doing works.
Fuck, it's fucking up my neurons.
People in mega-churches are more correct on core doctrine and salvation than Catholics.
The story in Matthew 7 is about two people who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, prophesied in His name and did "many wonderful works" that they believed would get them saved. Not so, Jesus told them "I never knew you".
Attending mass makes no one a Catholic
Being able to participate in the Eucharist makes on a Catholic, unfortunately since I haven't been baptized or confirmed in the Church, if I want to join I must take the Rite as told to me by the De La Sallean Christian Brothers of the Catholic Church, so I ask, why do the Catholics make it so hard to convert?
He said, "if thou wilt be perfect" -- the only way of getting saved through the law. The rich man could not be perfect so he didn't get into heaven by following the law.
You get saved through believing in Jesus Christ's sacrifice.
Going to classes once a week isn't hard.
Why do you allude to scripture instead of quoting it directly?
There you go, you're saying that they believed in Jesus during life, when that's not stated.
They say they prophesied and call him lord, not that they believed.
Works alone don't get you anywhere.
C.S. Lewis writes about this issue in The Problem Of Pain. You should consider picking it up or downloading it online, it's a solid read.
They prophesied in his name yet had no true faith
No one is saying works alone is enough to grant entrance, only true faith + works, the fact that prots constantly argue this shows how lazy they are
If this is the case then I've got to find out what parish I'm in and a priest I can talk to
Such prating.
Every single Protestant is a lapsed Catholic who considers himself a priest.
Simply stop your defiance of the Holy Mother Church.
Or continue your rebellion against God.
I am no priest, but I doubt your penance will be any heavier a burden than burning in hell for denying the authority that Christ gave to Saint Peter.
Even the Holy Roman Emperor walked barefoot in the snow towards Christ, so consider yourself in good company.
I'm not rebelling against God, where are you getting this from my post? I'm not in defiance of the Church, I was lamenting about the difficulty in conversion, but as this user stated , I've been making a fuss over nothing
I hope you do. I converted when I was 16. All it took was going to meet with the Parish Priest once a week and learning abut what Catholics believe and thankfully I had a great priest he was very detailed.
tho i am a baptist, and believe some parts of the catholic church is degen, still, we are christian bros
Lol, are you stupid or just pretending? You're saying theses guys referred to Jesus Christ as "Lord", they prophesied in Jesus' name, and in his name did many wonderful works -- but they never believed in Jesus.
Only a Catholic would be that stupid and foolish. The point of the story is to demonstrate how Catholics aren't going to heaven because they trust their own works.
>Works alone don't get you anywhere.
Works, period, don't get you anywhere.
Respectful Protestants: Welcome!
They were believers in Christ, they called him Lord, preached and did wonderful works in his name -- "BUT THEY NEVER BELIEVED IN CHRIST!!!!"
Stop being blinded.
Prove god exists.
Shut the fuck up otherwise.
>kekistan flag
Was there a test? That's one of the things I remember being told which made me question even joining when I was about the age you joined, I lost faith after talking to De La Sallean Brothers, but I have slowly been walking back towards Christ and seek Him now
>Stop being blinded
I could say the same for you
>Atheism starter kit
>complete with memefedoraflag
Nice try rabbi
Have you even read the Bible?
It predicts shit 1000+ years in advance of it happening.
Plus every bit of moral guidance in it is correct.
If you think people wrote it, you're a fag.
Sorry, but we atheists will hunt you down, wherever you go. We have to avenge your victims and punish your subhuman kind, your religion gave birth to NAZIS and COMMUNISTS. Your religion is the root of evils.
>Works, period, don't get you anywhere.
>So ill just be a total degen, but believe in Jesus and get to heaven
OK guys
like, there is proof that a lot of priests fingle with kids, and that they might talk about lucifer at easter mass, still you guys are the og crusaders. THE MOST DEGEN ARE UNITARIANS
Peak liberalism
the eternal fucking kraut
You think you're good enough to go to heaven, huh? The arrogant Catholic strikes again.
Thief on the cross demolishes your argument anyway.
Have fun worshipping a man who kisses muslim feet. Go pray to mary
When the Christian world was united we drove the Jews and Saracens out of our lands.
Thus the Pharisee and the Ottoman Turk conspired to form the heathen cult of Protestantism, and the Muslim made it as far as the Gates of Vienna while these rebels stabbed us in the back.
The Protestant is the servant of the Jew.
Return to Christ and the Holy Mother Church, or perish with your master.
Catholics are pagans.
>22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
You need to have faith to actually heal and cast out demons
>19Afterward the disciples came to Jesus privately and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” 20“Because you have so little faith.” He answered. “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”…
Good point actually!
Are you from the Caribbean?
You don't worship the Pope nor Mary, you seek guidance from Mary, not worship her, and you listen to the Pope, but I don't know about Francis, Ratzinger was a much better Pope
>thief on the cross had his sins forgiven
its why we have confession bro
Also for a point of clarity "works" mostly means not sinning
>Are you from the Caribbean?
I dont kno a mon
>You're saying theses guys referred to Jesus Christ as "Lord", they prophesied in Jesus' name, and in his name did many wonderful works -- but they never believed in Jesus.
And what's wrong with that? You're pretending charlatans don't exist, and I'm the one being stupid? Holy crap, you're making a whole world were religious charlatans don't exist to make your story fit in!
Go out in the street, pay some atheist to prophesy about Jesus and call him lord. See how fast you lose money.
You're being foolish for denying the existance of charlatans.
Fact: At no point is it stated that they were believers.
Fact: They don't appeal to their faith.
But here you are writting up a whole bible in your head to make justification what you believe.
If you're such a fan of sola scriptura, start practicing it.
Where in the binle does it say to seek guidance from mary? For a people who throw around the words heresy and blasphemy so much catholics sure love to just make shit up.
>Was there a test?
No I don't remember a test.
prots are crypto kikes
Jesus literally only did his first Miracle because Mary was like, "Um no sweetie. Just do what he says."
>Worshiping the Demiurge.
I agree about works mostly meaning not sinning. However, some Catholics will separate "keeping the law" from "works of righteousness". They'll tell you that works of righteousness are required to get into heaven, even though Titus 3:5 tells us plainly that Christ saves us "not according to works of righteousness that we have done, but according to his own mercy and grace he saved us".
>your religion gave birth to NAZIS and COMMUNISTS
This thread is for Catholics, not for Jews. You seem confused.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, fingle is a West Indian pronunciation of finger or to finger something
>Sola Scriptura prottie bullshit who never even looked into it and just says its blasphemy
There's no point in actually having a discussion with you and people like you who claim to be scholars yet study only their own lessons, Pat yourself on the back a little harder while people laugh at you
Huh, maybe that's changed since I inquired
>an actual blasphemer appears
work iniquity is law breaking
New International Version
Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
New Living Translation
But I will reply, 'I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God's laws.'
English Standard Version
And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Berean Study Bible
Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.'
Berean Literal Bible
And then I will declare unto them, 'I never knew you; depart you from Me, those working lawlessness.'
New American Standard Bible
"And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'
King James Bible
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Christian Standard Bible
Then I will announce to them, 'I never knew you. Depart from me, you lawbreakers! '
Christ never said it would be easy following Him
OP here. It's been fun but I've got things to do. I hope you faithful keep this going. Good bless you, Cred Forums
I absolutely believe that charlatans exist, but you're creating a narrative that doesn't exist in the Bible. The story is about people who trusted their own works instead of faith. If the point was to show that they had no faith at all, they wouldn't have called Jesus Christ "Lord".
Also, the cast out demons in Jesus' name, which requires faith.
And I actually love how Jesus responds: "Depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Your righteousness is as filthy rags before God.
> (You)
>According to the Oxford Dictionary, fingle is a West Indian pronunciation of finger or to finger something
lol dude i was just making a joke, didnt know it was real lol
Of course they were workers of iniquity, just like you and me and everyone else. We all break the law.
If you are not committing any sins (you cant btw) you will necessarily be doing good works at the same time
Can we all just agree that Christ is King and get along with each other for fucks sake? Do you think Jesus would be happy seeing His disciples arguing amongst themselves?
Got ya
How does this translate to you then praying to her for guidance?
Not an argument
Is there a single Christian left in Sweden?
You were converted from paganism by a Catholic monk and led back into heathen ways by Luther.
And what did you gain from this, except the villainy of stabbing Christian kings in the back while they were fighting Turks?
Your Lutheran Church is run by Sodomites and women, and there is little difference between them every other atheist in your God forsaken wasteland of a country.
Repent or burn with your Jewish masters.
>you had an argument
There are a few of us, yeah.
I dont break the law or at least trive not to
The argument is that it is blatantly anti christian to pray to mary, yet you do it, with beads in your hand no less. How is that not idolatry?
Its not too late to be saved.
Not counting the ones who think it's okay to do metal concerts for church, are there any?
Praying the Rosary is praying BOTH the Our Father and the Hail Mary, the Hail Mary prayer, if you bothered to actually read it or study it, is actually asking the mother of Christ to pray for us, it is a request that the holy mother pray for us to God
That's the problem with preachers like Anderson, he only serves his narrative and his selfish gain by literally preaching against the Catholics
At what point did you become a nation of cowards then?
Was it when all the Catholic Normans set sail for Jerusalem?
Were nothing but the dross of the Norse left behind?
Explain your ignomy since the time of the Catholic knight who took Normandy and England, Sicily and Jerusalem.
Why are you Lutherans such feckless women?
nice pic of mother mary
The fuck are you on about Aquafresh?
Sweden actually has quite a large evangelical movement, even though it has lots of influences from Pentecostals and charismatics, etc. They're far from perfect, but they get most core doctrines right.
The only church that ever gets media attention is the false apostate sodomy loving Swedish Church run by the devil.
>worshipping a jew from the sands
pick one
Lutherans are pagan Catholic-wannabes, lol.
>If the point was to show that they had no faith at all, they wouldn't have called Jesus Christ "Lord".
You don't make a destinction between their life on earth, and them facing Jesus. We've been through this already.
Everyone will call Jesus the Lord when he's in their face. And everyone will believe as well.
On earth, you can pay an atheist one euro to call Jesus the lord.
Calling Jesus the lord, doesn't mean you had faith.
They casted away demons? Like the niggers in Africa do so too, and have all the folks convusling on the floor.
But this whole conversation is pointless by now, you tried to pass me as stupid for believing in charlatans, you made clear that sola scriptura doesn't matter by saying hat two people that never claimed to have faith, or that Jesus never said they had faith, actually had faith. This is the level you're at, you don't give two fucks about sola scriptura or sola fide, like every protestant, you're just here to shit on catholicism.
Quiet Jew.
Go shave coins in your basement until the Inquisition comes for you.
Shut up larper
i am on about that your prayers fall on deaf ears
Like I said, you are praying to Mary. Nothing you just said contradicted that. That is not Christianity.
sorry that the truth hurts, (((they))) still have their hold on you.
>until the Inquisition comes for you.
a true papist showing his colors
So the visions of Mary, seen throughout the world by people of all Creed's and ages, is bullshit huh? Sure bud
It's not worship, that's the distinction that the Protestants talk about, but keep moving goalposts
How can I redpill my purplepilled ex-Prot gf into being more open to spirituality and Catholicism?
She used to be some wishy-washy youth group Baptist/Methodist but was quickly turned off by the hypocrisy of her pastor, who judged people's appearances (no pierced/tattooed people in the youth group) but was widely known to have had extramarital affairs.
Also I want to honor specific saints for personal reasons (St. John Matamoros and St. Joan of Arc) but neither have churches dedicated to them near me. What do?
Ah, and that's what I've been seeing. Pentecostals are pretty bad in itself but it is a massive improvement over the state church I've been seeing.
A prayer to a saint is basically asking a saint to pray for you, which is explicitly what the Hail Mary does. The Body of Christ is called to pray for others in the Bible and nothing of that says it ends when you're in Heaven. There is no worship about it.
You are rendering the word of God to be of none affect through your traditions. This story becomes meaningless after you've been at it with your philosophy and vain deceit, lol.
Peace be with you brother. In Hoc Signo Vinces.
>So the visions of Mary, seen throughout the world by people of all Creed's and ages, is bullshit huh? Sure bud
Demons are very serious yes they can do all kinds of miracles
I'm sorry I reverted to fedorafaggotry. But throughout the week I've been fucking up on all my lenten promises even after I decided this time I was going to make it. Now I have zilch and have to sit through the entire season and I will have nothing to show for it. I mean, whatever, I guess.
Also at church yesterday. Nigerian pastor, couldn't understand what he was saying and right next to him, after the kyrie, was a guide telling what hymnal numbers to look up? It was six hundred sixty-sixth lol,
You appear to be in a worse state than Luther.
At least when he conspired with moors to make his own Church he had followers.
The Jew has poisoned your mind, and you have become a bitter recluse.
There is only one Crusade, and one Holy Mother Church.
If you would fight pagans, then know that we have a two thousand year history of putting them to the sword.
Islam is the way
Lol, your larp is pretty hilarious. Murdering pagans is not Biblical whatsoever, and neither is embracing the Jews who murdered Jesus like your "church" does. False apostate Christianity, the Whore of Babylon.
You'd have to see what understanding she has and work the church authority into it. The claim to authority is the easiest way to accept the rest of it.
>the Bible is the final authority
>how do you know what the biblical canon is?
And from there you can cite the Council of Carthage where it was assembled and the ecumenical council where it was finally proclaimed authoritative by the church's teaching authority, which is guided by the Holy Spirit. Now you're in Apostolic Christian territory and can go straight to the authority of the Catholic Church.
I have an email if you want additional information/help too:
[email protected]
What does condemning piercing and tattoos have to do with extramarital affairs? This is only hypocrisy if he's not humble about of own issues (I'm guessing this was the case?) or if you think he shouldn't be condemning sins when he does other sins, which is foolish and allows everyone to never be judged because we're in sinners - in either our actions or lack thereof.
How can muhammed even get to Jesus' heels
The goatfucker had a morality that bent according to time and place, while Jesus went around dishing out his true, immutable version of morality.
Christians can stand to 100% of what Jesus spoke 2000 years later, yet watch the muslim twist and turn trying to justify muhammed in the year 2018.
I am transgender and I got a vagina about a year ago now. I just want to live as a woman but I want to be a practicing catholic again. I was brought up in the church but in my late teens I decided I wanted to be a girl. I took hormones and got the big thing done last year. I just want to be a faithful Catholic woman and I want to go to latin mass. Is there anyways I can have both?
I'll be enjoying the Catholic answers to this
No, not both.
The lord has already spoken traps are gay
>The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Hey man, I get it, I'm in a similar boat myself. The idea of not masturbating an waiting until marriage was a tough thing for me to get over. IT gets easier if you realize that your body has intrinsic value. Might be hard to grasp if you're a fat fuck, but it does.
Our bodies have value to them, just like money. Look at the US dollar for example, the more people that have it and the more that it is in circulation decreases its value. The same can be said for our bodies. The more people who have shared the most intimate part of your body and the most intimate thing that your body can do decreases your value and the value of sex. Its not as much of a true sign of love if you willingly hand it out to multiple people. Its not really intimate then, is it?
It's a hard transition to make, don't get me wrong. I panicked when I renounced my inclination to sexual heresies. Good luck user, I hope God shines His light on you.
>y chromosomes
pick one
Sure go to mass, but quit taking hormones and cross-dressing. try and fix your penis, if thats even possible.
I'm sorry you mutilated yourself. Also, try and get some catholic psychiatric help
Oh shit nibba we have an intellectual over here.
What does it matter?
You go to Hell. A lifetime of struggle for an eternity of joy is infinitely better than a lifetime of receding happiness for an eternity of torment.
We can't know but likely.
I was trying to explain her own reasoning for finding him a hypocrite. Yeah, she is uncomfortable with the idea of judging people, and I think that her primitive understanding of how people should "just be allowed to do whatever if they're not hurting anyone" speaks to this. She judges, but when it's her friends or herself the judgement is suddenly unjustified.