have canadians overtaken australians at shitposting ??
Have canadians overtaken australians at shitposting ??
>this thread is going too well for a toilet, better post it in public
meme flag
>mememmeeeme fff ffleegs
STFU moron
Unlike you I don't represent the shithole that I'm in.
but that doesn't change the fact that you live in a shithole.
Butthurt much?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shitter?
Canadians aren't shitposting. They're dead serious.
canadians just want to check out from the horrible dog fucking reality they live in
Can confirm.
Come to my country and say that to my face Rakesh
You represent the biggest shithole there ever is and ever will be in history: the liberal fanfic
Leaf me alone
>meme flag
you've already lost faggot
and? i already know it
I am just saying India is literally a shithole
Aussie shitposts can at least be fun and entertaining. Leafposting just makes the world an even worse place.
damn, how are they going to do that?
Cancerposting is different from shitposting.
Not to blow smoke up Australian ass but they’re shitposting is cheeky and fun. Canadian shitposting is just shit.
shistposting festers and cancerposting spreads?
pls be my ai gf
Heh, look loo
If our superior intellect upsets you that much
MAYBE you should take a time out
and come back when you have matured a bit
Thanks sweetie ;)
In the basic sense, yes. Australians are funny and banter to shit things up, it's like a game for them that they're good at. Sure they'll shit up your thread, but it's usually welcome.
Canadians by contrast are just irredeemably shitty. There's nothing funny, entertaining, or endearing about their posting, and it's ALL shitty.
You automatically disqualify of all bantz. You're stupid and gay.
Candians are just try hards.
Shitposting comes to Aussies naturally.
Shitposting, specifically Ausfags, is more times than not funny. Their bantz is a staple here.
Carcerposting i.e. leaffags, is 90% pure lefty, faggot-tier discord and cuck-speak.
Big difference
i agree
get fucked cunt
australians are better shitposters but there not as many australians as they used to be
Jesus wtf is wrong with Australians?
That's just because this board is at the end of its life cycle. It is unbearably American centred since the 2016 election and theres so many of the cunts that any decent discussion just gets swamped by them. Posters from other countries are finally moving on, aussies included.
i see,which board is the most active in Cred Forums?
>literally overfilled the Indian Ocean with their poo and now filling the Atlantic as well
Jesus, how long has the Northern Pacific got?
don't worry i'll ask my fellow countrymen