>citizens voted to leave the EU
>2.5 years later Britain is still in the EU
What the fuck is going on, bongs?
>citizens voted to leave the EU
>2.5 years later Britain is still in the EU
What the fuck is going on, bongs?
Other urls found in this thread:
Self determination is just an illusion.
We're following their retarded EU rules.
You have no other option famalam
We're not polish... so your right
We have no deal option but May is afraid to be remembered if it goes wrong. Then again, she's going to be remembered as weak either way.
>You have no other option famalam
What do you expect the UK to do? Ignore the law we've signed up to and just fuck off? As much as it appeals to me personally it would destroy our international credibility. Unlike for example, France the UK actually meets its treaty obligations. Just look at the BSE crisis.
>Any country may withdraw from the union but only if the union says its okay
Reminds me of the joke "I can do whatever I want as long as my wife says its okay"
That's why we needed that crack pot Corbyn!
Not the rich man's party
You need access to the European market, without it your economy is fucked. If you don't follow the EU rules they will give you a massive headache.
>international credibility
You know you guys used to sail around the world shitting all over third world shitholes and Britain is still one of the most beloved countries in the world.
jk rowling hates corbs. Good enough for me
>You need access to the European market
I don't think that means what you think it means. Go and look up the single market. Every country in the world 'has access' to the European market. Besides, the fact that we have a massive trade deficit with the EU27 means that it'll be brutally damaging on many parts of the EU, particularly nations like Ireland.
There was no such thing as international law in the 1800s. The rules-based post-war order relies on western countries sticking to agreements where they can. It's why the U.S never ratifies any international treaties, for example. It doesn't want to risk breaking them.
>I don't think that means what you think it means. Go and look up the single market. Every country in the world 'has access' to the European market. Besides, the fact that we have a massive trade deficit with the EU27 means that it'll be brutally damaging on many parts of the EU, particularly nations like Ireland.
They can impose tariffs. Yes, it would hurt some countries, specially mine. But eventually it would hurt you most.
>Self determination is just an illusion.
This, FPBP
>citizens voted to build a war
>citizens voted to butt out of other countries squabbles
>citizens voted to deport illegal immigrants
It takes more than just voting in (((modern western democracies)))
>But eventually it would hurt you most.
That is, unless the UK decides to go full Ireland with corporation tax rates and labour regime changes. Seeing as how as our economy is essentially services-based and the EU will not countenance any agreement on the issue, it is unlikely a trade deal will be forecoming - ergo Singapore on Sea is where we are heading.
At a certain point democracy fails and only force can be used to enact the peoples' will.
But what happens when the people are too weak, lazy, and effeminate to fight against their oppressors? Then the elite get to treat the people as slaves for as long as the people are to docile to do anything about their enslavement.
>our economy is essentially services-based
aka we've outsourced every real industry to Germany or East Asia. All you have left is money laundering for drug cartels and a real estate market dominated by oil sheiks.
It'd all be going fine if now for these faggots meddling.
Northern Irish faggots, you don't matter. You never mattered. Stop acting like you do. Do as your daddy says and then fuck off back to your backwater.
Very true user.
Is why they want our guns so badly.
Where to start.
>Cameron resigns
>T.May in power by her party
>Article 50 is triggered late
>Art 50 is the countdown to leaving which kicks a 2 year leaving period of negotiating last bits (40 years of EU law and rules).
>EU has been fucking around, making us fix border issues with Ireland (even though we need a trade deal to tackle that first because without a trade deal we cannot sort the border issue out)
>EU did this deliberately to try and fuck us
>11 EU members are angry at the EU for doing this
>Ireland was against us to start with but now they are begging for a trade deal because the reality of them getting fucked raw by us is real and they are scared
>Conservative government is being retarded and trying to appease everyone
And yeah, we actually leave in 2019.. Ignore the Dutch shill, he's a nigger that is scared about losing his 50 trillion euros of cocaine and prostitutes.
I don't understand your point. We all know this. Unlike other European nations our dumb fuck governments have refused to use state intervention to stop foreign takeovers of our companies, which has led to even worse outsourcing than anywhere else on the globe.
This is our reality. Thankfully this would all change if trade tariffs were imposed upon us because it would make domestic production of goods profitable again.
And weapons and medicine and oil. But hey, let's not let facts get in the way of a good ole England bashing thread.
Astra zenica.
The EU got involved then, lel.
It takes a lot of time for the island to float away.
Saying that we need Commie Corbyn is just as bad as saying "Let's ruin this country".
Who we really need and one of the most capable people to run this country is james rees-mogg. That man truly knows what he's doing and if all goes well, we can see him as PM soon.
Astra Zenica was a merger to be fair. The real problem is that it was the end result of yet another British industrial giant (ICI in this case) spinning off valuable shit which then gets foreign ownership over it.The rest of ICI, including Dulux, was taken over by the Dutch.