They are probably trying to find ways to continue to subvert the nations they swore to protect, how to flood more refugee propaganda into normie lives and counter memes, and of course evil Russian trolls
Daniel Lee
>WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY TALKING ABOUT?? who they're going to throw in the prism matrix next
Connor Young
>They are probably trying to find ways to continue to subvert the nations they swore to protect, they're trading hold files
Elijah Myers
I'll bump again this is something we should be monitoring. Networking of this agencies into a traitorous cabal that controls governments is what (((they))) want
german politican under police force bc turks call him a terrorist
Aaron White
Discussing strategies about how to glow in the dark even harder while sucking Rothschild and Zionist cock. I also heard they're talking about how to deal with Terry Davis foiling all their plans, as well as reprimanding the CIA for fucking up the Vegas false flag.
Nicholas Barnes
BC Trump is in USA the evil forces meet in GERMANY, they re-form here in Europe, and try to establish their evil things from Europe from now on. Why you never have a Dhschihadi when you need one, lel
just watch his face, and read the tl;dr >Als Sigmar Gabriel am Samstag seine Rede bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz begann, schmunzelten viele über seine fast pathetischen Worte. Mit ernster Miene stand der Nochaußenminister am Mikrofon. Sogleich verortete er die Welt im Januar 2018 "kurz vor dem Abgrund", Krisen und Kriege würden sich eher ausweiten als durch Diplomatie entschärft.
Die Rede Gabriels mag eine Art letzter Versuch in eigener Sache gewesen sein. Zwischen den Zeilen schwang stets mit, dass Deutschland in den nächsten Jahren und für die vielen internationalen Krisen einen erfahrenen Außenminister braucht. Gabriel ließ wenig Zweifel daran, dass er sich dafür für absolut geeignet hielte, wenn ihn seine Partei denn ließe.
they will face consequences! the question in WHEN and by WHO
Mason Allen
You must listen to the gospel of Terry, the man chosen by God to create TempleOS, the only operating system that is Cred Forums approved. He will educate you on CIA niggers.
Austin Stewart
lol, he is insane. watched 2 min of him and turned off
Colton Price
Can someone sum this up? Seems like it's incredibly interesting but nobody has the time to sit through countless hours of footage in order to extract the relevant information.