You know what's hilarious? Russians are actually dumb enough to try to pick a straight fight with Americans. Slavs literally btfo.
You know what's hilarious? Russians are actually dumb enough to try to pick a straight fight with Americans...
You know they were just some literally who's from the caucasus right? Just like in Ukraine. Russia and Putin literally used them
You know what's hilarious? Russia has more nuclear missiles than any other country on earth, including the US.
they are really dumb as a nation. 99 % of Russians believe everything they see on state tv. They never question the authority.
I'm sure Poles are so much better. I'm sure they are masters of critical thinking.
Yes we are.
I see you follow proud tradition of your nation of cucking to the russians
Poland plans to land a spacecraft on the sun. It will work because they had the genius idea of landing at night.
Nice strawman bitch boy. Just cause I question the Poles doesn't mean I cuck to Russia. If you take a second to think, you'll see I said nothing about Russia at all. How am I cucking, you NATO cuck?
True. True.
Well exactly how many nukes do you need to waste money on?
Last check it wouldn't take that many to EMP the planet into the stone age.
That and one high yield nuke contained inside a bathyscaphe detonated just above the deepest part of the Marianna's subduction zone, just to put that "oh boy mayhem" cherry on top.
There is never a winner in nuclear war remember this.
I wouldn't talk so much shit. Their pilots fucked us up pretty bad in Korea, disguised as Nork Airforce. They killed a lot of good Americans, those bastard Russians.
>Russians are actually dumb enough to try to pick a straight fight with Americans.
No american troops were ever involved, only terrorist "allies"
You are not at the border between the eastern and the western block so don't judge our participance in NATO
dude like lmao at your life, 99% of every countries populations is dumb as shit
If it was a real russia bs usa fight americans would be eradicated with minimal russian losses
Those Russians were Wagner PMC
russkie scum
Probably in 5-10 years. The Army just got rid of the grenade throwing qualification and land navigation requirements for basic training. In a few years the whole military will be mentally ill trannies, pregnant whores, niggers and mestizos too retarded to even throw a grenade.
Yeah that would be easier to get behind if you weren't just the extended arm of Washington DC. As in, literally cucked.
Once Europe forms its own, truly independent alliance to defend against large enemies, then I'll stop judging you.
And give me a break, Serbia has been the border between the blocks for centuries.