Let's discuss why Jordan Peterson is unable to name -redacted-
Jordan Peterson
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i see how it is
He has a long-standing career, a reputation and a family. Him 'naming' them would only end in the aforementioned things being ridiculed irreversibly.
We could certainly use a well-known and reputable person to name them but I don't think Peterson is the one to do it. He's fighting on other fronts, on promoting morality and integrity, old fashioned values, etc. Him naming them will result in his credibility being erased completely.
Because he doesn't believe in the JQ and that's that.
Fuck you "huh huh he's just pretending" idiots. The "Jewish Conspiracy" is, as of yet, still just that, a fringe conspiracy
Look another character assassination thread.
Seriously unless someone aligns with your nuanced and personal political beliefs, you think he's a fucking Jew. Peterson isn't into the JQ but that doesn't make him your enemy. He's also a stoic which is pretty NatSoc. I don't know why I'm explaining this to (You), because anyone ideologically brainwashed or dumb enough to be NatSoc anymore isn't going to hear what I'm saying.
you know he can't do it
Is that adam Sandler with a beard?
Because he's not a moron like the Cred Forums contingent
Nobody cares. see It's not why we like him, Seriously though, How much does Soros pay you guys?
He's married to a jew
prove me wrong
Indeed, the normal person, and i mean NORMAL has never heard of Marxism, has never considered history or where we came from. Petersons job is to bring your dad and your cousin and your mom HALF way there. It's hard for redpilled folks to think back to the several steps it took them to get to where they are. I remember denying race and IQ for years. I had already completed a biology major in college, and studied evolutionary biology. AND also i went to a high school that was mostly black and puertorican and we had maybe 1 non white in the top 20. It takes lots of thinking and persuasion for normal liberal whites to take the leap
Prove what wrong?
OP is a faggot
you are right
Pretty sure that's not his wife.
Even if she is, so fucking what?
>the regular middle class Jew is part of the zog machine
No, It's his wife and she's a jew.
He's a shabbos goy
Attacking marxism is the same thing as attacking the "bad jews." There's no point in making a broad generalization about people that can be easily attacked and refuted.
>the regular middle class Jew is part of the zog machine
There's a world of difference between Mr. Goldstein who makes sandwiches at my local NY deli and the globalist jewry, and western leftist jews are essentially godless atheists.
Ok, spell this out for me then. What does she personally do that makes Peterson invalid?
Seriously. He needs to address this issue.
Ok, lets say that's true. Have you heard anything Peterson has to say? He has lectures defending the fucking bible. He rants against Marx and Hitler. He's the farthest thing from a godless hedon.
So, given his outspoken opinions on what you just mentioned, what does his jew wife have to do with discrediting him?
you write like a roastie
>what does his jew wife have to do with discrediting him?
She doesn't user, I agree with you.
Agreed with the half-way point, well articulated. And indeed, I certainly don't remember how I got to this point in terms of the JQ, we all need an accessible entry way into this whole thing. Peterson's counteracting the attack on long-standing values that the media is trying to erase. That's his role in this, and going overt will screw it up.
>playing stupid
Ah, I got the implication from your comment that you thought she was (((subversive))). I'll accept that most jews are greedy tribalistic fucks but I'm not going to presume that all are following the elders of Zion. Peterson is right when he says the most important thing to humanity and it's preservation is the sanctity of the individual and responsibility. Stoic as fuck if you ask me.
Nah I'm curious. I don't buy the JQ but I want to hear why you think what you think. You can just reply with memes but that doesn't get either of us anywhere.
Because he's a boomer cuckservative
wakanda if true
>n-no she's one of the good jews
the absolute state of /poleddit/
because he's not user and cares about the well-being of his friends and family
Yeah, see what I mean? Memes.
How is every level of jew complicit in the Jew NWO? I'm not playing stupid, just would like a solid answer that isn't a meme.
most jews just enjoy being treated as some victim class , anyone gets ridiculed or shamed for saying anything about them
prove me wrong
I'm hip to their tribalistic victim tendencies, but if you really believe that an individual is more than just a product of their environment then you can't assume that the street level jew is part of the zog machine.
Burden of proof is on you. You assume an individual is complicit in a movement with no evidence to substantiate it.
I'm sick of being a Jew
Reading people's minds sucks guys.
Avoid it.