The new president confirmed that by the end of the year they will start dealing with companies that aren't BEE enough, deal with (white) hatespeech, institute a national minimum wage, and go ahead with land seizures, also national health insurance. So basically tax white people more while stealing their land and forcing them to pay wages at a level above what workers bring in. If they actually go ahead with all of this we have maybe two years until collapse, four if we are lucky and it takes time to institute it. Our economy and and infrastructure is already tanking with the water crisis going on in Cape Town, 35% unemployment and 3.3 million South Africans already paying 99% of all Income Tax (Guess who that predominantly is) and 17 million blacks are on grants.
This year the economy will shoot up because of speculators, then it will drop after a couple of months as reality kicks in, by the end of a year we are back where we started, from there on it will just drop exponentially until we have no industries or farms left and are massively in debt, since the government would never dare stop once they have started, or else their voters will drag them through the streets.
Quick Facts:
>Farm murders *are* a thing and have gotten more organized in recent months with military-grade gear
>In 2017 Farm murders increased 27% whilst the national average increased 1.8%.
>ANC are detaining and blocking journalists from entering the country trying to document it
>There’s a low sense of urgency with a lot of whites that live in gated suburbs in large cities
>There’s a water crisis going on in Cape Town that will lead to a Day Z tier happening within in the next few months
>We’re sitting at around 35% unemployment
>3.3 Million South Africans Pay 99% of all Income Tax and 17 million are on grants.
Discord link for the Cred Forumsack expeditionary force:
When the gibs stop coming. If the black labourer can’t afford his Friday beer or weekly bag of maize then that is when shit starts to hit the fan and the ANC government will try to scapegoat whites.
>So do you have your FAL ready? What about the AWB?
Another thing one must understand is that nobody wants to fight a war unless forced to do so. That's why we cucked out in 1994 because we got a negotiated settlement instead of a Rhodesia tier Bush War and have been playing detente for the last 25 years. The AWB is long dead and never had that much support anyway due to this attitude. Any indication that it is still active is a honeypot. New gun laws have been made which make it illegal to own automatic weapons unless you work with some loopholes. Boer “militias” are small and isolated groups. The Suidlanders are basically just a prepper group, not a militia. Orania is a small town and not some military base. Our police force is undermanned and inefficient as well, also mostly black. The government will half-ass try to “keep the masses under control” when shtf. Some might say on purpose.
Gabriel Kelly
first for rhodesia
Leo Phillips
>Why don’t white South Africans just leave?
There are 4.5 million people on this ass-end of Africa. FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION. Not just a few thousand stubborn people who can’t be arsed to get plane tickets or overstay their visas. It’s like the entire population of New Zealand. Get it in your head. Not all can afford a plane ticket or even qualify for immigration to first world countries. We do not get the same benefits as migrants from Syria for example as trying to claim refugee status gets us labelled racists and rejected.
You cannot raft across the Atlantic and trekking through Africa on foot successfully is impossible. We do no have dual citizenship. Besides that, a minority of us can actually still leave, but we have a strong sense of this being OUR country anyway that we built and have resided in for over 350 years. To “just move” when things get tough is just setting our grandchildren up to get cucked in other Marxist shitholes. We have our own culture and we do not wish for it to disappear so pathetically. We make our stand here, the vast majority of us *do not have a choice* due to the barriers previously mentioned. Most are stuck here for better or for worse.
Hunter Sanders
>So you guys are fucked?
No one seems to understand the Afrikaner, our history, culture and mindset. We are brought up from childhood to despise weakness and told that only girls and faggots cry. We are man for man fitter, stronger and more mentally and physically resilient than any other white group of people on the planet. The vast majority of us play rugby and various other types of sport from a very early age. A large number of us, especially those who grew up in rural areas, learn to track, hunt and shoot from early on. We still have an entire generation of military trained white men (it was compulsory for all). Anyone who underestimates Afrikaners in a fight is making a grave mistake. We have been outnumbered 10 to1 in literally every war we have ever fought. If a war breaks out in South Africa, I can assure you that no matter who wins in the end, it will be a mass redpilling of all western countries about their current trajectories and it will be the greatest slaughter of niggers the world will ever see.
Brandon Diaz
Farm murders need to increase. White vermin are intruders in South Africa and need to be eradicated
Angel Jenkins
>Fuck this shit, how can I help RIGHT NOW?
It would not be the first time. Thousands of foreign volunteers have come to help us in our time of need before. Pic related various memorials we have for them.
I am not asking *just* for soldier boys, that is only useful once shtf. Women and children will need to be evacuated when shtf to safe zones and will need facilities to use. Instead of waiting for such a clusterfuck to occur, one should be proactive and prepare in advance. You don’t even need to come to South Africa, supporting this humanitarian cause can be done anonymously from the comfort of your room as long as you REALLY know how to work with a computer. Otherwise manpower is what we need and *any* actual skills you bring will be useful, not just shooting. We are looking for those who care and can assist in a Syria/Rwanda style disaster and help with evacuation and construction of facilities, that means getting money, attention, and knowing what we’re doing from an engineering standpoint, not just guns and bullets. This might be your greatest calling Cred Forums, will you do it?
I made a discord to *temporarily* organize anyone who wishes to help in the future or perhaps lend a hand in preparing right now. Join if you wish to help or simply discuss the topic further. I’ll move people to a more secure platform once I’ve filtered out shills and larpers.
And yet a brave Polish brother who fled the Eastern Bloc government to South Africa gave up his freedom to kill a commie leader here.
Charles Parker
It's fucking ridiculous that this can still happen in the year 2018. Pathetic.
Jonathan Roberts
There was an item on the Kaapstad water shortage on Dutch state TV last week. They interviewed a (white) politician saying it won't cause much of a problem when the drought continues. When asked if there would be civil unrest when the government cuts the water and start handing out water on ration she said it would be all fine. The people of Kaapstad are nice and understanding people who help each other blablabla.
I have never seen such a naive person.
Any people in here from Kaapstad? If so, get the fuck out of that place. It is going to get bad. Your leaders aren't at all prepared for what is about to come. People do nasty things in order to get access to a basic need such as water.
David Ward
Keep up the fight. Sorry for shitposting before.
Carter James
What about the coloureds? What would happen to them?
Brandon Anderson
"They (the ANC) are communist and they will destroy this wonderful country. They will squander all that was built here by Whites with such difficulty. It pains me that everything here will be destroyed in the name of a multiracial Utopia that will never work here. They want freedom and democracy. In a few years freedom and democracy will be all they will have"
Luke Edwards
Bump this shit.
Liam Mitchell
Whoops, i was wrong. Not a politician but someone from "future water center kaapstad". Found a short video on Twitter.
Skip to 00:50. You will first see a black woman from the slums, next you see an educated white woman. I hate to say it but the black woman is more realistic.
Whatever a bunch of strangers can organize, it's gonna be shit compared to ordinary peacekeepers, e.g. NATO, who are specialized in this stuff.
Aiden Brown
>People do nasty things in order to get access to a basic need such as water
it's being done on purpose, pic related
Julian Jenkins
Jose Powell
get ready to lose the test series you poofs
Levi Davis
I just want to emphasize that during the new presidents state of the nation address last week, they will, in his own words, deal decisively with companies that refuse to "transform", seize white owned land without compensation, increase gibs despite the government already being in arrears while doing all these things to decrease income
We are fucked, January 2025, mark my words, by January 2025 we will devolve into a neo-Zimbabwe and whatever whites are left here will be scapegoated by the government "becuz it da wytpipo who made yo gibs disappear, not us stealing it all. Kill them, and vote for us"
Bentley Reed
Camden Edwards
Zero sympathy for whites in shithole Africa
Carson Perry
What do you know about siener van rensburg?
Chase Cook
The leading political parties are intentionally destabilizing the country as it makes it easier for them to manipulate the uneducated voter base and steal more money
Jaxson Diaz
Amerikaner reporting in
Aiden King
They will ramp up BEE and the farm takeovers, the economy will tank, and when it does they will blame whites for it. Then it will be full Africoon socialism, I genuinely believe Juju will be the next President of SA. His poll numbers are still low but they will keep rising as the economy tanks anf the dissatisfied aaps get angry at the ANC.
Isaiah Thomas
FUCK YEAH finally!!!!!
You remove your niggers, we remove our cholos, Europe removes its ahmets and together we create a white world
James White
Thanks for the video, this is quite interesting. Problem with whites (especially white women) is that they believe that people are generally nice. This might be true for other whites but niggers will chimp out
Jaxson Jones
Military grade equipment like radio jammers are now being used in farm attacks, and there is evidence that suggests police involvement in equipping farm attackers. There is no doubt that a low intensity war is already being waged.
Asher Hernandez
Is there any movement to give refuge-status to White South Africans in any Western countries?
been trying to get up to speed on what's truly happening/happened in your country lately.
I found this, Watch at exactly 1:34 what the fuck is this? I didn't know a Lithuania Jew was behind almost all of this, you guys should point that out more. I was under the impression it was mostly Mandela
Thomas Nelson
Good stuff.
Aaron Sanders
He's the guy that secured Swedish funding for the ANC in the 60s just when they were about to give up on starting a revolution here.
Easton Brown
That's a shame. I hope the US has a heart, at least. I hear a lot of families here are, at least, adopting White South African orphans, but that won't be enough for the troubles ahead
Colton Cooper
Onorebel membah.
Evan Price
>Cred Forums was right again
Luke Nguyen
South Africans are our Dutch little brothers. Godspeed, lads.
Nathan Bell
Dang, bro. I didn't know it was this bad.
Christopher Rodriguez
Can I join to fight on your side?
Juan Ross
that was from a few years ago, it has gotten much worse.
just this year there have been two cases where groups of nigs broke into old retired couples houses on the plots they retired to, tied them up, raped the women, poured boiling water over them, cut them up with kitchen knives, and kicked them to death. two completely unrelated incidents. the police reports are there, but we are lucky if this gets into the news once or twice a year because it has become so commonplace it would be like swedish press writing articles every time a somali rapes someone
Luis Smith
random foreskin examinations may be needed...
Mason Lee
RIP South Africa. I guess it's back to Shaka anarchy.
Jordan Sullivan
>and I thought the Mexicans were bad Is there any White movement in South Africa? I know it wouldn't be big, but if people are cornered with no options of escape, they'll usually resort to extremism
Xavier Young
Whites had a a nice run of it in South Africa. A hard decision stay and fight or move to a country that doesn't hate you.
I'd leave...But here I am staying in Commiefornia so maybe I'd stay.
Either way I'm sure the blacks will create Wakkanda soon without white intervention.
Hunter Lee
commiefornia you say? stuck here in socal
Juan Barnes
dude there is literally cartel tier violence here, just because a bunch of nigs get drunk and decide to torture the nearest white family to death. most of the time there isn't even a reason or agenda, the government has just been subtly encouraging it and doing very little to stop it.
Joseph Scott
What would be the likely scenario if a race war did break out in South Africa?
Michael Smith
Okay boet
Nolan Roberts
That sucks. The West hates whites right now too. So do t expect help or sympathy. The white minority is about to feel it's minority status in the coming decades.
Jayden Wright
And SA anons are naive enough that he will be better.
Nathan Bailey
Why should they pack up their bags and give the country their ancestors worked hard for to sub-human Bantus that aren't indigenous to that land either? It'll serve as a bad precedent.
Josiah Green
Me, well from the northern suburbs, which were never actually part of the city but the city has grown so much that it is just one continuous urban are. White people are fucking naive here and I absolutely fucking loath this place.
Caleb Myers
Hi just stopping by to say one thing
When you lose (and you will, make no mistake) I hope you live long enough to watch everything your ancestors built, burn to the ground.
bye now
Joshua Hughes
Thanks Jamal. Hope you meet yo daddy someday.
Jayden Smith
Chase Ward
This type of shit is what OP means with military grade gear, fucking niggers
Luis Brooks
Isaac Diaz
>there is literally cartel tier violence here >just because a bunch of nigs get drunk and decide to torture the nearest white family to death. most of the time there isn't even a reason or agenda These attacks don't appear to be organized, though. At least with Cartels, they won't attack you if they don't have a reason to, but these attacks are way too coordinated to be a haphazard non-premeditated murder >the government has just been subtly encouraging it and doing very little to stop it. Your government seems to be the cause rather than merely turning a blind eye
Ian Sanders
The coloureds will be genocided after the whites are genocided. Just like Haiti.
Ayden Bennett
Sebastian Morgan
Niggers treat Coloureds like absolute shit They wil side with us whites (most of them, obviously not every single one)
Liam Cook
Colton Rivera
>they will side with us
wishful thinking at best
there is no salvation in this life for the boer
Lucas Powell
>Niggers treat Coloureds like absolute shit They don't though.
Bentley Carter
EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. MAGApedes will still scream "u dirty mudslime" if you name their greatest ally though. Scum.
Jaxon Adams
haha saved.
that is the point I'm trying to make, it is just widepsread, senseless (if encouraged) violence just because they are white. I don't believe it is 100% controlled by the government, as in it is not a coordinated attack like cartels to spread fear amongst their enemies, simply because the government is too incompetent to pull that off, but I know that government investigative agencies (white staffed but black run by government appointment) have made it very (if unofficially) clear that pursuing farm attacks is not a good move for your career
Christopher Phillips
Jace Morris
Doesn't affirmative action screw them over in some places?
Lucas Mitchell
For non South-Africans, look up any of the battles from our Voortrekker-era or the Angola war.. If a race war breaks out we might not win, but we Afrikaners will cause the biggest slaughter of niggers the world has ever seen on our way out
Anthony Powell
Doesn't matter, once the end goal is met everything else falls into place. The boer is the last stand.
Once this problem is corrected, we can move forward
Ethan Phillips
Eh, I think I can put aside youse stealing our colours in the rugby. Looking forward to the future, boys.
Joshua Howard
>flag >mutt dogs wanting the death of zuid-afrika since 1961 It all checks out
Luke Scott
You're right,... tell your offspring,... you were right,...
why did those white fucks just not go home back to netherlands and britbongistan?
Hunter Rogers
You have zero sympathy for whites anywhere Jew.
Levi Butler
Don’t worry. Foreign powers will intervene and bomb the cape into rubble. Just like Yugoslavia.
Noah Peterson
niggers are so fucking stupid,they dont even know they are being destroyed by themselves and long as they cant see their own hands in their own demise,they will end up killing themselves perpetually which is what jews want.
Ayden Peterson
Because unlike most Westerners, they still have some pride and faith left. Also, unlike most Western men nowadays, they don't run like cucks.
Jaxon Stewart
White South Africa is done.
Either you wrest control of the country by force, and run as it was during apartheid, or it's all over.
The Negros are all fucking communists. They want you killed, they want your property, and they want to rape your women and children.
I hope to God countries like Canada and the US will open their doors for you to come and live here.
Nathan Butler
canada has rejected asylum cases from sa by whites.its counter message.
Easton Bennett
Vote Cape Party and advocate for them. There is no other chance for a white man in SA
Charles Davis
This country was so good, and then the nig nogs took over.
>racial quotas in sports team. >gets defeated in home ground.
I love saffers but you need to do something about your nigger problem.
Josiah Mitchell
When shit hits the fan, I will come down there and fight for the white man. I will encourage my friends to do so too.
Luke Sanchez
Michael Nguyen
David Perez
Die with your boots on and truth in your heart. my your stand be legend and stories of you encourage, enrage, and empower those who follow. Do not go in vain or with sorrow. my love and prayers with you
Luis Anderson
I feel the need to do the same. I've been following this disaster since the end of apartheid, had a bitch school teacher who was a liberal (((activist))) so I know all about the history. Have military experience. How do we get to S.A. with enough ordnance to win this fight?
Josiah Nelson
What was official response from Black Panther and Wakanda's Government?
Henry Walker
You can pretty much substitute it with muslim and the image would be similar.
get the fuck out of that country man. fuck! I read the thread and there doesn't seem like anything you can do. Specially if the government is against you.
GTFO the country to somewhere else. You can't save this nation, as much as you want to, it's ogre already.
Noah Stewart
you can move to detroit too
Aaron Campbell
Basically, you are telling us that South Africa is an African country.
You lost it. What do you want us to do?
P.S. - Really, I'm friendly, I remember apartheid South Africa was the only country to open refugee camps to us when we lost Angola and Mozambique. Pic very related.
Eli Myers
Fuck off, defeatist cuck.
Aiden Morris
Maybe you would like to leave your shit hole, but Afrikaners love their country and will fight for it. Fokkin poes
John Hughes
Angola! É Nossa!
Angola! Is Ours!
First for Portuguese Angola...
Christopher Watson
>defeatist cuck. Yes general, do tell us about your dealings with niggers and how you defeated them, and a government which is against a certain people.
You've never dealt with low IQ people in a large number. The country is not going to change. It holds no significant value to anyone anmore except nostalgia faggots like you and the saffer and this nigger here.
> but Afrikaners love their country and will fight for it. And so shall they die fighting for nothing and losing it all.
Evan Peterson
>we have a strong sense of this being OUR country anyway that we built and have resided in for over 350 years. To “just move” when things get tough is just setting our grandchildren up to get cucked in other Marxist shitholes. We have our own culture and we do not wish for it to disappear so pathetically.
In all seriousness, you lost your country in 1994... why don't you go to Namibia?
Chase Cook
At least they have something worth dying for. What do you have? A country where people don't even know how to take a shit properly. Fuck off.
Liam Howard
man we have entire towns that feel like being in portugal, swarthy men cooking up espetada as far as the eye can see
Jonathan Sullivan
ok so you do accept niggers can't be fought in SA and it's a futile effort. Thanks for admitting it.
Samuel Perry
read: There is no way that even 10% of SA whites can leave the country.
Europe would probably not take in even 100.000
Ian Ward
Because they’ll be killed and after everything they worked for will be destroyed by time. Blacks fighting in the ruins of a dead civilisation. Going from building to building scavenging what they can. Thinking what kind of architect could’ve built such a fortress when at Walmart. Cut the link and start again. Literally anywhere else.
Cameron Perry
>Taking what an under-educated poo says seriously
Gavin Wilson
>If a war breaks out in South Africa, I can assure you that no matter who wins in the end, it will be a mass redpilling of all western countries
You are irrelevant. No one looks to south africa and sees a white or civilised country anymore. There is a strong sense that you are not us - although in Portugal there is a deep caring for you with the stupid superiority complex of "look, we were never evil racists like them..."
I know you guys are fucked and ripped. Our mercenaries usually go to graduate in South Africa in mostly white regiments. They/You are savage. But once you have given up power in 1994 I cannot see how you guys will be a "power" to be reckon with. You're less than ten percent, a little more in the West, but given your evil evil status, I don't see how you can even get the Cape provinces to rebel or something.
No matter how much fight you guys have, I think your enemies control too much already.
There are lot of places you can go to,. though: Australia, the U.S. Namibia and especially Argentina or Brazil or Uruguay. You'd probably find your way in Argentina.
OP should stop worrying about others and get his shit together to get a better life.
>preparing kids to get cucked in a marxist state. As opposed to what? Getting cucked and killed in your own country? If they actually visited europe and other countries they'd know it's not as bad as it seems.
OPs parents probably thought the same "Muh country" and in turn got cucked. This is what you get when you stay behind when most europeans were leaving Africa. Fucking retarded OP. No sympathy.
>facts change depending on what country they come from.
Only from a murrican you get this argument. probably a nigger lover youself.
Cameron Rodriguez
Don't go to Buenos Aires
Adrian Taylor
Haha that's what she said...
Grayson Hernandez
You think your government would be down to accept 4.5m permanent white refugees if they agreed to live in the southern third of your country?
Argentina or Chile seem like pretty strong candidates for a mass exit.
Mason Martinez
Can you read? I already told you a wast majority of people are unable to leave.
Ryder Sanders
White Afrikaners are regressing, because you've been fucking your nieces for too long. You have no future, ethnic ties or religious duty in your country. Everything your parents told you is a crock-pot of sentiments and wishful thinking. White Africa is dead, but you can revive.
Juan Morris
Did this man give up?
Jace Nelson
They won't be allowed to exit and neither will we, the Jews want us all dead, understand that.
Nicholas Morgan
>fucking their nieces
don't be ridiculous, you can't fuck your girlfriend's daughter, that would just be crazy
Aaron Richardson
Afrikaners are welcome in South Brazil. Plenty of comfy places for you guys to stay.
Jaxson Morris
I'm just wondering if the Boers do get exterminated and it breaks headlines in the US, will we be next?
Josiah Walker
How do feel about using technology on Friday nights?
Ryan Phillips
Ignore the shills my friend. There is obvious shilling of complete defeatism in this thread.
The reality is that blacks depend on whites and will never wage a complete war on them.
SA is not like Rhodesia. It has more other foreigners besides whites and a larger white population.
William Watson
Leave that shithole, comento Southern south america
Aaron Miller
I've noticed this quite recently, and I'm similarly perplexed But blacks are terrified of organised whites in this country. Many blacks I've met unironically believe we're always just an election away from Apartheid coming back if the ANC doesn't win. They actually think we have the capacity in the current year to bring back Apartheid Probably would since they'd run and not even try to resist out of pure fear. Thought most blacks had taken on a "I'm the captain now" mindset Seems I'm wrong The thing is even in the 90s the ANC knew that whoever would win in a civil war that black casualties would have been absolutely horrendous If any of them have a sense of self preservation they would try to stay the fuck away from whitey They have power in the institutions and power over the vulnerable They are horrified of organised action from whites. And desu who can blame them. The average black man in SA who isn't living a traditional tribal lifestyle is a lot more weak willed than what you find in American ghettos And a lot more unskilled with guns. They see whites training with rifles at firing ranges and have lingering fear of what we could do if we snap. They honestly scatter at the sign of whitey manning up, they have a victim complex, not a strong man complex
Eli Lopez
Rhodesia 2.0 incoming
Grayson Price
Show your real flag shill
Jason Cook
maybe its people from the government or military who are doing this
Liam King
Could you describe the demographics of South Africa?
Daniel Wood
Slotting floppies is allowed on Shabbat
Caleb Fisher
I can give you a prime example of this seemingly odd fear. I'll share with you a video The context is it's at the University of Bloemfontein, there was a rugby game going on. What happened is that a black nationalist/ marxist group then stormed the field to protest. Then something extraordinary occurred
Dominic Stewart
They are already working on that what with these orchestrated school shootings to disarm us so we can be murdered by "black panthers" (((Hollywood))) is creating.
Jayden Walker
>The reality is that blacks depend on whites
I know you don't have a lot of blacks, friend, but trust us when we tell you that blacks would rather revert to a stone-age/mad max style poverty than admit that they need whitey.
Jonathan Cox
I actually didn't. I merely said that Afrikaners, whether they make it or not, have something to fight for. What do you have to look forward to... being able to flush your first toilet? Moron.
Ayden Turner
My OCD is killing me over that South Africa flag
Ryan Nguyen
That’s fucking hardcore mate.
Aaron Sullivan
I don't know,we are already acepting people from Venezuela and Haiti. So if the whites from south star to come i think nobody would really care.
Nathan Diaz
80.2% Black 8.8% Coloured 8.4% White 2.5% Asian
Ryan Parker
Here's a question to the white saffers ITT: what do you want us to do? I know that many of you don't want to leave, and I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't have to. SA is your home. Should we shill for a white homeland in South Africa, similar to Lesotho? Should we lobby our governments to grant white saffers accelerated immigration status due to your current persecution? Should we activate user to begin a propaganda campaign to draw Western attention to the current situation of the white saffer, and stress the point that your plight is the future of all Western nations if nothing is done? Should we start more petitions like this?
Should we organize PMC's made up of /k/ommados? Should we all marry white saffers? What should we do?
Jeremiah Johnson
Bit off topic but,
I'm thinking of learning Afrikaans and moving to Namibia. Should I?
Josiah Wright
Join the discord and discuss there, we have a plan.
Jace Rivera
Dirty dirty amerimutt...
Mason Murphy
No you fucking moron.
Adam Morgan
Nice pic.
Alexander Hall
They don't speak Africaans in Namibia you moron.
Sorry, don't trust discord >implying Cred Forums is any safer
Isaac Nelson
Namibia has a decent white population, In good shape compared to its neighbours and is s popular tourist spot for Germans
Kevin Gomez
The absolute state of Wakanda Fight Break out in South African Parliament: wall to wall niggers, the country is doomed
Nathan Reyes
We already discussed this. Funny how the same people that shill for 'open borders' suddenly sperged out when white people started talking about migrating en masse to an African country
Jose Evans
Cracking up at that white dude who moves over a chair to avoid the chimp-out.
Alexander Johnson
How is your German?
William Campbell
I want to move to Africa. Namibia just appeals to me
Carson Turner
Not so bad. Not even close to similar to Rhodesia.
The blacks would have to fight the 20% that is foreign.
Angel Anderson
Lol they do... German, English and Afrikaans. Plus local tribalism language's...
Hunter Williams
>I want to move to Africa. Let me help you out: >call the NHS >let them know you're experiencing delusions
Tyler Allen
>I want to move to Africa I wish all the niggers said that
Nolan Gray
It's actually your best bet if you can deal with the heat. Especially if you like hunting. Lots of white-owned farms. I don't think they have too much love for Anglos, however, since they are primarily of German extraction.
Andrew Cruz
Not much love for Anglos anywhere I don't think
Luke Martinez
How do you feel about deserts? Specifically, the Kalahari and Namib deserts? And what's you opinion on having red skin?
Luis Thompson
Yep, looks like I was wrong about that. I didn't think Afrikaans had as large of a presence as it seems to. I thought the civilized languages were only English and German there.
Zachary Foster
Is there any source for the 3.3 million paying 99% of taxes claim?
Asking for a friend.
Levi Phillips
I like you guys but try not to break an arm jerking yourself off
Jace Hughes
What do you think would happen if white saffers just suddenly all moved to Nambia?
Carson Morris
Here are the correct answers Thank you to Microsoft's Excel group and Dell Computers
Jack Kelly
If not Namibia, what about Botswana?
Aiden Rivera
I honestly can't imagine a more hellish nation than a landlocked African shithole.
Julian Thomas
Hmmm, Zambia maybe?
Xavier Hughes
you need help user
Thomas Allen
Gabriel Hill
Probably yeah
Liam Morgan
Botswana is miles and miles above Somalia, which is vastly coastal, for example.
Charles James
Lol I dunno, we would probably all get trapped in a windstorm, sand everywhere... if we all go there we would have new postal addresses.. Lol
probably nothing would change, people are very similar... They generally come here for work.
Ryan Moore
Chori, we are going to be fucked too.
In 50 - 60 years when Africa become a complete shithole with no edible food, all those niggers will initiate a diaspora for more gives to europe and america.
And if euros and burguers say "no" then they will initiate a mass exodus to Argentina.
Be ready to fight for your childrens against this people and the threacherous commies.
Dominic Rodriguez
Touche. But at least in Somalia you could probably do as the Romans do and LARP as a warlord or a pirate, could be good for some keks.
You know what they say. When life gives you sand, make glass.
Ryan Ramirez
What's your opinion on diamonds, copper and farming? And a strong currency? Locals have dark skin though...
David Martinez
They literally make monkey sounds.
> Uh Uh Uh UHuhHUHUhuh
WHAT THE FUCK? It's the video edited?
Cooper Reyes
In Haiti they eventually got rid of most of the half whites after they slaughtered every last white. >I don’t know if it was violently or just by oppressing them. The first white guy to travel inland was 100 years later >the book “Where Black Rules White” was his account and diary. Basically the same shit niggers do today, but left entirely alone. Insightful
Ayden Gonzalez
I looked into it and most whites there are of British decent. I like diamonds and copper
Parker Murphy
Filthy swine you disgust me
Jason Garcia
We have never been that far north...
They share Victoria falls with other countries... Wild animals and hunting is a thing...
Andrew Martinez
Gib that kike a rifle
Cameron Sanders
They used to be quite hostile to whites, is that still the case?
David Baker
Lol UN peacekeepers are a fucking joke bud. The only real advantage they have over the common stranger is their bureaucratic budget and pseudo military. Remember the “peacekeepers” in Rwanda? They were ordered down from assisting the population. Organizations get in the way as long as there is a decent flow of money I think a volunteer group would do way better. Guns and money would be the ideal South African relief
James Cox
>It's the video edited? Nope, there is footage of other fights that they do the same thing Fucking niggers
Samuel Sanchez
So say I wanted to come volunteer as a sort of quasi militia/laboror in the winter or summer months of my country. Obviously I’d have to figure out my own way into the country and out but would the boers provide room and board? Would I have to bring my own weapons?
Dominic Hill
Suig 'n piel, jou hol naaier.
Brody Hernandez
this cunt said the exact same line in the last SA thread. fuck off shiilcunt
Grayson Morales
Idea here. We get a good sized sail yacht and head for SA after loading for bear. Think Tuvalu invasion plans but without the larp.
Jeremiah Harris
if you could get a good supply chain going and not get your boat impounded as soon as you try resupply somewhere, there are a lot of small harbour villages/towns that would be a great base of ops for hundreds of Km around
Kayden Lewis
Lol you would need someone from there or a Zimbabwean would probably know. My knowledge base is zero-to-non on Zambia..
Charles Rodriguez
SAGE no one cares about south africans i hope the niggers kill more of you
Owen Brown
>unironically trying to sage a thread with 74 posters
this is why your little empire fell
Nicholas Perez
We's have to have a way of getting in and out and also fighting back against the SA Naval forces, which are probably shit. We could have guys on shore sabotage their vessels while in harbor.
Christopher Thomas
Saved that pic. Classic.
Xavier Butler
The sad part is that as soon as the whites finally organize and take up arms to defend themselves from being genocided, the (((western))) media will start reporting it as the aggressive violent whites attacking the peaceful oppressed blacks.
Samuel Fisher
fuck off cunt
Chase White
dont worry about it, if the navy turns hostile to whites their ships wont even be able to leave port
Ethan Lee
Air-BnB is also a thing here... Thanks silicone valley... 2nd world here we come...
Connor Brown
You are all over this site and now with this post you just made I know your agenda. If you hate whites so much move to a non-white shithole where you belong.
Robert Baker
Can I come and help kill nogs? Living in the south has finally become unbearable, and I'd much rather spend time shooting nigs.
Camden Evans
You have already lost you pathetic coward.
Lincoln King
I would think so, niggers and boats don't get along too well.
Nathaniel Brown
Doesn't matter. South Africa is a massive tipping point for white people. The media cunts will only further show themselves up for the anti-white racists they are and drive more people to search beyond their fake news agenda.
Christopher Cooper
>caring about white niggers
Christian Gomez
>white >niggger >choose one
Brayden Scott
You're a sick puppy.
Hunter Martinez
>In 50 - 60 years when Africa become a complete shithole
I think you mean 50 years ago...
Levi Johnson
It depends on the education you give to those blacks. North Angolan blacks killed south Angolans blacks on sight because they were "too white-like" and were "colonists" as they generally accepted our rule.
There was never a real war in South Angola. Until we had to evacuate, that is.
Jonathan Bennett
so many beautiful white South African women stuck on that continent. It makes my dick so hard knowing they're surrounded by so many big black cocks.
Bentley Jackson
Beter komen jullie niet hier
Liam Reed
I hate you, and people like you. Fags like you are the reason our country has a bad name on this board. Go back to Israel or Mexico or wherever the hell you crawled here dripping filth and shit from.
Leo Perry
Socialist/Communist coup after his death.
Jack Lee
Aaron Gomez
come on, you have to admit it makes your little white dick really hard. I don't care how racist you are.
James Edwards
Sebastian Sullivan
the G_d suggest one of (((our greatest allies))) or a LARP'r doing a fine job of directing due hatred towards them. Niggers. Jews. Same turds. Different ends. They will feel the wrath of 10's of millions of Roof's.
Justin Richardson
We didn't breed them to have big cocks around here, sorry to disappoint you
Andrew Evans
Ya man.
>>Why do we stay It's the 12/5 hot Afrikaans girls and some 9/10 hot English girls with cool personality bonus points, that get them a solid 12/10 Rating... Are the reasons we stay.
Anthony Fisher
To die honourably is to be victorious even in defeat.
Isaac Collins
Candice's blonde-pubed pink pussy got penetrated by a big afro-Brazilian cock.
Joseph Brown
You've been watching Vikings on TV again haven't you..
Nathaniel Wright
Something like that is probably the only reason I'd go to South Africa willingly.
Parker Reyes
Good luck, Afrikaner bros.
Eli Cruz
All I can say is get your loved ones out before the fight and remember, unless you gather and move as one army they will come for you a few at a time and use your lack of cohesion as the greatest weapon against you. The odds are overwhelming but if you leave even a single one of them alive they will do this again. But get the women and children out first.
Caleb Ramirez
Nigger larping as a boer
Henry Brooks
WHy are you living in niggerland in the first place?
Daniel Morris
If your enemy kills you, you win!
Thomas Walker
Did Italy export any Italian to South Africa in history?. I know we have some of you red cars...
We have some red fiat panda's...
Or you guys went east to China (Marco... Polo... Marco... Polo.. Marco..) and Spanish went south-west to the south Americas
Jose Green
Both Portugal and Britain are being invaded by africans.What the fuck are you doing? wake up or will will end up like suth africa or brazil.
Xavier Johnson
>Both Portugal and Britain are being invaded by africans.What the fuck are you doing? wake up or will will end up like suth africa or brazil. >he said, whilst hiding his country behind a meme flag
John Lee
Do you mean any Italian development in South Africa? No, what happened was Italy had a lot of colonizers in Eritrea and Somalia. Little in Ethiopia because for whatever reason the Italians weren't interested. During the second world war countless Italians were POWs and were shifted from Somalia towards Kenya and South Africa into British camps. Many returned to Italy after the loss of the colonies but a whole bunch of POWs and a whole bunch of colonizers in Italian East Africa didn't want to leave. So they ended up in British colonies particularly the ones that the Brits had already put them in (SA). As the doors closed on Europeans in Africa they shifted to South Africa and Portuguese colonies. Until SA was the only one left.
Wyatt Cruz
nice big tittied blonde white babe showing herself off on african beach.
that thic body was built for big black cock. i bet she's been penetrated so many times by huge black dicks
Ethan Diaz
What does his flag have to do with your own demographic shift?
Nolan Butler
some of the vineyards in SA are run by families with Italian roots
Easton Moore
So you shouldn't either.
Zachary Clark
>South Africa Race War? >Yes please. >Game over. >It's more fun to compete. Insert coin>
Anthony Morales
When reality hurts you, you focus on the messenger not on the message, same old brainlet story
Ian Roberts
showing herself off to attract some of the endless supply of big black cocks in africa
Asher Harris
she's trying to show she can suck a mean big black cock very well
Blake Perry
AFAIK no, we had very little business with South Africa since our birth as a nation.
Grayson Walker
thic body built for big black cock
Hudson Miller
Very funny, isn't your country expected to also win, around 2050?
Christopher Lewis
Hey SA bros, are black guys stereotyped as having big dicks in South Africa just like they are here in America?
Likewise, do black ppl stereotype white men as having small dicks?
Jaxson Torres
I seriously hope you get necklaced
Nathaniel Taylor
Come to NZ Whiteman. I wish my government would take as many safas as possible.
She "lost" an eye. Not her eye was torn out. She just "lost: it. Fucking biased press defending niggers nay way they can.
Juan Murphy
Ya man, same stereo type... But we gotta let them have some wins here... It's all they got. Lol
Andrew Powell
>Not her eye was torn out. Was it torn out? Sometimes when you get beat so hard your eye is unsalvageable. It's still in your head though.
Joseph Hall
how can you be against this? why don't whites just go back to europe? you guys are always claiming europe for europeans, africa for africans, just go fucking back then. if you don't want to i hope the massacre you disgusting invaders.
Bentley Lee
The EU doesn't allow whites to migrate to Europe
Cooper Nguyen
>tfw Alfonso XIII's dream of a Second Spanish Empire in Africa never came true
Mason Lee
the faster the whites pack up and leave the faster the kaffirs will kill each other and depopulate the country get out before its too late
Jace Walker
they can't they lost their citizenship a long time ago because of some disagreement between England and Holland. It's really heart breaking if you consider that black people from many ex colonies still have the citizenship or at least some possibilities to study in the host countries. That's why France has so many niggers, because they have to take them all in. We should just accept all white people from SA back into Europe and north America and then claim that the boat is full for the next decades.
Jackson Martinez
there are literal africans who travel from the ass-end of south america into the US but you the superior white man can't even find a way? you deserve genocide.
Logan Hall
Most of the blacks in SA are descended from migrants from west africa that showed up after whites created a decent, functioning nation. They are the invaders, not the whites.
Jace Rodriguez
Nobody in the Americas is white
Adam Roberts
>Funny, niggers cannot run a "country". Let's watch this...
Jeremiah Bell
Immigration is everywhere in the West these days. Our "right wing parties" with a sit in the parliament which by the way are too afraid to be labelled "right wing" got cucked. The larger one wants to be more Socialist and solidarian" the other one is runned by a feminist.
Our larger problem is the so called brain drain though immigration wise.
Bentley Martin
Butt hurt nigger detected
Bentley Gutierrez
The USG CHOOSES not to enforce the law for brown people. You had better believe they would treat illegal immigration by South Africans with the utmost seriousness, especially because South Africans are Known Racists, and that is absolutely not Who We Are. Those aren't Our Values.
Isaiah Harris
>When the gibs stop coming. If the black labourer can’t afford his Friday beer or weekly bag of maize then that is when shit starts to hit the fan and the ANC government will try to scapegoat whites. water is one of the major drivers of conflict around the world. thirst kills quicker than hunger, once the reserves dry up the powderkeg blows. Are you planning to fight or leave?
Luke Murphy
that's like saying whites are invaders in europe because they showed up when the non-whites (greeks/romans) created a functioning nation.
Samuel Baker
not true. only brown people are deported and racially profiled by ICE. Do you really think the US government is checking to see if white people have legal status?
Luke Phillips
Reality is different from your perception.
Luis Carter
Brody Collins
ICE is actively hamstrung by other branches of the government, though. It would be a bit of a tight spot politically, because if the Trump admin tried to look the other way towards hypothetical South African illegal immigrants, the Democrats would be in a furor and would say that this is definitive proof that Drumpf is a racist and wants to flood America with racist South Africans.
Ayden Reed
Jeremiah Hughes
wasted moortugese
Hunter Sullivan
Nice get
Ethan Gonzalez
Our media is always claiming the US gov is targeting "our" Azorean criminals for deportation.
They are mostly trash from broken american homes though. They are Portuguese from the trashiest people from the trashy area (poor Azores) and they end up in america's trashy broken homes....
Brody King
lel, no it's not. First of all, the Greeks and Romans were white. Secondly, the Khoisan are not 'black'. They are a separate race. Thirdly, niggers can't make anything of value.
David Brown
What did he mean by this?
Jaxson Young
godfuck did you waste it
Robert Smith
Kek blessed me for putting the Swiss in check for his depraved worldview.
Isaiah Long
Boers are resilient, they'll get through any turmoil in one piece, I'm sure.
Blake Jenkins
top kek will do next week end
Landon Nelson
Hudson Gomez
The Swiss guy was saying that immigrants from ex colonies still have "citizenship" in the former colonial powers.
That is not reality.
Angel Peterson
Critical theory heebs BTFO
Camden Wright
South Africa is the canary in the upcoming globalism collapse. "Cheap" Labor turns out to be a net drain on the economy, until it reaches a point where "Cheap" labor organizes to tear down the system. How South Africa falls and the responses to it shall predict the fate of the West for the future.
Christopher Rogers
you wish, little kike
Julian Powell
wakanda if true
Ayden Cruz
The digits in this thread are insane.
Blake Turner
Tell that to France....
Liam Anderson
Blake Roberts
And watch the American shitlibs act like it is justice for "racism" as SA whites are slaughtered.
Zachary Campbell
kek favors this war. SIEG HEIL!
Jack Wright
Ha, righto cunts. You bongs never gave a fuck about your former colonies.
Ayden Gray
Too bad the demographi shift here will ensure those same libtards get elected and turn us into the next SA
Kevin Adams
what happened to the Bio bullet that only kills blacks?
Caleb Howard
im stroking my cock right now thinking about blonde women in south africa taking big black dick
describe to me their white pussies getting stretched out by the BBC
im so horny anons
Dylan Myers
Fucking witnessed. Please include me in any screenshots bros.
Jason Perry
Prison colonies don't count... Lol
Elijah Myers
big if true
Christopher Rodriguez
Christian Torres
Grayson Evans
The only actual solution is to push marxism, universal basic income, and other leftish nonsense to the place utterly collapses. The time limit for this is how much money the country has in its foreign deposit accounts.
As it stands the lack of water and electricity are a good start towards total collapse, but really you need the place to be unable to pay government workers, at which point the police will go home, the army take off uniforms, and join the rest of the looters.
>Immigration is everywhere in the West these days.
Yea, don´t do anything bro let your country become like south africa. Ive searched and you only have one anti immigration party (prnr), and they have not so much support i consider you voting for them at least or you will be submergeed by africans and mixed brzlians
Hudson Rodriguez
We'll describe your neck getting stretched by a rope, how about that?
how protected is your home? electric fences? prison bars on every window and indoor doors? How many guns under your bed? Do you use those private security services?
Brayden Cook
Pajeet here, one day I'd like to protect SA from savage communists. My people helped build the country as well. Could I fight?
Jack Bailey
that's hot but before that she had an afro-brazilian boyfriend