Why are Americans so fat and disgusting? People don’t get like that in Europe but everywhere you go in the US there’s obese people riding industrial scooters because their legs can’t handle the weight.
Why are Americans so fat and disgusting...
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Because Americans were conned into eating a high carb, low fat diet.
But why do they act disgusting and shit their pants? It can’t just be diet.
Obesity is a symbol of prosperity for a nation. Have you ever see a pairing of old monarchs? They’re all fat because they have riches. The United States is basically an entire nation of that.
>stop divide and conquer
>all whites unite
>race war now
Thats a pic of a british dude
Your pic is a brit
that's a british lad, lad
>People don’t get like that in Europe
The UK says otherwise. Tons of fats over there that hang out in the pubs.
>anglo ""people""
Tell your mom you're shit posting on Cred Forums again so she can take your computer away.
Fat and happy = Good
Lean and mean = Bad
The jew wants us fat because it makes us docile and easily controllable. Like cattle.
British guy. No wonder Op shit posts with a EU flag.
You can instantly tell that creature is English lmao
probably because their burger costs like 50 cents
The joke is that fat boy is a British pervert.
Reason Number 3476: Why I love le 56% meme
>the US needs to unfuck itself
>clean the genetic pool
>obligatory: ope' is a flaggot!
You'll get more. The useless eater caste is incoming.
>Thats a pic of a british dude
An American can’t handle the truth about his own nation. Sad!
This guy is too white to be american.
Americans drink soda/HFCS laden beverages like water.
he's got a point
Europeans all have fucked up down syndromey faces, it's how you can tell someone is from Europe without hearing them talk.
Sugar, processed foods, sedentary lifestyle
The more tv someone watches, the fatter they usually are
This country is nasty. Seriously nasty.
Jezus, Britfag... the link was even posted. He's a pedo and a Brit.
What are you? Jewish? Who else would have the chutzpah to keep lying after they've been caught lying.
You're American but are claiming to be European.
Show us your true flag, faggot.
>Be European
>Go to an American chan
>Spend all day crying about Americans and derailing discussions by spamming mutt memes
Why do you faggots do this? Go to Krautchan or 2ch dot ru or 8ch and create a Euro/pol/. Europeans are the worst posters on this board.
People get fat like that in France, Italy, Spain, etc. Just not as much as those in the USA because we have a massive niggers and spic problem.
To dull, sicken, and pacify the country so Israel can completely control it without any resistance
That's obviously a leaf, life of indoors with an IV drip of Tim Hortons.
Seen a lot of fat british people idk.
But the richer you are in America, the slimmer and fitter you are. Wealth and obesity are negatively correlated. The aggregate data on this is unequivocal. Given this, its rational to conclude that America is number one in obesity because its also number one in poverty, at least in the industrialized world.
Sedentary lifestyle promoted by suburban/rural living (Have to drive to get anywhere, as opposed to those in the city that use public transportation and walk to get places) and white collar jobs.
Easy access to high carb, high sugar, high calorie food (cookies, chips, burgers, French fries, fried everything, !!!soda!!!) in gigantic proportions. A small sized meal at a McDonald's in America is larger than a medium sized meal in European McDonald's, and people get xtra larges for just a dollar more. Frying everything really adds on a ton of calories from the oils. Sugars are added to everything and that not only has high calories, but fucks up your insulin, fat storing process, pleasure control center. It fucks you up in high amounts. America started this industrial processed food in crazy excess and it's spreading throughout the world.
The closer to the poverty line, the fatter they're getting. Kind of a strange phenomenon, it would seem the poor would eat less and the rich would be the gluttons, but it's the opposite. Higher income are usually in better shape, exercise more, eat healthier food. Lower class eat shit, get fat and exercise less.
Why must they eat so much of it? I have a pretty shitty diet, but I eat only what I need.
They are actually obsessed with food and the food proportions are fucking insane. I ordered an omelette at BJs once and that shit was made of 5 eggs with 4 oz of mozzarella on it. The soda sizes are obscene too. I order one small diet coke at Panda and the “small” is as big as a XL glass anywhere else lol. I’ve never seen a country so obsessed with junk food that their national food is burgers and fries. Although tbf in cali where I lived people are super health conscious and you rarely see obese people
Closer to the poverty line, the fatter Mericans are.
>Kind of a strange phenomenon, it would seem the poor would eat less and the rich would be the gluttons, but it's the opposite. Higher income are usually in better shape, exercise more, eat healthier food. Lower class eat shit, get fat and exercise less.
You have to be an educated and disciplined person to find success in any endeavor. The poor and fat lack any motivation to improve themselves, survival of the fittest is clearly at work. There is no use in trying to motivate those people, even for some shitty movement. They will never amount to anything, they are useless chattel and the current elite are masterful at using them. Either join the elite or ride the tiger but I stress that we all shut the fuck up and give our best effort every day.
I distinctly remember this guy, he was a pedo, wan't he?
It’s called freedom, bitch.
You wouldn’t understand.
tiny little wee man legs like yourselves fit snuggly into your 42cc gocarts that your taxed to death into driving. Then soil yourselves from driving soooo fast you wash them in your microwave sized washing machine next to where you prep food. ooooo britiania so grand and majestic!!!!
Enjoy fried fish and chips lately?
Went to Leipzig saw a lot of fat German broads too.
You don't pay road tax for motorcycles here, we have the best road infrastructure in the world according to World Economic Forum and a functioning public transport system. You absolute ape.
Their masters fattened them up to be more docile and stupid
>leaving out how fat Americans are
Typical amerimutt