Black guy here
Im visiting san francisco in two weeks what should i know about usa?
Black guy here
What the fuck kind of flow chart is this?
>Are you black
>Only option is no
>No leads to Yes
Bleach your skin or else the cops will open fire
American white women relish BBC
Imagine being such a nigger you can't into flowcharts
That chart makes no sense
I have to say you are very bad at drawing charts.
>black people are impossible
it was designed by a nigger, what do you expect?
Youll fit right in in the tenderloin
Guys will be sucking you off and the police will kill you.
You’re going to hate niggers too by the time you leave.
Don't drop the soap in San Francisco
Buy soap on a rope if you have too
> nigger tier flow chart
White women will literally throw themselves at you, especially if you have an accent and can dance. Let me know where you will be in SF, I'll let my wife know.
Honestly, take the Oakland bridge to Oakland, then coming from Oakland drive across the Golden Gate bridge
Be at pier 37 on March 5th at 1300 holding a sign that says I’m the dumb nigger from Cred Forums who can’t make a simple flow chart without niggering it up. I’ll find you and show you around.
Do not do it the other way , that's a tourist trap
your chart is fucking retarded, go hang yourself you fucking nigger
San Fransisco is the capital of the wackjob leftist cult in America, however you will quickly find out that those virtue signalling people hate and will be afraid of you.
Try it as a test. Walk up to some lady that "looks the part" and gruff out a question. Either she'll clutch her purse, tense up, run away or call the police.
Then will proceed to get on social media and post some virtue signalling article about how much she's open about different races.
This, fucking this 100%
Virtue Signaling leftists are the most racist people I have ever met
Who else here SF?
Outer Richmond/Presideo checking in.
Bingo, they don't actually like black people, they just like using them as props to make themselves look better.
Visit Ghana instead!
It is the most beautiful black nation on Earth!
>Are you black?
>You can say the N-word
I'm not gay and I use the term "that's gay" all the fucking time
I don't see the problem with using the word nigger
you know how they separate the men from the boys in San Francisco?
With a crowbar.
And you will probably see this guy there
You are COMPLETLY right.BIG BAVARIAN COCK is known to be the ONLY one to be able to COMPLETLY satisfy any women. In fact women all around the world CRAVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. They ALL lust to be CONQUERED by a REAL dick and openly fantasize about it EVERY day, to be just ONCE fucked as a REAL women. NOTHING else rivals the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Women like these were BORN to SERVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Their first instinct is to be BRED by the BIG BAVARIAN COCK, to give BIRTH to their children.
The blacks in Europe aren't the same as blacks in the US, I already warned you.
Its full of niggers. Avoid Cities.
dumb ape
What are some words that only whites can use?
Hey dad?
Monkeys get lynched south of San Francisco
Where do you have to fall on the amerimutt scale to use the n-word?
Stay away from the Tenderloin, it’s full of crack and schizos and is conveniently in the middle of town
Also all the black people live in West Oakland instead of SF, but it’s a shithole
>apes mocking apes