Is this book worth a read or just overhyped?
Asking for a friend.
Is this book worth a read or just overhyped?
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Have we finally found Pepe a girlfriend?
I don't know. Did you read the book? It's kind of pricey so I wanted to ask here if its good value for the $.
not as good as the sequel when she turns into Transmale Tom
Thanks user. Also kind of rare.
ike foundation?
more like kike foundation
Here save yourself some money. This is an awesome video:
noice. got a link to the other book?
dumping "ellie's first finger fuck" 1/?
go on, father.
of course the faggot wants the shota porn
This is the money page...
I'm sure Cred Forums will have a tism fit but teaching autistic children what's not appropriate to do in public is important since they might genuinely not realise not to put their hand down their pants in mcdonalds or whatever if not told explicitly
Who thought this was a good idea...
this book sounds so terrible out of context. also why is the male model a nog?
From 0 to 100 real quick
Fap fap fap
Because muh diversity
Yeah can you maybe not do it while you're making pizza for the rest of the family, Ellie? Thanks.
Fucking slice tastes like I ordered anchovies.
>tfw no autistic gf with a shaved snatch that is addicted to masturbation and likes to make pizza
why live
Ellie reminds me of a character from some show or series, unsure what though..
lucky number 7/?
Why are liberals drawing underaged porn and selling it in books? Why is this allowed?
Seriously wtf.
this escalated quickly
I wonder how long it will take until people start producing their own rule 34 of autistic ellie
don't worry, shit's about to get real. real fast.
You gonna pour a drink in there at some point, zip?
autistorm incoming in auT minus 3.. 2..
Mfw i legitimately had the chance for that once
I should indeed kms
The way this is escalating we may not need to
9/10, would fug
Of course now someone has to photoshop in pictures of people in New York doing everything this book says not to
What happened
Ellise is one thristy bitch
the book is porn.
(((they))) are passing porn as educational material.
>muh slippery slope
How many fucking times is the "don't touch yourself in public" repeated?
What's wrong with this??
It's just a book for Autistic women, anyone has that webm of that Autistic woman masturbating in the train to a guy next to her??
its already too late cuckboi
>subtle de-flowering on book cover
See Shadman gets raided by the cops for drawing shit like this.
>>muh favrit dveh dee
Well thats the point of the book
And some autists need to be told not to do it 50 times
>r34 of something that is already porn
And get tissue in the labia that will exacerbate the problem and lead to discomfort and infection?
Are these book written by robots?
Really makes you think
You dirty dirty girl you :3
Femanons, this book was written for you and you need to read it. It teaches young women with autism how to masturbate in private. Read it and study it please. It features a young German white girl masturbating to a young African man.
People, this is how women with autism are supposed to masturbate. Notice that autistic women choose to masturbate to black men.
why is Texas leaving this on my Cred Forums
Oh shit Ellie is going to need a bigger bin
15/15. who has the one about tom?
also, notice the dyke mother.
My sides, i knew this would happen sooner or later.
Photoshopped nude into the public... it shant be long
How the fuck is that ice so clear
Fucking why
This is a lie, most of my exs would do a quick grab of my junk while shopping. 1 even used to love stroking my cock while she was driving.
let me guess? she grows up and gets blacked right.
I'm in taiwan living all of your gaise'eses' dreams of making an elliot rodgers. fagboi
Based Shad doesn't care tho
british garbage
is he dishwasher or what?
>Notice that autistic women choose to masturbate to black men.
anyone got a copy of "Ellie's First Gangbang"?
a man's gotta get off over here
also kek
Is that fucking Vegemite?
We have reached peak degeneracy.
You use warm/hot water when you start to make it, I can't remember why but something with the steam and bubbles causes it to be crystal clear.
I'm curious about this.
Why does it have to be "autism"?
Literally anyone needs to know these things.
Of course it had to be pizza to let the other pedo's know
>toddler Ellie
If put my penis in autist mouth, if you know what I mean.
Impurity in the ice makes it cloudy, you need to slowly freeze water so the impurity are forced out
I hope normal non-autist girls get the idea by themselves that its not ok to masturbate in public
Why is this a real book? How did you degenerates find this shit? How did you even know about it? This shit is weird.
>Hi Ellie, we're playing your favorite DVD
>What have you been doing?
>Have you been reading that book that has made your waste paper bin smell like a fucking trout's asshole every time I take out the garbage? That's great.
Due to that grammar.... no
toddler pedo are the worst thing after feet fetishist
There's a lot of fanart, these threads happened on other boards long ago.
I never thought of that until I read this......
Surprised she isn't tatted with a pierced septum
This. I many of us might have turned out normal if we dind't get the constant "fapping is for the mentally ill" routine having to live like it was some terrible skeleton in our closet. For fucks sake..
All the figures with hair are wearing a flower except the last one. Does that mean that Ellie has finally lost her virginal bloom?
In my day children would just put a hair brush in the chimle of there dolls house and squat on it.
Oh how times have changed
Must be a Muslim.
How old is this book...
And where do i find the fanart without being raided, i want to kek
normal non-autist girls act 10x worse than "ellie" IRL so I think maybe they missed this lesson lol
baby doesn't have flower either
>I many of us might have turned out normal if we dind't get the constant "fapping is for the mentally ill" routine
Not everyone is muslim
Literally no one thinks that except religious nuts.
My dad would give me playboys.
Thanks, brings back the memory
it says 2015, which means this is old news, shills are sliding something
>how to open a browser
>how to shave your butt
You're autist yourself, aren't you?
First day on Cred Forums?
Hot water freeze faster than cold water....
In that case its time to get tbis into he curriculum around the world don't you think?
My private area is a one meter radius around my body. Telling an autist that only those areas are private probably isn't the best idea...
>it says 2015, which means this is old news, shills are sliding something
lol i just make ellie thread of fun, i bet others do too
Hearty kek
And here you go
Tell your friend the one about masturbation is better. I wouldn't know it because i've never read it, a friend actually told me. But yeah it's worth the read. I mean, not that i know haha.
Ellie: I know I put it in here some where
>Fucking slice tastes like I ordered anchovies.
So Ben Garrison has a side gig.
Why cant she put her tongue in her mouth, is she a cat?
Baby doesn’t have hair in which to nestle a beautiful autism flower.
God, I wish that was me
Here you go, tongueless edition
Never let an autist get within 2 meters of you. Tgey arent aware of tgeir own strength and always get hands with people of the opposite gender.
At least they aren't faggots. No such thing as an autistic faggot. Which implies to me homosexuality is learnt and not innate.
Vely nice
And edit of this exists where she touches herself, then touches the pizza with sticky fingers.
d-did anyone else just hear captain lou singing "do the mario"?
Should have worn something with pockets.
Not the best place to store your change
Where are the ones teaching her about periods.
know from experience?
It's that old and nobody reed about the naked underage girl? Pretty impressive.
I'm aware of the level of my strength, just not why its so high.
But dem its nice
She puts the tissue in the bin
Maybe she left her keys in there?
Or she gets the hose again.
Go to Cred Forums and you'll find several pedo-loli threads. Nobody is shocked anymore by anything
Fuck off Muhammad
Ay hol up
Havnt kek'd like this in a while
Very nice ahmed, truly proof of the fine side of immigration
Put the golden sony face with her pants labelled Bloodborne and the other girls labelled PC and Nintendo.
googled "autistic ellie"
>its a photo of a screen for maximum effect
>tfw no Ellie (18+ years old version) gf
this autistic kid used to masturbate in the library in junior high
And facepunch dot com of all places leads to this gem:
its a fake autist apparently.
please post the sauce
meh. autist girls peak around 14.
once they hit late teens they get needy and just become a pain in the ass
Why do these edits exist
We need to get this guy together with Ellie to breed the master race that's going to snuff our existence right out.
The male is black and this atrocity is a British construction. Well colour me surprised. Apparently every man is black and every female is white, according to British TV and government.
The male version of this book, "things tom likes"
My sides!!
Finally a book aimed directly at Cred Forums.
Holy shit.
Somebody please tell me they have a copy of this
The trash can?
If I see that fucking retard one more time...
There have been more of these threads in the past it seems
I couldn't fap to it
it's trash
took me a minute
fuck everything about this meme
Fuck this place I'm out
>so you bigots think women cant have a penis, eh
>Neuer Tab
thanks man made my day
Fuck yeah
The best is when you can tell just by looking at her that those panties smell like vinegar and ointment
can you imagine what poor sucker has to read this to some tard and try to explain it to them?
>being this fucking new
>I dunno what to do, Rick, she's been flicking her bean all over the apartment and I can't get her to wipe her ass to save my fuckin life
>you will never award ellie with her pretty princess points for throwing away her cumrags
Hey Mikolaj, lurk more.
how the fuck would they know what those are?
What is that face even
>Nudism is porn
All sex education books have nude images. Kids who are entering puberty feel curious for their sexual parts and the sexual parts of the opposite sex, its reasonable to draw then or show pictures of them to better explain then how they work.
Otherwise you have Kevin and Maria fucking because Kevin saw it in a movie and he didn't know that was sex and babies came from that act (based on trough facts btw some idiot fucked her sister not knowing that would lead to pregnancy)
Look at that autistic smile at the end lmao.
This is old Cred Forums right here
most tard wranglers just reach a level of shell-shock style defeatism when dealing with them. some of the christfag saint types actually enjoy it and get a jesus boner from helping the less fortunate.
the reality is a whole bunch of shit stained underwear and awkward poo moments. we had a couple tards in my boyscout troop, it was a nightmare.
and I'm sure 90% of them will still end up doing it afterwards
Based Cred Forums.
>a note for parents and caregivers
>our book teaches that it's ok to be a slut
gas gas gas
>I really hope I'm not allergic
rate, not time, it has to cool down to the temperature of the cold water first
Use distilled water and boil it for a few minutes, then immediately freeze it. Or you can get an ice machine that keeps water moving and freezing gradually so air bubbles dont get trapped.
So I'm not quite understanding how Ellie isn't just a normal slutty girl.
>those eyes just staring out into nowhere
we know your tactics
Only a coincidence
What the fuck? I think something's wrong with your cat.
tfw no autismo gf
top fucking kek
i don't get it.
i've worked with people who have autism. this book is pretty straightforward and honest about them.
i guess we can be upset the male model is dark, but otherwise..not sure what we're upset over?
Is that the teen titans big dick robbin
How new are (You) pal?
That's just a burden at that point. We had a few autists in my group but never tards. Imagine having to canoe with them you must've gone in fucking circles lmao. Or setting up a tent after arriving to the camp site at night.
Ah, I was waiting for this one to show up
obviously op's mom was concerned about op
Her, at 5:08:
>I am probably going to post this on my page and maybe on pornhub or xvideos just so that people can get some pleasure out of this
I am actually a crab disguised as a man send to learn your customs and weak points in order to overthrow your people and send them to the ocean
It's probably autistic
They do say pets have a tendency to copy there owners
>i wont get arrested for crimes if im not black
we never really included them in anything other than the council/state level camping trips. we tried canoeing with the downie squad once but those fuckers would drown in 1/4 inch of water if unsupervised and could not paddle for shit. If you've ever been in scouts I'm sure you know how hard it is to get 12 year olds to navigate a river in a canoe assuming normal IQ levels. tards are a fucking blight, but interestingly enough at the council/state level meets there were TONS of them around. If you ever want to see the retarded in the wild, join a BSA troop that is affiliated with a baptist church.
>I feel like this is the equivalent of black face for Mexicans.
>I'm not racist against Mexicans...I think you make great tacos.
Jesus christ you're all fuckin pedophiles.
everyone in this fucking thread is under arrest
Why would you read 8t it's for autists, you dunce.
>Jesus christ you're all fuckin pedophiles.
just a coincidence goy
>sharpie in the pooper
ohh Cred Forums
lets be realistic
wew that's fast
>autistics anti western civilisation propaganda
>deleted because "muh canon drawn nudity"
>nigger porn and nigger dicks
>5th thread makes it to end of catalog with 200 forced bumps after being reported
I need this shopped with a luger to the back of her head.
>let teach the kids that by showing her jerking off and showing her private parts in front of everyone
im msging shadman
Isn't this from that Steven Universe show or whatever? The one with literal cuck plotlines?
underrated post
WTF is all this shit
How do you explain masturbation to a an autistic girl without images? Dancing?
>vagina, buttocks and breasts
>this is the same for all girls and woman
Can Cred Forums the board of peace and tollerance of girls with dicks force a public apology and shutdown of this publisher?
>that filename
Tell he she has a pimple on her vagoo that needs to be popped or she'll never have friends.
Pop-In Books
Delete this.
How to you explain "private" with "this public exibitionism is normal"? Hint: You dont.
Lets start with parents that arent retarded autists themself and would buy such a book.
This must be the most awkward thing to try and explain to some tard or autismo, I can't even imagine reading this to one, showing them the pictures and keeping a straight face.
>I guess we all know who's getting the merit badges for the cumbox derby this year.
My contribution
>That bulge
0w0 What's this
Book is made by niggers. They think women are like that.
> "this public exibitionism is normal"?
The book literraly repeats like 8 times that ellie shouldn't wank in public, ellie stop stuffing your fist in front of the whole school in show and tell day, ellie don't get naked in public, ellie stop touching the pizza with you hands full of vaginal fluid, ellie those parts are private others have private parts don't grope people
Same here. Troop from missouri.
>a while back. Mostly just their fathers hanging out with other men doing outdoor stuff while the boys could give them a break from their retarded sons.
>I’d rather be dead than retarded.
E L L I E ?
From pizza to pussy. Nice
E L L I E ?
i had to
Educational purposes my ass
>look at this smiling girl doing all this stuff in public and leaving her vaginal fluids all over the hourse and being fullly exposed on the page
>you may want to do this
>but dont do this
>also nigger dicks
Remember, lolicon is banned in the country where this was made.
Don't do this to my heart
The novelty probably wears off pretty quick and shit like this just becomes tedious bordering on exhausting.
of course
how transphobic, where is the feminine penis?
thank god for abortion. not only are half of black pregnancies ended, but we don't have to suffer with downies any more. 20 years ago when I was a little kid in the south there were downs syndrome kids everywhere. you couldn't go to a pool or a supermarket without seeing one. boy scouts was somehow a concetrator for them once they approached puberty and got to be complete a complete unmanageable pain.
>having to talk to your autistic daughter about masturbation
>autistic daughter
>not bathing with her since birth
>not teaching her first hand about physical pleasure
>not organizing sleepover parties with the neighborhood autistic boys
why are you even on Cred Forums my dude
dat tounge tho
>look at this smiling girl doing all this stuff in public and leaving her vaginal fluids all over the hourse and being fullly exposed on the page
Goes to my first question how do you explain not masturbate in public without pictures, they are there for better understanding go to any sex education book and they have naked pictures to show kids how their genitals work.
Also the book says to wash your hands after a wank session or after touching everybody.
>also nigger dicks
Yeah this is unnecessary, but you need to fill the agenda
delet this....
No, this is star and the forces of evil or something.
I don't think it's as tumblr-esq
lol i got my earlier ellie thread removed for exactly what you said ( there was no other ellie thread at the time )