>SJWs forced to virtue signal like mad about this game
>Unable to comprehend the Streisand effect
will lefties ever stop shooting themselves in the foot?
SJWs forced to virtue signal like mad about this game
hopefully never
Can I get a rundown on the sjw influence on the Witcher?
>Can I get a rundown on the sjw influence on the Witcher?
He's implying that it's even more popular than the Witcher because of the Streisand Effect, user; not that the Witcher is SJW-affected.
Yet it is still bugged shit
Anti-SJW had turned in kind of mainstream, so this game is like reverse ME-Andromeda, but you have muh based, instead of muh diversity
Why would SJWs hate Kingdom Come
No black people
If they cared about video games they'd hate it because it's a buggy unoptimized mess. But they don't so they probably hate it because there aren't any chinks or something.
No black people, founder supported gamegate and pretty much told sjws to fuck off
Have any SJWs brought anything up about it since that guy tweeting at the head developer 3 years ago? That image compilation is hilarious, but it’s also 3 years old...
>lol the maker of this game is a racist asshole let's all buy his game and pretend it's good! that'll show those esjaydubyas xDDDDD
k senpai
no he means the effect in the opposite way
>anti-SJW has turned kind of mainstream
amen fellow cuckboy. We need to make SJW-ism mainstream again to a BTFO to all wh*te male gamers
It's realistic i.e. no minorities.
jesus its still going up? anyway another massive patch is coming so ill wait a month before playing it.
pic related
not a lot, but there are some poeple who are mad
>anons pretending the game is shit
I dont understand. It runs great on my cheap ass rig. The combat system is hard to learn but I can decimate in fights of 3v1 now. The story and characters are engaging
It was a little hiccupy at launch but they already made updates
>I can decimate in fights of 3v1 now
You do a third damage to one of them and then you die?
>inb4 the mountain jew bitching about no multiplayer.
Gameplay looks like shit but I tempted to buy it just to spite the left.
You look like shit.
>bugged shit
Implying the Witcher wasn't, but you never complained because it was so much fun and the bugs weren't really game breaking. All you fags complaining are such a joke. This game accomplished more than big budget game studios, despite a huge amount of the industry being against Vavra on political grounds.
Enjoy your cancer, fags.
>b-but kingdom come is buggy shit!!!!
They also just don't really care if it sells, hence virtual signal
>omg omg KCD is so BUGGY tho
No I wail on them with my 90 damage sword while my thick ass armor absorbs the force from their attacks
Do you guys even medieval swordfighting
Sheba is Yemen. The game is not set there and has nothing to do with that region, their leadership, or their people.
i bought the game but its stuck in my backlog till i finish two that i am mid way through right now. is it good? i hear it has a lot of gamebreaking bugs and anything larger than 1v1 combat blows ass.
I want to shill for this game but forty percent of the time I have trouble walking up stairs. There are many stairs in the game. Never had this issue with any other game ever.
>alt right trying to credit themselves for the fotm game
LOL pathetic
Smartass. Think you're hot shit? Knowing definitions? We learn ro word good in our upper level college classes. Like word-good 101 and talkin' more better 202.
it's not a zero sum game, sjw's get clicks, devs get sales, everybody wins. it's like when gordon ramsay pretends to be mad at the cooks
the Witcher came out before SJW were mainstream
This guy is an idiot. Hopefully kingdom come serves to wake up the industry about firing and catering games due to bullshit SJW nonsense. Its been selling extremely well and has great reviews even with the bugs.
>devs are making vidya great again
>the golden baby will fly in your lifetime
Feels good man.
aren't you the same idiot shitting on black people for liking and identifying with black panther such fucking hypocrites no difference or even worst then the SJW's
>omg boycott KCD and Vavra, he's alt-right!
>omg KCD is #1 game, fucking alt-right rigging the stats
>omg alt-right trying to take credit for KCD being "flavor of the month"
Are leftists just too stupid to remember the last lie you told, is that why you sound schizophrenic and contradict yourselves every time you post?
POC is literally just a switched around version of Colored people.
There are tons of minorities, but none of them are african
Most reviews are saying its a good game, but there are some that find it too hard, scores are out of 10 btw.
forgot pic
>ypeepoo thinking bohemia is real lmao
The way they use scholarship is hilarious. Race was understood differently in the Middle Ages, so there were a bunch of niggers in Europe. Checks out.
RPGs are for neckbearded inbred faggots. Any man worth his salt would go for a cringe induced alt f4 by the first cutscene
>medieval life was a melting pot
it really wasn't not like niggers and asians could fly a plane to europe
>he didn't do the sword piece quest
It's pro-white and pro-christian every character in the game says Jesus Christ be praised etc.
I've got my copy.
>reviewing from a console version
these people need to be taken out back and shot
>combat is more involved than just spamming Mouse 1/Mouse 2 until the enemies go away and if you don't take the time to master the combat system you're going to spend the entire game getting wrecked
heres part of about a 1000 line essay about how video games arnt *really* historically accurate on reddit.
snipped it too low, heres an extended one.
I think it's hilarious how well this game is selling while Gamespot and others put their heads in the sand and refuse to review it because muh racism.
They patched the issues within a day. I think it's amazing what a small independent development team was able to accomplish.
Agreed. The story, scenery, immersion, etc. look incredible but I just can't get past the first person aspect. If it was had third person I would have bought it Day One.
damn now i might buy just to support the devs
Witches 3 and Kingdom Come are cut from a similar cloth. Medieval European setting featuring almost entirely white people doing white things. Witcher is a low fantasy world but KC takes it a step further by being consciously historically accurate.
Witcher 3 blasted a few booties when it came out. Kingdom Come on the other hand is pissing people off because most of the characters are overtly Christian and adhere to the dominance hierarchy without some kind of self-insert "le resistance movement" faction as a counterbalance. There's no projection of contemporary social mores on the past, and that is downright unacceptable to the pink hairs
The publisher sent codes to reviewers before the one day patch. I'm 20 hours in and the worst (and only) bugs I've seen is having to sprint instead of walk to get up some specific stairs.
I wasn't really interested in this game at first, but with all this salt I think I pretty much have to buy it now right?
this got down voted into oblivion i hope?
Ha ha
This is plebbit we're talking about
no. heres the full essay
Well, technically there is a resistance movement a brewing with Jan Hus being mentioned.
>historically accurate
Pick one
VĂ¡vra is a weird guy.
But I like him. Shame you guys can't speak pepik or slovak, he got a nice blog in czech.
The game will probably continue. The plot doesn't really end at end of the game.
They already spoke about how mister Jan Hus burned on a stake so maaaaybe in the next games we will get the Husiti movement. I would really like that, killing crusaders with rifles in a cart.
t. gladly-plays-Bethesda-games
The proper response to this is Vavra's twitter replies.
>It's not my job to make games about your culture/race/politics
>Go make your own games about whatever you want?
>Why are women and blacks incapable of making their own games?
Vavra's games are notorious for being much better on PC than console.
Pretty much.
the difference being KCD is historically accurate while The Nig panther is fiction that niggers accept as fact because they're the most worthless race
I like how we switched from 'We have proof of blacks in Bohemia in the middle ages' to 'But its not *real* history, if we are going to change some small things to make it playable why not add black people as well?'
Fairly active shill campaign. Every thread that mentions the game is immediately flooded with "BUGGY AND UNPLAYABLE" despite the games popularity and active streaming audience.
Also faggots speaking about "muh combat".
VĂ¡vra made the combat with swordsmasters from KutnĂ¡ Hora wich use teachings of Johannes Liechtenauer. They tried to make it as much "liechtenauerish" as possible, the combat is supposed to look like that. Yes, it's not exactly the same, but you can't have that untill full body VR exists.
No blacks. Immediately go to a town where everyone is complaining about refugees because they steal and are ingrates. No muh female warriors. Praising Jesus is the standard greeting.
>Anti-SJW had turned in kind of mainstream, so this game is like reverse ME-Andromeda, but you have muh based, instead of muh diversity
>this is Mass Effect Andromeda because it doesn't revise human history
>not changing history is now seen as a political act
Put down the vodka, Ivan
Why do they want black people so badly in game anyway? You know its some wimpy american 'white' behind the keyboard. What do they have to gain?
I was hyped for the game before the whole scandal happened if only because of its setting and subject matter, and I came to like Vavra more for sticking with his shit after the scandal, but I gotta say, I was hoping it'd still be better. The combat is pretty clunky, way too slow in my opinion, and pretty burdened by being FP. I realize it's not realistic, but at least it'd give you a better idea of what Henry is actually doing, because it always looks like he has no fucking clue while his opponents use proper guards and shit. I also hate the slow mo shit. And they are right about the UIs being shit, especially in the inventory menu. It's still fun though. Just wish it were more polished, but I guess they aren't a AAA studio so who cares. Oh and on PS4, it feels and looks like a PS3 game.
>tfw still have vacation fotos of Kutna Hora and Rataje from 10 years ago
top tier vacation spot if you like castles, cheap beer and good food
The combat is garbage not to mention 1st person and the game is filled with bugs. H.U.D is literally ripped from Skyrim.
But the picture is retarded, given that a lot of people own Witcher on GOG, not Steam.
>t. skyrim pro
>It didnt happen a lot, thus its fiction that it would happen to the player character
>witcher 3 7-day window
>feb 2018
>released may 2015
C'mon man, there's no need to be disingenuous about it, KC:D is their "Witcher 1" against CDPR's Witcher 3. It's fine if Witcher 3 destroys it, since they aren't comparable.
You can play the game as a degenerate villain, but it punishes you for being dishonorable. It's beatable as immoral scoundrel, but harder.
These games are as real as Wakanda, god you whites are retarded.
I have family in KutnĂ¡ Hora (yes i'm a Czech-Slovak mutt), I'm there on vacation every summer so I know what it is like there.
The whole place still got that comfy medieval feeling. Getting a good beer in tavern wich is on every fucking street after goining to Kostnice really is comfy.
>t.player of skyrim on nintendo switch
>All these posts and nobody has told me if it's as fun as Mountain Blade.
Should I get this or keep waiting for Butterlord?
Just read that whole thing and the links he gives. Hamster spinning and Po-mo rationalizations all throughout. Most striking is that neither he nor his sources can offer any proof whatsoever of blacks being in Bohemia but instead rely on assumptions based on other assumptions. For someone who claims expertise in his field he sure likes to play fuzzy with actual facts.
I agree. Who wants to play as a heroic knight? Make me a bar back, stable boy, or dick washer next time.
It was funny playing KCD for the first time, arriving in Rattay and wondering why the place seemed so weirdly familiar to me only to realize I was there 10 years ago IRL
Simple, buy both.
its like 5 dollars , bannerlord wont be here until 2020
You do realize that all time peak is the same and KC:D still beat it. Not saying KC:D is better but you just dont understand what is shown in the picture
Underrated bants from down under. 'Murica with the torts
Skyrim is ass. I’m just not dumb enough to buy a broken ass game with shitty combat because muh based developer
bet there wasn't any niggers there either
Rewriting history to achieve the complete destruction of nations, cultures, etc. Just look what they are doing to western countries.
>Canada has no history diversity is your strength you don't have a culture just dude weed and hockey and syrup lmao
>America is a nation of immigrants give us your tired and racist slavery you stole this country from Mexico and Injuns
>Britain was always filled with nonwhites there is no English culture remember colonialism you don't want to be a nazi right
Then when you fill their countries with nonwhite hordes they have less reason to fight back because they don't understand what they're losing.
My great grandmother was born in the Kingdom of Bohemia.
>it's being played more than a 3 year old game so it must be good
Yeah no. I'm waiting for a patch/sale.
>implying commoners didn't become knights
this is literally a thing that happened
What else are you supposed to do with a loyal, ambitious and effective soldier? Nobody is born knighted, it's the bottom rung and the way up into nobility. Most knights weren't even landed and fought under someone else's banner
good goy
proven slide thread in action?
Mostly just old people. Not a young person in sight in those small towns.
They have admitted its to rewrite history.
>it's hard to become a knight, this isn't plausible
>put a least one black person or woman in the game that isn't being oppressed
There's your problem. Mod tools on the way for PC but even without I find it pretty good although it takes some getting used to. Euro games don't pander to the lowest common denominator like US games do. See Gothic for example.
Trying to avoid spoilers here, but if he had actually played the game he would find out why this whole paragraph is fucking retarded.
To destroy white identity and history.
Why do you think they constantly replace white people with non-whites throughout history and then ask why you care whenever you prove them wrong? They want to make it seem like a small change that isn't important until it is too late and they have entirely erased white identity.
Because it actually looks like the real Europe. There is no pandering to leftist retards.
russian cuck being bootyblasted about everything again
A bent knee from someone standing in the way of "progress."
More people are playing a new game than a 3 year old game. WOW
You middle school incels are amazing.
Only non white thing in entire KutnĂ¡ Hora region are vietnamese wich only sale their fake clothes.
even 500 years ago we were depicting them, with proper nigger lips.
How does KC run on PS4?
Soygoy cuck confirmed.
Thankfully, the game has all the wenches you'll ever need.
Even though Kingdom Come had some bugs it was still good. ME Andromeda had bugs AND was shit.
Worse than PC.
kingdome come is awesome. it's nice to have something new for a change. Only prob for me is that I get motion sickness from this game bad. they need to make the FOV much bigger or do 3rd person.
Pol always shits on me:a, but if it didnt exist we would have gotten the best fan trailer in gaming history.
you're right, even though the time frame is listed explicitly as feb 2018, all-time seems to ignore the framing and is counting from launch to current day
can confirm it with steam spy
It's the streamers who are selling it not some anti sjws.
no, it got down voted into skyrim!
>but such occurrences were vanishing small
citation required? I've never heard of a study of all the commoners raised to knighthood in the 14th and 15th centuries. We're generally lucky if we have even partial records of a parish birth and death register from the 19th century, let alone data-sets large enough to demonstrate trends in social mobility. We get a rough sense, but no one can speak authoritatively as to how frequent it was. Discovers are made frequently that upset even the most reasonable educated guesses.
Regardless, for a compelling fiction, its still interesting that a commoner becomes a knight -- more so if its rare. That being said, if he isn't cast as a nigger, it might be because they didn't want his race to become the central theme of the story; they wanted transcending class via honor to be the central theme.
Europeans have their own heritage, history, and stories to be told. Making everything about niggers is not only patronizing, it makes sure everyone is equal in getting nothing out of anything.
Is "all time peak" too difficult a concept for you?
Thank you. Of course it is buggy game. What open world game is without bug on release. Kingdom Come is finished and final product is actualy pretty good. I worked in previous Vavra studio. Making these games is realy hard and they are buggy as hell moust of the time. Especialy if you have freedom to chose solution of quest. Just wait month if you want to play more fixed version. Vavra risked his life, lot of money and future of game industry in czech republic to make this game.
>there are no POC in Kingdom Come Deliverance
Then what are all these Cuman niggers running around everywhere
First Witcher was unplayable on release, TW2 was optimized so bad only people with high-end PC could play it
Wild Hunt had really good optimization and bugs were minimal considering it was big open world game
Easily the best game I've played since The Witcher 3 actually.
>First Witcher was unplayable on release
> TW2 was optimized so bad only people with high-end PC could play it
utter casual
We are talking about Medieval Christianity here, not that modern bullshit.
They're scared. They know developers care enough about their bottom line to drop the sjw racket. Give it time.
they dont even need streisand effect for this gorgeous game it is just an additional push
>Witcher unplayable on release
maybe "unplayable" if you're a faggot who throws his control and smashes his console the first time his horse hits a tree stump. Millennials and Gen Z are melodramatic crybabies and pussies.
This. Atheist and Pagan faggots don't understand Pre-Schofield Christianity is the white man's religion.
>I've seen is having to sprint instead of walk to get up some specific stairs.
Is that those fuckers in Rattay?
Ideally I want it's return but I think it might be too late at this point; The Pagans and Atheists are just another sign of how far things have decayed.
Where is this from?
Do one with Skyrim.
I wish devs best luck, its damn good game and I hope modders hop on kcd train soon. Im not going to say it is better than tw3 now, but it certainly has the potential to become better.
>I enjoyed 10 minutes long loading screens in Witcher and played on lowest possible resolutions TW2 in 15 fps
Fuck off retards, it was terrible, I bet you faggots didn't even heard about The Witcher before TW3 was out
> 10 minutes long loading screens
literally never happened to me. And I had a mid range PC back then.
Considering the core of their ideology is composed of shooting themselves in the foot, I doubt it.
Hyperbole. It was more like 30 seconds. Still annoying.
I should really get back into gaming. I actually started on a brand new engine based on vulkan a time back. I really miss coding graphics in part, been a regular engineer coding boring systems for ages now.
No you see it's so easy to get to distribute games today, now that you got steam. Back in the days it required a lot more shit, actually having to go through publishers and all that shit.
Still though, you need artists, game and level designers, music&sound people and all that shit.
Simply make some anti PC/SJW shit, just games in other words.
Can someone explain OPs post I have no idea what he means.
No minorities ? Fuck off there are hungarians, germans, czechs, poles and other minorities among the Cumans (see all the foreign banners when your village is attacked), but still SJWs are going full apeshit because "muh niggers are not present even though there wasn't any in Bohemia at that time"
Thank god no review gives a shit about that SJW subversion
>but it punishes you for being dishonorable.
The game doesn't punish you, the christian feudal society does, but unlike what SJWs try to make our children think, people in the middle age washed themselves, could fuck as much as they wanted and fags weren't burned at the stake.
A game full of European culture created a problematic man is doing better than the best game from a few years ago that was also full of white people doing white things.
I means that there is alot of gamers playing the game despite (because) massive shilling against the game and its devs.
Jesus Christ this is so depressing
>there were some north africans in Spain, therefore there were sub-saharan africans in Bohemia (????)
>there's a statue of St. Maurice, therefore there were sub-saharan africans in Bohemia (???)
>In 1306, an Ethiopian delegation of a dozen emissaries traveled to Europe, therefore there you would find sub-saharan Africans in Bohemia (??????)
This is so pants-on-head retarded. Conflating moors with Blacks (moors were Arab-Berbers and there were never many of them in Spain and those that were in Spain were exclusively in the South); conflating Iberia with Bohemia; believing the existence of a statue implies the existence of a population; believing that because a diplomatic delegation momentarily travelled to Europe in 1306, that this actually means you'd have a substantial chance of seeing Black people in Bohemia...
We are talking about something like 40 million people living in Bohemia. 40 million, at the very least, circa 1400. There was ONE Ethiopian delegation in 1306, which stayed for maybe 3 months. From the time periods of 1200 to 1400 we have a total of 120 million Europeans in Bohemia; if you multiply that by 3-month time periods (to compare to Ethiopian embassy expedition) over the course of say ages 18 to 50 (the average age of character in the game) you get 128 3-month durations; Now you multiply the number of Europeans (120 million) by this 3-month duration (128) and you get 15 BILLION Europeans, of which 12 are Black.
It's almost hard to exaggerate how unlikely it would be to see a Black person. If there were ONE BILLION characters in a historically-accurate rendition of Bohemia, you would see ONE BLACK PERSON. ONE. Out of one billion.
Your chance of seeing a Black person if there were 10,000 characters (even this is way too much for a video-game) would be 00.00001%.
Take a break from drugs.
>he accepted to listen to this bullshit
Once he mentionned Sheba I told him to fuck off and assigned him to carry buckets full of shit
>these psychotics actually believe this shit
Reminds me of the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, where they depicted 11th century London filled with shitskins.
European population in 1403 had only barely recovered from the Great Plague of mid-14th century and would be around 75 million people rather than 120. And I doubt 40 million were in Bohemia.
Not that it would change the order of non-magnitude of the probability of seeing niggers in there and then.
Everyone's said it by this point, but no one posted the image so I guess I'll do that.
Confirmed for utter shit-tier hardware.
But what can you expect when you can only afford bootleg chink pcs
>Ethiopian delegation in 1306
They went to Spain and the purpose of their visit was to form an alliance against Muslims.
>that black knight post
Deus vult.
How do you bigots explain this bohemian painting then.
Heres a little 'review' of the game in case anyone wants to check out the combat people are having problems with.
>In Russia
>paints a northcentral Asian poster girl
>in the 18th century
>all of northern Asia had already been conquered by Russia for one century at this point
Really activates the almonds. Totally relevant to 1403 Bohemia.
>Images are the same as people.
Bloody beat me to it.
>67/100 on PS4
>What the heck is going on
>Look at critic reviews
>All positive except one
>One negative review full of sperging and kvetching
>Click on link review
>Author: (((Chris Hoffman)))
Every. Single. Time.
Poland YES!
Am I the only one not getting bugs ingame? Runs fine, plays fine for me.
Ive been in the Cred Forums threads a lot and even there almost no bugs, streams have also shown almost no bugs. The only really noticeable bug ive heard from multiple sources is one character that walks backwards all the time when you do something.
So this game is already bigger than Witcher 3. Wow.
Recommend me some redpilled, pro-white games, gentlemen.
I'm gonna buy this game just to support a developer who pisses SJWs off. Probably won't even play it, I'll just consider it a donation.
To be fair, GOG must have big numbers since it's literally CDProjekt store.
Slavs with asiatic features in the Bohemia.. God these people are fucking retarded. Did they google search "slavic people", found a picture of some eastern russian and then project this now found wisdom to all slavs?
Dont you bigots know its possible there was a handful of regular black people who traveled the trade routes and decided to stay where they looked like absolutely no one. And since its possible a couple people maybe did this you are a bigot for not including their possibility in their games. Tsk you guys are so anti historical
Comparing this to ME Andromeda is like comparing a pizza with a few hairs in it to a pizza with a pile of shit on it. This is nowhere near as low-quality or as obviously forced and politically motivated.
I've had no bugs except when you come back to the village to find your parents. During the cinematic everything went black, except the character's legs and immediate surroundings. Now I can't play it.
And now I'm definitely going to buy it
it's not to say w3 is a bad game, but it's an established franchise from a big-ish company.
kingdom come was a newcomer that was shit on by sjws and still came out as a good/desirable game.
yup without fail
classic kike speech
Look wat I found, For some reason, everyone who rated this 0 on meta-critic and complains about game breaking bugs has only ever rated and reviews this one game. thats kind of odd.
>being surprised normiest norm of the normie games having thousands of players
this will spawn a thousand gofundme/kikestarter games right? just say you will make a 100% black medievil game maybe even just buy the code and make everyone in KC a nig to make them happy? is this a long term stratergy? because they libs are mad enough to buy it now if it had blacks in it? I don't even know how buisness works anymore thanks to jews jewing jews and now us using their own tactics against them lads...we are through the looking glass people.
Oh, that's right. But KCD will be on GOG too.
Feminists don't play games and communists steal games, don't bother pandering to them
Pure coincidence.
I dunno man,when they get angry they buy really dumb shit like those manly tears coffee mugs that were sold by men that knew they are dumb as shit.
Only if the creator is a disabled black trans muslim lesbian
Saint Maurice. A saint from Africa. In the third Century. They picture him as black. HOLY SHIT GUYS WHITE PEOPLE IN EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE AGES KNEW THERE WERE BLACKS IN AFRICA. GAME OVER MOUNT AND BLADE.
You people are idiots
Has there been an open world RPG that wasn't a buggy unoptimized mess in the history of videogames? I love these games but I don't expect them to work half right all the time.
I pre-ordered it to spite them and I've been playing all day, I love it. The story is good so far, everyone's white and conspicuously christian and I really like the way the nobles are portrayed, even Hans. But it really doesn't hold your hand.
Medieval history is bullshit liberals can subvert it and claim that the evidence is sparce when anyone calls them out. It's interesting that this game is set before the problematic and racist European age of discovery but for some reason they expect it to be progressive.
this, my (and a lot of peoples) favorite rpg is morrowing, a game im certain of is more buggy than this. I mean without a mod to fix it one of the characters essential to the main plot falls through the floor never to be seen again half the time. And performance wise its even worse, its a 20 year old game with no modern graphics, yet if you use the graphics extender to render far away land and play in HD you only get 40 fps on modern PCs. Yet people still love it.
The Left doesn't like East Asians. They're too successful and Jews see them as a threat. They're mad that niggers aren't in the game.
Someone should send this to Warhorse
>>No minorities ? Fuck off there are hungarians, germans, czechs, poles and other minorities among the Cumans
>hungarians, germans, czechs, poles and other minorities among the Cumans
>"user, this isn't diverse at all! It's just a bunch of white people!"
Fuck, sounds promising af, buying it tomorrow
This always makes me smile, until the outro.
Then it's all sadness.
Look at this garbage and ask yourself whether you think paid shills are real.
How was that a SJW thing, it was put forward in a way that the player knew he was mentally ill and Geralt seemed uncomfortable the whole scene.
It's not about the Witcher, it's about Kingdom Come being way more popular than it.
SJWs were literally mad because Kindcom Come is set in 1300s Czech region, and there's no black people in it.
That ending was just mean.
I hope all you faggots have already played Elex and don't just buy games to own the libs.
why did PC gaming rigs start to cost so much and dont fucking say bitcoin because I will never understand how it works.
might actually but a console for the first time since ps2
will pirate when mods that add niggers come out
the ultimate theft/cultural appropriation crime...perfect.
only the memory and graphics is expensive due to bitcoin, the rest is just inflation.
>I will never understand how it works.
people buy PCs to confirm transactions then get payed transaction fees from the people who made the transactions.
you don't seem understand computer either, so it's all good.
Kingdom Come is a virtual reinactment of the Hussite wars of the 1400s Holy Roman Empire. Takes some liberties here and there but it's as authentic as those IRL civil war reinactments are. No idea what the Witcher is, though.
The game is pretty fun but it's not really much more than a walking simulator.
Not shit. There were hundreds of commercials for that game and I rarely watch tv. I think they even had a superbowl commercial. Whereas the witcher and kingdom come deliverance were left to only online marketing straight to gamers, not normies. But you already know that shill.
I know how it works but I just don't understand it...I have some cows and chickens and crops and shit and I can see them,this crpto currency baffles me
I bought KCD for the PC and Xbox One.
It's an amazing game.
Highly recommend.
This is objectively the best timeline, RIP President Clinton universe
> medieval
> melting pot
Jesus, these people are fucking retarded.
Niggers were considered to be non-human animals in Europe all the way till 20 century. And they were so rare that they were exhibited at zoos as exotic animal from faraway exotic land of africa.
I don't know if I've ever hated the 21st century more than I do right now.
>give us your tired and racist slavery you stole this country
that poem came out in the early 1900s and america was founded in the 1700s
It's a very poor line to represent the american ideal
I'm going to make a game about some black tribe in the year 400ad, as we know african tribes were a melting pot of cultures
>it was real in my mind
Tell me about Wakanda, what is the tax policy there?
100% tax rate for 100% gibs redistribution
Based historically accurate games with no blacks
>will lefties ever stop shooting themselves in the foot?
Yeah, hopefully they'll move on to their heads
In Mount & Blade Warband you can destroy a whole kingdom of berbers/muzzies (Sarranid Sultanate).
Depictions of dark skinned people in art = representation genetically in the population.
The fuck is that.
What did the devs mean by this?
You just keep telling yourselves that.
I'm black and this is my biggest problem with tolkenism. You think if we made a game where you got to be a Zulu warrior the PC crowd would pitch a fit over the lack of ginger bearded Gaelic Irishmen represented as Zulu officers? Fuck no, they can't fetishize them fucking their wife that way. No black people asked to be in this game, as there were NO black people in Europe, and conveying otherwise absolutely breaks immersion. Also blacks don't buy these games and never will
Made a Aryan lad, got the trust of the Sultanate and even married his daughter. Won the wars with the mongols and effectively wiping them out. Gained so much trust he allowed me to take most of mongoloids territories. Put in massive amount of resources in a coup. Usurp his ass. Caused a massive civil war. Won the war and immediately dissolved the empire. Back to the life of a merc. The shit skins will never be a threat to Calradia again.
based witcher only fucks white women
The Witcher is anti-racist and feminist. It just doesn't beat you over the head with it.
>Zulu RPG
>only equipment would be family spear and shield
>armor would be charms and paint
>loads of flatland with wild animals being main foes
Sounds pretty boring to be honest. Without white weapons or items, Africa just isn't an interesting place unless you like animals or have some direct tie.
>Nords, Khergits, Rhodoks and Vaegirs still exist
Kill them all. Turn them into butter for your God-King Harlus
It's a game that's devoid of SJW homework. So many things in entertainment have bullshit lessons about how bad racism is, how fags are just like you and me, how brown people migrating to white nations and being net drains are just looking for a better life.
People are getting sick of being preached at constantly, so games and movies and TV shows that don't do that are a breath of fresh air because they aren't being scolded for being white males for a change.
Give it 5 more years and this SJW shit will be gone, it will be relegated to the comedy bargain bin at Fry's Electronics.
Why can't Leftists seem to grasp the concept of Implications?
Great plot. This is what i like in MB:W . You can write the story of the game by your actions. No boundaries. Didn't knew you could dissolve a kingdom
Imagine the salt if a bunch of black devs came out with a bunch of historically and culturally accurate African Games - where you are basically just dancing between mudhuts, gathering berries and hunting Animals with makeshift spears and bows.
Nah, you also attack neighboring tribes, turning them into slaves and selling to arabs or whites.
Go for MB:Warband . Game is interesting. When you progress you really feel your character is stronger and faster but never at superman levels like many games. The game is massive open world with no story, but your actions will actually dictate the story. You can be what you want to be within the same game , trader, merc, vassal to a king. And later in the game you can start your own Kingdom if you want, but this will piss the other factions. Castle/Town sieges are great. Battles are fun. A ton of mods.
I still can't play Skyrim without SkyUI, the user interface is just that bad.
They should have fixed that in the Special Edition, but apparently they took Special Ed too literally and went full retard, making a game with forced weekly "creator club" patches specifically meant to keep SkyUi from working by breaking SKSE64.
Why do you they hate capitalism so much? It's because they're so bad at it.
10/10 game
Graphics are out of this world.
That would be perfect.
Hehe. Nothing to see here.
They'd involve bullshit magic via witch doctors and concoctions and insist it's accurate because of their mysticism. Still 110% accurate, just with some liberties taken to make it less accurate to reality. Followed by damage control of "it's just vidya you autist racist" and "why African tribes were magical" at the same exact time.
Cue Natives eventually claiming that they are Turok and hopefully we all nuke ourselves.
The Witcher is a mythical fantasy generally Slavic setting with some underlying medieval Poles vs Germans themes here and there, nothing specific in history and the author of the books it's based off said he didn't want it to represent anything specific.
is kingdom come any good? All I remember about this is pic-related from a long time ago.
Not one single nigger ape, women act in an entirely middle age manner, no attempt whatsoever to fit in with modern political speech.
It's also a very good game. Example being the armor system. Almost 20 equip slots and all are visible simultaneously.
nope, it's COMPLETE trash
do NOT play such a bad game
"Way more"? The all time high has Witcher 3 beat by only 1,000 people. And Kingdom Come isn't on GOG yet, many people were playing TW3 on Steam and GOG at the same time which would boost Witcher's numbers much higher.
It is, been watching the roomie plod through it on PS4 Pro. I'll get into it when I have the time but it is a fantastic single player RPG.
Witcher 3 had a lineage, positive media buzz and an actual advertising budget. KCD is doing amazing. Compare it to Witcher 1, for example.
Pretty sweet game, it got a nice learnign curve and some interesting crafting.
Some skyrim like bugs tho But they are working on a hgue patch that should fix most i believe.
>Crypto pieces go up
>Heaps profitable to mine
>Demand for GPUs go up
>Price goes up
It is basic demand/supply economics
Alright, I'll keep my eye on it and pick it up when the bugs get smoothed out.
Been a while since I picked up a new game. And even then, the last things I've played new have all been gook games like Dark Souls 3 and MGSV.
Pointing that out makes liberals lose their shit. Liberals think that's been there forever.
Depending on your genre preferences, game is likely top 3 this year.
>they are working on a hgue patch that should fix most
Every failed game ever.
Are you a masochist or something?
The game hasn't failed though. It's done great considering it is a full priced game. The issues are definitely patchable and quite minor unless you're some kind of stream memer who needs to make snarky jokes to graft money out of the legions of children you babysit on stream.
they ran out of white paint
Niggers don't have nose bridges nor light hair colors.
>I hope the gaming community does more to thin out the cancerous elements that infest it.
Why are brainlets like this
>there may have been an arab merchant in 1403 in Europe
jesus christ
Hate M&B desu
>fuck up and lose a battle
>lose everything and every man
>cant go anywhere without being captured by bandits
>no death state, but losing a single battle is basicly a game over
Just cheese them by riding your horse back and forth until they run out of ammo and them kill them one by one with cavalry charges.
A lot of people are waiting for Kingdom to come out on GoG also.
Retarded Canadian. Probably from Newfoundland, can't comprehend english and 3 simple columns of numbers.
I'd play the shit out of a Zulu warrior game. go take over some neighbor tribes, ambush some Brits. do old-school encirclements. sounds simple and fun.
If you want save money play online have more fun and got a old ps3 or xbox.
Or ps3 xbox one
Or pc
Get Chivalry medieval warfair
Oh runs ps3 as well doh
>but losing a single battle is basicly a game over
The fuck it is. Just a chance to rebuild. If you've played correctly you should have resources to rebuild from so it's not a wipe.
You're whining over consequences in a strategy and tactics game.
Array ps4
Hey my screenshot is being used. Here's another one you can collect.
No. Witcher III came out when the SJWs were really taking off. There was a bunch of bullshit about it at the time.
No black people.
No women beating men at swordfighting.
No feminist/current 2018 politics pushing characters.
No prominent trans/genderqueer characters that everyone accepts as perfectly normal.
Press crouch if you're having trouble going up stairs lads
>Daniel Vavra is a racist and sexist
This is enough for me to consider buying the game, right now.
Europe belongs to europeans.
As always you absolutely retarded pieces of shit make up things and say LOOK SEE!!!! LOOK WE WERE RIGHT!!!!
You take the craziest people on the internet, repaste their asinine tweets thousands of times, and then pretend it is the entire "left" making the argument. Then shower yourselves in praise when their arguments turn out to be shit. You people are such idiotic scum.
Happens to me once, but I had money to ransom myself, plus a garrison at my castle to rebuild my warband. Left 50% of seasoned troops at the castle and someone to train the rest, and the other 50% with me and train the rest of the recruits.
And if you are a vassal (not a merc) chances are someone from the Kingdom you belong will come to aid you in battle if he is nearby.
Go watch the interviews at cdprojekt bunch a fucking faggots
I'm honestly surprised it wasn't tainted that half trap half asian half spic at 12:22 is so weird
You become a squire because of your fathers secret past.
>No women beating men at swordfighting
A hour into the game you get your ass beaten by bandits, then you're saved by a girl
But once you wake up you proceed trying to fuck the girl through a dedicated questline
>give it 5 more years and this SJW shit will be gone
I fucking hope so.
Dude, I consider myself a liberal. Grew up with liberal kids in NY. Always thought this SJW shit was overblown and wasn't a real issue. The liberals I knew were just kids who didn't think you should treat a black dude like shit or a gay guy like a faggot.
I moved to Minnesota though, specifically onto the university of minnesota campus.. and holy shit the younger people here are legitimately giving me 1984 thought crime vibes.
Was scolded in public by a stranger 5 years younger than me this morning for saying "retarded" in a conversation that had nothing to do with this person.
"That's offensive! You should be ashamed!"
I don't give a fuck, mind your business you fucking toddler.
>that filename
you guys are all wrong! they would be fighting evil white slave catchers! liberating their brothers and sisters from a life of bondage, this game would be WOKE
Lefties will never stop shooting themselves in the foot, i just wish I could stop shooting deer in the foot and actually get a good clean kill on the bastards. Been trying to hunt Roe on horseback and it dont work
>you must be 18 to post here
it's bitcoin...
Because Witcher development works differently than other studios
Top Witcher bosses (like four old guys from the early days of the company) took over CD Project Red, making it a dictatorship
Just look over the reviews from former employees
At first we treated "black vikings" and medieval negros as a joke, but the kids raised on this today will punch you in the face if you dont agree with them, when we are old the next generation will be brainwashed obedient useful idiots that will act as enforcers of false history
This is like a dystopian comic
>everyone is equal in getting nothing out of anything.
Welcome to Communism.
agree, also elder scroll / fallout series are full of bugs as well, despite their budgets. recently had to stop a skyrim playthrough because the battle of whiterun quest refused to register correctly...
KC:D has some kinks but is no worse then other open-world rpg type games. also the great stories, realism, and dialog system makes it feel like an actual rpg and not a propped up action-adventure game. this is a gem. can't wait to see what new stuff will be added, and what warhorse will be doing next.