is using Cred Forums bad for non whites?
Is using Cred Forums bad for non whites?
Don’t be a subversive faggot and I think you’ll be okay
everyone basically hates me here because of the fact that i am indian even if post positive comments
>even if i post positive comments
>positive comments
Maybe stop sucking the microdicks of White trash vermin here?
Don't use Cred Forums, /poo/ is for you.
> is pol bad for poos
I’m sure there’s someone here that has a scat fetish.
pajeet stop being a Whining little faggot just make quality post and when it comes to the banter dealwithit.jpg
Whites are tsundere. That’s why they act all superior when going around but fall in love with other races other than their easily.
I don't hate you famalam
It will turn you into a white supremacist, so maybe.
It's great actually, there's always someone that completely destroys white supremacists arguments.
Also whites are so convinced of their white supremacist crap, that all non whites unity more than they would without a common enemy, kind of what old Cred Forums did with anti-americanism.
I only browse Cred Forums so I remain informed about all perspectives of life from people across the world. It’s fun and you learn something new everyday. It’s probably bad for you if you’re a poorfag tamil indian whose parents emmigrated to the west to find jobs in the 90s and now you’re an outcast with no culture living in a country that isn’t yours and that’s going downhill
>It’s probably bad for you if you’re a poorfag tamil indian whose parents emmigrated to the west to find jobs in the 90s and now you’re an outcast with no culture living in a country that isn’t yours and that’s going downhill
Kurd here, quite the opposite.
All this Arbeitslosengeld II is making me richer than 80% of India.
listen you autistic 16-year old. Life isn’t a cakewalk and if you’re mentally depressed by shitposting euros and americans on a japanese cartoon board then you should either grow a pair or come back when you develop some mental maturity
Hard to live down the 'poo in loo' meme my street shitting friend. No one hates you though. Your country is just a joke.
India good, always bring that fire to the ring.
>Proud subhuman
>Hates whites
>Has to use English to communicate meaningfully with rest of world.
couldn’t care less nigger my family has enough money that I can never work again much less leave my country to find an IT job lmao. You”ll never be german mohammed. Go back
why would a mentally matured person use Cred Forums?
thankyou, post again
well, before i started browsing i was just an autistic mixed race fellow. now i'm an autistic mixed race nazi, so take that how you will
>Proud white supremacist
>Family does yoga
>Eats potatoes and turkey
>Listens to african beats
>Watches anime
This is actually good advice. There are over 7 Billion people in the world, I operate under the assumption that atleast a Billion hate me for no good reason. And it doesn't bother me. You shouldn't live your life hoping people will like you. Strive to lead a good purposeful life. You will find you naturally form relationships with people with similar values.
Also sticks and stones and all that.
I am not mentally ill and I am mature. What so because you're depressed must means everyone else is? Grow the fuck up
maybe because it’s always good to challenge your worldview and have a source of events that isn’t the same diluted nonsense we see in the press? I never really knew much about ethno-nationalism or the concept of population genetics or saw the flaws in mainstream society before I browsed Cred Forums. For all the shit that people give this board it is really good at shaking up your understanding of the world
I don't think so.
If white anons let me stay here...
and if you cannot gleam that from this board and all you see is memes and shitposting then you’ve answered your question
good point
Greatest ally will always be allowed in the ethno state, as long as you make more aryan waifus.
You're welcome here. Please make sure that your country doesn't import all the SJW bullshit that's currently ruining the West.
not really, literally more threads prasing black bulls than any other board on Cred Forums
We shall band together; kindred brother of mine.
You have I(ndia)Q
Flaunt it in their stupid white faces
Thank you, anons! Please make sure that your country doesn't import all the SJW bullshit that's currently ruining the West.
In Japan, the left wing pressure is strong.
Because most Japanese are conservative,
leftists and foreign agents are using external pressure
(UN and international organizations) to move the Japanese government.
In Japan, the law of speech control passed.
(There is no penalty now)
The difficult situation continues in Japan, but we'll do our best.
Cred Forums is a board of peace and used for communication with frens all around the globe ^-^
Cred Forums is nice board :)
no bully X3
I do think India-posters have it especially rough because no matter how quality the post someone will respond with "POO" whereas I have to be pretty stupid to get called a lard-burger or whatever. But the threads on more serious discussions than "how do we fix white women" (check out Syria General for starters) have much less of that nonsense.
Cred Forums bullying is no different than old bee Cred Forumsullying, it's all in good fun, it all takes place in the virtual world and you might just open someones eyes or make them mad enough to deal with problems they've avoided.
I think we do a better job at helping people than all the therapists, pharma drugs and self help books in the world.
And we're always here, ready to embrace you in our cozy little environment.
It can only be an improvement.
Anyone want to be frens?
It's fine tojo you're always honorary here.
Thank you, user!
This board and Cred Forums anons are very fine and friendly.
I love them very much.
Most of Cred Forums isn't even white.
Tell me your thoughts on this man
Japanese are aryans by honor.
This was cute
Thank you!
(It is hard for me to write text in English... ;_; )
It's probably not good for your mental health feces person.
(関西人かと思った。。。( ̄m ̄))
そこにCred Forumsのことが書かれてるよ
just dont be a faggot
poo in loo....
>Cred Forums getting along
oh fugg...
Looks like the poos set their shit aside and became friends.
you go back to where you belong lad
Maybe if you quit blaming whitey, quit begging for hand outs, quit buying the jew propoganda that we are evil, take care of your own people, respect life enough to take it from those unworthy of it and act fucking civilized we will make you an honorary honkie. now go get some naked pics of your mom for us, this your first test.
how old are you?
i second this user's poast
Only if you aren't encouraging ethnic nationalism and anti-semitism among your own people. We're ethno-fascists, not blanket bigots, don't mind if you're here as long as you contribute to the discussion.
> t. European-American Nationalist
>Basement-dwelling bong excited that he can type shitty nipnese to a nip while thinking he's cool.
Nah I'm comfy right here.
>t.brainlet who can only speak a language we invented
Sure feels nice not being a 56% mongrel
This is a weeb supremacy board
It's true. The real white man eats wheat and onions only.
we'll gas you last, based street shitter
It's not. You still become red-pilled on pretty much everything.
It's no bad to recognize reality.
Nigger, I'd rather be some white collar sandnigger than a literal microdick Indian who belongs to an aristocratic family. I've got nothing against Indians though, I'd just never want to be an Indian of any kind rich/poor.
I'm actually a leaf that moved to burglerland after uni and I also lived in Japan.
ie. I speak 3 languages (English, French, and Nip)
Try again faggot.
You're right on the 56% though, my dad's French Leaf and my mom is from South America.
I like you intellect, interest, and willingness to journey inside yourself for reason and understanding. our mind is the biggest rabbit hole. we believe so we can understand.
Get off this site then. It's full of angry wh*Toid virgins anyway.
Why do you wanna lick their arses for anyway?
shut up haji and ask yourself more questions and me less.
That video just proves niggers are sub-humans.
>ie. I speak 3 languages (English, French, and Nip)
How interesting, same here, but knowing a few phrases from "muh anmus" doesn't count as "speaking" tho lad
>I'm actually a leaf
How unsurprising
最初は Cred Forumsが怖かったけど、
日本人は welcome で迎えられるから居心地が良いんだよねw
Cred Forumsでは、罵られることが多くて辛くてさ・・・ (ノД`)
ヘイトスレ立てたり、外国人を罵ってCred Forumsの外国人怒らせて、
(日本の general thead ですら、そう言うことが起こる)
だから、Cred Forumsで辛いことがあったら、こっち来て和んでるw
(pol の人たちの迷惑じゃなかったらいいんだけどと思いつつ・・・)
Uh huh.
>Africa invented the drum beat
Nothing has ever been invented on that continent.
>How interesting, same here, but knowing a few phrases from "muh anmus" doesn't count as "speaking" tho lad
Well it's a good thing that I speak them fluently then isn't it and I don't sound like an anime faggot
Not even white or from the US.
But still, the idea that white women prefer black men is false, there's data about it.
I am an American Indian and I have no issue with anything I see on Cred Forums. Honestly, I like the banter and shows that most still have balls enough to speak their mind.
t 100% Cree
yes because it shows you that your race is inferior to whites
Why are you licking wh*Te ass for you fucking cuck?
How do you know Japanese so well?
Went from loving my people and heritage to hating every nog that walks by for no reason and worshiping asian/white qties
thanks pol
to be fair all are, we made this all what is, conquered every continent, western civilization, cultured the people beyond savage, modern skyscrapers, men on the moon. thanks Chilean senpai
Insightful post. This format, Cred Forums specifically although it is currently getting spammed and shilled to death, is seemingly one of the few remaining places where thoughts and ideas can be openly discussed and expanded upon for the sake of doing so without being tied to a personal account or your actual IRL identity. This leaves you much greater freedom, especially from social shaming (which is a very effective tactic on a majority of the population) as long as you don't get easily triggered by memes such as AMERIMUTT or POO IN THE LOO.
I like you fren, on the day of the streetsweepers your designated street shall go untouched.
there are no whites in this
Being mixed (El goblino), this place hasn't had much effect
Kys, bootlicker.
We don't hate you, you just live in a shitty country.
So, you're saying that recognizing reality is "licking white ass"?
Are you retarded?
I would prefer to lick white ass than nigger ass though.
If you stay in your own country and want to protect your own borders, you're most likely on our side.
because I learned it?
The fact that you are a leaf make you a faggot in the first place
>Cred Forumsでは、罵られることが多くて辛くてさ
You legit sound like a redditor. You're clearly new at this "pol" thing and even newer at trolling.
so this is the power of Cred Forumstards...
It appears so, than you
>The fact that you are a leaf make you a faggot in the first place
Takes a faggot to know a faggot.
What's your third language?
We love you, Japs.
We are all in it together, whether you are a smelly nigger, ugly mutt, or spic like me, well unless your a kike, kikes are always bad no matter what
No one does everyone here just larps as how they want to be
I told you already lad, Nip was my third but French was my second
Just a question, do you hate koreans?
it also drives an important message home.
the nigger says "we have nothing to talk about", and I couldn't agree more, our races have nothing to discuss with each other it's war from here on out.
そうなん??? Σ(・∀・;)
日本語の general thread だとこれが標準だから、
辛いと言うのが正直なところだったりする ( -´_`-)
How do you look in girls clothes?
Holy shit I used to sell weed to that soyboy
a billion and one.
Ah, by 'same here' I thought you meant the 3 languages, not the same 3.
Did you study in Kansai or just picked it up through study?
I think hes a Turk with a proxy who spams the same anti-white shit over and over again whenever he is here. He quite obviously is not interested in actual discussion and just seeks to spread his anti-white rhetoric and sow division and infighting among the users of Cred Forums.
I just studied by myself for several years
Went to Kansai a while back and realized how Tokyo was shit so I just write like that
That definitely holds truth. The kike menace is a global threat seeking to enslave all the goyim. This battle has been ongoing for centuries, it is just that whites have been subverted and brainwashed into forgetting that they are fighting a war. Much of the races could easily get along without this subversive and financial based menace.
I recommend watching this documentary if you haven't seen it.
you fucking weeb. At least learn European languages, like German.
Ich wurde sagen du ist HOMOSEXUAL aber, du hast nein schwanz
no, people of every race should be redpilled
>At least learn European languages, like German.
I learned French before I learned nipponese, read my previous posts
Also, learning a language doesn't make you a "boo" of that country either.
90% of the world would be Angloboos if that is the case
You are a BOO
>Sie ist ein gesamt BOO
we have always been here
Probably your self esteem.
Your German is garbage.
learning a continental 'language' is gay as fuck, you won't ever be considered intellectual or even preferable by continentals for being fluent. Least weeb or chink actually has some uses.
>Says the krautboo
not fluent in it at all, just shit posting.
i refer u 2
Have a great day now.
>is using Cred Forums bad for non whites?
No, you learn how to hold your own against bullshit, theres alot of insecurity here. You will not, under any circumstances, find a white admitting defeat in any argument. It's fun to shake them up with real arguments. Whites act like jews because jews rule over them, so any projection is just that.
this sums up flag boards very well
Also to mention that German is ugly/unpleasant to the ears and rough sounding, hence why I don't learn it. Dutch is worse, but still
Wtf, they are all rednecks I suppose.
Don't listen to muttposters.
Everyone knows Indians are based.
My mein kampf was translate and annotated by poos, it's totally objective, probably one of the best I could've got.
Thank you!
We love Puerto Rico too
>what's google translate
Size, price, color, etc...? (〃▽〃;)
Old enough to see pictures of your mom's big brown milkers and sweet, sweet Hershey kiss nipples. Whip 'em out. Dalit titties are still titties.
What do you think of arabs and blacks?
What country and language did your people invent? I'll wait.
I like indians its just you guys shit in the streets so its easy to pick on you
I'm sorry user... ;_;
how do you feel about the US military in Japan? I personally think we should remove the base on Okinawa, the marines are too much of a burden on the locals there.
jesus,from where do you find pictures like this?
"begone nonwhites"
I had an Indian friend frowning up, his name was SUKHDEEP (suck deep) lmao
If you have a similarly silly name you're cool with me
I want to!
Didn't he get the t*rks range ban on Cred Forums? Should happen here aswell.
Thats a good anime my open bob and vagene friend
Fuck off shill
GTFO newfag
my name is really weird its jaskirat
Seen it posted before elsewhere, just googled it and found it.
I also remember seeing an indian video of hitler speeches with like 1.6M views and a bunch of indians in the comments, most liking him others not so much, but all talking about him in a positive way.
It seems because he was friends with Ghandi and the Germans had a lot of interests in alignment with india at the time they are friends.
Also due to how the British under churchill treated India it's probably a bit of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of deal.
To me, who somehow drifted over from /k it seems /pol isn't really "racist" in the sense the left likes to define it, it's just politically incorrect f^^;
and doesn't rule out to explain human behavior genetically.
which is categorically ruled out by most of the public and media
applied to Japanese, this at worst only makes people question if Europeans and Japanese are OK to crossbreed, or if the cultures should stay separate,
like people like to keep Bengal and Siberian tigers separately in zoos to preserve the types... without disrespecting either.
He's probably a good example:
There is a problem of meny refugees and immigrats in European countries.
But there are only about 10 to 200,000 Muslims in Japan.
(including Japanese married women), few problem have occurred.
(The total population of Japanese people is 120 million)
Since Japanese saw immigration problems in European countries,
many Japanese hope to refuse refugees and immigrants.
As terrorism or riot have not happened in Japan,
they have good relationship with Japanese,
so I think that their likability is high.
(Although Japanese were killed by ISIS in the Middle East,
it was bad the criminal who killed Japanese, Muslims were not criticized)
Fucking eww. Why in God's name do the bongs let you stay?
I just see two pathetic niggers.
>As terrorism or riot have not happened in Japan,
What's Aum Shinrikyo's sarin attacks in 1995?
> 56%er who hasn’t been to India, thinks every indian looks like apu and doesn’t understand that the 5000 year history of the land has produced a population that is ethnically fractured much like what’s happening in your SJW burger nation right now
Yeah I was wondering because saw a video of Japaneses talking about muslims and I was surprised they didn't dislike it more. But like you say there's only a few ot them in your country so most people don't really have a strong stance about it.
Thanks for your answer.
If you're not offended you should be fine
Reduction of the base burden of Okinawa has been talked over and over again by the US-Japan government and the US military.
Several exercises and relocation of base functions were done.
However, still considerable base functions and training are left in mainland Okinawa.
By improving weapons and reviewing the content of training,
In the future, the burden of Okinawa may be alleviated a little more.
Also, as Futenma Base is relocated to Henoko,
I think the risk of neighboring residents will be considerably reduced.
I'm 99.6% Ashkenazi and I spend nearly half my day here.
As a shill or a self-hating Jew?
do not post here
He is very good at Japanese! (´゚д゚`)
And his Japanese was quite beautiful.
I wonder why he spoke Japanese so fluentry...
For his interview,
I generally agreed to his opinion except that he said that
"Black people low IQ is a biological thing and a fact".
>The total population of Japanese people is 120 million
Jesus Christ how do you all fit on that island?
>"Black people low IQ is a biological thing and a fact".
But it is a fact.
>I generally agreed to his opinion except that he said that
>"Black people low IQ is a biological thing and a fact".
Yes, March 20, 1995
Usually, if number of immigrants is small,
problems will not occur unless very malignant immigrants.
But no matter how high-quality immigrants,
if number of immigrants is too large,
I think that immigrants harm to countries which accept them.
welcome to /pol have fun
Norway and Japan are almost the exact same size (Norway is 2% bigger). However, we have 5.2 million people, while Japan has 127 million people.
It does leave us with a lot of untamed wilderness, though.
Am I white if I'm 100% Northwestern European with red hair and blue eyes?
Look at the state of that child. Talk about throwing your genetics away
>Am I white if I'm 100% Northwestern European with red hair and blue eyes?
Let me guess, you have Irish roots eh?
Then no unfortunately
I always felt some sort of disdain towards my own people and preferred foreign people. Cred Forums only exacerbated these feelings. I can't relate to the feelings most Cred Forumsacks have about preserving one's own race and culture, since mine has been long dead and has been so degraded by islam and western influence that it just worth the effort anymore. I don't care if my race was bred out of existence, we're already racemixed as we are. In fact it would probably raise the average IQ.
The worst out of all of this is that I no longer lack any higher purpose in life. The only thing left for me to pursue with innate meaning is to reproduce and raise my kids properly, and I'd rather it be with a white or asian woman because I don't want waste my high IQ genes and so my kids can at least have some semblance of an identity they can feel is worth belonging to and protecting.
B-but I'm about a quarter Welsh, in addition to my half-Irish heritage. You wouldn't hate on Wales, would you?
Isn't Harry a ginger?
sorry for the typos I am drunk
no, he's a wizard
Wales is fine
don taek shit from da whait deval man, we wil recover when da whait man is killered
Except there's a much higher chance your kids will end up being multicultural liberals if they're mixed.
If you want a goal in life, why don't you try to fix your country?
>I wonder why he spoke Japanese so fluentry...
to answer the question, he grew up in Japan as child of missionaries.
The short story is, he thought everyone is equal, himself more or less identifying as normal Japanese child, until he traveled to Africa.
Mostly the latter, but I do shill for Jared Taylor regularly and call Spencer a LARPer. I do get called out as being a Jewish shill when I do this, though, and Cred Forums is right, as they usually are.
Listen to this tiny dicked POC rat. Every non-white knows whites are supreme or they wouldnt be risking their lives by the millions trying to get into white run nations.
Sorry no where is it written that whites have to sacrifice their existence to save billions of quick breeding POC rats too lazy to fix their own countries.
I think that the population of Japan should be fewer. ( ´艸`)
I think that it depends on the educational policy of their parents
and environment of the area...
黒人なのか中東人なのかわからない (´・ω・`)