Mass deportations are inevitable in the near future. Whites are approaching minority status in their countries and having their treasuries parasitized and populations terrorized by a ceaseless inflow of invaders. It's only a matter of time before Whites vote in a party to begin mass deportations.
What will these mass deportations look like? What country will likely do them first? How will the UN react? How will international media react? How will leftists try to stop it? How can leftist sabotage effectively be countered? What infrastructure will likely be used for mass deportations? How will the home countries react when their emigrants are "returned to sender"? What stages could be introduced before involuntary deportation to make things easier (ex. incentivized voluntary emigration)?
Answers and discussion welcome. We need to start talking about this to prepare for it and make it go as successfully and smoothly as possible.
Propaganda, to the ass, that's the only shit we'll have to deal with at every second.
Kevin Butler
lol keep dreaming faggot. You aren't going to do shit. There's less and less of you every day.
You should be nicer, maybe we'll let you live on a trailer park reservation.
Nicholas Turner
Agreed - what kind of propaganda? What will their angles be? How can we counter them?
They will probably push empty slogans like "no human is illegal". To which you can respond "deporting someone does not classify them as 'illegal' it simply means they do not belong in the country".
When you push them to explain, they usually admit that they want to eliminate borders completely. At which point you can say "without borders there is no country" and "borders are necessary to protect the country from foreign invasion and infiltration by criminals". You can also ask them if they keep disagreeing with borders and owning land: "do you lock your door at night?"
Robert Garcia
>What will these mass deportations look like? Glorious >What country will likely do them first? Hopefully the US >How will the UN react Who the fuck cares? What are they going to do except pass some useless resolution or send a strongly worded letter?
Luke Bailey
It's not a question of if, but when and where. It's human nature. The situation cannot go on - something has to give. It's not even economically sustainable, even if the populations could suppress their human nature long enough, the economy would collapse under the weight of the welfare state.
Mass deportations are inevitable, or failing that some catastrophe as a result of not conducting the mass deportations. One way or another something has to give.
Luis Turner
>How will the UN react >Who the fuck cares? What are they going to do except pass some useless resolution or send a strongly worded letter?
The US is in a unique position to conduct mass deportations on their own without worrying much about outside interference because they are the world's superpower. This might not be the case for smaller European countries. Say for example if Austria was the first to begin mass deportations, and the UN and EU, especially Merkel, tried to crack down on them.
They should absolutely go ahead with the mass deportations, but they'll need to deal with potential problems from the UN and EU. Could the US help them weather these threats? Would Trump increase trade with Austria for example if the EU threatened them for mass deporting migrants?
James Rodriguez
Nope. Keep posting about your impossible stormfag fantasy while I find another white bitch to fuck.
Anthony Fisher
well now that you have shown your true character as an Anti American leftist asshole lets put you on the list, Eventually the white man will arise from his slumber and wholesale slaughter will be the order of the day. Are you a spick a fag, jew or a nigger?
Owen Sullivan
Shut up white pig you're done for.
Cameron Walker
Whites could just start a new Manifest Destiny program. You're be kicked to some other continent. I'd be fine with that.
Jordan Cook
>wholesale slaughter will be the order of the day
No - this is tactically unwise. It will bring so much international condemnation that the country trying to do this will weaken its economy to the point where it will be more difficult for it to operate. Even the USA, the world's superpower, will be affected by this.
Deportation is much more effective. It's moral. It will protect the economy of the country practicing it by not isolating them on the world stage. It's easier to hire the necessary people to conduct deportations (it's difficult to find enough highly qualified people to conduct mass murder).
It might even be easier to conduct mass deportations - especially if an earlier stage allowed for voluntary emigration. Even incentivized voluntary emigration, paying people to leave. It would cost a tiny fraction of what it currently costs to keep them and their ever expanding progeny on welfare. And many people would find it difficult to pass up a considerable lump sum, they would gladly take it and start a life somewhere else with the money.
You might only have to deal with a much smaller group, maybe a handful of stubborn / dumb people who refused to leave despite the money offer. It would make the deportation stage much easier.
David Ortiz
I'm looking forward to when it's open season on Communists.
Tyler Clark
>Eventually the white man will arise from his slumber and wholesale slaughter will be the order of the day Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetie
Bentley Lopez
#MakeAmericaWhiteAgain #MAWA
Owen Russell
A discussion of infrastructure and logistics, with numbers, would be productive. Back-of-the-envelope calculations and that sort of thing. What major train networks and ports could be used? Would these companies be willing / able to be coerced into allowing use of their infrastructure? Could they spare the infrastructure use and keep the economy running smoothly, or would more infrastructure have to be built?
How many people could each port reasonably process per day? How many people are there to be processed? What is a realistic time frame for the operation? What temporary housing requirements would be necessary, how much food would be needed, where would it come from so it doesn't expire before consumption?
Pic related
Blake Rivera
Deport them where? There is only one Australia.
Ryan Jones
are you crazy, just watch what the ICE does now, there's no need to make public your deportations, just do it quietly and keep the demographic busy with something else.
Always give democrats something to worry about, meanwhile you ethnic cleanse.
Hispanics are the second largest gun owning demographic in the U.S., and there are way, way more of them than there are immigration officers.
Landon Sullivan
well if something isn't done our economy will just fucking collapse. welfare for illegals is in the billions
Oliver Garcia
What the fuck did you just fucking say about us, you little red? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cred Forumsack’s finest brigade, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Antifa, and I have over 300 confirmed redpills. I am trained in autistic warfare and I’m the top shitposter in the entire Cred Forums board. You are nothing to me but just another shill. I will wipe you the fuck out with redpilling the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, commie. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of autists across Cred Forums and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, you shill. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, pinko. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can troll you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in slide thread exposing, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Cred Forums and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” reply was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn sheep. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Goldstein.
this guy gets it this problem is NOT going away - the current situation is unsustainable, financially, demographically and otherwise
something has to give
any political party or movement which ignores this problem will become totally irrelevant
something will happen, whether through action or inaction - inaction will likely result in civil unrest and/or economic depression, eventually a collapse
David Price
Entire argument is baseless and specifically written to incite fear and anger
literally russian propaganda
William Jackson
I don't see a mass deportation happening. (Most)Western countries can't even stop the inflow of immigrants.
Connor Cox
Tyrone please go shoot some crack, we are trying to have a intelligent discussion here.
Jackson Kelly
they pay nothing back and get everything handed to them. every single one has 3+ kids. it's a pathetic state of affairs
Ethan Garcia
Going by history, the only successful mass deportations were internal, of citizens of one country to another territory of the same country, i. e. British criminals to Australia, Indians to Oklahoma, several minorities in the Soviet Union to Siberia.
Hunter Hernandez
Oh yeah there is no space left in little Canada.
Ryder Lewis
They will happen the country it's imploding already.
Cooper Lewis
I agreed. And the first one to leave is american occupants in Europe. Then - other angloscum.
Carson Anderson
>Entire argument is baseless
what part is incorrect?
do you disagree that whites are becoming a minority in their countries around the world?
do you disagree that increasingly high taxes on economically productive whites combined with massive costs for migrants, refugees and illegal immigrants is unsustainable?
do you disagree that higher crime rates among migrants, especially sexual violence perpetrated by migrants against White women, is causing an increasing hostility and pressure that will eventually be unable to be contained?
do you disagree that the current situation will necessarily have to come to some conclusion, whether through action or inaction?
Nicholas Robinson
it's unsustainable, something has to give leftists who want to bury this problem get more scared every day when they realize the problem cannot be suppressed
Nathaniel Martinez
then what do you see happening? if these countries fail to secure their borders and stop themselves from being invaded and stop their treasuries from being parasitized, what do you think the eventual outcome will be?
Joseph Lee
From a government and logistic perspective it's easier than it looks as long as there is a strong sector of the civil population willing to go with such severe measures.
In Spain we deported hundreds of thousands of Jews and Muslims who had roots to the land for generations, yes, hundreds of thousands (more than 300k muslims, in some regions they where as much as 1/3 of the popluation by then) with the technology we had centuries ago. How did we do it? We basically put most of them on trail and sent them to the shores where they were put on massive ships that went back and forth to North Africa, very simple but only because we had the will to do it. Also, very humane given the circumstances and the historical scenario, in most historical cases there were no expulsions of foreign peoples but massacres, I think we behaved humanely.
I don't see why we couldn't do that today if there is enough political and social will.
Nathaniel Walker
interesting point user
you're getting at the problem of "where do we send them" and "how will the recipient react"
do you think we'll need to secure land to deport them to, somewhere far away?
this could be solved without violence or military action, there are plenty of third world countries who would probably sell parcels of land for this use
again - remember that the cost of this operation is tiny compared to the cost of keeping these high-birthrate migrants in our countries and on welfare, and suffering the costs of social unrest, increased policing and losing valuable workers who emigrate as things get worse we actually have a large budget i nthat respect
Tyler Butler
The best course of action on the white race's current situation is to make one single coutnry (ethnostate) and move all white people worldwide there so that they live within the ethnostate and nowhere else. There will be requests that whites relinquish ALL of their wealth (since it was largely acquired with imperialism and globalism) and their heavy weapons (particularly the nukes), pledging to build stuff only for self-defense (no more playing world police or having colonial adventures).
Ryder Wilson
Of what I see in America, most people don't care about the debt and don't see immigrants as invaders. It looks like we're going to continue on this path and then it will be too late to fix anything. I just don't see a Trail of Tears part 2 in the cards.
Camden Lee
>I don't see why we couldn't do that today if there is enough political and social will.
Agreed. Spain should be a case study for this topic.
Where in North Africa would we send them? And how would we make sure that the North African countries do not try to block the boats or engage the militarily? Could they simply be paid to cooperate?
Kayden Rodriguez
Were there mass deportations in South Africa? Are there any in Canada right now? No. >Whites are approaching minority status That means that they will not eb able to deport anything, again, just see South Africa.
Noah Hill
it wont be mass deportations.
it will be: >mass organ harvesting >mass sexual slavery >mass sterilization
Evan Perry
>if there is enough political and social will There isn't.
Christopher Williams
The one group that will end up being deported will be the whites.
Robert Sullivan
>There will be requests that whites relinquish ALL of their wealth (since it was largely acquired with imperialism and globalism) and their heavy weapons (particularly the nukes), pledging to build stuff only for self-defense
This is asking to go extinct. This is a very, very bad idea.
Jason Carter
>literally russian propaganda Fuck you for delegimizing the actual pointing out of Russian propaganda, leftist piece of shit.
Zachary Lewis
they're approaching, they aren't there yet that's the point, fix the problem before it's too late
Wyatt Gonzalez
We voted in the God Emporer, there is more than enough.
Nathan Bennett
>most people don't care about the debt this will change very quickly once the economy starts to buckle under the weight of the debt when your average joe is struggling to keep a roof over his head and eat, suddenly the economy will become his only concern
>don't see immigrants as invaders why was Trump elected?
Brayden Sanders
who will soon have a Dem congress, a continuing investigation against him, and an absolute guarantee of being voted out in 2020. Then what?
Kevin Roberts
>why was Trump elected? Because the alternative was way worse.
Sebastian Wood
strangely enough there could be even more political will in some European countries which is why their governments are acting so tyrannical
they're trying to keep the lid on something that basically can't be contained
Anthony Martinez
You and your people have had free rein in this country for over 30 years now. Enough is enough. Either go back or rot in prison.
Elijah Bailey
It's a realistic outlook. The world order will NEVER accept a nuclear armed white ethnostate. Assurance that it's harmless would be the very first demand to even make something like this acceptable.
Ryder Sullivan
pure unsubstantiated delusion
even if Trump was voted out (not going to happen), you have completely failed to explain how this problem will just "go away"
this is much bigger than Trump, the Republicans or the Democrats
American Whites are paying hundreds of billions to subsidize illegal immigrants who are conquering the country through birthrates
they can keep doing White flight but eventually there will be nowhere to fly to
this problem is not going to go away - and if you ignore it, you will become totally politically irrelevant
Leo Davis
>le ebil white man should kneel for execution Fuck off
Zachary Hill
ridiculous nonsense, the world had plenty of nuclear armed White ethnostates a couple decades ago (before mass immigration), it can easily have them again
Sebastian Powell
You niggers are delusional. You have no idea what happens when the people giving you the gibs to stay wake up. Keep dreaming you still have some years left.
Benjamin Russell
if you thought Trump was bad, just wait to see what kind of candidate will become electable if this problem gets much worse Trump will be harmless kitten in comparison
Grayson Wood
>delusional this is exactly it, the only way they can deny the reality right in front of them is by using nuclear-grade self delusion
don't worry about them, if they continue to ignore the problem, people will simply stop listening to them and they will fade into political irrelevance (this is already happening)
even some left wing parties in Europe are begrudgingly hardening their stances on immigration - they are forced to do this because if they didn't, they would lose so many votes they would cease to exist as a party
Jeremiah Smith
LOL you can't be serious
Joseph Davis
Jayden Hernandez
How about Italy? The right has built up a lot of support very quickly there, all because of migrants.
Sebastian Jenkins
Colonialism requires a positive birthrate. Until white women are each having five white babies, there will be no expansion of white territory, but rather the opposite.
Tyler Sanchez
It's a matter of trust, buddy. The world really doesn't trust whites, after all the shit they did for the past few centuries. So, in order to earn that needed trust, whites have to trust others first. Since the premise of the ethnostate is that "white people just want to be left alone", they should own only stuff befitting people that want to be left alone. Things like F-35 fighters, B-2 bombers and Minuteman missiles don't fit on the definition of "self-defense", they fit on "let's fuck up the world".
Coincidently (or maybe not), the push for their destruction started right after their became nuclear armed.
Jonathan Green
congratulations, you've become a meme
remember what I said about you becoming politically irrelevant if you continue to ignore this problem?
Juan Anderson
not sure if you're a shill or just retarded you can't have a sovereign country without a good military, you will be conquered
Christian Rogers
they can, they just dont want to yet. More of them are needed.
Its brewing slowly boys, natural disasters, tipping point imminent,financial bubbles ahead, global corruption network, conflicts all around the world(turkey,greece,syria,iraq,israel,iran,lebanon,nk,sk,china,islands,poland,hungary, westEU, serbia,kosovo, etc)
Jayden Morgan
You are right, that's why all African nations prosper, that's why there are so many prospering countries with majority black population. There's luckily this thing called winter, when society falls then so do the people that are the burden in it. bigger urban environments will probably see a lot of unrest and civil wars due to strained resources, such as water and fresh food and electricity
Grayson Ramirez
The world will promise to not invade, and on any case, white people will retain the right to self-defense. All they would be asked to give up are their overpriced, overpowered death machines. There's no reasonable argument that those could have possibly been built for use in self-dedenfe.
Carter Bell
And how you'll accomplish that? You live on gibs, you are unable to form civilization of your own, well not an advanced one very least Most of the white people live in places that has winter, how well you think nigger breeds fare with winter without someone to take care of them? Sure some will fare well, but majority will not, and the few of the nigger breeds cant take care of all, which will lead even greater decline very shortly, because they'll eat themselves metaphorically and literally
Not to mention niggers hardly produce anything, nor do have the skills to do so, even nigger wars are supported by white man producing them the guns because they themselves are unable to do that
David Morales
nice quads
some people running to the hills is a great insurance policy, but I don't think we should concede all our territory so easily, we shouldn't all run
Sebastian Scott
Whites will long be killed or assimilated at a genetic level by whatever group of people will amass in said country, with that being said there will never be a day of the rope or mass deportation because white men are weak and white women are traitorous whore that have sold their own men for a brief moment on the spotlight.
David Kelly
>ooga booga muh dick mufugga Be quiet you filthy pavement ape, the humans are talking. Go take a shower, I can smell your rotten cheese body odor through your post, subhuman spear chucker.
Carter Williams
see you are fading into irrelevance by your own doing
William Lopez
Because of the power of the Jew media over the minds of average people, the majority of populations are not ready for mass deportations, yet.
But they will be.
It's been done before, centuries ago, when it was a lot harder to move thousands and thousands of people from one place to another. Nowadays it ban be accomplished much more easily.
Thomas Perez
>w-whitey will never ever f-fight us ag-gain! lmao the number 1 problem with a civil war, as it ALWAYS has been, is outside players coming in and fucking shit up some lowIQ non-white minority willingly moved itslef into ghettoes, can be mustard gas'd on a lazy sunday with even some time to spare before bed
Hunter Scott
I think it's far more likely that, once there are too many 'niggers' in, that the decline of society will be inevitable, meaning lesser quality for standard of living, no electricity for all, no fresh water for all, those sorts of things. Not to mention nigger breeds hardly produce anything, even their weapons are produced by white people, how they're going to wage war when they're unable to produce arms to wage it? And that's just arms, there's whole lot of logistics on top of not having generally working infrastructure and necessities Then again that would lead to USA being unable to mete their loans and substantial decline of the country would follow What makes USA prospering country and what if they no longer have those things? How long they're capable of loaning money to support themselves to have the 'nice' society?
Gavin Bailey
>like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase
They won't do shit.
Ian Gonzalez
I dont understand what you mean? I just told you white men will do nothing because they have no drive left in them, so like it or not this is our future.
Charles Davis
Schlomo pls
Jack Brooks
You don't need to hide that Australian flag But for the sake of conversation, you don't see people act or 'have drive in them' because they have something to lose and we generally have nice society right now I doubt we have the things to keep the peace when there's even 20% of nigger breeds around, and from there it only gets worse. And I hardly think nigger breeds are capable of producing the arms to wage war
Daniel Ross
>white men will do nothing because they have no drive left in them you wish this was true you are trying to will it into reality by the power of suggestion through your shilling, but you are failing completely
even left wing parties in Europe are begrudgingly hardening their stances on immigration - they are forced to do this because if they didn't, they would lose so many votes they would cease to exist as a party
you're politically irrelevant
Jace Perry
Yes, yes hiperbolian warrior you will destroy them all even though they will be everywhere and your ranks will be full of traitors. Doesnt matter they are here in our societies to stay and by the time collapse they will be a majority, look at SA they are still working with less than 30% whites.
Tyler Watson
The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))). The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US. Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries. Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco. The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century. Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.
John Wright
Matthew Gomez
Sounds like the newest Tim Clancy Novel . I like it.
Luke Sanders
The right has a positive birth rate. It's only the baby-killing left that depresses the numbers. Once they inevitably die out there will be a shift in thinking.
Logan Campbell
This is a good thread. There's a lot here so I'll just address a couple points and let some other pollacks figure out the other ones.
For infrastructure, it's likely that the current structure for ICE to deport illegals will just be amplified by several magnitudes in order to meet the demand. The infrastructure already exists, it's just not big enough.
And for the "return to sender" bit, it will be up to the countries to figure out their own systems. I'm sure Trump or whoever will be able to easily force the other countries to work out a system for receiving their own nationals.
Joseph Barnes
>cut gibs >major cities surrounded (international migrant shit-heaps) >non-whites starve and start eating each other >*distant jewish shouts about human rights* here you go, there's your non-white revolution
Adrian Turner
This is your idea of a rebuttal? People like you are why the left is losing harder and harder every year.
Camden Carter
Cuckolds like you have no will to live. You do not speak for all white people.
Parker Stewart
I am not an aussie but that is irrelevant to the discussion.And as I said in my previous post there will never be an uprising since a society can still function even if white are less that 30% of the population. I hope I am wrong but as I have seen enough to realize that this will not be the case, also just because they have started changing they opinion the damage is already done to our societies and its only a matter of time till they will breed with us and send us into irrelevance.
Justin Carter
yeah, you're talking to a chink or some such
Caleb Allen
>Being realistic is being jewish
Lucas Jones
settle down Alija, your time will come as well.
Landon Davis
Carter Wright
There will be no "deportations". Do you think these animals will give up free shit easily? Do you think that the laziness and lethargy of Whites today would allow for such a thing to take place? The weak, and societal weakness as a whole, will allow this to reach its ultimatum which is going to be complete and total bloodshed on both sides of the spectrum.
I believe whites will win, but at what cost?
Eli Fisher
even without illegals it is entirely unsustainable if they keep multiplying
Grayson Gray
This is one of the better fantasies I've read. It has some merit.
Ayden Morgan
You're probably right. For all anyone knows my last name might be Jimenez.
Nathan Harris
>Doesnt matter they are here in our societies to stay and by the time collapse they will be a majority, look at SA they are still working with less than 30% whites. You mean the South Africa that was government and built by white people over hundreds of years to where they're today? The same South Africa that only 30 years ago gave up their political power to black people, leading to situation where they're no longer confidently able to provide electricity and fresh water to everyone despite having very hospitable climate and very rich natural resources? And how you see the situation eloping in the future, for better or for worse?
Then again Africa is the natural habitat of the nigger breeds, so they can live there without much worry, but that all changes with winter. Even if they formed society that's slightly above average that of African nation, they still wouldn't have the absolute necessities to survive, short or long term.
Evan Jones
Then where these white men that will bring change? All I see are some small and broken groups of men who dont even share the same view on the problem they are facing, while the majority take pleasure in their hedonistic life with little to no care of what is happening around them.
Brody Wilson
Owen Thompson
I am sure about only one thing. Israel will be the first country to enact mass deportation.
Evan Brown
who cares what you see, little chinklet? are you some kind of authority? because you post like a regular faggot
Sebastian Wilson
thanks user, saved this is why the problem can't be ignored, and anyone who does becomes politically irrelevant it's like ignoring gravity as you're falling to your death
Connor Nelson
If nationalism and the global economy are activated and implemented properly then most people will go back to their own countries.
Christian Sanders
Poland's relative peace and happiness compared to Western countries that are demographically destroying themselves will work as incredibly powerful propaganda to wake people up
Poland is a redpill
Elijah Williams
Yet they are way better than the other african countries that have no whites in them, also do you see by a chance any white people going out and fighting against the black rule? Why did they willingly gave away the control they had over their countries without even a fight? Is it maybe because deep down white men no longer are motivated to be great?
Lincoln Barnes
anybody here read the Turner Diaries? I feel like you guys would enjoy it
Justin Martin
Dood they are deporting brown people right now...and its not a blood bath. You have to go back.
The USA is a white nation. White men built this. Not you Jose...
you're a guest
We can remove you
Owen Torres
>I am not an aussie but that is irrelevant to the discussion.And as I said in my previous post there will never be an uprising since a society can still function even if white are less that 30% of the population. 'Can still function' Are you sure about that? Even South-Africa, that has hospitable climate and is very rich in natural resources can no longer confidently provide water for the bigger cities, how you think it will end with countries that have winter, no rich natural resources, have less than 1000-2000 hours of sunlight annually than Africa/MENA region Most of the nigger breeds in Europe can offer absolutely nothing to continue their pathetic races independently, despite having access to free cutting edge education they barely pass basic education, and hold absolutely no skills. And that's when we're trying our very best to support the nigger breeds, how you think it will end when we're done with that and have hostile stance, and actively try to sabotage them?
Jason Hall
>it's another "mud race thinks numbers is all that matters" episode
Cameron Perez
Well, when the west go's full shit tier, and the heating, food and cash are gone. Most of the immigrants will Fuck off. Till those with a loyalty to the country's rebuild them.
Jonathan Brooks
The alpine regions of Austria will be fine in your scenario. Either a natural neutral bastion against the goat raiders together with Switzerland and parts of France and Italy in an Alpine Republic, or a reorientation to Eastern Europe as borderland to the western European battlefields and the Arabic boot of Italy.
Sitting comfy in the mountains armed to the teeth will in either way be better than being somewhere else in Europe
Adrian Robinson
but it has very little to do with peaceful deportations
Benjamin Perez
Definitely don't see it happening in the west. Eastern Europe has a chance maybe. Unless Hispanic US bombs it to submission like Serbia.
Joseph Howard
Doesnt really matter it will take more or less a century for Europe to finally fall due to economical issues and until that will happen white men will be made even broken and white women will mix even more with the new hyper masculine immigrants thus in the end reducing our race to nothing more but some pages in a history books.
Easton Carter
nice empt defeatism bet it will get you lots of votes in an election why don't you give it a try? "vote for me - I have no solution to our problems because I already gave up"
sounds inspiring
Ryder Ross
>Yet they are way better than the other african countries that have no whites in them, also do you see by a chance any white people going out and fighting against the black rule? Why did they willingly gave away the control they had over their countries without even a fight? Is it maybe because deep down white men no longer are motivated to be great? Of course they are better than any African nation, SA was built for hundreds of years by white men and only after it was built by white people did the bantu come in and massacre the indigenous people, but how long that prosperity will last? They're already running out of basic necessities such as water and electricity to their cities, all that will only continue to decline considering oil is running out and they're having more population growth
As to why white people gave their absolute dominance, was because they were economically isolated by both West and the East and they no longer received aid from the west due to fall of Soviet Union, and it was no longer profitable to support all the black people, and today the cities don't have enough water nor electricity
David King
you forgot the literal 120? million nonwhites that are US citizens. THey can't be deported, lol. It's OVER
Gavin Brooks
There is no will among white men to achieve what you want why cant you understand this? I hope you dont try to leafpost because you are making me angry
Caleb Rodriguez
RAHOWA when ?
Bentley Perry
>Underestimates the power of numbers >posts Nazi image Oh you
Jason Morris
what's stopping an overwhelmingly majority-white state from seceding? (or several in a larger block)
why is deportation impossible? it's been done many many times before in history, and with far less technology
Xavier Lee
there is massive will and it's growing by the day your shilling can't stop it
leftism is dying
Lucas Miller
>There is no will what is white flight? why was Trump elected?
Evan Gray
10% of the EU's population is 51million people. Take the entire budget for all the economic handouts to the eastern European and Mediterranean states and it is achievable. One army division should be enough for each nation to work on moving them.
Chase Sanchez
It's amazing, this stuff affects "intelligent city people" the worst (especially renters) because they deal with the rising property prices, pay the most taxes, and have to deal with these people on a daily basis.
They work their asses off and live in a shoe box so that Maria the fat Mexican and can stay at home and raise her 5 kids. They have a significant problem of bastard children as well, not nearly as bad as blacks but enough to increase poverty and take lots of welfare.
Jaxon Diaz
illegals keep labor cheap it will never stop
Easton Morgan
There is no will to kill the invaders and mixed children that appeared between us and them, hell there is no will to even send back the people who we took that are bad. I know that you leafs like to shitpost but for the sake of this thread please stop.
Hunter Bennett
I agree that the logistical concerns for this are always over-inflated - deliberately so to discourage people from discussing it
it wouldn't be very hard
the will to do it is growing but we need to aid its growth, the sooner we can vote in someone to start the better
any predictions on the first country to do this?
Ryder Ortiz
>be commies >lose almost every battle when you have less soldiers than the enemy has bullets because numbers is ALL you have
Gavin Watson
>Doesnt really matter it will take more or less a century for Europe to finally fall due to economical issues and until that will happen white men will be made even broken and white women will mix even more with the new hyper masculine immigrants thus in the end reducing our race to nothing more but some pages in a history books. Lets start with you assuming your real flag, since you sound a lot like Aussie and there's no need to assume Euro flag, or could you care to explain why you need one? But considering current rate of interracial children in Europe it will take a lot more than 100 years, and considering how the nigger breeds have declining feature in economical status of their country it would be far fetched their current ability to breed would continue, especially since there's only oil enough for next 80 years. I have a itch that we're in for a pretty great war in the near future, alternative fuels would see substantial increased cost in everything, including subsidized food. The nature of peace and well being enjoyed in Europe will not last for more than 2 generations. Pretty much all of our resources after all are limited, add the detrimental effect of nigger breeds to that and peace is quite impossible to maintain long term, and nigger breeds are unable to produce arms of war or functioning society for winter conditions, since winter conditions require quite advanced society to run.
Jackson Moore
robots, automation and AI that was too easy
Isaac Taylor
These deportations of the past were hardly "peaceful", like the one you're suggesting, and were never on the scale of what you propose.
Nathan Lopez
You realize that Sweden chemically castrated people 40 years ago, do you honestly think that the good things and peace will continue once things start to decline? Mixed children are absolute minority today, and that's when we enjoy very high standard of life and peace, I don't see things changing when the quality of life sees decline and demands more independence for survival and success, which nigger breeds are unable to do
Justin Jenkins
lol what battle is that?
their tanks/aircraft must have been absolute shit to lose so many
Adrian Parker
> Acting like it's whites who won't be the ones deported
It's time for whites to wake up and begin returning home. There's absolutely NO reason to be a piece of foreign clay before our own true homeland and peoples. Those who do are traitors to the white race and should be left to fall with our previously white colonies.
Nathaniel Adams
illegal's are cheaper than robots
Luis Moore
there is incredibly powerful will for white people to live amongst their own, as there is a similar will for all people this is the driving biological force behind white flight
you will never achieve anything by burying your head in the sand this is a problem that cannot be ignored and will not go away
please don't bother shilling anymore you're just wasting your time
At least half of all farmworkers in the United States are undocumented Mexican immigrants.
Jayden Ramirez
Come and deport this black dick BBC whitebois
Evan Jackson
Why you think peaceful coexistence is possible long term? Oil will run in less than 100 years Coal will run out in less than 200 years Nigger breeds are unable to produce weapons of arms, their wars are sponsored by white people Nigger breeds are unable to produce functioning society Why you think this story has happy ending for anyone but white people?
Nathan Rodriguez
in many applications that is no longer true in the near future robots will become orders of magnitude cheaper than any human, even with slave wages and non-existent worker's rights
immigrants are rapidly becoming obsolete, automation will pose serious unemployment problems even without them - immigrants will only make the problem worse
The Nazis might have been successful on the early days of the war, but when the reaction came, it was unstoppable.
Which country was wrecked to oblivion and today are biggest cucks of the world, terrified of their own past? Which country became a superpower and conquered space before your shithole despite you having the advantage of not being devastated by the war?
Sebastian Richardson
>black dick BBC
Gavin Thomas
this will never happen in the US or Canada you fucking dweeb. We are both so high up our own asses feeling self righteous that we will gladly become minorities in our own country.
Oliver Rivera
Lmao, no such thing is going to happen. You can rant about this to your disappointed brown grandchildren.
Kevin Morgan
they cost the US a net loss of hundreds of billions per year the cheap labor they provide is massively outweighed by benefits consumed and hidden costs (increased policing costs, lowering property values, etc) see robots are the future
Parker Sullivan
It’s already too late for the White race. Whites aren’t even the majority in California anymore, and it will only spread from there.
Josiah Nelson
>when the reaction came So Britain and the United States, aka anti communists?
Justin Martin
about a week ago the heads of many businesses where still complaining that they still needed legal/illegal immigrants to Trump to keep labor costs down they also said they need less people with a higher education to keep labor cost down
Daniel Jones
The mixed children with their rapidly growing number will give them majority in a couple of generations many EU nations will be facing massive demographic changes in 1-2 generations, look at Germany or France for more info on this.Also you keep repeating winter, what does that have to do with anything? This will only be a problem for nordic nations not for all of Europe. Funny both of you say this,yet no one cares about the mixed children that result from SE Asia and European,even on this board they are ok with it since they are not black or arabs.So I say you very wrong in this regard. This will be my last (You) for you leaf its obvious you are filled with grand delusion.
Matthew Wright
Do you genuinly expect niggers and spics to be as capable of mass mobilization as russian communists?!Are you retarded....
Leo Harris
>obvious you are filled with grand delusion the left always projects
please continue to fade into irrelevance by denying this problem it will only make things easier with you out of the way
Connor Foster
>they need less people with a higher education to keep labor cost down robots
>the heads of many businesses where still complaining that they still needed legal/illegal immigrants Complaining that they want to commit crimes?
Ryan Lewis
source? I don't want to see trump renege on his promise.
Cooper Garcia
When times become hard on your country, people will stop wanting to move to it. Immigration destinations are such because they're great places to live, and if they cease being that, they'll also cease being attractive to immigration. What makes you think that white people will have a happy ending with the depletion of resources? It will affect them as much as the immigrants.
Brody Bennett
shills are out in full damage control & demoralization mode ITT
they're scared of the truth, they want the problem to go away but inside they know it won't
Kayden Richardson
Trump agreed that they needed to fix legal immigration, so businesses could have cheap labor.
William Baker
>hyper masculine immigrants
I don't even understand that clichee. Most of them are midgets, they behave like a pack of hyenas, hell, their whole reproductive strategy relies on total and utter control over women lest those fags would not even stand a bit of a chance to successfully reproduce. This is not even K strategy anymore ... this is a planned economy approach to reproduction. That is the simple reason why they are so genetically degenerate. They found a way to circumvent male/male competition by simply allocating women like some form of ressource (which they are from a biological standpoint) instead of competing over them. Of course this does also alleviate the selective pressures on their women to retain traits that assure competitiveness in their offspring. Frankly, they are a dead end of evolution as they would not stand a shred of a chance under harsher conditions. Their only current saving grace is their high fecundity and their potential for mindless group aggression ... as well as our own biggest weakness, maladapted compassion with non-kin.
Zachary Torres
When you breed like maggots and hope , HOPE one day you will replace us
Aiden Phillips
2/8 b8 m8 Italy will be the first, they're on the brink and LVCA may have pushed them over the edge
Nolan Davis
>N-No! What will the left do without its cultivated voting blocs?!
Thomas Russell
Actually no Humans have absolute no way to compete with automation and robots Robots are becoming more advanced and cheaper by the day In Europe there'll be shrinkage of jobs by 10% in the next 20 years due to automation, most of which are low skill jobs For 3rd world it will be absolutely devastating because they hardly have any jobs that can't be automated, which will be absolutely more profitable and more productive to have robots do But that's just opinion of mechanical engineer that's working in the field and attends seminars. :) >The mixed children with their rapidly growing number will give them majority in a couple of generations many EU nations will be facing massive demographic changes in 1-2 generations, look at Germany or France for more info on this.Also you keep repeating winter, what does that have to do with anything? This will only be a problem for nordic nations not for all of Europe. We both know you are unable to prove that claim, there are increasing number of people with German nationalities having wife from their country of origin, but they're not mixed raced children.
But it's nice seeing you are either a gypsy or a proxy
Because white people are capable of adapting, creation and innovation However the change will still impact white people undoubtedly, but at least we're capable of adapting to it. I see no happy ending for overpopulating nigger breeds in their countries, or in white countries when the resources start to deplete and we no longer have the luxury of 'burning money'.
Ian Miller
Irrelevant. 90% of Germany's casualties were on the Eastern Front.
We're talking only about WW2, not about "niggers and spics". Who the fuck invited you to this conversation anyway? Piss off, gypsy, go steal wallets or something.
James Young
the best way to deport someone is self deportation. This is why I think the wall is basically pointless. We need to make it literally impossible for an illegal to work in this country. India moved like 10 million people to and from pakistan/india in 1947 using just like ox carts and their own two feet. we need mandatory E-verify. it would be 1000X more effective than the wall
Matthew Russell
eyyy >hyper masculine you mean 165cm tall brown people that don't speak the same language, or speak it very badly - with no future prospects or wealth - and best of all, are mentally children
Nicholas White
The amount of shitskins and niggers shilling here Look at them go ahahahahaha
Ryan Garcia
Compared to a lot of broken white men they appear to be men enough, since they are the only ones to start fights or mass protest when their shitholes suffer from something.
Leo Moore
>The amount of shitskins and niggers shilling here remove of
Ayden Ward
None to be honest with you. The Italians may have the will but the capability isn't there. Greece is mordor at this point. Visegrád Group of nations haven't even taken any in. However of the states that actually matter like Britian, Germany, France, Sweden, Holland and Belgium. They are all more than capable and definitely have the means to again it's about the will and it's just not there. The native populations must be made to the mortal threat these immigrants pose. Then again the European populations are pretty docile so if a party with immigrant expulsion gains power it could start on the first day in office.
Nathan Morris
(((Democratic))) means to get rid of them are not an option. (((Politicians))) know full well that people want to get rid of parasites, so they deem such referendums "unconstitutional", "racist", etc. No, the first world needs an all-out race war to get rid of their corrupt leaders, good for nothing brown gutter rats, and kike puppeteers in one swift strike. A nuclear barrage against Israel and Turkey could be the next step.
Aiden Phillips
>white men will do nothing because they have no drive left in them
Good for us you understand nothing about work social division and specialization. This is why even with 1% of our countries populations we would still control you. Enjoy your deportation, faggot.
Caleb Rodriguez
The only thing I could post on this would be the french study that show children born with cycle disease, as for Germany you can see how much turks and kurs are mixing with german women while they dont allow their own to do that.
John Brooks
Deportations would be easy.
Literally cut off access to spic/nigger/jew areas or neighborhoods and watch them starve until they surrender to going into custody, being processed, and deported.
However, daily reminder that the FBI, law enforcement and the DHS exist on dollars YOU pay to keep these subhumans safe from people like us on this board.
Josiah Williams
The situation on India and Pakistan was a population exchange, not a mass deportation. A similar thing occurred between Greece and Turkey.
Cameron Rivera
Immigration, especially from third world countries, is a net loss for the West.
It's profitable to companies who employ them as cheap labor ONLY because the companies don't pick up the tab for all the benefits that go to the migrants - the taxpayer does.
The corrupt leftist governments that bring in cheap labor for industry win because the migrants vote for them in exchange for benefits (they don't bite the hand that feeds them).
So who wins and who loses?
Industry - winner (cheap labor, big profits) Leftist governments - winner (cheap votes by paying benefits) Migrants - winner (access to better country, higher pay relative to home, lots of state benefits in exchange for voting loyalty)
White taxpayers - LOSER - they pay for the migrants to live via taxes, they cover the net loss, their wages are depressed and their democracy is subverted by new voters being brought in and bribed with benefits to rig the elections
Connor Kelly
Why are you talking to me you arent even supposed to be a country.
Adam Murphy
it's still self deportation
Robert Ortiz
>Unironically thinking that Europeans and European descendants are going to just be allowed to democratically vote to make them leave once we've had enough M FUCKING F W, aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahhahahahahaha!
Leo Gomez
I don't disagree with your statement, but fundamentally that problem is an issue of morale. If the current trend of demoralizing white men is stopped (Which it will have to be as a prerequisite for mass deportations) then this image problem will solve itself. The question is, how do we stop the demoralization of white men? It largely happens in schools and in the media, how do we attack those institutions without their wholesale destruction?
Jaxson Ward
They killed our cities and their identity, and scared whites away from it Look at this shit, left there's an identity, street action clean streets, right there's a soulless cultureless city that at first glance could be fucking anywhere They fucking murdered our cities and white people were too scared to protect them so they ran away and now we're paying the price I hope these mass deportations happen
Aiden Miller
Same situation is walmart since basically all their employees are on welfare. It's corporate welfare AT BEST.
Isaiah Cruz
Self segregation will happen way before deportations
James Roberts
As soon as desegregation started, self segregation happened White flight is an example
Nathaniel Morales
Exactly where can I see German women mixing with turks and kurds? How about you just provide some sort of study to show the amount of mixed races, because even the amount of people with 2 different nationalities having children is rather low, even in hotbeds like Germany. And while possible with France, I doubt that's really the case. I think it's far more likely, that hospitals test all children from certain groups or areas. But I suppose I'll just wait for any study for you to provide, that there are many mixed races being born, rather than very few. I think economic prosperity will wither and with it the ability of nigger breeds to have children, without starving and dying to the cold will come around the same time, areas with winter it's quite self correcting problem considering in less than 80 years oil will run out.
Connor Smith
>Mass deportations are inevitable in the near future >terrorized by a ceaseless inflow of invaders they wont happen OP. in fact all you can hope to do is pay them to leave. why? that simple concept that pther people are invaders has been brought up in the not so distant past. white people are predictable and when they did it again 5 years or so ago it was thrown back in their face and whites in other countries were called invaders and other countries threatened to ship them back. this killed the concept of keeping countries that are mostly white white
some dont understand but the west wants to rule the world but lacks the man power in militarys to do so and beyond that combat performance has dropped off decades ago and only gets worse every 5 years for america
and the little test in africa shows europe to be absolutely incapable of waging war. if any one else decides to take your land its happening and there is nothing you can do and all 4 locations you can launch a nuke from in america will be hit first day 1 in the opening salvo
Alexander Lewis
leftists will secure gibs for the chimping niggers until their dying breath, it's their only hope anymore
Samuel Martin
>how do we stop the demoralization of white men? It largely happens in schools and in the media spread morale boosters get loud do poster campaigns criticize and humiliate the left don't let anti-white hatred go unchecked
it requires effort another round of IOTBW wouldn't hurt there's talk of it happening again this halloween
Landon Brown
>t. spic who wants one last gib before he leaves
Robert Adams
By creating a new religion or order that will make white men want to be part of, something to instill values that have been lost and make them what to fight and die for something again rather than be hedonistic and nihilistic and most importantly to take the right to vote for women .
Jacob Murphy
Jordan Jones
and you're in the 0.1% minority
nothing will be done toward your cause, until things get bad enough for the normies to get brainwashed by your self-destructive stupidity. Furthermore, the Nikolas Cruz's of the world will remind the public that you exist, which results in even more marginalization. Drumpf even disowned you, and he was your one shot for the next 20 years. Enjoy being replaced
Tyler Perry
I suggest that we make a Mass Deportations General /mdg/
this topic is extremely important and there is a lot of productive discussions around it
Jaxson Cox
If wishes were enough, USSR would've never fell. USA has made their current prosperity possible due to debt, but even you will eventually have collapse.
I don't speak Germany, are we talking about absolute number of babies being born here? That's what, 15k babies from overall of 500k?
When Europe find the courage once more to give two fingers up at the subhumans infesting the earth then progress can me made. The boomer generation needs to hurry up and die off and the these millennial which I'm apart of need a smack around the head and sent off to a training camp get them to man up. Generation Z we must raise to be like us. Informed of race and nation.
First the question must be asked of what is our aim? If it is the complete removal of all immigrants than some my be very reluctant to go considering that they think one generation on our soil entitles them to something. It's funny how people think that immigrant is a one way process these people have all got to go back. It's going to cause an international shit storm but so what we all know globalism is the workings of the Jew and thus must be rejected.
Adam Evans
Parker Morgan
The numbers only tell us, that Turks amount to 10% of interracial marriages, not about absolute numbers or whether they marry naturalized Turks in Germany
Benjamin Hill
>we promise not to invade if you all go to one place with no nuclear deterrent while we scapegoat you as the cause of every problem in the world I'll pass shlomo, these are my homelands. How about you fuck off the Israel, where they actually have nukes and call for them to be taken away because ethnostates are scary
Anthony White
Plenty of things are "net loss", and yet you cannot stop yourself from doing them. The fact that you're wasting time on some anonymous imageboard instead of doing something productive is a "net loss" for you, and the fact that many whites are doing the same is also a "net loss" for your race.
Grayson Lopez
Translate this, kraut.
Alexander Hill
Won't happen unless jews are removed from power first.
Camden Allen
>and you're in the 0.1% minority Minority of what? >nothing will be done toward your cause, until things get bad enough for the normies to get brainwashed by your self-destructive stupidity. Furthermore, the Nikolas Cruz's of the world will remind the public that you exist, which results in even more marginalization. Drumpf even disowned you, and he was your one shot for the next 20 years. Enjoy being replaced Gee, and look at the places you are replacing white people with, do they look especially appealing places? Why should things change much for USA for the better? I doubt foreign investment will continue, nor will the ability to take loans for USA when it becomes too resembling of those places, enjoy your future.
Jonathan Kelly
The herdlike mentality of modern Americans is actually a boon to the possibility of casting out parasites.
It just has to become chic, and every for every rabid liberal with unending demands, there are 10 working people having their empathy ground away by desperation.
Chase Rodriguez
less than 5 years ago no one even 00knew there was a problem. Now the ''''''alt-right''''' and racial IQ differences are mainstream
Leo Cook
It's about the nationalities that Germans are intermarrying with. German women/foreign men on the top, German men/foreign women on the bottom
Mason Miller
A very easy way to destroy leftist arguments about "nobody cares about Whites becoming a minority" is to show them South Africa:
Camden Lopez
Never let them try to bully you lad. Respect to your leaders
Kevin Flores
>What country will likely do them first Poland or Philippines
Elijah Clark
>EU, especially Merkel, tried to crack down on them. I think that's why she's so keen on an EU army.
Gavin Bennett
im trying to imagine a non-jewish reason for wanting mass amount os nonwhites in any white nation. I cant figure out a reason lol.
Brandon Parker
>nationalities So older generation of Turks marrying newer Turks and other third worlders as majority, and same with Polish men doing for Polish women and Ukrainians Of course there's native people marrying, but considering we're talking of nationalities, well there are a lot of Polish workers and older generation of Turks without no prospects to offer so they have spouse from their country of origin. But the numbers are very minuscule, nothing what you were suggesting earlier by even a mile.
Elijah Davis
I don't think so. I think every white country is just going to become Brazil or South Africa or Lebanon, etc.
Gavin Evans
>I think economic prosperity will wither and with it the ability of nigger breeds to have children The problem is this goes straight to our debt. They can just keep borrowing money indefinitely. If we had kept our budget balanced, this shit never would have been a problem, gibs would have been reduced.
Jace Watson
Here we are. The international Jew must first be toppled for mass deportations to happen. These Jews are so entrenched that if we start something it could be world war three. They are like a leaches their teeth have beaten in deep and the only way to get them off is to burn them off. The impact on the markets would be apocalyptic they have purposefully set it up this way in the naive belief that it will stop us. I don't care if the entire world burns I don't want this for my kids a world without the Jew however is worth fighting for.
Kevin Brooks
u get different kinda foods and all the same people is boring!!! zzzz white people have no culture!
Jordan Gutierrez
>I think that's why she's so keen on an EU army. exactly right there is a reason why this thread has attracted so many shills : we're discussing something very critical so it has naturally struck a nerve
Ryan Diaz
For anyone that isn't a white nationalist, the situation in SA is justified with "they deserve it for being racist", "if they gave fair treatment to POC in the past, none of this would have happened".
Easton Baker
What other nation besides USA is able to go into debt as USA? Not a single other nation can do that And not even USA can do it infinitely, collapse is coming when the global trust in USA fades, which won't be long considering your demographic change.
Xavier Thompson
Traitor, defeatists and pacifist will be the first to go. Your cowardice has held us back for too god damn long. If you're a coward just stay in your home and don't voice your opinions.
Jaxon Cruz
>genocide >jusitifed kikery off the scale
Ryan Johnson
>the situation in SA is justified with "they deserve it for being racist" GREAT pitch to white voters
try it out and see how it goes
>"vote for me - I'll kill you, but you deserve it for being racist!" I unironically hope a leftist politician is stupid enough to try this campaign platform. Would be a massive redpill for the public.
Do it.
Hudson Kelly
Intermarriage is literally how Finns came to be (Lapps with Nords). Why is a Mongol hybrid like you so concerned with the future of the white race anyway?
Jayden Young
You wouldnt even bother to build trailers without the help of whites. Were literally just numerous enough to prop up this system while everyone else leeches what do you think is gonna happen when we dont actually run things anymore? No other race is going to support you scum like whites have. We'll start our own bake bean vaults and enclaves while you saucy fucks kill each other over some of the dumbest shit. Whites are nice to you know becaue things are just comfy enough and we dont like starting shit if we dont have to.
Caleb Roberts
Why cannot niggers and spics be productive members of society? Why are they parasites on our welfare system? The democrats are out of money and the blue states are bankrupt, there is no more money to feed you, deportation is in order. Or alternatively we'd be happy to just execute Order 66 on everyone darker than a lunch sack.
Ryder Carter
I'm just calling you out on your bullshit Though you better source me up on how Finns are combination of Lapps and Nords, there are quite many ethnic groups in Finland you know, and for hundreds of years they've been pretty much unchanging. And why the hell you are using meme flag? You sound awful a lot like Australian now.
Carson Gonzalez
There will be no place to isolate or hide away from diversity. The only thing that will save the white race is the rapid and widespread understanding that all these problems are caused by Jewish supremacy. Once we expel these parasites all our other problems can be easily solved in short order.
Ian Robinson
desu numbers don't matter when you have ethnic specific bioweapons, which whitey does so... you know
Oliver Perez
Keep believing that. People are angry at these shootings but:
>shooters last name is Cruz >in Miami >everyone knows he was a spic >and in a week people will keep hating minorities >only the hate continues to grow stronger
I love how trolls on this board say Cruz was a right wing white nationalist. Looking at the victims, he killed mostly people whiter than him.
Benjamin Campbell
Its mostly in the U.S. though. In most developed countries with good immigration policies, its the wh*tes that are unproductive.
Ryder Adams
Show your flag shill.
Charles Wood
Only the blessed people has such weapons at their disposal
James White
Shh, don't tell them about the lactose bombs
Brody Richardson
Don't forget mecca!
Cooper Thomas
Basically non-whites are stealing from us, they cannot stand on their own two feet. They don't want to work they just want to play with our toys and be our special pets.
Time for some good old fashioned GENOCIDE.
Caleb Russell
We can make them if need be. Sickle cell ain't no fun boi.
Carson Rivera
Mass Deport Load a military transport plane up and land in country X, force them off the plane at gunpoint. repeat to each shithole country that has a lot of migrants.
Asher Johnson
Let's see you laugh after ZOG uses an anti-caucasian biological agent on your country
Joshua Hernandez
My point is that you are not being realistic. That is how you outed yourself, lying jew.
Ayden Stewart
I propose boats: they are much cheaper (unless I'm mistaken) and can transport far more people. Pic related is one idea, you could transport one million people PER VOYAGE with a convoy of 14 cargo ships, with the shipping containers cheaply retrofitted into temporary living quarters (as many people are doing now with shipping containers).
Kayden Phillips
No why would ZOG do that when we send them tons of gibs every year? Didn't you read your own post too? They only have them for arabs, maybe they'll loans us some here soon...
James Sullivan
>anti caucasian bomb And that's how I know you are retarded, because that would mean whitey would take all gloves off, and unlikely arabs or other nigger breeds whitey is rather capable at wars
Michael Roberts
You're getting scared aren't you? Jews will never do this because for one the parasite can't live without its host and two you already tried with the Black Plague and failed, now we're immune. Thirdly we'd exterminate all the Jews down to the child.
Julian King
I don't think it's going to deportations. Probably going to be bloodshed.
Juan Murphy
Nah, you're the one scared. With the knowledge of the many ways the jews could fuck up your people, you must be shitting your pants. You ain't much, white boi.
please ignore the shills consider pic related about the cargo ships one million passengers in a single voyage with a convoy of 14 ships
what do you think?
Chase Ross
Every white is a bastard and should be shot on the head
Ryder Powell
sorry I meant to link to pic related for the cargo ships:
Joshua Anderson
I like it, just throw some rocket boosters on the cargo ships and shoot them into the sun
Adrian Hall
The cargo ship idea is fine but I like ferry boats better. Just put them on the car decks and use skid loaders to push them off into the water a few miles offshore.
Jordan Evans
top meme
Cameron Rivera
Nigger. They was too nice to you. You should be shot on sigh. We did it to gypsies until WWII hapen.
Nicholas Gray
The difference with Europe is Europeans can say "well we don't want immigration because we're the indigenous people of Europe and we don't want to be a minority"
Logan Bailey
bantz appreciated, but realistically we would have to deliver them alive and in good condition
maybe the cargo containers retrofitted as living quarters could actually be dropped off with the deportees to serve as their shelter until they figure out something else on their own
needless to say any mass deportation effort would be met with intense international demonization and lying, so it's important to conduct the operation in such a way that it's moral and humane and above reproach, and have your own reporters on board documenting the good conditions and posting videos to social media
Ryder Ortiz
You ask great questions. The first step is assessing the situation. The non-white populations for deportation must first be identified, including and especially Jews. Then they must be quantified.
Then locations must identified for them. The capacity of potential acceptor countries will have to be evaluated.
Jews should be the first group to go, since they are the constraint on our national self-improvement project (they control the media and other institutions).
Xavier Turner
You should look up the rhodesian bush war
Carson Price
>I'm telling you Hans. If we're supposed to be the master race, why I'm lying here in the cold with my butt exposed? >At least fat basement dwellers in the future will gloat about our K/D ratio and use us as an example of how well aryans can fight. >Lay off the meth, Hans.
Jonathan Garcia
I'm putting money on Poland or Hungary desu.
>inb4 slavs aren't white
Austin Sanchez
Wow you really got these rural inbreds to take the bait with this one. Lmao they're so stupid
Oliver Anderson
> ferdinand is just one guy > these austro-hungarians aren't going to do shit
> lol Germans btfo by treaty of versailles > Germany isn't going to do shit
Jace Hall
The one were wh*tes still lost despite their opposition being underarmed useless niggers?
James Hill
You don't realize that Jews are more inbred than all other American population groups don't you?
Caleb Gutierrez
trips checked I almost feel like this could be made into a model / simulator
Hudson Morris
>lost hahaha really 1-10 casualties and white control of police and army. if the rhodesians hadn't wanted peace they could have kept fighting forever
Brody Turner
Mass deportations have already begun whites all over the globe are deporting immigrants by the hundreds of thousands and there is nothing that this nigger can do to stop it.
Logan Price
1. They didn't lose they thought they were bringing peace to the region. Had they not signed anything they'd have won 2. Look at Zimbabwe nowadays. Whites actually got the last laugh
Oliver Lopez
When the whites finally chimp out the rivers of blood we'll make this time might just be enough to finally stop shitskins from thinking they can fuck with us. We've evolved a very high tolerance for bullshit, but they really shouldn't mistake that for weakness.
Benjamin Reyes
>muh White Ethnostate >muh mass involuntary shitskin deportations >muh day of the rope >muh NatSoc I'm still waiting, whitebois. Hopefully it's before the Chinese eclipse whites as the new world Superpower and your hopes for relevancy become nothing but a sad dream held by deluded larpers.
Austin Lopez
Livestock is even less likely to go extinct than rats. Make white people useful, and the world will make sure you exist.
Jose Moore
when you meet a person like this IRL, sell them drugs.
at a good price. Be a really good vendor. Do you understand?
Nicholas Allen
Tyler Rivera
New question: what countries could migrants be deported to? It doesn't necessarily have to be their home country.
Would securing foreign spaces for the deportees necessarily involve military conflict, or could parcels of land be bought from poorer countries for the purposes of deportation?
Countries that are especially underdeveloped might actually welcome an influx of minorites from Europe. They might stand to gain from it as much as Europe stands to gain from the deportations.
Jack Parker
How do you square having: >Whites are rapidly and seemingly unstoppably approaching despised minority status in their ancestral homelands, hated by the state
>Radical nationalist governments will eventually be voted in by whites
In the same opening post?
>We need to start talking about this to prepare for it and make it go as successfully and smoothly as possible. Stupid fucking LARPers ruined this board
Luke Cox
>A violent leaf lmao you're already taking the eternal Chinaman's cock, it's too late for Canada
Grayson Ward
Those west-coast fuckers and Torontonians are no more Canadian than your own Californians. Their time will come, believe me.
Colton Robinson
we don't have minority status yet, it's predicted to happen around the middle of this century in most White countries i.e. there is still time to avoid disaster, even peacefully and democratically
any more retarded questions?
Jaxson Martinez
Here you go nigger
Ayden Morris
1-10 casualties against an opponent that didn't possess heavy military hardware (airplanes, helicopters, tanks). I say that the niggers fought pretty well, much better than how the Iraqis and Serbs fared against superior opponents. I would love to see how would YOUR people fare against an invader with military superiority on every way imaginable.
Gavin Williams
Lucas Gray
Muh Russians
Eli Hall
what are you going to do to stop whites marginalizing you out of society, nothing, in your typical nigger arrogance you mistook kindness for weakness and now you are going to get btfo
Jonathan Ward
I say that an white ethnostate is definitely possible, so long as whites are willing to make generous concessions (mainly to defang them as a military threat). Judging by this thread, it seems that pride speaks louder.
Sebastian Bennett
There will be.
Carson Morris
Niggers and American whites are basically indigenous at this point. They've been on this land, and developed it for the same amount of time.
Jacob Taylor
>I say that the niggers fought well
Christopher Thomas
>Trump voters are white nationalists
Grayson Allen
preach hermanó! preach!
Christopher Stewart
>whites are willing to make generous concessions (mainly to defang them as a military threat) you simply want all of us to be defenseless so we can be exterminated
that is never, ever going to happen - just give up
Christopher Moore
The UN was founded on foreign policy liberalism. This is an ideology/train of thought in the diplomatic science that focuses solely on cooperation. In essence, it's codified liberal bullshit. There's no such thing as cooperation when a weaker state exists and a state with stronger military is nearby.
Jayden Martin
>Thinks I'm a nigger We're actually great allies
Joshua Morgan
>A bombing run is proof of military prowess >Implying the result would be any different if the races were reversed Here's your (you)
Henry Scott
We will never go extinct.
Michael Fisher
The economy doesn't matter when you have 10 billion niggers. Better to let it crash and starve them out. Wholesale slaughter will come to them anyway at their own hands if not somebody elses. Eventually there will be so many nigger mouths to feed the shelves will look like Venezuela. Can't live in a socialist paradise when niggers ruin everything. lol
Lucas Hernandez
Then the ethnostate, and your deportations will never happen either.
Joshua Rogers
>30 aircraft and a handful of men obliterating an entire army is the same as surprise bombing civilian targets 10000 niggers couldn't shoot down a single aircraft or kill more than 8 men.
Throughout history we've been the best warriors in every conflict, that's why europe isn't a caliphate and was never close to being one until kikes started buying politicians to betray the people. Even spain deported every muslim in the place after they were overrun nearly hopelessly, I'm really not concerned
Christopher Phillips
what a dumb nigger do you not understand civilian casualties.
Nolan Morgan
That video mad me cry.
Oliver Perez
Kek, a nigger or a spic that isn't intelligent enough to realize All of America will be a trailer park when hwites become a minority.
Hunter Harris
Large swathes of Europe have been under Muslim control for centuries. In fact, for longer than whites have been settling North America. As for Spain, many of their Muslims converted to Christianity, either by will or by force.
Jackson Gonzalez
this is a great point, if Spain could do this hundreds of years ago, there's absolutely no reason we couldn't do this today.
Aside from public will, the biggest stumbling block will be the receiving country. What if you decide to deport 12 million illegal Mexicans but the Mexican gov't doesn't let your trains planes and automobiles in?
Brody Myers
This. These parasites will always go where near the whites are as long as they are alive. If they suddenly all lived in trailer parks at the top of mountains, the niggers would build their cities around the lower part of it. They are straight up parasites that need a handout to keep living. If not, it starts looking like Haiti - mud pies and cannibalism.
William Sanders
>many muslims converted Bald faced lies, that's why they fucking deported them, they wouldn't convert. >centuries Spain yes, france not even close and the balkans were continually fighting back. Even albania BTFO the ottoman empire at it's height
Zachary James
>Mass deportations are inevitable in the near future. Nope
Bentley Rivera
More like mass executions. Deportation takes too long.
Easton Watson
Their "efforts" of fighting back were akin of those of Scotland against England. They only broke free when Russia bailed them out, many centuries later.
David Bennett
>your deportations will never happen either they're inevitable and in some countries they've already started >ICE
Jason Reyes
shills BTFO once again
Luke Phillips
>ICE has the power to deport legal citizens Ok, m8. I'll leave you with your delusions. One day you'll grow up into a man. Oops, this word offends you, doesn't it, Mr. Peoplekind?
Zachary Watson
Of course they are, they're totally demoralised by design. You would have to live under a stone to not see that white working class males are the main target for social engineering.
Wyatt Torres
they can deport millions of illegals to start state secession in ethnically homogeneous blocks is another viable solution in the US
in Europe mass deportations would work as well
keep making yourself less relevant every day by ignoring the problem, it helps you get out of the way