What is an argument against people who say the tax cut was crumbs?
Aiden Gomez
Thanks for baking
Happy Birthday
Evan Garcia
Leo Perry
>mfw I'm the opposite of a staller, always getting sick digits after everyone has left the old thread pls check
Jaxson Bailey
a friendly reminder that trump is a massive lolcow
Josiah Phillips
AG Sessions: "Every FISA warrant based on facts submitted to that court have to be accurate. That will be investigated and looked at."
AG Sessions:"Process used by the FBI to get FISA warrant will be investigated"
Brody Rivera
She replaced Ol' Tampon Earrings
Christopher Price
>"I'm very bitter. These DACA kids definitely have this sense of entitlement," Paredes said. "People fought for them and they got DACA and they got their work permit and then they went to sleep, instead of working to fight for the rest of us."
HAHAHAHAHA! They're eating themselves alive
Brandon Young
that's just embarrassing
Anthony Peterson
>Trump retweeting an account named Ivan Trumpovic
Christopher Price
I still can't believe Jerry Brown is the fucking governor again. Please get that embarrassment out of office >California >California Uber Alles
Nathaniel Green
The absolute state of MSNBC
Aaron Taylor
He is driving the extreme wing of liberals fucking nuts, lmao.
Josiah Jackson
We're about to start. If you have nothing better to do, head on down to smashcast to watch 4chin cup with us
Cred Forums is playing Cred Forums today
Andrew Carter
Stark hills seem to threaten the lush farms at their feet in this vivid painting of a Southern California valley. Californian artist Ross Dickinson dramatized his home state’s eternal confrontation of nature and man by exaggerating the steep slopes of the hills and the harsh contrast between the dry red wilderness and the green cultivated land. The artist stressed the centrality of water in California. A river, reflecting the pale sky, is a milky curve against the verdant valley. The irrigated farms are luxuriant, while the hills during the summer dry season are an arid brown. Dickinson reminded the viewer of the constant threat of fire by showing a farmer burning brush or trash in the foreground, with the red flame sending up a thin column of smoke. In the background, a larger plume of smoke suggests a chaparral fire going out of control, a potential threat to the little white houses in the valley. The danger parallels other stresses that faced the region during the Great Depression, as the homeless and hopeless from the drought-plagued Dust Bowl poured westward in search of agricultural work. The destitute hordes demanded far more jobs than California could offer.1934: A New Deal for Artists exhibition label
Dickinson was a young artist employed by the Public Works of Art Project. Water, green grass and swelling earth conjure the promised land that John Steinbeck would describe in The Grapes of Wrath a few years later. But Dickinson introduced disquieting details, as if to suggest that danger exists even in paradise. The tiny fire in the field at lower right, probably set to burn dry brush, echoes a massive column of smoke across the hills in the distance. The hills themselves have the orange-red look of the rainless months, when California’s mountains become tinderboxes, and fires can sweep down into the valleys. Dickinson’s painting captures the fear underlying America's hopes for better days during the Depression.Exhibition Label
Aaron Rogers
Isaac Mitchell
My President tweeted 'LMAO' while trolling today.
Matthew Diaz
>76% of GOP Is that indications that the only Republicans left in California are hardcore and all the fairweathers have fled already?
Oliver Morgan
Levi Kelly
True if big
Angel Evans
>I do declare, I heard some ne'er do wells at the FBI have been using these FISA warrants to roll up marihuana cigarettes! Sick 'em Sessions
Jace Young
The penalty for denying the Awoocaust is set at 15 bitcoins, or for no-coiners $15,000.
Lincoln Sanders
Jonathan Gutierrez
>yfw whites start saying "Valhalla forever" or "Hyperborea forever"
Carter Moore
>tumblr nose >O-O kike glasses >3DPD >the hat had to be shopped in
lol, The absolutely state of Woman Just pack it in, Harpies. Maybe if you get vagina reconstructive surgery, stop smoking, drinking, start exercising, learn how to cook/clean, learn how to smile and jump up and down for joy and excitement when your boyfriend wants to give you the D, maybe MAYBE you have a shot at catching men's attention then.
But until then, There is nothing you got going on that Awoos don't beat you by a mile at.
Nathan Johnson
It's my understanding that if Trump fires Jeff Sessions then he can replace him with any other cabinet level official already confirmed by the Senate without having to go through a new confirmation process. Is that correct?
Nathan Harris
Over the last couple days I’ve realized that /ptg/ really is run by a bunch of trump shills. They may or may not be Russian, but there’s no way there are any actual Americans volunteering to keep these threads going, in 10-12 hour shifts, all hours of the night, for days on end. And it’s just the same talking points over and over again.
Is there any where online for actual trump supporters, or is it all shill infested?
Jacob Mitchell
Happening in Russia?
Dylan Brooks
Someone could throughly embarrass the dems if they focus on the high-speed train mess, fires, illegal marijuana grows destroying the national forests and wildlife, taxes, and H1-B visas
Gabriel Ross
Amnesty begets amnesty, that's right. Only way to unfuck the issue is to just deport every illegal without amnesty.
Jackson Howard
The penalty for off topic posts is a 3 day ban, did you know that?
Angel Carter
Stop copypasta commrade please focus instead on sow hostile feelings in America peoples
Austin Hill
I'll file a motion to delay payment until the coin reaches 3 cents on the dollar
so, around June
Luke Gray
>will be investigated >it's never heard from again
>but there’s no way there are any actual Americans volunteering to keep these threads going,
Like me?
Brandon Foster
>The penalty for denying the Awoocaust is set at 15 bitcoins, or for no-coiners $15,000.
I think people should be able to deny the Awoocaust. We just need to do a better job gathering evidence
Justin Perez
you can't link the stream here, newfag just go on smashcast and type in 4chn cup
Kayden Ward
You got the clip?
Jace Wilson
Yes. Or John Kelly can take it over.
Easton Hall
Are you planning to stick around and bake for a while?
Gavin Bennett
Theyre still doing it. This bitch just opened her show with a Wakanda Forever.
Colton Mitchell
They're 100% sick of liberal bullshit and 100% sick of milquetoast RINO losers. Godspeed Californians.
Hunter Bennett
Liam Williams
nah i'm not feeling up to it as a matter of fact someone else take over
Luis Hernandez
Chocolate is poisonous to Awoos. Hotpockets is easily bribed. Post his desired food. Wow so cheap. You want to lessen the deaths of the 6 gorillion Japanese wolfgirls?
Joshua Rivera
There's more conservative here than California would like the admit
Camden Stewart
>accidentally ordered Sesame Chicken >instead of Orange Chicken
Aiden Bennett
Matthew Thompson
nothing will happen
Blake Robinson
*chimp noises*
Robert Garcia
>Ivan Trumpovic Gorka is probably making these troll accounts for the lulz
Jose Allen
Liddle Adam Schiff, the leakin' monster of no control
Josiah Perez
Then a court appears and rules this unconstitutional
Connor Mitchell
>Alex Witt was cute at one time
Asher Roberts
We have all the evidence we need. Besides, we have to beat the sandniggers at their own game.
Lucas Martinez
Drumpfkins will never get a white male movie again.
*giggles and sips tea*
Alexander Diaz
I will be around for divegrass, so I can bake for a while
>average intelligence quotient (IQ) of the intelligence community >184
>average intelligence quotient (IQ) of the drumpf administration >79
*straightens jacket*
'nuff said.
Sebastian Cooper
Jeremiah Long
William Thomas
Mason Evans
Carter Wood
Well, considering the state of the comics...
And this is outdated, BTW
Kevin Kelly
Mural series commissioned for the George Rogers Clark Memorial in Vincennes, Indiana, depicting Clark's expedition to the Ohio Valley and military campaign in the Old Northwest.
Eli Rogers
Stay mad, white boi
Jack Bell
Nogs truly are irredeemable as a race.
Lucas King
>after years of continuously slumping ticket sales Hollywood goes all in and just banks on identity politics to market their movies bold move cotton
Nicholas Miller
>"Sessions never announces anything" >"Sessions never does anything" >Sessions says he'll do thing >"N-nothing will happen!" Is there anyway to please you anons?
David Gomez
>Average amount of mommies people have: 1
>Amount of mommies I have: 2
*straighten jacket and gets ready for a load*
'nuff said
Zachary Scott
>2008 Im sorry user but public opinon has changed drastically on gay marriage
Easton Cook
Trump endorses this?
Jeremiah Parker
Cameron Wood
pull out your legal firearm and shood them in the face ..... 2nd amendmant, amirite boys?
Christopher Young
Not even mad either, hell I dont even watch movies since Hollywood is dead, and mostly are just having it's final spams until it goes bleak.
Blake Butler
>ooga booga intensifies
Jackson Long
Won’t work. Diminishing returns
Wyatt Robinson
Tampon Earrings was replaced only because she said the state should seize people's children and children belonged to the state, not their parents
Camden Davis
Why do they (((lie))) about everything? A normal human doesn't want to be a sorry son of a bitch. Even after (((they))) are caught in the act they are void of any shame
Bentley Torres
>Is there anyway to please you anons? Toss them a bowl of dope.
Hunter Gonzalez
Matthew Clark
>immigrant who is in the country without legal status Imagine being such a libshit you have to write that instead of just saying "illegal immigrant"
Gavin Ross
/biz/ needs to be taken down. Explain why the Japanese Awoo is extinct then.
Noah Brown
That's a wachadoin rabbi moment there lol.
Jonathan Hughes
Whatever you say, white boi, we run your nerd ass comics now :)
Kevin Martinez
Yeah, I think Trump created and printed out those fliers that were totally not made by a 13 year old.
Nolan Davis
Fake news. More Jewish lies.
Camden Johnson
>>Sessions says he'll do thing
And nothing ever happens. It's never heard from again.
>Is there anyway to please you anons?
Yeah. Produce fucking results.
Robert Russell
>marvel is going to ghostbusters their own franchise
Ryder Walker
But what I he had AK-74? There woud be not 5, but 25 dead. Checkmate gunfags
Liam Rivera
I have no problem with gender bent superheroes. Its when they change the race and make them into fags/cripples/degenerates that gets me.
But fuck yeah I'd like to see a female thor, iron man, batman, wolverine, etc, be badass. But they should still be sexy. And they should just go ham fisted with the "YEAH, THATS RIGHT, YOU JUST GOT BEAT BY A GUUUURL!"
You can have sexy, competent, strong, female characters that are still cute and not be obnoxious. Anime does it all the time.
Justin Wright
>First match of the day has /lgbt/
Carter Stewart
LGBTQGFDSGSAGFDSGF+- issues can always give a false positive because they don't get high turn out from blacks and hispanics. In Houston, the tranny bathroom bill failed horribly because all of the black churches that normally turn out mo' money fo' dem programs voters turned out voters to shut that shit down. It was a major embarrassment for the local dem party apparatus. I thoroughly believe that the reason lefties went through the courts for gay marriage is because even with a stranglehold on both houses, the CBC would have shot that shit down and it would have been the same kind of internal fracture for dems but on a national level.
Dominic Hughes
Jaxon Carter
I am even not a nerd, you're clearly mocking how leftists people react to white people I assume getting mad over something, to that they feel strong, but in the end, nothing really matters, we are all human and mostly it's all a waste of time.
Logan Ramirez
Aaron Price
you say that, but they still are gaining $s year-after-year. alot of movies are shit but they'll put out a new star wars and get lucky with a jumanji every year
Hunter Garcia
>Trump endorses this? false flag
William Diaz
IT TAKES A VILLAGE, YOU RACIST! (Now give us your kids)
Angel Kelly
They live on in spirit
Adrian Long
Literally why do you care at all
Jordan Ross
In the nineteenth century, volunteer fire companies often commissioned paintings to decorate their hand-pumped fire engines for parades, competitions, and community events. Sometimes framed with elaborate carvings, they adorned the tall air chamber located at the middle or rear of a pumper. The paintings would often feature patriotic, heroic, or allegorical images to associate the volunteer companies with these lofty ideals. This fire engine panel painting of Benjamin Franklin is attributed to the Franklin Engine Company from Philadelphia that was active from 1792 until 1871. The painting was completed around 1830 by an unknown artist. The painting depicts the popular story of Franklin’s kite experiment where he attempted to prove that lightning was an electrical force. Benjamin Franklin was well known for organizing the first volunteer fire company in Philadelphia, and his image and his name were popular among the city’s fire companies. By invoking Franklin, volunteer firemen linked themselves to the progenitor of their trade, as well as someone who played a key role in the American Revolution. This painting and its companion (2005.0233.0305) would have adorned either side of the company’s engine.
Henry Powell
awoo is thiccccc
Michael Martinez
go fund me. com/disabled-war-vet-about-to-lose-home
Lucas Torres
>Wh*tes >"Humans"
Luis Cruz
>But what I he had AK-74? >Implying that gook with pistols didn't killed more people than the mongrel with an AR >Implying that sandgroid in France didn't do thrice as much damage with a truck
Joshua Flores
>[Judaic false-flagging intensifies]
Ethan Sullivan
Trump curse is ruthless lads. They brought this upon themselves.
Thomas Hughes
or maybe we get off our asses and get out there and change it, because the more we talk on this site, the less time we have before it collapses
John Powell
Is that a pregnant Spider-woman?
Noah Fisher
>Explain why the Japanese Awoo is extinct then. Oh, well nevermind. If that's what you guys are talking about then that shit definitely happened.
Fucking Japs. "Durr hurr shinto is so nature revering" >Eats animals while they are still alive >Hunt Awoos unique to your island >God made Awoos just for you and you destroyed his gift
I love Japan, but they need to apologize for this.
Owen Perry
Explain this "illegal weed" thing
Levi Lopez
Hi are you the burger?
Levi Allen
It's like jello.
Jayden Wood
>And they shouldn't**** just go ham fisted with the
Justin Jackson
Let's see, so Black Panther has gotten blacks to >admire a nationalist leader who believes in putting his people first (King of Wakanda, not the world) >admire black heroes who are honorable people with traditional families and values >root against a hood rat BLM communist villain >start thinking about how great it would be to go back to Africa Honestly, the more I think about it the more I love this movie. It was just the right message at the right moment.
Isaiah Martinez
apparently gay marriage approval went down for democrats. lol
Luke Kelly
t./lgbt/ pede
Lincoln Rogers
i guess i should say someone donated 20k under trumps name to this chick
Joshua Collins
>(((Bill Berg)))
Ryan Hughes
Whatchu gon bout it, white boy?
Jace White
Trump curse strikes, again
Robert Ramirez
Brandon Flores
Just made these, which one do you like better?
Jaxon Russell
/w/rN+HtZ/ /jqqQwTcV/ /3BYQblMj/ /LyrKp4h+/
Leo Anderson
Nicholas Gomez
He does this sarcastic roleplay shit all day every day. He never posts anything normal.
Just watched Black Panther. It was actually a pretty good movie. I think you people are just racist
Christopher Wood
If you want a YAAAS QWEEN character why not make a new one instead of having to change an already existing one? Anime is able to have such characters because they're not bound by the feminist mindset that every female character needs to be a mary sue while also having as many disadvantages as possible to appeal to niggers/fags/etc.
Hunter Sanders
Elections can't be hacked or tampered with though
Asher Rivera
What blacks actually think post-Black Panther >we beez more advanced than whitebois >we build PYRAMIDS n sheeit >Wakanda bee realz muhfugga, ya'll niggas jealous >we wuz buildin cities when u be livin in caves
Easily 80% of blacks think Black Panther is a documentary.
Aiden Perez
Dude he's a Slav. It's mostly gopniks online
Dylan Hall
Levi Sanchez
>Kids belong to the communist government bureaus >We will teach them how to vote DEM
I guess they didn’t think through the optics of running with that garbage. Propaganda like that only works in California or D.C. literally no one else is stupid enough to fall for it.
Gabriel Ross
George Washington’s death on December 14, 1799, caused an outpouring of national grief. Among the funeral orations, memorial poems, songs, and visual images inspired by his demise is this equestrian portrait by William Clarke, which refers to his military and presidential achievements. Washington was also known for his skilled horsemanship. As Thomas Jefferson recalled in an 1814 letter, Washington was “the best horseman of his age, and the most graceful figure that could be seen on horseback.” This likeness is based on Gilbert Stuart’s “Atheneum” 1796 portrait of 1796, which was well known through replicas and engravings. The artist, William Clarke, worked in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and in Maryland before moving to Philadelphia around 1796. There he was associated with a group of artists specializing in ornamental painting, portraiture, and the decoration of drums and banners.
Julian Sullivan
Get out normie
Anthony Watson
The dead need justice. Asians are crazy.
Dominic Russell
awoo triggers /jp/ animals, so awoo it stays
Anthony Cruz
There was apparently a bunch of asshurt when some movie theater tweeted out that Wakanda is fake.
Angel Murphy
oh ho ho ho I can't wait for the tweet about this. DO IT TRUMP!
Michael Brown
>Just made these, which one do you like better? this one
Hudson Wood
disney will not a get another buck from me after the last jedi. Fuck mickey mouse.
Jose Rodriguez
>return of the kangz WE
Andrew Wood
>Approximately 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 21% don’t even have a savings account, according to a new survey of more than 5,000 adults conducted this month by Google Consumer Survey Say that they're disconnected to the average American
Dylan Bailey
The Jap wolf looks retarded. But the Ezo was North American related.
Jeremiah Young
Jason Lopez
He flip flops all the time but he's said before he's spent his whole life in the US and only recently moved to Poland because of school or whatever. I don't think he even speaks Polish.
Austin James
Ask them to give you a grand since it's just crumbs
Landon Lopez
Just setting up millions more young black children for disappointment and resentment when they learn in school that it is all lies and bullshit.
We need more black leaders to get them off the Liberal plantation, because this is setting up civil unrest for the future, and it is manipulating an entire generation into hatred and resentment. What could be more fucking evil?
Ryan Bell
i can guarantee you liberal degeneracy is far less popular now than it was in 2012. After the left went full Marxist commie mode. And it'll get even less popular over time.
Brayden Green
Last week I goggled what it takes to be in the top 1%. Turns out you only need 750 k
Adrian Peterson
Otters too.
Jayden Rivera
This one for me
Christopher Gomez
Why the fuck would I want a savings account with interest rates this low?
Jace Wilson
Oh boy we're already back to "the Executive Branch doesn't have the authority to control immigration whatsoever all of a sudden"?
Lucas Perry
file name bobsled? that's a skeleton sled
Jacob Evans
She literally says 'Your kid is not yours'. Funny now that the Ohio tranny teen judge agreed with her. youtube.com/watch?v=Ary_9ZeUcJo
Hunter Parker
Jaxon Long
>Le spandex man punching film number 324125 I even like the Priest run of Black Panther
Landon Davis
why won't Trump listen?
Hudson Cox
you dont keep money in the bank for your credit/debit card?
Hunter Harris
thats skeleton not luge
Liam Cooper
Why would you kill otters, slant-eyed devil?
Aaron Walker
He's a schizophrenic fucking retard.
Jaxson Thompson
Checking account does the same thing.
Lincoln Butler
You don’t need nearly that much if you are taking about globally.
Gavin Morris
So if attitudes towards gays could change so drastically in 20 years, why are liberals so upset that the attitude towards immigrants changed as well? Because "muh poem said so"?
Jeremiah Brown
>Just made these, which one do you like better? I like this one better
Justin Scott
Red Jacket (1758-1830) was a famous leader of the Seneca tribe of the Iroquois Nation, a declared ally of the British, and enemy of the United States during the Revolution. In this ambitious painting, John Mix Stanley showed the chief defending himself against a charge of witchcraft. Under his white robe is the red jacket given to him by a British officer for his help as a messenger during the American Revolution. Stanley trained as a portrait painter, and all of the figures in this work are portraits of identifiable individuals. The Trial of Red Jacket was almost destroyed in the Smithsonian Institution's fire of 1865.
Cooper Davis
>got-darned geez oh man this is just nuts
Charles Wilson
>If you want a YAAAS QWEEN character why not make a new one instead of having to change an already existing one? I don't want a YAAAS QWEEN character. I want a rompy arc of "All the characters turned to women, lol just an excuse for us to have sexy interesting character designs that you think "MAN I WISHED THEY LOOKED LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME" I want them to still cater to white male nerds. I just want to see sexy versions of these characters.
the "appeal to demographic" thing is awful the "kikes subverting a genre/medium of artwork with young white males as its main audience" is awful
And you are right, if they want to have their own power fantasy they should just make a new hero. Thats the thing about superheroes, it takes 5 seconds to include them in the story.
Andrew Murphy
Christopher Stewart
Would you feel 1A rights were eroded if you couldn't express certain idea?
Michael Cooper
should I add something or is it smug enough ?
Jonathan Bailey
>black children >learn wewlad, you've clearly never been to public school.
I remember from my "black history" classes, which were mandatory in pub school, that the major black heroes are some nameless tap-dancers and some guy erroneously credited with making peanut butter. They'll definitely be taught in school that WE WUZ and that Black Panther was some sort of cultural revolution rather than a movie made by two Jews for cash.
Levi Morales
>an African country with (((gender equality))) How could anyone have fallen for such fantastical bull shit?
Chase Rodriguez
Get fucked, /lgbt/
Thomas Reed
He's a fucking retard but not really schizophrenic. The tumblr gookposter is schizophrenic. Eva is definitely skinhead tier though.
Isaiah Torres
>15 posts by this ID
Brody Bailey
nobody cares
Jeremiah Evans
Yeah, I imagine many Americans would
paws off cunt.
Robert Murphy
Bounty and crimes
Isaac Foster
Fuck this pancake eating loudmouth.
Joseph Gonzalez
This guy seems like he's been governor of Ohio forever. When the fuck does his term end already so he can buzz off?
Daniel Adams
That comes out of a checking account, which is pretty much where all the money I'm willing to spend goes. The money I want to save either goes into my IRA or a mutual fund.
Gavin Campbell
Cruz, who is up for reelection in 2018, repeatedly took shots at the framework because it included a path to citizenship for 1.8 million immigrants, which he considers “amnesty.”
“I find myself flabbergasted at where my own party is in this debate because every proposal that has Republican support that has been submitted begins from a place markedly to the left of President Obama,” Cruz said ahead of the Senate’s votes.
John Moore
nailed it
Lincoln Lee
I love how the picture has the completely opposite message for people who can't read.
Austin Murphy
>The real story is that a dem judge decided to do his job and properly interpret the constitution instead of ruling along party lines
Dominic Hughes
>votes for the 1994 AWB Oh geez Oh man
Thomas Thomas
For now, but it could be memed into a nationalist movie. The message to get across is "Wakanda's not real, but it could be if you worked for it."
Jose Reed
>a Jew tweeting an interview of a Jew talking to a turtle Stimulating
Thomas Flores
6 gorrolion dollars meddling in us election
Sebastian Ortiz
that tweet sounds a little mocking
Anthony Butler
>second from left
Jayden Smith
>California accounts for more than 90 percent of illegal U.S. marijuana farming. There are as many as 50,000 marijuana farms in California according to state estimates, and even though voters legalized the drug last November, only about 16,000 growers are expected to seek licenses when commercial cultivation becomes legal next year.
>Many of the illegal growers use fertilizers and pesticides long restricted or banned in the United States, including carbofuran and zinc phosphide.
>The chemicals have turned thousands of acres of forest into waste dumps so toxic that law enforcement officers have been hospitalized after inadvertently touching plants and equipment, and scores of animals have died.
Huge problem in California that rarely gets talked about
Bentley Cox
This scene was likely made by a follower of the seventeenth-century Dutch painter Jan Steen, who painted a similar image of a woman being treated for lovesickness by a quack doctor. Steen’s paintings, copies of them, and works by his followers were popular on the American art market in the late nineteenth century. They appealed to collectors of various backgrounds, from lawyers like Ralph Cross Johnson to senators and financiers. Many of these patrons believed that the Dutch Republic was the source of American political ideals, a connection popularized through two best-selling books by nineteenth-century American historian John Lothrop Motley, who couched the Dutch struggle for independence in terms of the American Revolution. (Stott, Holland Mania: The Unknown Dutch Period in American Art & Culture, 1998)
Ian Peterson
fix your file name moron
Gabriel Watson
>why are liberals so upset that the attitude towards immigrants changed as well
both are different things.
Easton Moore
>that tweet sounds a little mocking
It is. They're trolling.
Kayden Peterson
It’s absolutely true. The woke blacks and the white stormfags both know that nobody cares about gun violence unless whites are the victims.
Jace Nelson
Drumpfcucks BTFO
Brayden Bell
Wh*te Ppl just be lyin' to da black man, dey wan' all da ademantium for demselves, cracka bitches
Adam Walker
I hope the whole state rots into nothingness and every last Californian gets ALS
Easton Butler
i do the same with checking and putting money into roth IRA, but i keep about 5k in a saving account for my credit card to pay it off if i ever get into a bad situation and need to pay it off immediately.
Cameron Fisher
If anything the savings account for me is a place to put money that is going in to investments I haven't decided on yet. But yeah, it's not like savings account give you any real returns.
Nolan Kelly
Fair enough, I misunderstood you because of your typo. The capeshit jew abandoning it's main audience their worst mistake, if only Marvel didn't have Disney life support.
Joseph Brooks
yeah fucking do something that doesn't involve an area any other Trump AG would go after
Joshua Lee
Elijah Taylor
Truly a fucking shithole
Alexander Bennett
These fracture points need to be pressed on.
Landon Thompson
Baking, Worry Not
Nathan Barnes
kek, never thought of it that way.
Cooper Clark
(((Cameron Kasky)))
David Long
>The Jap wolf looks retarded. >shitty taxidermy techniques from the late 1800
Alexander Cook
Matthew Thomas
Money doesn't become unavailable because it's in the checking account. Your argument doesn't even make sense. The only thing I can gather from it is you're saying that you're too stupid to not touch your money so you have to put it in a savings account so it's more difficult to do so. I don't have that problem.
Nicholas Moore
>Expecting teenagers to keep a promise a month away
Logan Murphy
>trying to convince a generation of people who identity as golden fluid pan-unicorns that a fictional location doesnt exist Good luck, bro
Isaac Phillips
This seems organic. Nothing odd going on here.
Lucas Williams
>It is. They're trolling.
It the only way to safely say, "Shut up with being a dumb nigger".
Kayden Sullivan
>18 posts by this id
Tyler Ramirez
Scrawy compared to it's whiter cousin
Robert Martin
Niggers actually believe this
Zachary Clark
>California hippies are supposed to love the environment >Throw trash and dangerous chemicals everywhere
Henry Robinson
You might be better served to just hide that amount of cash away somewhere instead. That way it's available for whatever kind of emergency comes up, not just your credit card.
Cooper Lee
>Bounty and crimes Yeah, wanted for election rigging or something about election
Brayden Barnes
Big Ken
Luke Turner
Brazil, last night I was late night gore browsing. And SO MANY fucking beheadings, disembowelments, etc were from Brazil.
What is all that about? Do you feel scared on a daily basis? Do the people who get killed like that at least more often than not deserve it?
Jaxson Phillips
i agree. but every conservative wants to retreat from art and then gets mad that art is, not only shit, but influencing the next generation of plebs and makes things harder on us
Asher Morris
How do you do, fellow white teenagers?
Easton Powell
For a split second I thought he was thanking Keemstar.
Joshua Powell
>It is top donors
Ian Gomez
>muh fragile survivors
Kevin Thompson
>19 posts by this id
Christopher Mitchell
I think the assumption being made was that a white male advocating pro-white stuff would lose because of all the minorities while Jeb with his mexican fetish was a threat because again muh minorities
What neither the cuckservatives nor hillary realized is that minorities are heavily irrelevant in most places with cuckifornia and a handful of other cucksheds being the only places they matter.
Asher Sullivan
i keep about 5k at home too, i use my credit card for everything so its nice to know i can pay it off anytime
Wyatt Anderson
That's really low for eva. He'll go 40 or 50 posts in one thread because he has to autistically reply to everyone as an excuse to post his stupid shit.
Sebastian Perry
Well yeah, I would imagine, same with the Mexican Red Wolf due to warmer climates. But the Japanese Wolf exhibit does make them look retarded as shit since it was taxidermied like shit.
When do we get Dire Wolves back?
Kevin Bell
Well, well. Looks like we can do something about guns after all.
Alexander Butler
Agreed, they are especially vulnerable at the local level where there is less media interference. The bathroom bill failing made a lot of gays in Houston get sphincter splintered at churches in general and the salt was pretty glorious.
Brody Reed
God that kid drives me nuts
Evan Moore
stop bullying
Julian Murphy
every time I see him I laugh I dont know why
Nicholas Torres
Yeah she was crime fighting while pregnant back in 2016. But I think she gave birth since then.
Wyatt Morgan
in a safe? as gold? as bills?
Kayden Flores
It’s convenient. >Be black from a shitty ghetto >Mom smokes crack and beats the shit out of you >Dad? Who? >Only time you eat is when you go to school and the kids beat the shit out of you
Of course you will be happy to believe something positive about your race.
Jaxon Perez
Screw YOU California. You're a taint.
Brandon Ortiz
>What is all that about? >Do you feel scared on a daily basis? >Do the people who get killed like that at least more often than not deserve it? I would feel safe if I hadn't lost all my guns on a tragic boat accident, didn't had my house surrounded by gigantic dogs, and couldn't see at least 4-5 miles from all the surroundings of the house. But my grandfather was kidnapped twice when I was a kid.
Ayden Myers
Isaiah Reed
Hes like 40 yrs old
Jack Gray
as if we needed the confirmation of that social media post
Adrian Sullivan
>Cops are going to risk their lives going door to door These people are living in fantasy lands
Luke Foster
*breathes helium in* Hi, I'm Alec.
Aiden Wright
Literally pic related.
Colton Phillips
cash money under the mattress
Kevin Murphy
Gavin Russell
Wrong they spend a lot more so it's not gaining at all actually.
Nicholas Taylor
Are there any dense packets of white people that need saving?
Jose Cruz
Those pot farms are almost 100% run by the Mexican cartels.
Carson Mitchell
>Do the people who get killed like that at least more often than not deserve it? If they are criminals of any kind they "deserve" a shallow grave, but most people that get killed on robberies or stray bullets seem to be minding their own business.
Adam Bailey
How can I give up what I lost in a tragic boating accident? Especially m AR's that I built with lowers I bought in a private purchase?
Dominic Ward
Don't worry I expect nothing less from you awoo retarded cunts
Jack Stewart
they're getting funded at this point. of course they'll show up - good props get paid
Nathaniel Morgan
Cred Forums is always right.
Jonathan Thomas
That's South Africa.
Jordan Roberts
1776 will commence again
Jacob Smith
>Many of the illegal growers use fertilizers and pesticides long restricted or banned in the United States, including carbofuran and zinc phosphide.
Why get all this fucking illegal shit when you can go to a hydroponics store and buy cheap, high quality soil all day?
Adam James
>some rich guy donated under Trump's name to prove a point
Mason Jenkins
Huge if real
Samuel Jones
i thought ken starr was largely against trump?
Luke Turner
>fuck the police! >police, please help us! gets me everytime
Evan Hall
Google "German-Brazilians"
Camden Butler
It is many places in the world. Whites went everywhere and settled in homogenous communities in lots of different lands. There is even a dense packet of white people in hawaii, believe it or not
Andrew Roberts
Jeremiah Barnes
if its bad enough they are trying to take your guns, they'll just throw you in jail til your friends go and 'fish' it up out of the river
Caleb Hernandez
More or less, on several States, Northeast and Southeast need nuclear hellfire though.
Tyler King
>Why are criminals using illegal products?
Camden Stewart
>quality Cartel grows don't give a shit about quality
Kevin Sullivan
>1 million cops trumps 100 million gunowners, many of whom are ex-cops or ex-military themselves
Not how it works
Logan Sanchez
>good evening sir, i, a man who is not registered as a legal farm owner, would like to buy bulk amounts of fertilizer and pesticide, for no reason good plan kouhai
Andrew Baker
Aiden Roberts
The police aren’t stupid enough to go gun grabbing. While most Americans would hand them over like sheep. 20% wouldn’t.
Joshua Cox
I wouldn't call a neighborhood in a pozzed city a homogenous community
Ethan Morgan
I really don't want to post in that retarded poland thread, really is no one else making a thread?
Please deposit your guns in our bins, failure to comply will result in our lethal mode being activated
Daniel Gonzalez
>Yankee Doodle intensifies
Thomas Morris
The opening shots of the American Revolutionary War on 19th April 1775, that ‘echoed around the world.’ It would be another hundred years until military doctrine abandoned the tradition of marching troops onto open battlefields in broad daylight in bright colored uniforms.
Oliver Rivera
Hunter Hernandez
They do now. No one wants to buy shitty drugs when there is so much competition.
Christopher Lee
A republican could tear a dem a new one if they ran on supporting legal cannabis grows and viciously going after the illegal grows. The legal cannabis businesses would throw so much money at that republican
William Wright
>most people that get killed on robberies or stray bullets seem to be minding their own business.
But no, Russia is the big bad according to the media. Ignore all of the places in the world where people get chimp to death. And just focus on a country you are buttmad at them for leaving communism and are absolute anal annihilated that they are now pushing for nationalism and traditionalism.
Jews need to burn. I'm sick of this shit. Somebody has got to stop these kikes.
David Stewart
>not obnoxious >002
Joseph Clark
There's like a billion registered and unregistered guns in America, good luck with that.
Hunter Edwards
They move most of their product outside the state, they're not competing against legal markets
Hudson Sullivan
>One reason you'll be dead is that you supported cops being armed with military equipment.
The cognitive dissonance is astounding
Connor Carter
>homogenius Most people call him king nigger here.