Every week at least one female teacher is arrested for sex with her underage students, usually with multiple student victims over an extended period of time. Laws, education, and policy are still framed to target heterosexual men as sole perpetrators of sex crimes.
Female Sexual Predator update
You mean "Lucky Bastard".
>at least one female teacher is arrested for sex with her underage students, usually with multiple stud
The absolute state of amerimutts, the teachers are usually fucking ugly too. LOL
What can be done about the snitching problem?
Yup and the laws will continue to do so. It is sexist to say anything negative about women ever, user. They are fighting the patriarchy and normalizing ephebophilia and hebephilia. It is one more step toward normalizing pedophilia. Remember that they are the victims of oppressive rules that keep them from finding adult parents because men are too busy playing video games and jacking off to trap porn.
Literally who cares, why is this illegal?
damn it adult partners not "adult parents"
>I can't get it up for real women, just Japanese anime.
Maybe some testosterone injections, user.
bump for archiving your links
these roasties are pathetic
if I were 16 I'd want to fuck one too, but as an adult they're complete losers as women
If an older man knocks a girl up, he's victimized her because she has to care for the baby.
If an older woman gets knocked up, as long as the child dad doesn't have to pay child support or gets VD I don't see the victimhood.
N i c e
>Literally who cares, why is this illegal?
Not only should it be legal, it should be mandatory. Female teachers should be required to take loads from male students on demand.
this desu
>being so shit the best you can get is a 16 y/o boy with shit game, money or experience
You just KNOW this student was black. You just KNOW.
And don't believe for a second that this is her first violation. A bunch of nappy-headed South Carolinian black bulls, swaggering, pimp-walking little teenage niggers, have all had their turn with sweet little teacher-next-door.
In our clownish age, when a white woman breaks bad, she must do it in the most flagrant way imaginable. It would be bad enough to be caught 'in flangrante delicto' with a well-heeled, polo-shirted young southern white boy.
But that isn't scandalous enough for the black heart of the debauched modern woman.
No, she must go for the true jugular. For her betrayal of her race's society, their norms, their standards to be complete, she must invite the swarthy barbarians into her loamy loins. And that she did, in the humid little cabin of her SUV.
And this is what white women do, now at the beginning of the 21st century, instead of raising children and fashioning their tender souls.
She'd rather fuck a dumb ass kid and loser her job and go to jail than fuck a beta.
This. My coworkers wife just got arrested last week for fucking a hs student and his life is ruined. Just bought a big house with her, was just talking 2 weeks ago about upgrading their cars for when they have kids... that little hs student dick doesn't even realize what he has done.
depressing but 100% true
Marxist jewism is to normalize homosexuality and Pedophilia.
I’m sorry britbong, but that teacher is a dime piece compared to pics I’ve seen of some of your drunken slags. Also I don’t know what you’re smokin’ if you consider that to be a le 56% face.
10 years, just for that double chin.
Its interesting how many roasties and pedos a thread like this will force a reply from. It's also interesting how many supposedly "redpilled" people can't see the obvious disparity in victimhood narratives making women into a privileged class.
Nupol are bluepilled af.
Are you some kind of erotic interracial fiction writer? Mr. Finklestein can probably land you a book deal.
This. Pretty much why I posted.
Is there some list of all these cases? I read about it on Cred Forums literally every week.
>treating men and women the same is redpilled
Don't be silly.
why is he posting this in on r/nofap?isnt the point of no fap to motivate yourself to pick up girls?
Your friend's wife is a fucking whore, and yes it is damaging because older cunts have proven they have ulterior motives such as killing their husband, to get back at their x-husband, they need feel attractive, or some other illegal shit. Older cunts also take no fucking responsibility and blame it all on the boy such he advanced on her, he has to now pay child support now that he is 18. Not to mention they play mind games such as they will kill themselves if they break up or if he tells.
You stupid desperate neets have no fucking clue. Women fucking minors is not normal.
>why is he posting this
Because reddit is full of lying larpers that just want upvotes so they feel better about themselves, and since reddit is a liberal hugbox, it isn't hard.
>that thing
Pick one. She looks like she took way too much dick in college and is trying to relive her "glory days" by banging some 16 year old. Like most women, she is borderline retarded and though she wouldn't get caught.
these stories make my cock rock hard t b h
Not sure if Niiiiiiccccceeee or not.
>Just before 1st grade
>I was going to catholic school
>Got pulled out of the class by an admin
>Tall, dark hair, professional, short skirt, etc.
>Skipping ahead
>I stood by her side, waiting for an answer.
>We were standing in the office.
>She leaned over.
>Smiled at me..
>And she kissed me in my fucking mouth.
At my current age, it doesnt seem like such a big deal.
But when I was little, it threw everything off.
My perception was fucked for most of my life.
And that was where it all started...
My sexual desire for women in power.
And inappropriate advances towards every female boss Ive had.
>Women fucking minors is not normal.
You are correct. Older men with younger women is, but women these days are so stronk and independent that they have to wait until they are school teachers to get some dick.
lel shoulda picked a non whore wife ig
>At my current age, it doesnt seem like such a big deal.
>But when I was little, it threw everything off.
>My perception was fucked for most of my life.
>And that was where it all started...
>My sexual desire for women in power.
>And inappropriate advances towards every female boss Ive had.
you sound like millenials that blame boomers for their problems
I agree. Anti-Semites have mental faculties of a nigger.