Fokin soft soufern cunts wit there class,, muney nd educashin
Chase Taylor
FauxConservatives is a Hitchenite kekold.
Xavier Phillips
Lads check out this anti-Anglo autism on my goybook feed
Jason Hall
first for amazon is evil
Jonathan Kelly
Brit/pol/ is Shit and only faggots think it's good discussion. You're a Fucking embarrassment to this country. Seriously, just fuck off.
Xavier Cruz
Am I supposed to correlate your level of (faux) outrage to how right you are?
What a weak post. No argument, no substance, just expressing a 'I can't believe you just said that' sentiment. You are no better than those shrieking women who shout 'it's 2018' at people's arguments.
I don't like Peter Hitchens, he believes miscegenation to be a good thing and absolves Islam of its atrocities far too easily. Please also reveal your location rather than adopting the flag of a 12 year old.
Owen Howard
Jason Sanchez
It's 2018?
Mason Anderson
But you've not proved that addiction exists. You've linked me an article to a cold and told me it's proof of a sore nose. What exactly is it, in your view?
Sebastian Young
I recon you're even more ugly than that Cunt.
Joshua Perry
That's tiny. No wonder it broke.
Juan Rodriguez
Justin Roberts
>only faggots Not even.
Matthew Brown
Rude. I look similar to her actually.
John Jackson
tits or gtfo
Jaxon Watson
You're a Fucking batty boy you nonce case poofter
Austin Sanchez
Poortherners talk hard on here, but you have to remember they’re anonymous persons on an image board. They can only angrily type on a keyboard to hide their soyboy life from everyone.
Meanwhile southerners use facts and figures, while effectively refuting any argument put forward with impeccable spelling, grammar, prose and execution.
Landon Phillips
Fuck off you fairy shitcunt
Henry Smith
>160971454 >160971454 >160971454 >160971454
Let's talk about the Irish lads
Julian Edwards
Point proven
Tyler Hill
Sounds like you want a bit.
Mason Anderson
>northern >soyboy life
Mate I dare you to come up Hull and fucking talk like that you'll be on the floor fucking weeping for yer mam ya twat.
Ethan Thomas
southerners are fucking fairys
Joshua Lopez
Austin Jones
Awful toes. Could be a man in a drag; send us a pic of yer bush.
Luis Moore
The South rules the north.
Brandon Bell
You sure you can be bothered to leave the heroin den just for a fight?
Leo Sullivan
ew, thats some guys feet wtf
Jose Allen
Fight me prick.
Jose Ramirez
Mate if theres owt a yorkshireman loves its a fucking fight we'll leather you about like yer fuckin nowt.
Dylan Brown
Seconding request for bush. Just hook your thumb in the waistband and pull it down a bit.
David Smith
Start buying guns.
Asher Ramirez
Sounds like you want me to give you a bit you absolute bender chutney ferret CUNT!
Gavin Wood
Homophobia is rife in the poorthern territories, so these faggots have to repress their homosexuality. They're the real "poofters" no matter how many expletives they squeal at us.
Nice. If you use kik or Snapchat then both of mine are:
Let’s talk about how great Brit/pol/ is these days.
Sebastian Reed
Who the fuck mentioned vikings you silly southern cunt
come up here and try mess with a fucking yorkshirelad you'll be decked out yer mam'll find yer crying
Jayden Clark
There is literally nothing wrong with Mo Salah having a cheeky dash down the wing, AND HE CUTS INSIDE, HE'S ON THE EDGE OF THE NEWCASTLE BOX, DUMMIES N'DONGO, TAKES THE SHOT!!!
If northerners are so tough, why were they subjugated by southerners? Why are they living in a country created by southerners?
Anthony Peterson
Mason Sullivan
Enjoy your cross dressing effeminate men you Fucking ass clown
Christopher Bailey
Notice how the poortherners can't spell to save their lives?
Hudson Rivera
Why is woes such a lazy fucking haggisnigger? Cant remember the last time I saw a proper video from him since the xmas streams. He had a monday moan video up recently where he says that hes got some irl drama going on that will interfere with his content schedule but he doesnt elaborate because hes a fucking tease. Anyone in his sooper seekrit skype club than can fill me in on the gossip? Fucking scots will always find a way to be a meanwad tight cunts. Usually its with money but it haggiswops case, the act of spiteful scottish meanness is achieved by depriving us viewers of quality content (which is is sometimes capable of making too) Its not like hes stuck short for shit to talk about ffs...
Jace Ramirez
Ryder Young
Repressed homosexuality rears its head yet again. Why is it always Poortheners who have the most vivid homosexual descriptions?
Anthony Butler
Notice how southerners cant fight to win over a bird?
Just shut the fuck up with your "board culture knowledge". You Fucking think you're all that m8 but you're just a fat fuck who's only got the internet to talk to people. Your mums a slag and your dad diddled you when he bothered to show up.
James Roberts
notice how the southerner takes pride in being a rampant homosexual rather than competing for and then fucking a fit white lass
Gavin Torres
see if great spelling saves your teeth Laurence
Matthew Rivera
i prefer to spend my evenings in a classy london bar discussing politics with my friends.
Jack Adams
Lincoln Gutierrez
>shitty grammar >using the words 'fit' and 'lass' Use actual English and you'll get an actual response.
Lucas Edwards
You British faggots need some help declaring independence from an oppressive ruler?
Ryan Reyes
Why do poortherners bite so easily? Are they really that malnourished?
Thomas Cook
>Southerners >white
Blake Wood
You haven't got any friends you lying prick.
Aiden Perry
>Under 55
Appreciate how easy it is to be ageist in our nation, which is of course only actually fine as it's a proxy for racism against White British and right-wing voters.
Julian Lee
Stop pretending this something the Tories will do.
Brody Perez
Fuck off
Elijah Lee
Camden Gutierrez
No, we don't want pleb rule aka American politics.
Parker Scott
Mason Parker
run along Jamal the whites are talking
Jackson Morris
You sure your not the skinny one since we'd break you like a twig in a fight fairy cunt?
Mason Barnes
momentum detected
Alexander Gonzalez
fuck off mutt leave us whites to fight
Luis Sullivan
Yeah no come back cos you know I'm right.
Nathan Cox
We already have it.
Juan Barnes
Hes not wrong though except he has the mechanism arse backwards. Physical chemical dependence is very different from just not having the type of will power that stops you eating cheeseburgers.
For example, during opioid dependance the bodies natural endorphin production shuts down (among other drastic brain chemistry changes), as the artificially introduced chemicals replace it, binding to the brains opioid receptor sites. When this artificial supply ceases, you will now go into excruciating withdrawal until your body adjusts and starts natural prodction again. I have seen addicts try to kill themselves going through this, although the process is not medically dangerous (as opposed to alcohol or benzodiazepene withdrawal)
Chemical dependence absolutely exists.
Jonathan Phillips
Dylan Torres
Aye lad. Tell the soft Cunt.
Brayden Green
suck a cock sebastian
mate go shag yer nan
Jonathan Torres
Sebastian Ward
Tell me whats going on with woes you fucking mongcretin
Jacob Morales
Funny how you don't have the same energy to fight the rapists from Rotherham, you poortherners are all bark desu
bill taylor, sarah chives, claire creeding and terry mcguiness if you don't belive me i'll screnshot my phoneyou fucking paki nonce
Liam Reyes
It's clear Theresa May now has a position on Brexit and Britpol needs to unite behind her for the strongest possible drive forward
Ethan Davis
I'd rather suck Sebastian's cock than live anywhere near p*ortherners.
Hunter Hernandez
Your big toe is inflated I would use it as a butt plug
Robert Edwards
>hanging out with females >having female "friends"
im from the north lad and i can tell yer that women aren't appropriately suited to be friends with men
they can't hack 'avin a laugh, they can't hack the bullying and they just are boring, unfunny fuckers
hate the cunts love their cunts tho
Gavin Barnes
Fuck off divide and conquer shill momentumIDF, Britpol is with Theresa may to facilitate the strongest possible Brexit.
Ryder Brooks
we can't can we because the police are too shit scared about losing there jobs because of you clowns telling us all we are racist every time we inhale
Jaxon Gutierrez
Anthony Gray
Yeah do it Cunt. I'll be waiting you lying fuck. You're a Fucking joke m8.
Ethan Jackson
The worst thing about living in this age of demoralisation is the constant shoving of wogs down our throats. Its all so tiresome.
Logan Miller
At the very least we can help firebomb the EU headquarters in Brussels to the ground.
Aaron Hernandez
you are not wanted you are not even white please go away
Kevin Sanders
>Chemical dependence absolutely exists.
I am not arguing against the existence of chemical changes in the body, but against the existence of 'addiction', which is something entirely different.
The taking of drugs induces chemical changes in your brain, as does playing football, or video games, or any number of activities. This is irrefutable. But this is not evidence of this 'addiction', where is always employed as a social tool, wholly detached from the science behind the chemical changes that take place in a body. It is defined (in the few, rare cases where it actually is defined) as a compulsion that must be heeded to, where any straying from such is simply impossible.
This is absolute nonsense (socially and scientifically) and used to excuse all sorts of criminal behaviour and to generally contribute to the absolving of personal responsibility within society.
Jackson Morales
We need to hook up i like your charisma user.
Isaiah Young
Has FCMD fucked off again? One of the best posters even though I often disagree with him, but I wish he'd hang round to finish stuff off.
Xavier Thompson
Hey /brit/bongs,
I'm gonna be visiting London for 3 days. Is there anything cool I can do (no tourist trap shit) that is worth my time? What are some cool places to visit?
Brayden Martin
Sorry cousin, no nigger genetics here. A Sharpe from Lincolnshire.
Jackson Wood
With our black population doubling every decade, it's only going to get worse.
Asher Evans
Who is this trouser arouser?
Owen Price
>So who's that girl there? >I wonder what went wrong >So that she had to roam the streets >She don't do major credit cards >I doubt she does receipts >It's all not quite legitimate >And what a scummy man >Just give him half a chance >I bet he'll rob you if he can >Can see it in his eyes, yeah >That he's got a driving ban >Amongst some other offences
>we dindu nuffin, it wuz the soovnurs oppressing us
Nathaniel Ross
John Parker
>Well oh they might wear classic Reeboks >Or knackered Converse >Or tracky bottoms tucked in socks >But all of that's what the point is not >The point's that there ain't no romance around there
it's the blatant rewriting of history that makes me angry.
Liam Martinez
nah not unless you look like that bird
Carson Hernandez
he was literally getting BTFO by kraut and fucking tea of all people on twitter the other day
Luke Johnson
am i wrong though you've ruined the country because you all want to be french
Carson Lee
Fuck off fairy I ain't answering to you. I bet your name is Noah or joffrey or something faggy like that
Brayden Johnson
State of brit/pol/
James Wood
Fuck off already.
Bentley Long
>Now then Mardy Bum >I see your frown >And it's like looking down the barrel of a gun >And it goes off >And out come all these words >Oh there's a very pleasant side to you >A side I much prefer >It's one that laughs and jokes around >Remember cuddles in the kitchen >Yeah, to get things off the ground >And it was up, up and away >Oh, but it's right hard to remember >That on a day like today when you're all argumentative >And you've got the face on
I do but I'm posting selfies on here unless it's my feet.
Adam Taylor
Cmon lad thats a strawman argument. You cant compare liking football to chemical dependance.
Everything you do, everything, affects brain chemistry - otherwise you wouldnt know it had happened. You live in your brain.
Medical addiction, is when something is introduced into the body which the body can then physically no longer do without - either because it has artificially replaced an existing brain chemical or via a similar mechanism.
There is, absolutely a psychological component as well as a social one - but to focus on those 2 and pretend the hard science of the physiological underlying change is not at the root is just wrong
Davis Aurini and Brother John deconstructed him on a stream too, it looks like it's been taken down though
Nolan Torres
since he first opened his mouth and spoke
Connor Garcia
Wherever your from your dad sells his arse
Zachary Lopez
start smoking Cannabis
Matthew Rogers
We started 5 seconds after his wife got maired iirc
Juan Morgan
Yeah like this website is all the same you Cunt. Speak for yourself you prick.
Austin Morgan
>John Collins He’s alright but Aurini is a joke
Easton Myers
Aiden Russell
huge fucking plane just crashed into a field am in plymouth on my phone out cycling need to phone emergency services now despite someone else probably having done so will post more when i get back home
Grayson Jones
More info? He's pretty thick, tbqh, and his life's pathetic, but his Christmas livestreams are always cosy
Anthony Kelly
Jesus Mary and the orphans me angina
Justin Nelson
I don't like either of the cunts it was just fun seeing them taking Woes apart. I've always enjoyed seeing the smug cunt get btfo. I like his content but he really is an insufferable twat in many ways.
Ian Scott
Camden Ross
Also in Plymouth, whereabouts?
Jaxon Gutierrez
There'd be a fucking revolution here if the government ever tried to jail people over politically incorrect speech.
Muslims poring in...what happened to England. Wake up already.
Luke Myers
Nobody cares faggot.
Angel Jackson
you live in diet Africa you clown
Alexander Jenkins
Stfu nigger. I bet you werent even here then were you.
Benjamin Clark
That's nice but you let the jews 56% you without a fight so far.
Zachary Thomas
good job user
Jason Adams
Why are British wages so low compared to real countries like America?
Bentley Ramirez
He’s a bit of a sperg desu. Pic related He predicted his own IQ at 145 lol. Without ever having tested it of course.
Brody Lewis
Is the field OK, no crops damaged?
Ayden Richardson
whose going lads?
Leo Long
Let's all just rot our minds shall we?
John Howard
What Fucking business is it of yours where I was?
Jaxon Wright
What did he say
Justin Ross
Because Poles and Ramjeets will work for peanuts
Nathan Flores
I didn't compare it in severity, only that it too affects brain chemistry - which is true. The point I meant to demonstrate was that there is such a special reverence reserved for illegal drugs with regards to this fictitious concept of addiction even though, medically, there is nothing particularly unique about them.
Likewise, the existence of 'addictive' (though this is sloppy terminology, it really should be 'items that result in an increased want to pursue them') pursuits is not in dispute. I am not disputing anything you say regarding the medical aspect, only with regards to the political implications that this manifests when people talk about addiction as a force of total compulsion that results in the complete suspension of personal willpower. It is a political point and not a medical one, because, medically it does not exist (as you surely must concede?).
This is a good summary of the argument I am attempting to make, broken down far better than I even could.
Adrian Nguyen
Newfag confirmed. Back to plebbit with you, son.
Nolan Wood
Mason King
Get fucked nonce I'm here to stay
Easton Harris
Millennial Woes probably isn't too bright relative to Sowell either....
William Clark
>implying the same isn't true here with Mexicans etc
Luke Lewis
No chance is he kek. He only made the tweet because sowell is black and he cant stand that he’s not as clever as him.
Hudson Garcia
The jews are indeed a tricky animal. We got kiked back in 1965 and its been a steady decline since then.
Wyatt Williams
You really are Fucking pathetic.
Liam Myers
>You cant compare liking football to chemical dependance. It is literally possible for neuroadaptation to occur in response to dopamine release associated with your team getting a cheeky one in the back of the net. Wholly unlikely. But possible.
Someone make a .gif of the last bit but the fingers form a gun and the writing says "START. BUYING. GUNS."
Logan Baker
lol look at this butthurt monarchcuck
Bentley Gray
I identity with the alt-right, don't get me wrong, but guys like Woes who go out of their way to demean genuinely successful blacks are just faggots.
Gabriel Richardson
Not a nice way to talk about your old man m8.
Jonathan Young
Lots of reasons, including because we attract the scum of the Earth and have a culture that degrades people to the point of wage suppression desperation. Also helps explain our productivity problem, too.
Elijah Martin
You forget how big the US is. Your Mexicans don't get very far past the lower third of the country. Our Pajeets could drive from tip-to-tail in under 12 hrs.
Mason Torres
M8 trust me it's a lot.
Joshua Anderson
is this what you are referring to user?
Justin Martinez
I think the only way the Americans can justifiably tighten gun ownership is to go on an almost genocidal crackdown on criminals and take all their guns after you've killed them. Only then will non-criminals feel safer without guns.
Carter Hughes
Landon Edwards
it's quite funny watching pajeets completely out of their depth driving through glencoe
its just a shame they have zero respect for the environment and leave rubbish everywhere/piss and shit in the bushes etc
Benjamin Perry
>No Brendan the seriel sex offender COCKS link in the OP You should kill yourself.
Kevin Stewart
How? I’ll wait. Yeah it’s retarded.
Nolan Scott
Sebastian Wilson
Cos you think you're johnny big bollocks but you ain't.
Cameron Sanchez
The 2nd Amendment isn't about safety from crime or hunting or sport shooting. The right to bear arms is the last defense against tyranny.
Parker Campbell
Tbf it's a response to the Liberalist meme of "I'd rather live next to Thomas Sowell than a meth head white so fuck nationalism", which is retarded on so many levels.
Woes is a twat though.
Blake Clark
No I don’t
Ian Rivera
Fucking giving it all that m8. You're a Cunt.
Sebastian Morgan
>you all want to be French
Levi Reed
I agree with the fact that it has been used as a social and political football, for sure. The type of addiction im talking about is a strict medical issue that (like so much else) has become weaponised for political agenda.
However my original point in the last thread was that this politicisation is a complex issue that is being driven by social engineering at one end, and vast profits and state level actors at the other. For example, compare opium production levels in afghanistan under hadji control versus american control. The bastion av8b attack was facilitated because theyd let the local opium poppy crop grow up to the wire, which hadji then used for cover.
Tl;dr The drug issue is absolutely not as simple as for eg the likes of Hitchens makes out.
Owen Flores
Isn't the point of a binary referendum that they do get ignored?
Landon Gomez
Ok then. Just remember: youre here forever
Chase Miller
The Norwegian singer, Sigrid, is perfect. As a Yorkshireman, and therefore de-facto Viking and Honourary Scadinavian, I believe I should get first dibs on her fanny.
Benjamin Lee
Forgot to include the picture.
Michael Torres
So long as you have a militia that is willing to act. Have all your guns registered at clubs, every bullet catalog'd, like in Switzerland which Americans love to cite constantly about muh freedom guns.
If you're not going to respect your constitutional gift (GIFT NOT A RIGHT) then you don't deserve it, you allow it to be fucked by those that abuse it, those that go on mass shootings taint it, eventually your people (already docile and fat) will become more docile, the screeching lefties right now will drown out all your rights eventually, your tyranny is already here and yet you have no militia to fight it and more importantly you have no balls to fight it and you don't have equal power to fight it, for years the state has cemented power against you in the form of drones, aircraft, nukes, gas weapons, police, swat, intelligence gathering agencies etc.
Your tyranny is here baby boy, so use your AR-15 to tackle it, or is that too much work for you?
Don't get too comfortable with a worded document, the rule book can be ripped up and it has been many times by your leaders.
Brandon Parker
Giving it all what? You seem a bit deranged desu.
Jaxon Carter
Those Oasis twats look like chimney-sweeping peasants. Their music's awful as well
Dylan Stewart
The Fucking big man act.
Bentley Morgan
GOOOOOAAAAL Oh man that hit the spot.... *shakes*
Hudson Hall
What truth? What are they looking for? It's already been established that a dodgy fridge caught fire.
Luke Flores
Fucking leave are Noel and Liam alone.
Adam Bell
Nathaniel Davis
explain how I act like that?
Dominic Foster
To be fair a lot of the Tarquin shit in London is to do with café culture started by the Huguenots.
Justin Clark
I ain't explaining Shit to you.
Kevin Howard
Oh, you’re just a retard then. Muted for tedium.
John Phillips
Good luck with that.
John Mitchell
Why do you keep capitalising "fucking"
Landon Powell
I have a script linking into the Cred Forums API that filters by IP address location, and so many posts are hidden because they midland/poortherner IPs.
Really gives me an indication of the scum that visits this place.
Xavier Ortiz
Why do you captitalise all your swear words?
Parker Campbell
Auto-correct ya prick
Charles Foster
Auto-correct on my phone is fucked m8
Juan Morgan
Ian Edwards
>you can't ignore us >we are the 48%
Well you are in the minority of votes so technically we can ignore you...
Noah Davis
Are you telling us you can't spell "fuck"?
Nathan Flores
Kek, replied to the wrong person.
Zachary Young
I can m8 but I ain't correcting the auto-correct, predictive text thing. It's a ballache.
Kayden Lewis
Oh okay.
John Young
Can you go into more detail on this? In what ways is the UK degraded that countries like the US or even euro countries like the Netherlands aren't?
Connor Moore
Go on, prove it. I'll know if you cheated btw!
Carter James
I had to turn mine off after phoneposting for a bit, it got trained via Cred Forums and it was going to fuck me up sending work emails. Every time I typed a word starting "ni".... etc
Jordan Diaz
Yorkshiremen > literally everything else
Kevin Clark
I cant see how any objective person could disagree tbqh.
Levi Sullivan
Oh cousin, it is indeed a right. Americans have been underestimated for our entire history. Your comments are not new. I assure you that any enemy, foreign or domestic, will be met with maximum lethal force. Japan understood..
Dominic Morgan
So who’s watching the Cheddar man programme tonight?
Sebastian Garcia
Going to get so pissed tonight I'll be talking like a Mairpost
Jordan Martin
Fuck these negroes, lad. You use us as an example of a road not to travel. Inalienable rights are the only rights, everything else is just revokable privilege. I want my handguns back.
Eli Peterson
Japs should of went with cherry blossoms at night
Tyler Miller
LADs.. went offy, paki giving me eye.. fukin stabbed im lol. WN he good lad.. getting BUMmed in cell now.. spare a thought.. lol.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island has given the world more than any other country on earth.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island, has practically conquered the entire world with the British empire being the the largest Empire ever known to mankind.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island invented and popularised almost all of the world's major sports.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island has won football world cup, a rugby world cup and is #1 at cricket as well as being the GOAT at formula 1: has the most famous tennis tournament in the world, is great at Golf and one of the best all time nations in the Olympics.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island has produced more great literary works, more great bands and more great people than any other nation on Earth.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island has produced the most superior race and culture on planet Earth, the Anglo-Saxon.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island has done more for science than any other country on Earth.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island is the reason the rest of the world isn't still living in mud huts.
>We are all right now speaking English
>Almost every single person on Earth has to learn English.
>tfw you won the lottery of life and were born English.
Easton Lewis
Just as bad tbqh
Tyler Perez
Lancashire > Yorkshire
Benjamin Richardson
I don't know mate. Picture's too small. Give us a sec.
Ryan Phillips
>pro eddie posters
Kevin Miller
He raises a good point.
Henry Lopez
I'm genuinely concerned about his well being, what is the safeguarding policy of this site huh?
Dominic Smith
>le ebin takes one to know one argument Faggot
Gavin Ward
>Almost every single person on Earth has to learn English This is a bad thing, everyone speaking English has allowed everyone else cultures to influence ours Only we should speak English and Latin should be the international language desu
Adam Jenkins
It was once good, yes. But look at the state of it now: low wages, shoebox houses, ever waning influence and power. The UK is awful now and there's little to be proud of.
Joshua Parker
Personally im going to wait until he decides to end it all and drive his kia into the mersey. Then put the kettle on.
Caleb Robinson
>I identify with the alt-right Please leave mi5.
Brody Ross
insufferable virtue signalling at the baftas tonight lads
Alexander Thomas
Oi. Post vocaroo.
Camden Sanders
Tweet is legit. Without an official RoF channel to check I can't tell you more. Wouldn't make much sense for the ADL to simply make it up and make themselves look stupid when the obvious lie unravels. Thanks for keeping us in the loop..
Gabriel James
What the fuck did you expect every award show has been like that since the 80s,
Ryder Morris
Didn't know it was on. Who's hosting and what time?
Samuel Scott
Remember, behind every anti-Eddie post is an insecure faggot crying over being BTFO in an insignificant way months ago
Joseph Thompson
This guy knows.
We won the game years ago.
Just playing for a big high score now.
Easton Rivera
I don't fucking know man lol
Angel Jackson
>Isolationist ethnostate wakanda did nothing wrong
Jacob Ross
>so many contradictory points That's what makes these so funny
Isaac Miller
>interchangeable useless once again
Aaron Clark
Mate, even fkn honk cleaned your clock. You got BTFO by a literal faggot...
John Baker
I've seen Dunkirk, Baby Driver and Blade Runner 2049 and none of the others.
They are all leftist propaganda aren't they?
Caleb Morales
Love me or hate me still an obsession Love me or hate me that is the question Because if you love me then thank you And if you hate me then fuck you
Joshua Lewis
>I Am Not Your Negro No, definitely not leftist propaganda.
Aiden Barnes
they are all shit
Jacob Nguyen
Pubes tier post desu. Sort yourself out.
Mason Ortiz
I dont know lad, "i an not your negro" sounds promising
James Rogers
War of the planet of the apes is good and not really any agenda
Hunter Fisher
Gavin Myers
>Theresa ReMAYner >strong Brexit delusional The tories are neoliberal international finance scum. Economic nationalism now. No deal is the best deal.
Christian Morgan
sounds interesting desu m8
David Allen
It's sane compared to some of these.
Jaxon Hernandez
das rite
Connor Cook
It's the poet of our generation Lady Sovereign You know how much I love sovereignty
Anthony Gray
You're the nigger.
Parker Moore
>dress in black as protest against sexual assault >get ur vag out in that dress
why not just wear the burqa and have done with it
Caleb Wright
Is it true that Eddie is a 55 year old Chinaman who smokes opium all day and hates anime because the Japanese raped his family at Nanking and used his nan as a comfort woman?
Liam Long
quintessential af m8
Eli Lewis
Tear to my eye, but you mean the United Kingdom of Great Britain. England never had an empire.
Robert Morris
>tfw you won the lottery of life and were born English.
Xavier Ross
Id hit that sex goblin so fast...
Carson Brooks
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island is the reason the rest of the world isn't still living in mud huts. This part was a mistake.
Angel Jenkins
the paki on the bottom row furthest right looks like hes had his jaw broken -look how it rests.
Adrian Roberts
zufunkt zufunkt zufunkt zufunkt
Cooper Wood
Probably just inbred, no wh*Te dog would dare touch a paki like that.
Andrew Jones
have you had your daily dose of challenging millenial art today lads?
its powerful stuff
Caleb Walker
Who are all these well-paid philosophy grads?
Leo Carter
Nice "look but no touch" symbolism in that outfit. It's hardly get your vag out with those big knickers.
>why not just wear the burqa and have done with it that's just stupid really it's low effort comments like that which get me suspicious
Julian Brooks
No reply tripfags
Brandon Wright
Indeed. I visited the art for children section.
Sebastian Collins
>tfw studying History
Kevin Campbell
England is most of the 9th biggest island in the world you dumb cunt.
Logan Davis
What the fug?
Kayden Ward
did you respond to one of those 'sexy women in your area' popups?
Leo Brown
no need for that m8
Andrew Ross
The American military wouldn't even do what's necessary to hold a country like Iraq, no visitations, no harrowing of towns and villages, no mass executions. Sadaam proved that these methods worked against Iraqis but Americans are culturally incapable of doing them. They even guilted themselves about some prison roleplay. Against their own people they would be even more pansy. The only real issue would be a Robot military under the direct command of a Democrat president. They lack the patience to wait for victory to come to them though and so you would smell their treachery in time. Britain would have no such luck. The intelligence services are probably even planning the backdoors into the future British robot military now so that they can take over when the time comes.
Britain has to rely on the goodwill of the Army and the disinterest of its elites, but as long as American Patriots remain armed, America remains free.
Jace James
Yup i knew it was a scam but went with anyways
Gabriel Roberts
she unblocked me last night but like she rejected me a bit last night
was on phone to her pissed and stoned af randomly start telling her i like her
>"user ur drunk or high or both" >"nah nah no am not mate"