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>we don't need wal-
Don't ridicule an actual hard-working productive nig. Look at what he's making out of that shithole. Respect.
That's beautiful
>trash up to his wall
>walls keep the trash out
wakanda if true
Why are Africans so obsessed with shapes that are just plain stupid?
Their huts are all circular, their enclosures weird, it's like they never heard of an angle
Because they are stupid.
when you're building with your hands, organic shapes are easier to make.
I feel bad for him, because you just know some asshole probably trashed it and stole all his hardwork.
Can you imagine a more tragic fate than being the one african in your shithole who actually cares about making things better but it's just you against literally every trashhumper in the place
would you kys or border hop
t. never heard of a rouleaux triangle
Angle? Most African languages don't have words for numbers. It is probably the same reason the don't have trig either.
shitposting aside, yeah you're right
i'd donate myself to science in order to create a new, improved african
How the fuck did they never learn fucking AGRICULTURE?! This is a different goddamn species.
or one of these
An actual hard-working African. That nigger is worthy of respect.
RIP His garden and himself are probably dead by now.
>be african, 10000 BC
>come up with idea that you can take the plants you ordinarily harvest and localize them in your area to maximize yield
>plant the seeds of the fruit
>neighboring nigs see you do this and burn down your crops
>you get stabbed and bleed out
He's trying to enclose a farm, not drill a square hole user.
oh absolutely. Once africans see someone with more than they do they go take it all. It's why nothing has happened there for years
>Don't ridicule an actual hard-working productive nig
its not about being a hard worker its about being efficient. Like how they cant live closer to rivers or drinking water and have to walk 2hrs a day like tards
cuz u need bricks and stone to make squares lel
Holy Shit it's real! They are giving all African-Americans free housing and they have unlimited malt liquor and Newports thanks to the vibranium.
In Africa it isn't so much the farmer that eats
-but the man with the gun
Looks like you found the only 103 IQ nigger too.
I blame low population density due to eternal diseases
But now, with pulling out of africa, we could get evolution on roids. I'm talking about a 20 point IQ jump withing a generation tier thing
The fuck do they boats in a puddle for?
Tide comes in some time ?
>I’ll take warring tribes for $200, Alex
Its dry season
They even say in the movie they aren't taking refugees. And at the end decide on foreign aid being better
based garden negro
They have. The original design for Mazdas rx-7 came from Zimbabwe. By Achiem Tylenol Mazda, but the white man naturally trying to keep the black man down, gave the credit to the asains, and changed history. Because of hate and bigotry. I know what I'm talking about, I've seen it in a marvel movie. I can't believe this stuff is still going on though I'm mean it's Feb/2018. I just can't even.
what a concept, eh?
I dont think that is due to some sort of fundamental change in the body, i think it is just that in the era of mass automated agriculture, everyone is able to get the perfect amount of nutrition to develop to our maximum ability, i think we wont see another jump like that ever.
>this is what NEETs think living without infrastructure is like. Just bad choices
Who needs agriculture when there's no winter?
This man needs to have 20 children
Felix Heinrich Wankel was a German mechanical engineer and inventor after whom the Wankel engine
I think it would be the greatest work of our lives if we could convince even a small number of niggers that Wakanda is real, and have them move to Africa, only to end up stranded in the desert with no food or water. If that happened, I just don't think I could stop laughing. We could even call it operation blackout.
I can't make fun of progress
this is a good thing
OP, yer a nigger
was named... oops! Got cut off.
>Narcisse Aka, 40, was picked as the most consistently punctual person in Ivory Coast, a country with the chronic "sociological problem" of missed appointments and delays.
>Appointment times are regarded as purely advisory in many of the humid coastal regions of West Africa.
>This is damaging productivity, said the organisers of the contest, backed by President Laurent Gbagbo and with the slogan: "African time is killing Africa, let's fight it."
>"I was not surprised to be nominated because I am always harassing my colleagues to be punctual," said Mr Aka, 40. "They call me Mr White Man's Time. But for me it is purely a mark of respect to other people to be punctual. Time is money and we know that it must be costing us if we are late."
>Mr Aka, who is married with three children, walked away from Saturday night's competition with the top prize of a £30,000 villa. Eight other contestants won cash awards.
Wakanda truly is the land of milk and honey.
This desu.
He has his own little patch of productivity amongst the wastes.
Respect for that guy
I am pro black panther because he is our guy.
pay attention to me, sanpai
If this is true...
Then I'll have a coke.