>Family has lived in Britain for 3 Generations
Am I British?
You are the future of Britanga. Go forth and spread your seed.
Word games.
British can mean someone who resides in the British isles.
British can mean someone who is ethnic British.
I guess, yes you are.
I'm 19 and I already make more than the national average, by 20 I'll be making twice that. If I'm not British then I guess I'll stick to my roots.
That's too far. That just doesn't make sense, but it is the BBC.
So am I /british/ user?
The queen likes it when you pull her hair. Don't be afraid to be a little rough with her, she's not as fragile as people think.
Pic related
You're not British.
If I went to Jamaica & had a child there s/he wouldn't be Jamaican. S/he'd be English.
I've never called myself British & never would except in the company of retards like America. So user. Are you English?
Are you European?
If you're Black you're African mate. No racism required.
Squatting on a patch of land for an arbitrary amount of time does not change your genetics. You are not British.
delet ;_;
Nigga I'm more British than you and I've never been there
Cred Forums doesn't give a fuck how much money you make. We don't want to live in diverse libertarian kekistan where only the best are allowed in. We want to live in our own nation states.
If hamster is born in an aquarium, does that make it a fish?
Don't bully
No, nigger. You will never be British.
Why would you want to be British? Bongs and other Europeans are absolute faggots. They're unironically the worst posters on this board.
>Be European
>Go to an American chan
>Cry about Americans for hours on end and spam mutt memes
They're absolute fucking faggots that contribute nothing to any discussion.
You are British. You are not English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish. You are the bastard offspring of a failed system.
What is your ethnicity? Nigerian? Jamaican? The historical relevance of your ethnicity to the British Empire can reaffirm your claim to being British.
You are British, yes.
Got you beat by a few thousand years there, woggy.
They could have been there for 10 generations and you still would not be british. The dirt isn't magical
Hahahahaaha being Anglo is the best thing in the world. You can condescend to literally everyone
>inb4 "mutt"
No. Why are you and your ancestors even in Britain? You should be in Africa or one of the little island countries. You would be happier there. You could also make a huge difference if you are as skilled as you claim.
>I guess I'll stick to my roots.
This shows you're not British.
A British person cannot help but be British in the same way an Icelandic person cannot help but be Icelandic. The fact you can "stick to your roots" shows that you aren't.
You are an african living in Britain, nothing more.
According to ancient British law, you have another 5 generations to go until your family can be considered British.
No you are not.
british how? nationality wise yes, ethnicity wise no
can you into genetucs?
>japanese image board
>jap 2chan code
>for the discussion of anime
>moots favourite board was Cred Forums
calling Cred Forums american is laughable, like saying thomas edision invented anything
No, how on earth would it make sense that you are? You are an african who is a British citizen but you obviously aren't British.
Not even a little.
t. Anglo-Iranian
Fuck off to Africa stupid nigger
England stays white