Is there still hope for my Country?
Is there still hope for my Country?
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The blood and spirit of your ancestors still flows through your veins. They are doing everything they can to suppress who you are, but everything has its limits. Eventually I believe the German people will have enough and fight back and drive the turks and arabs out.
You won't be the first to fight back. I believe that honor will go to the Italians. Then hopefully the French. But I do believe the Germans will eventually stop putting up with this shit.
This is a serious question to Germans. How do you feel when you see american nazi posters?
the most important thing you can do is teach people how to spot jews.
and im happy for that
Yes. Don't give up.
Bomber Harris, do it again
Of course there is. Afd is not at 15 Percent for nothing.
Much better than seeing a human plunger post shit.
mutts arent white tho
Yes, Allah will give you a great nation.
You bet there is.
yeah, like Britain is not cucked. We have Afd..what do you have? nothing.
Britain will become Muslim like Germany will. You have a higher percentage of us in your country than Britain does, remember.
Europe will be Muslim by the next century, and this is a good thing.
Countries shift name and broder from time to time. The end of Deutschland? maybe. But your people will survive for sure.
As a German American I feel I can answer this question. White Americans are actually significantly whiter than E*ros, who through centuries have admixed with non white Meds and Slavs. Americans, transplanted to a new soil, have been spared this bastardization and represent only the purest Nordic phenotype, captured from samples taken at the western world's height.
It's actually a bit shocking going to Bavaria and seeing how far their people have fallen.
muslim detected.
>what do you have?
the english language
Yeah, your grandchild.
We're doing you a favour. Read the Qur'an and see for yourself.
>this delusion
no its not because it means we hafta glass europe but whateva goatfucker
You help conservative nationalism rise in Europe. Thanks for that. Couldn't have done it so fast on our own.
Never give up hope!
Yes there is, never give up user
Brexit baby.
Be in Dresden around 1 PM tomorrow, free sweets and cash, you will have a great time.
how does the English language protect you from globalism and enslavement?
No, you'll end up like pic related. kek.
>human plunger
buahahaha..fuck of kindly..i prefer christian culture, where I have waay more freedoms..go fuck a goat.
Woah, I am super scared of your AfD dykes and UKIP inbreds. Nooo!
Mainstream European politics will favour a Muslim takeover, peacefully. You have nothing to worry about, unless you can't grow a beard.
You are a subversive like poster trying to derail a serious thread. Just know we see you and your tricks have become well known. I don’t know if it’s just nu/pol/ that is taken in by this bait but the Jews tactics are easy to recognize. It is always to subvert, break unity, and to derail. I see your tricks.
Berlin died the day the wall was built.
Freedom to fuck your mate up the arse.
Why are Europeans so easy to troll?
I agree, all mutt posters should be b& and sage.
Kike not like. Forgive my spelling
Unlike Muslims who just have sex with their cousins
I hope so , I want to visit bavaria and experience oktoberfest
t. jealous german boi
daily reminder that german is so fucking minor that no one is interested in learning it and learning it is completely a waste of time as it has no economical impact on the world
As long as Merkel is in charge, yes.
A german blond girl was literally being bred by a colored man while you wrote that.
>Be Eurotard
>Go to American website
>Bitch about Americans all day, call for American mods to ban American posters, and derail threads by spamming mutt memes
Go to fucking 8ch and create a Euro/pol/. Outside of your generals, you have no business commenting on American politics.
There have been numerous times that the Jew has openly admitted to creating the mutt meme to subvert and derail any conversation between real humans. The Jew only has his tricks.
And it was a beaner
With for more years of fat Merkel there‘s no hope
Start wearing those turbans and reading the quran
Found another Jew trying to work his filthy tricks.
Kek, Allah is a faggot. He probably takes in it the ass. Kys you dirty subhuman sandnigger
admixture with nonwhites
You already know what to do. now use the final solution to do it
This thread is full of Jews trying to subvert and work their tricks. You are easy to spot Jew.
t. mutt
why don't you learn english first before posting here?
your american english is so fucking annoying
You’ve been found out kike. The Jew acts like a cornered animal and lashes out when it’s been found.
When the terminology is outlawed just change the terminology.
Jew = Nepotists/Foreign Embezzlers
Gay = Furries/Pedophiles/Perverts
Niggers = lowlife/thug/violent criminals
You can still purify your country without using explicit terms in public.
Mainstream liberal politics are being rejected the world over, in chase you didn't noticed( Brexit, Us elections, Afd,Eastern Europe, Russia)..your side is loosing big time. You would be better off concentrating on your own shitholes instead of dreaming of world conquest. You cant even keep your own youths from being massive degenerates. Western culture is poison to your ideology.
>guys guys they're being paid to subvert us
>we're really important!
Found another one
interesting that buttfucking is the first thing coming to your mind. projecting.
You haven't had a government in about 6 months.
Who is pulling the strings when you have no government?
>implying being a Muslim equate being a cuck
As much as I would like to entertain that though, consider the fact is liberalism stems from massive intake of soy. Soy is the major factor in Caucasians in Europe has a harder time having propriety over their women and acting like men. When you see a grown man walking with a woman he is fucking while she dressing like a whore as if she is about to get railed on the sheets, you know that creature has no man left in him. Say what you want about the other males you have in your society, but you have to understand that being cucked is your problem and its not theirs.
If you consider conceptual arguments, saying that being cucked is the other man's problem/fault is as saying being raped is the rapist's fault while the woman wearing slutty and being intoxicated in a whore house is completely innocent and an angel.
>has no economical impact on the world
really?..come on show some effort at least.
>mainstream liberal politics are being rejected the world over
Yet every main party in Europe is mainstream liberal. Macron was chosen over Le Pen, Merkel over your gay little AfD led by a menopause-ridden dike, May over UKIP.
Will only stop European migration, not Muslim.
Loads of Muslims in Russia.
>Eastern Europe
One thing at a time.
>US elections
Hillary won the popular vote and all your major figures reject Trump.
Says the one who accused me of bestiality.
This is all part of a greater plan. When the last hope for the United States of Europe under Merkel perishes a new Hitler will take power, holocaust all the shitskins and try to take over the world again. This is all just a setup for the 4th Reich.
i know you're just trolling but there's actual people that think "paid shills" are here.
It's honestly sad and comic
quiet down mutt
inb4 jew
Of course they are here.
Why wouldn't they be?
They know our reach.
Fucking a goat is Muslim culture, though.
are you a liberal? what's your endgame? what are your designs on asia?
Please ally with Russia
We need your manufacturing and economic assistance here
There's already German car factories but that's not enough
We can give you all the GAS you need *wink wink*
You're fucking retarded if you think a ground zero of massive political influence like Cred Forums isn't shilled to hell and back. Things like CTR prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt.
My endgame is Europe becoming Muslim peacefully.
Homosexuality is western culture.
Here we go, problem solved. We need to adjust our language for the times.
are you muslim?
Bingo, friendo.
>Homosexuality is western culture.
Yeah it was never really a thing in the Islamic world was it?
>Homosexuality is western culture.
interesting. what's the next step after the islamification of europe? will you wipe israel off the map? do you plan on islamifying east-asia?
Same applies to both of us too.
>le epic speech
Faggots don't get thrown off buildings in Europe.
Reported to the Stasi
Is there still hope for Germany?
>Is it something bad?
Israel will become Palestine and Pax Islamica will begin.
China already has loads of Muslims. I don't know how it will play out, but I can see a slanty-eyed Caliph in a century or two.
No. Stop thinking in terms of "country". What you have now is a group of people similar to you, ethnically and politically, and several groups of people who aren't. You're not going to change those other groups, you're not going to get them to join you and it's doubtful that them joining you is even desirable since they caused this mess we're in and would be sure to repeat it eventually.
Let them lie in the bed they made. Let them die in it even. Focus on what's important: improving yourself, networking with likeminded people and then (that's the key here) create something that can sustain itself and survive.
The moment Europe gets its shit together Americans will jump in and escalate things for the third time killing the remaining native Europeans left
>The köçek (plural köçekler in Turkish) was typically a very handsome young male rakkas, or dancer, who usually cross-dressed in feminine attire, and was employed as an entertainer.[1]
>Famous poets, such as Fazyl bin Tahir Enderuni, wrote poems, and classical composers, such as the court musician Hammamizade İsmail Dede Efendi (1778–1846), composed köçekces for celebrated köçeks. Many Istanbul meyhanes (nighttime taverns serving meze, raki or wine) hired köçeks. Before starting their performance, the köçek danced among the spectators, to make them more excited. In the audience, competition for their attention often caused commotions and altercations. Men would go wild, breaking their glasses, shouting themselves voiceless, or fighting and sometimes killing each other vying for the boys' sexual favors.[11] This resulted in suppression of the practice under Sultan Abd-ul-Mejid I.[1]
I hope your whole family dies in a terrorist attack
It makes an awful mess they should be gassed.
wtf dude. you;'re not meant to tell.
And you people accuse us of being aggressive. Europe will become Muslim bloodlessly, for the most part. Maybe Poland will have to be decimated.
Germany will be able to exist in the future.
But probably Germany will be called "Germani-stan".
Germany birth rate about 1.5.
German race birth rate about 0.7.
I think that it will be very hard
that Germany that Germans live in will continue to exist...
or say. also YOU shiykdbt bve able to tell.
Alright Jacob goldblatt, time to get back to watching Palestinians enrich your wife
most likely this
Okay, sure.
dont worry mommie, daddy is coming home.
How’s the office? Is it in Mexico or you just using a VPN
>ally with russia
>poland caught in the middle, again
i want to see this happen, just for shits and giggles
lol, no. Read "The Camp of the Saints".
>There’s no Third World. No, not anymore. That’s only a phrase you coined to keep us in our place. There’s one world, only one, and it’s going to be flooded with life, submerged. This country of mine is a roaring river. A river of sperm. Now, all of a sudden, it’s shifting course, my friend, and heading west...”
Jesus have mercy on my soul for the sins I am going to commit.
The only sin you will commit is fapping in your room while your country becomes a caliphate.
Its still a funny meme. Kikes have always bee good at comedy, you have to admit. Still, that won't save them from genocide.
When the feminists admit they were wrong thats when you know its too late.
There's Hope for Germany.
Slavs are so ugly looking. Like, wtf went wrong with you people?
>Is there still hope for my Country?
Of course there is. Hang in there, user. This is the final battle.
Hope is the first step towards disappointment Hans. This doesn't mean you can't succeed.
putsch soon
But that is a good thing for the rest of europe
How went the saying, brother? "The German sleeps while he lose all he's got, when the German got nothing to lose he will wake up furious and take back what is his" or some deep shit like that, tldr; YES
They got acid attacks I mean that's something
>our reach
>political influence
you mean Cred Forums delllusions?
You must be new here.
We have you to thank for that.
Nein , but things could always change
Last sentence is low quality bait desu.
Quite noice but hair too short, looks too manly
Let me return the favor
*pockes you with a stick*
come on, do the NS thing again!
Oh i guess you won't like this. Yeah you'll reject her for her short hair :(
I'm just not dellusional
>lol white German with two kids.
Obviously not his.
Yes, there is still hope for your country.
Yes, there is still hope for your country.
Oh fuck it what do I know about what I'm attracted to anyway
Moar please, senpai
There's still room in the gave for you two, we don't need to dig another one.
Mein neggers
Here colgate
Of course the mexcrement would be siding with idiots and posting porn. Just died already you cannibal.
no more short haired bitches :(
they were much much better than the actual "germany"
Self diagnosis on delusion is a bit of a paradox, don't you think?
I shouldn't ask for moar but I'm a very weak man
No more hope for germany. The nation is gone, now it is all about individual gain and this is what they call here "the new nation"
i learn german from this german MILF that makes my dick diamonds, honestly i'm kinda mad refugees get to rape that nazi pussy and i don't.
pic very related.
Thank you for the pics user
i just want to lick some aryan goddes feets once andthen go back to my own race
why is life so unfair familia
projecting yes, you pederast , because that is accepted in islamic cultures
I mean there is hope but your ppl need to stand up for themselves against (((Open Society))) and Merkle. I understand you're still an occupied country but geez!
Another Jew rears his head.