It’s the new Harry Potter
Its started
Its a show of solidarity for the black community you diplip. Its something to mirror what the whites have, plus its the first thing blacks can be supportive of thats not MUH RAP or sneakers.
This is fucking gold. Theyre treating this as if its the new Godfather
Imagine having so little to be proud of your race for that you take pride in a fictional superhero movie written by whites and monitzed by jews.
this is like some unabashed psychological warfare.
is disney supposed to be a father figure now
Fuck this I vow to never watch this brainwashing propaganda black nationalest film
Do these nogs realize this isn't a documentary? I don't understand their reactions.
t. Joy Reid.
> its the first thing blacks can be supportive of thats not MUH RAP or sneakers.
Amazing, and all it took was a superhero flick made by a jew.
From a comic made by two whites
Stan Lee is a jew
wakanda is a made up magic place. its like whites giving the Roman salute and saying Gondor forever
Any black person with any amount of self-awareness should find this nonsense deeply embarrassing.
Maybe we can use this Wakanda fever to push nigger to go back to Africa to find/build Wakanda.
Theyre still doing it. This bitch just opened her show with a Wakanda Forever.
> Wakanda
Quick rundown?
I new movies were going to go hard on their propaganda this year after killary lost but dame have they jumped the shark
not really different from people saying may the force be with you or some shit like that
well except it's wogs
Fictional nation in Black Panther movie, wrote by white men.
Were news anchors saying "May the Force be with you" to their audience?
Although it's actually kind of a neat little parable about the liberal mindset. They're deeply invested in feels over reals.
>cite actual data about black per capita crime rates in the real world
>make pretend movie about black superpower and superheros
Oh shit, cultural appropriation.
>mfw Wakanda is a fictional place created by a white man in a comic book
Stan Lee has become nigger Jesus
New MSNBC sponsor
>Its something to mirror what the whites have
What do we have? We are socially forbidden from talking about being white in any positive way.
>plus its the first thing blacks can be supportive of
That is truly sad. They didn't even make it.
Whites look up to real people, ancestors and contemporaries who accomplish, invent, make, save, build, and excel. Until blacks have someone other than the guy who came up with 101 uses for peanuts, which means until blacks actually accomplish something meaningful, they will never have while whites have: namely truth.
i bet there was at least one who's said it
we had one who did the gangnam style dance on the news
Disney paid for this btw.
Its just more shilling.
Link to vid or fake
It's interesting how easy people follow orders
One Zimbabwe in Africa is enough
The crowning achievement of the African race, a made up country from a capeshit comic
This. I honestly can't think of anything more pathetic than gaining self worth through Jew cape shit representation
Whats in your pic?
>this is a top shelf interviewer in the UK
You can't make this shit up.
Someone tell me that this movie was written by a white man?
Meanwhile in the real world.
Looks like any white city desu
I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing nignogs calling airlines racist because they won't book flights to wakanda.
>channel 4
>top shelf
non, mon ami
Is there any way we can make "Do you know da wae" attributed to Black Panther?
If we could make nogs around the country yelling "DO U KNO DA WAE" as if they're quoting the Black Panther.
We could make it seem like "Do you know da wae" is referring to the pathway to freedom and liberty.
but its not
the secret wars 2 crossover was literally about how wakanda fell to fishpeople and ayys
who do they bow down to?
This could be us but you keep shooting
The absolute most pathetic thing I've seen in a long time. I feel so embarrassed for them
Let the niggers believe they could ever achieve greatness. Maybe they'll start to work for it instead of being lazy bums and demanding reparations
Or better yet, maybe theyre delusional enough to go looking for Wakanda and will all get malaria in the process
For those of you not familiar with /ptg/, OP works for Internet Research Agency and is posting through a VPN.
I feel the need to point out that wakanda is WHACK
Ignorant Nogs pretending this is the first Black super hero. Of course, when Blade came out we weren't all wrapped up in Post-Modernism and Marxism.
But user, she’s more successful than you are.
this needs to be memed
said the white man to the black guy
Remember when Cred Forums insisted this movie was gonna flop and everyone would forget about it in a day? Stay mad, white boys.
Quick someone make a Black Panther movie poster with the quote "Do you know the way?"
Jews are the most successful people on the planet
We need to meme Wakanda being real and in Libya.
ISIS will have millions more black slaves.
Have a (You)
That's a flashlight I made as a joke. It's a 100 watt COB being driven by 6 18650 batteries
then why doesn't everyone in israel live in a palace made of solid gold?
Sneakers joke is in the movie too :)
Wakandans invented them
>Its something to mirror what the whites have
If only whites had that
criminally underrated
this looks like an a wyatt man image
They don't make talmud vision like this anymore baka desu
...I just realized something.
This movie is causing blacks to act like permavirgin Cred Forums basement dwellers. If they release more movies like this, more blacks will act like this until they actually become permavirgin Cred Forums users. What the fuck?
*second most successful people on the planet
delete this
does anyone have the full clip?
He's also pretty based when he spoke his views on Peter Parker is always a white man.
It’s lasted two days now, Cred Forums BTFO ETERNALLY
in real wakanda they also make weird noises
that's actually pretty sad
I know this is bait, but:
>niggers have so little going for them that they must build a sense of camaraderie around a fictional character from a fictional country
Wakanda vs reality
Wakanda is as real as a Hillary presidency
I'm still amazed that one of those 101 uses for peanuts wasn't peanut butter.
Quick rundown?
"Being white is a social construct that means nothing apart from how you're perceived. If you are mistaken for white, you ARE white."
Just saw this gem posted to a hapa girl that made an ironic racist comment about another hapa girl. You aren't even allowed to claim 50% of your genetic profile if strangers can mistake you for a full white person.
Niggers actually believe wakanda is real.
I keked at this way too hard
So you would prefer that they stay here?
>blacks finally have a nation they can be proud of
>it's fictional and created by jews/whites
What's with this arms crossed meme? The last superhero movie to be pushed as some huge breakthrough for identity politics representation was Wonder Woman and her iconic pose all the fans copied was also the arms crossed.
why does it bother your people when blacks show interest in anything...why are you so possessed and obsessed with black people.
something tell me its not about how so view blacks as subhuman and low iq but mostly because you hate us because you can't be us
So then why the fuck is she complaining. She's doing just fine, maybe if she directed all her woman angst towards the real problem, nigger ghettos she'd feel better about herself, oh wait, she's being payed millions by jewish CEO's who own her company, lol
The soundtrack is rap, try again
unfortunately, im sure youre right
Remember when Cred Forums or any conservative in the country actuslly gave a shit about Hollywood? Let them have their circle jerk it never stops being funny
Anyone have a higher resolution cap?
So the over realism style on cgi was meant as the ultimate emulator huh??
This is perfect, at this point you can make them think and say and do whatever the last block buster film thought said and did
Two black guys actually. Also Directed by a younger black guy, super talented honestly. But the original is created by white guys. So the movie is definitely appropriating white culture.
You think nigs are paying for the movie? They "always be pimpin and stealin sheeeit". I bet less than 100 actually paid for it. The rest are probably saying "sheeeeeeeeeeit nigga, imma let whitey pay for this"
wakanda if true
Why do white faggots like you come on
here and fucking roleplay as a black person
>The nigger redpill.
Can someone give me a rundown on what wakanda is. Why do they suddenly decide to act like it's their haven bc of a superhero movie
>Implying Cred Forums has watched the movie
Go back to Wakanda
Why does I feel like they didn't actually make the bricks themselves? lol
That's too bad, really. The Godfather was shit..
No way, just pointing out what the inevitable end result would be
wakanda is not real.
can someone give me the scoop? What the fuck is Wakanda
Jezus Christ. Children are in charge of American media. Children.
America is doomed
Imagine having so little pride in your race that you have to put others down to feel superior.
it's a fictional place in Africa from the latest marvel movie; 'Black Panther'
A fictious futuristic city in Africa that the kangs managed to hide from civilization
I'm pretty sure they're honestly convinced that Wakanda is what Africa looked like before Whitey came and stole their nigger magic.
>water cooled flashlight
fuck I love white people
nice try nig
They've had all this time to do anything with themselves and they choose to do nothing. Now they are pissed. Now they with they had an African kingdom. What do they have though? NOTHING.
ummmm, guys?
Please, tell me what I have nigger.
I think you mean "Harambe Potter"
That's a big flashlight
Praise and money continues to roll in with no signs of stopping. It's going to go down as one of the best, if not the best movie in its genre of all time, people of all races agree that it's fantastic, and there's nothing you can do about it except jerk off to anime cartoons and pretend that nazis are going to conquer the world.
A fictional place created by a couple of Jews is the height of black achievement LOL
Wakanda nigger detected.
>White people fantasy: Magic.
>Nigger fantasy: A stable, rich Africa.
Except white people didn’t treat Harry Potter as actual religious doctrine
Someone screencap this shit for eternity.
fags are the mealticket. this is how you do damage. blacks are the most homophobic people there are. this is how you divide. this is how you conquer.
America, how can anyone fuck up so badly? Being dumb and insane is normal in America, but let's ignore that. No, guns are the REAL problem. What will happen once America collapses under its own weight?
Jack Kirby was a jew
fully black women sure are ugly
except LOTR is at least based in european mythology. Wakanda was pulled out of a Jew's asshole.
Pretty cool desu
It's sort of comical how this user casually posting his flashlight has accomplished more than the entirety of black civilization.
>tfw we got everything wrong
maybe we should desu
gonna need an apology
Checked and kecked.
thats a goodun niggers and leftists think that wakanda is a real place?
they cant be that stupid right?
so true.. black people havev a really hard time when you explain about fags in the rap industry
Imagine being one of those pictured actors. Like, the fuck i aint into that shiet bitch
I would love for this movie to start some good infighting among the niggers.
Like the actors are too light skinned or something.
Movies became documentaries like 10 years ago, you didn't get the memo?
black pride movements all over the place -- this won't end well
pretty much this. you know your race is fucking garbage when you have absolutely nothing to show for being on this earth as long as every other race
>Its something to mirror what the whites have
Which is....? We aren't allowed to feel solidarity anymore, remember? Diversity is our greatest strength.
He's just pointing out the reality of the situation. Black people are embarrassing themselves with this shit
Hinduism was aryan. So was Egyptian and Greek religion. Don’t listen to the jews who say you don’t have anything. And unlike niggers, our stuff is real and not some marvel movie (except for the “Thor” movies but those were absolute blasphemy). We also have lord of the rings and the silmarilion if you want to count that
Should make this bad boy steampunk.. Claim its old, 1890's And scare so people..
Isn't this how Liberia started?
>Literally a fictional fascist country that murders the hell out of anyone that tries to cross its borders, controls all of central africa's fresh water through force, and is ruled by people with superpowers as if they were gods
When did news anchors ever use Star Wars signals etc in their shows, or Star Trek? Even the biggest white films in history just get mentioned as movies. I said a few months ago, whites do not realise the stupidity of blacks, that blacks will look at this film, not as a potential future, but of something robbed from them from whites, and it is playing out EXACTLY as the jewish producers planned, as they know how idiotic black people are. But the, a film named after a pro-black political movement, was only going to end one way. It is like having a sci-fi called the Klu Klux Klan and depicting space age whites unshackled by black people, which is ironically far more accurate.
Have you never been to reddit mate? Harry Potter dictates their religious and political beliefs.
it was just as ridiculous when they did it, thanks for bringing that up again.
Can we start the culling already, leftists makeyour move.
Niggers are so stupid.
Dave Mustain has really let himself go
Its just like we doodle dorf fucked jerry in his can
>he hasn't taken the bog pill
It's not a meme ww smacks he Bangles together to cause a massive shock wave. So she kinda has to do it.
It is in their head
You'd be surprised the amount of mental gymnastics the stupid do in order to shelter their egos.
So basically it's black Israel?
can't believe they scrubbed it clean so quickly after this thread...
Its all they got
Why don't you look up to Ben Carson? He was a black brain surgeon who performed the first separation surgery on twins joined at the head.
You people need to learn your own culture better so you don't fall for jew bait like you just did with Black Goyther.
WHERES THE LINK, FAGGOTS?????????????????????????
if Africa is so good why did Elon Musk leave it for America?
What did you expect? You have bots in you right now.
DoTR can't come soon enough
If whites had solidarity we wouldnt have 30m plus illegals, criminal nigger gangs everywhere and sure as fuck no muslims or subversive jews.
We should start doing this desu...
well that's what you get for living in bongland.
Considering it was written by jews: yes
so this is like the Wonder Woman story
Themyscira is a fantasy land where women rule
what is WANKADA?
Why is it that women and soys always do this dumb cringey shit.
And yet they still have to answer to the greek gods, which are mostly men.
can we meme this into convincing black people to move back to Africa?
w-wakanda forever
looks like it's a plan. we need a hashtag
go for the gay angle about lack of fags
we can and we SHOULD
Aw shucks
Its worse
Shut up Peoplekind.
A sequel showing a "white" comic book character destroying Wakanda would unironically start a race war in America.
The absolute state of these people.
Imagine having to take pride in a comic book adaptive movie that is complete fiction written not by your people but a jew. Thaawaat suuuuuucks
I wish there was a way to track how many welfare dollars are spent in theaters.
someone post the black soyboy with his mouth open
I am not racist (in the sense of hating any race), I am a race-realist. Race exists and we are not equal physically nor are we equal mentally, but anyone can rise above the limitations of his or her race (but it's difficult to do and therefore it rarely ever happens) - and despite the FACT that we are all unequal both physically and mentally, it is also a FACT that we are ALL EQUAL in terms of who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form - and we NEED to remember that to stand any chance of making the world a truly better place. I do not adhere to any religion, but the (((Bible))) was right when it said that we are ALL made in the image of God - and that was one of the very few times that the (((Bible))) was right. And while we can have lands where members of every race live together if that is what we want, each race still deserves a land which is entirely their own. And each member of any race should breed ONLY within that race - that's how we maintain REAL diversity (not kike-enforced 'diversity'). I LOVE EVERYBODY!!!!! FUCK Y'ALL THAT DON'T KNOW!!!!! (end of part 1)
Hotep niggers talk about everyone is a pharoh that had flying jet fueled pyraarahmids
>Not the Rohirrim
While I respect your choice, I must declare your taste in Euro-analogues to be lacking.
Underrated anyway
>water cooled fleshlight
niggers being niggers... can't expect much different.
Maybe one day niggers will realize why whites don't want to associate with them, but that would require introspection and the ability to think with the frontal lobe so... Ya, niggers gonna be stupid niggers.
chrischan is also more successful than me
They got to blow up whities world in last Thor they have that going for them. Guess whities like hard mode.
Why do these cunts always have the Crazy Eye?
Do you think she knows da wea? Also gibs me a link so I can watch it.
>Mexico even has them.
What did he mean by this?
(start of part 2) Wakanda isn't 'real' in this universe, but Wakanda IS 'real' in an infinite number of other universes and niggers should enter these other universes where Wakanda is 'real' through manojava siddhi (which is the ability to instantly take your body wherever your mind goes, which is basically teleportation). In the ancient Sanskrit language of India, the word 'siddhi' means 'perfection'. In its most common usage, the word 'siddhi' refers to an ability that is a natural and inherent faculty of our true identities as eternally alive souls. The soul is smaller than an atom and larger than the universe. The soul is infinitely small and infinitely large. The soul is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. The soul is the storehouse of ALL ENERGY, ALL POWER AND ALL STRENGTH. The soul is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. The soul possesses ALL siddhis and there are an INFINITE number of siddhis. Among all of these siddhis, there are considered to be eight major siddhis. Siddhis can be awakened through a variety of methods. In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras IV.1, it is stated:
"Siddhis may be attained through birth, the use of herbs, incantations, self-discipline or samadhi."
Here is a list of the eight major siddhis (in no particular order):
Laghima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as light as you want.
Garima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as heavy as you want.
Mahima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as large as you want.
Anima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as small as you want.
Prapti siddhi: Having unrestricted access to any and/or all places.
Prakamya siddhi: Fulfillment of whatever you desire.
Isitva siddhi: Control over any and/or all of the laws of nature.
Vasitva siddhi: Being able to control any and/or all beings.
"A man is a god in ruins. When men are innocent, life shall be longer, and shall pass into the immortal, as gently as we awake from dreams." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (end of part 2)
Vibranium was gibs from space n sheit
>Hey guys we aren't low-iq monkeys
>Hoot hoot Wakanda forever
When a jewish flick gets black people to set back race relations by decades xD
(start of part 3) You can awaken your siddhis through samyama, which is a state of consciousness in which one perceives the fundamental level of 'reality' where a perceiving subject (like you, for example) is merged with your perceived object. For example, to achieve laghima siddhi, you have to perform samyama on the lightness of a feather (for example) so that you become as light as that feather (or that you become the lightness of that feather, if you want to look at it that way). (end of part 3)
This reminds me of abbos sniffing gasoline.
Greetings... wait one moment... hold up there, so you're telling me.. what you are most definitely saying is.. that we were from Gondor by gum! SHIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!
(start of part 4) Some people sneer at the siddhis because they do not believe in their existence, others because they think it is noble and spiritual to despise them. Both attitudes proceed from ignorance. Like that kike Jesus Christ said truly "Be in the world, but not of the world." If you realise that this world is naught but Maya and are not attached to it, then you can play with it and have fun with it. Siddhis only keep you tied to Samsara if you are attached to them. The siddhis in and of themselves are neither good nor evil, but represent the next level of both humanity's physical evolution and humanity's mental evolution. Siddhis are only a spiritual hazard if you are attached to them. Yogis know that the siddhis can be a distraction to the true spiritual goal of moksha if they are not used properly and that is why they NEVER use their siddhis for ego-based reasons, but ONLY to help other people without ANY desire to be rewarded and also as calling cards to make people accept that there is indeed a spiritual component to 'reality' that exists beyond the reach of the five senses. Anime won't ever BECOME 'real' because anime is ALREADY 'real' in an infinite number of universes. Anime is not 'real' here, but it IS 'real'. What we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT FOR PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF (WHICH IS INFINITE AND ETERNAL). You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. I shall use manojava siddhi to teleport into a universe where anime is 'real' and make sweet, sweet love to one of my waifus there. Indians can teach us how to enter these other universes to make sweet, sweet love to our waifus through manojava siddhi. (end of part 4)
Please President Trump, tweet something, anything positive about this movie.
>watching the mental gymnastics of libtards pleases me
Even reasonably intelligent leftists have problems treating fiction differently than fact. Previously, people would use events in actual history to try to understand the world. For instance, using generous welfare contributions to try to keep certain demographics from being more destructive than they already are could be compared to the Romans paying gold to the barbarians. We can expect it won't end well based on similar history.
However, leftists seem to treat both fiction and history as just stories, and thus feel it's just as valid to draw lessons from say Harry Potter as from Roman history. I think this is because they view humans from the past as fundamentally different from the 1960s onward.
If intelligent leftists have trouble with this it goes without saying the KANGZ are even worse.
We could start talking about how Denethor is secretly letting orcs inside the gates of Gondor and how the Elves of Rivendale should form RWDS.
(start of part 5) Once I teleport my waifu into this universe using manojava siddhi, I will use manojava siddhi to teleport my waifu and I into a Simpsons universe, then I will use kamarupam siddhi (which is the ability to assume any form you desire) to 'Simpsonise' my waifu and I by making my waifu and I look like what we'd look like if we were Simpsons characters (such as having yellow skin and four fingers on each of our hands, for example), then I will use manojava siddhi again to teleport my waifu and I into a Star Wars universe, then travel to Naboo, then have a date with my waifu on Naboo. Then I will teleport my waifu back into this universe using manojava siddhi and then I will use anima siddhi (which is the ability to make your body and/or anything else as small as you want) to shrink the Moon until it can fit in the palm of my hand. Then I will turn the Moon into a necklace for my waifu. (end)
Isn't that non-inclusive and basically racist? Like doing a Hitler salute or something.
does someone hav it clipped?
So this is a problem, but Fox and Friends playing dress up is perfectly fine. This is why this board is cancer.
I just spit out my coffee imagining Anderson Cooper signing off with this
Thomas sowell and ben Carson arent on the democrqt nigger slave plantation theyre /ourguys/
I also want Trump to tweet something positive about the Black Panther movie just so that he can mindfuck libshits.
>making the black girl hold the sign
>implying I'm not going to start doing that
>mfw he Tweets that he can't wait see it on The Gorilla Channel
>it's the black Harry Potter
>Why don't you look up to Ben Carson? He was a black brain surgeon who performed the first separation surgery on twins joined at the head.
I completely agree with you, Based Leaf! Ben Carson is /ourguy/.
We'd need a suitable hashtag for starters.
Although realistically the lazy nigger won't do anything stressful without chains on them.
But wait, isn't all of what you just said an "ego-based" desire? Is that not bad karma to do so?
Because in theory, I could enter the universe where I didn't break up with my gf, but is that not simply me pleasing my ego, rather than using it for the benefit of spiritual enlightenment?
>try to find video of her saying it
>see this
what did google mean by this?
This is a good thing. Black people are finally looking up to an archetypal character that isn't a criminal, an athlete, or a rapper.
>All it took was a we wuz kangs capeshit batman ripoff to galvanize them
Where did we say this is ok? Fucking retard, go back to leddid.
google is a slut
It's the same type of hype Harry Potter and Star Wars gets, but for woke kangs.
Well said.
>Its something to mirror what the whites have
The ability to solve problems and be cooperative?
American blacks just have an inferiority complex with whites, cause the kikes have brainwashed you all.
Their weakness is being hiveminded to the point of hysteria, and they give into fantasies instead of acknowledging reality..
They want to believe Wakanda is real because it's an escape from the truth that is the majority of Black Americans AKA american negros are incapable of fixing their own problems.
Basically, they are like children.. That's why they are freaking out about a kids movie.
and it was made by 2 white people just to get some money from the blackens.
Created by:Stan Lee(writer);Jack Kirby(artist)
for you
Should have made a fleshlight instead desu.
Well said.
You stupid bastard. It's a Jewish made movie. I can see them being this happy if it was made by other niggers, but it wasn't.
Black people are fucking dumb.
Lets talk about Rwanda
Remember that just because you enjoy something does not necessarily mean that you are attached to it. For example, it's possible to enjoy eating an apple but not be attached to eating any apple. This means that you are happy when you are eating apples, but if someone took your apples away so that you can never eat any apple ever again, you are STILL HAPPY. So in that sense, I can enjoy using siddhis but STILL NOT BE ATTACHED to those siddhis that I am using for fun. This is how everyone should live their lives.
>Imagine having so little to be proud of your race for that you take pride in a fictional superhero movie written by whites and monitzed by jews.
>self awareness
we do
Fantasy news
"You see the nigger will do anything you tell them if you pretend a nigger said it." -Stan lee
bretty cool user. what other neat stuff have you made?
Wakanda Forever
Wakanda Wuz Kangs
Careful burger, saying that Wakanda isn't real is probably already on the hate-speech-list
Ok, that makes sense. How does one fully come to grasp these siddhis then? I imagine it isn't as simple as your explanation, yes?
They're reacting to the death of Eric Garner, who was arrested 31 times previously, and decided to resist arrest and died of a heart attack after being caught selling cigarettes illegally on the street.
Memes write themselves
Cred Forums, I shouldn't be mad at this, but it's making me mad. They're too comfortable with thinking Wakanda is real.
Do niggers really not see how embarrassing this is? I mean I always took nigger memes with a grain of salt but this...
>niggers only's feel of proudness and achievment is a fictional place and nation written by a jew in a fucking movie
Top kek
You know... This could be really dangerous.
Africa have millones and millons of people that have an average iq near to retardation levels and they have elevated levels of aggression.
We don't know if they are truly capable of distinguishin between fiction and reality.
You are basically solding them a fantasy of a mytical land that could have existed if it not were for whitey.
This could literally drop more gasoline to the S. Afrian crisis and kick the racial civil war.
> yfw a comic movie end up causing a war
>they cant be that stupid right?
The IQ cutoff for being considered mentally deficient got moved from 85 to 75 in 1992 because too many blacks were being labeled retarded. Didn't fit the narrative, so they lowered the standard for being considered in the normal range.
Pic related, screenshot taken right now.
Does the Black Panther even have any superpowers?
He just has a supersuit, right? And is rich?
He's black Batman basically.
How embarrassing
Maybe all this hype will motivate the niggers to segregate. Make their own Wakanda.
Massive happening. 13th-24th
These people know it's fiction right?
His suit is also a pretty faithful ripoff of ol Bats.
Newscasters are the most yuppie sheltered out of touch boomers/gen exers imaginable.
U dick.
>calling airlines racist because they won't book flights to wakanda.
Yup, and if someone happens do be a thieving degenerate conman. Then it might be time to stop selling fake cryptocurrency, fake music-show tickets and such. And get in on the fake ''all included charter trips to Wakanda''
no way...
Can i get the real pic
What the fuck is WAKANDA and why should we care?
>Do niggers really not see how embarrassing this is?
americunts violated rights of own cocitizens and compatriots with black color skin for centuries, humiliating and insulting them on every possible accusation. it is not a fucking bad thing that those people gain their pride also with every possible chance given to them.
>How does one fully come to grasp these siddhis then? I imagine it isn't as simple as your explanation, yes?
See this post:
>TFW no youngfags get this cosplay
Partly, yes. We have been carrying the evolution of this world on our shoulders for centuries. It WOULD be nice to sit back, act like blithe children and see some brown races pushing forward and taking some of the load themselves instead for a change. We are tired, tired and getting cranky now.
>It’s the new Harry Potter
>when your entire life and culture is based on cheap flavor of the month pop media product
Huxley would be proud of his work.
5/5 cr1ng3
looked him up , he went back to jail
>average iq near to retardation levels
>not feeling second hand embarrassment for the absolute cringe alone
The real pic is the fucking same except without the kike on it.
Because niggers in this country make our lives a living hell every day, especially police officers.
tell us what you know
>the only African nation not conquered by the white man is an imaginary one
To be fair Marvel and DC ripped off of each other a lot.
See: Plasticman and Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Fate and Dr. Strange, Wonder Woman and Ms. Marvel, etc.
So the next evolution of dress culture, includes whites dressing like cuqboiz and drag queens and niggers dressing like they just left an african stage show about royalty.
I gotta say its close to what Transmetropolitan said.
>Oh please God Almighty make it happen.
>yfw the race war starts because of a capeshit sequel
Big budget kekistan.
shes mentally ill
why do people worship a man wearing cat woman's suit? maybe i am just to old to get it.
Chill out nigel
>obvious bait
>post disregarded
>Does the Black Panther even have any superpowers?
If I remember correctly, Black Panther has super-strength, super-speed, super-reflexes and super-senses, but only AFTER ingesting the Heart-Shaped Herb.
the irony is that jews just started the new black skin liberation movement where black americans will start to fight for own black country in USA again.
He also can't be shot by cops.
Would they be wrong?
>white people
>not obeying black people
Seems pretty cut and dry
>Spider (((Jerusalem)))
Did he seriously do that? That's fucking hilarious. I never read the comics but from lurking on Cred Forums ages ago it seemed like Richards' wife was more interested in BIG SEA-ELF dick than Black panther.
This is actually hilarious, 10/10 bantz.
There is only one king in Africa, and that is Eddie Murphy.
Uniroinically a great movie.
Put me in the screencap
women in the media were a mistake
oh you have twitter as well?
Themyscira is real place in pontus
Except Catholics have the best land, best buildings, and their capital is made of solid gold. Second best aint bad tho
Thanos and Darkseid
>I don't understand their reactions.
why do I find this so fucking funny ?
and if you ask if wakanda was destroyed by ypeepo. 2nd from the top makes it look like it was and that it was indeed destroyed by whites
how original
Batman and Iron Man.
What a stupid way to start race war
We wuz too
they have Cleopatra dude
>S... S-so, user Kun... Do you like, like... Enabling schizophrenic men who think they're women?
Except depending on the story, the women of Themyscira are actually exiled and are forced to guard the entrance to hell. I don't remember the whole story but it's important to note that the queen fucked up and they punished all of these women for her actions. They're fuck ups, not an amazing civilization of excellence.
Niggers will say he is whitesplaining.
what the fuck is wrong with these people hahahahaha
>Go back to Wakanda
Depends on your definition of success,