Memes aside how come blacks never shoot up black schools? Is it because gang warfare does start until they're adults?
Memes aside how come blacks never shoot up black schools? Is it because gang warfare does start until they're adults?
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They don't go to school.
because schools in the hood have metal detectors and armed officers. Also, the niggers just kill each other outside of school.
They have metal detectors
they happen all the time actually, they just odn't make the news.
Any shooting at an urban youth-dominated school rarely if ever makes local news let alone national news.
they literally do though. haitian kids would be stabbing and shooting each other every other week at my high school
correct. niggers don't go to school, but there are plenty of nigger shootings on the streets.
Their school shootings are gang motivated. They're not usually shooting up schools because of autism like the white kids.
because they just shoot up neighborhoods
Isnt that because nigger schools have metal detectors and a police presence lmao
fucking blacks will believe whatever fantasy
There are cops that patrol the schools all day long. These little nogs don't even show up to class if a truant officer doesn't handcuff them to the desk
>Wife's father taught at a highschool in Baltimore.
because black people use school to steal from white students, sell drugs, and hit on white bitches.
Holding guns sideways = Not a good method.
Hah. A gun murder in the 'Hood would be classified as "death by natural causes"...
we'll spend hundreds of thousands of dollars equipping urban schools with metal detectors, armed school police, dogs, etc...but we cant even lock the fucking doors at predominantly white schools.
must be that privilege everyone is talking about
>beyonce sipping tea
It's the anime smug face of black twitter for them
Because going to a black school is like going to a gladiator school. There you learn to be a ox of a man or a bitch. The bitches turn to anime whilst the no brain having Nigas turn to pussy, food , entertainment. In white schools you’re not allowed to act like a man or boy cause it’s seen as toxic,therefor, you kids in white school never grow a back bone
>attending school
Pick one.
blacks shooting blacks up in school isn't "newsworthy", because it's commonplace.
when white people do it, it's an anomaly, therefore, newsworthy.
They expend all their ammo in the neighborhood.
>Niggers do a mass shooting, they call it "urban violence" and barely makes the local news.
>Arabs do a mass shooting, they call it "terrorism" and it makes national news where liberals gush about how peaceful and great they are
>A white guy does a mass shooting, they call it a "national tragedy" people hold candle light vigils, admire the shooter with non-stop national media coverage and then they make several documentaries.
tl;dr No one cares when niggers do a mass shooting.
Some black schools have metal detectors.
The black schools without metal detectors aren't really gun free zones and everyone knows it. If a nigger opens fire, plenty of other niggers there to shoot back.
Like everything else whites are just better at school shootings.
Even our shit tier el goblinos are a magnitude more skilled than average blacks.
what happens in da hood stays inda hood
Niggers dont read.
This method of firing can work from a moving automobile, but the other requires planning?
Why didn't he pop himself before caught is the question.
The reason: The real shooter was taken out back, you can see it in the video.
The kid was a patsi.
Whoa it’s almost like “black” schools and cities are effectively district 13
They never get isolated and ostracized. Damn even the filthiest nigger somehow finds his way into a gang that had his back, that is why they always attack in packs. White people just have this strange idea that only THEY are capable of being lone wolves who never have to talk to anyone and also it works the other way where we feel like if someone is weird we can simply ignore them and they'll "find themselves" someday.
Like half of the shootings of that fake "18 school shootings" statistic were started over basketball fights
Memes aside, when school shootings happen in the hood, they get called "gang violence."
>blacks never shoot up black schools
>over 5k shootings on school property reported last year alone at black schools
It takes five seconds to google this.
When poo poo in toilet, no one care.
When poo poo in spaghetti everyone upsetti
They don't go to school and the school has a metal detector so they get arrested on the spot.
first post best post
They do happen in the hood. When they said "there has already been 18 school shootings this year!" but never reported on any of them, why do you think that is? Because it's some dumb nigger shooting some other nigger in the school parking lot.
>all school shooters are white.
No their either Jewish democrats or spic and gook democrats.
Stop this Cruz was a spic.
>Tyrone Mitchell
>Peter Odighizuwa
>Latina Williams
>thinks black people go to school
I go to school in Illinois. It's a public school that would let in any city ape that applies.
So why are there hardly any here?
Because monkeys don't go to school they're having too much fun playing rough in that jungle gym next to lake Michigan.
do nogs attend school? hot takis and cheetohs?
They have a culture of fighting rather than mass shooting.
When they do find themselves in these situations, ex gang rivalries, etc, they kill each other "in the hood"
>you kids in white school never grow a back bone
Hockey foot ball soccer and wrestling oh and lacrosse.
What shit hole dirt poor school did you go to?
Mine in Canada had a weight lifting gym.
Cho killed over thirty kids and he was av gook.. Stop with this.
Have to be in a school to shoot it up.
Not to mention shooting up a school tends to require at least some planning and forethought.
This is why the only shooters tend to be white and asian. The negro and Chicanos impulsive nature more or less excludes them from being able to carry out even the most trivial of intricacies planning such an event would require.
this, there was a major chicago school shooting last year but media buried it since it was just gangs killing each other and some random bystanders yet again.
also that gay black reporter who went crazy and shot that camera crew on live TV, buried that story quickly too since no political talking points could be extracted from it
Cruz was a Jew actually. His birth mother was Jewish which makes him a Jew by default. He might've pretended to be 1488 like a lot of kids on this board but he was just a self hating Jew.
>where we feel like if someone is weird we can simply ignore them and they'll "find themselves" someday.
Everything else you said is shit but it's this.
Americans are so selfish and stuck up they never reach out to make friends with a slightly weird kid.
Post pictures of guns in Canada and you get hunting buddies to go shoot.
Americans are shitty.
>your typical school shooter is 16-19 y/o
>shooting up a school needs planing, logistics and intelligence
>your typical nigger drops out or gets expelled from school and joins a gang between 12-15 y/o.
Metal detectors at the front entrance because their schools are basically prisons with a chalkboard and desks in them.
When using something full auto it utilizes the kickback to help spray horizontally to hit a wider range instead of going up and shooting way above your target.
Also unless you have a pussy ass grip it isn't going to hit you in the face, which likely would happen any way if you held the gun normally.
>nuh uh Cruz is a jew.
He's a spic and a jew and a democrat I couldn't care less about his life.
>self hating jew.
What are the odd.
>Memes aside how come blacks never shoot up black schools?
Because they're too stupid to see the big picture.
>nigga you stepped on my kicks now ima catch you sleeping
>there is something wrong with the world and people should all be killed
The latter simply requires a higher level of intelligence
First the niggers have to stay in school.
It happens but it's classified as gang violence.
they shoot after school
>Hockey foot ball soccer and wrestling oh and lacrosse.
That's for at most 300 boys. The school that got shot up recently had 2000 (4000 students total). The rest have to make do with non-athletic activities, which are also limited, or academics. Shit like this should be handled in PE classes like weightlifting, but they have to make those for girls too, so they end up soyboy-friendly.
Because all the schools are empty
since niggers don't go to school
Nigger kids can't afford guns welfare doesn't cover firearms
Because they shoot each other outside of schools in record numbers
Gang shootings are officially not classified as “mass shootings” look it up
fpbp also OP is a faggot
because niggers are too busy shooting up there neighborhoods
Most retarded comment of the day.
Niggers steal.
Also - niggers sell their welfare for about 60-70 cents on the dollar.
I mean he is a Jew. Being adopted by spics doesn't make you a spic any more than being adopted by white parents makes you white.
This s true.
They happen ALL THE TIME.
>no shooting happens in the hood
guess her "hood" was an upscale white suburb
Many larger schools in Florida have half that just on Varsity football.
This, I was about to say I went to a ghetto school and, it was on lock down and the police had an office next to the principal's office.
They wait until school's over.
Wilbur wright?
>When black kids get an urge to kill people, they join a black gang
>When Hispanic kids get an urge to kill people, they join a Hispanic gang
>When Arab kids get an urge to kill, they join a terrorist group
>When white kids get an urge to kill, they got nowhere to go, so they do it by themselves
This picture.
When was the last shooting in a private school? Seems to me public schools are the problem.
Blacks go to school??????
black people dont go to school
They shoot up schools all the time. They just suck at it. Plus they are savages so it isn't even newsworthy when they kill each other.
Beacuse blacks don't go to school they just shoot each other in the street
This. Read up on it a bit. You'll understand. They actually do this shit outside of school. The first objective is to get expelled, and then they can gang bang when their single mother is working her 2nd/3rd shift at Waffle House.
Yeah, why do they keep their mass shootings to drive by's at residential places instead of taking their guns to school.
Nice one bongbro. Have a (you) on me.
Why are we wasting time even thinking about black people? They are so insignificant.
"I don't mean this in a disrespectful way
But Columbine happens in the ghetto every day
When the shit goes down y'all aint got nothing to say" - LL Cool J
Why do Europeans bother commenting on American politics? Go back to your containment threads.
in the jail school they cant bring guns
bullets cost money
That was a Chinese myth regarding fully automatic pistols such as Astra 900 variants.
Because every school filled with niggers has been outfitted with metal detectors. This shit has been going on since the 80s.
>forgetting to change your flag
I laugh every time I hear about a school shooting.
Blacks actually care about becoming productive members of society and getting an education.
to reddit we go! hue hue hue hue
They have an outsized influence on our culture for historical reasons.
Now trannies, there's a group it's fucking absurd to waste even a second thinking about.
>has the highest gun crime rate in the world
fucking sage you pathetic nigger lover.
blacks are the overwhelming victims of gun violence in the US so keep your shitty memes
blacks still go to school with no metal detectors blacks also go to schools with white people soooooo where are all the black school shooters?
we're talking only about school shootings though
Yes they are, how else are blacks so highly overrepresented?
As one of the hood philosophers would say:
“My nigga you just got roasted”
holy fuck
they're not psychologically complex?
>spray horizontally
This really, really doesn't work. You want to make a short controlled burst on each target then the next.
if you can't come up with an argument, use a meme!
Are you German?
Because they don't go to school.
You know how they say there's been like 18 school shootings this year, but we didn't haer about most of them? Most were black, and were on school grounds but not in the school, they just don't make the national news.
Too real
Metal detectors and security stops them from bringing weapons into the school. They save their shootings for the street.
Because black lives don't matter to the press or activists until a white man does the killing.
At my old High school it was a mix of groups, mostly white, but also natives, blacks, and some Arabs and Indian. Natives and the blacks didn't get along, which resulted in fights. I was part of the native group, im a mix. we tried to have a rumble to settle things out, but guess what those alpha apes got scared and never showed up, we called them up asking if they pussed out on us.
Beat me to it
That and it doesn't make the news.
Hahahah this was funny the first 6 times this thread was made with the exact same pic.
Oh, they did and in response the government filled black schools to the brim metal detectors, security guards, and check points.
Didn't a black nurse shoot up a hospital in nyc because he was accused of sexual harassment?
Because they drop out before they feel the need to do it, then the gang takes them in like a dad they never had.
OP here. Makes sense now
Does that lumpy white guy shave the area around his nipples?
You need weapons and a desire to inflict harm upon an institution. Many people in impoverished communities are not part of organized and established institutions nor do they have the means to obtain these weapons. This leads to smaller acts of violence with less extreme weapons in their communities which happens frequently.
yeah i remember that. killed a cute asian girl too.
Because hi-points tend to explode if not maintained
>Memes aside how come blacks never shoot up black schools?
They do. Its just so common that no one reports on it.
He has a point, you dumb fuck. Blacks do not even have any mass murderers, its allways fucking autistic crackers who slaughter dozens of people because they are inherently fucked up.
Are you from Cambridge MA?
My cousin went to Sandy Hook and I can assure you Adam Lanza wasn't the real shooter. It was a guy named Jamal.
because blacks don't go to school... oh, and they do lmfao. It just doesn't make national attention because when Whites do it, it is such a shock.
90's kids know it's Pearl Jam's fault
No, they fucking don't do this. Stupid fuck.
Probably because they're already full of cops and metal detectors.
>Niggers with enough ammunition for their Glocks and Hi-Points
You're a funny motherfucker
You can't even own a gun Sven.
Holding it sideways is a highly situational thing like a drive by.
It's not a myth, recoil on a gun drives your weapon upward slightly and logic will tell you that multiple shots will drive it further up
And the black schools without metal detectors aren't exactly a gun free zone like white schools are. You start shooting up a black school, 30 Jamals start shooting back.
Pretty much this
With handguns at that.
There was literally a story of a nigger girl who shot up some kids two weeks ago
Digits confirm, and fpbp.
Wew lad. Have a (You).
The post that was promised.
Gangs head hunt teenage violent psychopaths. Its a huge part of hood culture.
>Is it because gang warfare does start until they're adults?
Black males have the highest youth homicide rate in the country
This is from the cdc
I know it says 10-24 but trust me the leading cause of death for black males ages 15-18 is homicide
Blacks shoot up house parties in my neighborhood. sort of similiar
In fact
Don’t just trust me
White males leading cause of death 2011
15-19 #3 homicide 9.2%
20-24 #3 homicide 7.8%
25-34 #5 homicide 5.7%
Black males leading cause of death 2011
15-19 #1 homicide 50%
20-24 #1 homicide 49.2%
25-34 #1 homicide 34.2%
Kek has chosen
Newest numbers here
Not much has changed
Black people socialize more healthily. Probably because they're permitted to have an actual identity.
also the majority of school related shootings are at black schools, they just arent "spree shooters", its usually gang violence.
When I worked day shift, half the calls I would be dispatched to involved reports of 'youfs' running around with guns/knives near schools.
Because if a black kid has a problem with another kid like a bully he just stabs or shoots that kid after school instead of shooting a dozen random other kids. Usually scores are settled though fights and even if one kid gets beat up pretty bad the school allows it, compared to white schools where a kid who attacks his bully gets punished or expelled. If he feels worthless and unaccomplished he joins a gang and while not the best choice it gives him a fraternal brotherhood of other men who band together over the need for survival and things like a territorial dispute. I guess the white version would be joining the armed forces.
The better question to ask is why does a white kid, when bullied or feeling unaccomplisted, decides to kill dozens of unrelated people instead of just attacking the person who caused him duress. I really think it's because of the culture of coddling where as I said before, attacking youtube bully is punishable even if it's in self defense. The men are cultured into pussies who don't own up to their failings or learn to handle an aggressor properly so they fester, eventually snap, chimp out and pump bullets into anything that moves.
>racing for pink slips
White males leading cause of death 2014
15-19 #3 homicide 7.6%
20-24 #3 homicide 7.2%
25-34 #5 homicide 5.2%
Black males leading cause of death 2014
15-19 #1 homicide 48.6%
20-24 #1 homicide 47.7%
25-34 #1 homicide 31.9%
>how come blacks never shoot up black schools
The majority of "school shootings" are blacks shooting people at school.
Bullshit. We have no culture. Our traditional African cultures were stripped from us when we came to these shores. In addition we've never been allowed to assimilate into American society until after the civil rights movement (and assimilation has been a slow process). I have yet to see the FBI create a term "White Identity Extremist." They've arrested Black men for simply saying "I'm Black" but they let ticking time bomb huwite mails walk free.
Why the " " a school shooting is a shooting that happens in a school, there's not double understanding there.
>They've arrested Black men for simply saying "I'm Black"
No they haven’t you lying nigger
but hood shootings near schools are counted in that magical 187 or whatever number of shootings in 2018
Also I would assume that in the worse off schools without police or metal detectors, all the black youths are armed or know how to fight, so trying to start something will lead to 30 Tyrones wrecking your shit. The boys are not afraid to get hurt. Look at the videos from Florida where the boys were shrieking oh my gawwd like little girls. Having never known danger or conflict and not being allowed to fight turned them into wusses who cowered in a corner. I think one video showed some guys hiding while the girls where snap chatting pictures of a dead student, like total wusses. I'm not saying schools need to look like black ghettos but the eternal agenda to pussify boys is going to continue to backfire.
The majority of mass shooters are angry butthurt huwite mails who are off their meds. It always baffles me that these guys are taken in alive while Black men are killed for simply being Black on the wrong day.
underprivileged minority youth are less likely to be on the prescription drugs responsible for such behavior.
Look up the term "Black Identity Extremist." The FBI is dedicating resources to hunting down Black people who are politically organizing themselves outside of white power structures.
Shiet there's a whole bunch of uppity niggers like that on facebook
True. There's a lot more of these guys killing themselves (or others) out here then gets reported. I think Marijuana is being legalized because they want to pacify these men. I'm sure some of you would have bit the bullet by now if you didn't have an outlet like /pol.
Still not changing the fact that you’re a dumb lying nigger about someone being arrested for saying they’re black you low IQ pavement ape.
>It's not a myth
It's a myth and one of the least accurate ways to fire a handgun.
inb4 noguns
>criminal negroes don't attend school
>negroes who are not criminals don't have the money for guns
youre out of bullets from shooting white people and each other in the shoot up the hood.
First Post Best Post
What the fuck are you on about? This happens daily.
Because people conflate school shootings with massacres when they actually count any time a gun is discharged anywhere near a school whether it be a misfire, a suicide, a pellet gun etc.
White people are taken alive because they aren't retarded and think they can get away from the cops or outshoot them.
Can you source this please
holy fucking kek
Niggers and spics have race riots all the fucking time at schools
Blacks don't go to school. How can they shoot up a school if they don't attend?
how many times do you want the answer OP?
>Black Schools
>Blacks attending class in a black school.
>In the hood blacks learn in the streets.
>Blacks are killing each other in the streets.
See the connection here?
Gang violence
please put me in the screenshot
They do.. It's just not plastered across every newspaper because it doesn't fit the narrative.
I’d venture to say because they shoot up each other outside of school. They also fight more and have ways to get the bad blood out. The guys doing the shooting probably wouldn’t have pulled the trigger in the first place had they stood up for themselves before getting put on mind altering drugs. Even if those guys got their asses kicked, at least they did something
Two options
Either they're trying to be normal or they're too busy if they're criminal shooting at one another.
Well she would be right. Gun control is not the issue, if it was, there would be a different type of violence in the hoods. So without gun control, the violence everyone has come to ignore is current in the hood. Everyone is okay with this.
I opened this thread to post that but it was the first thing said. Well done.
>also that gay black reporter
that was funny.
It doesn't get reported, because you chimps choose not to say anything on purpose, because you "dont wanna be no snitch nigga"
Black schools are filled with black kids because they're basically holding pens. Why shoot up a place you don't give a shit about? You never study, learn, listen, or do anything except take the free meals and dance in the halls.
Good one, dad
>black schools
That exists? You must be delirious....
niggers shoot each other outside of school because it's harder to get caught that way.
The school shooter archetype is some kind of revenge fantasy kind of self suicide. He wants people to know he committed the crime and just for a day be in charge of the school that rejected and tormented his his entire adolescence.
They shoot each other outside of school, on the streets. Pretty obvious; and no they don’t even go to school
That's easy, OP - because they started using cops and metal detectors in black schools in the late 80s due to so many kids getting shot, bludgeoned and stabbed.
they used to. Lots of inner city schools had issues with guns back in the 80s and 90s during the height of crime in the USA. In response, most of these schools started hiring security and instituting mandatory metal detectors. Most black kids I know who went to inner city public schools say they had to go through the metal detector every day on the way to class. This has been normal in the inner cities for well over a decade now
I also, I imagine blacks just kill outsiders instead of just bullying them to suicide/rampage. Smart.
can confirm, they keep that shit in the streets
plot twist
You are our hero
You have to go to school to shoot it up OP
holly shit
They're too busy shooting up everything else.
66 murders to date in Chicago, over 200 shootings.
Just going by data from wikipedia, and Newsweek, and assuming that men account for half of each race, white men are 36.8% of the population, but account for 54% of mass shootings. So, yes, white men are over-represented in mass-shooters. However, black men account for about 6.3% of the population and 16% of all mass-shooters. White men and black men are both over-represented among mass-shooters. It is not a white men problem. It is a men problem. Sources: 1. “WHITE MEN HAVE COMMITTED MORE MASS SHOOTINGS THAN ANY OTHER GROUP”
Its because despite their broken families, drug problems, EBT culture, and lower IQ they do have a common unifying culture in which there is a male ideal and a female ideal.
White kids have nothing to strive for, no one to look up to, no cultural ideals. In fact, they are told they have no culture and that having a culture is Nazism.
They drop out of school and shoot each other. If they were not allowed to drop out and skip school, I would imagine it would happen much more frequently. tell me what the statistics are for the likelihood of a HS dropout aged black murdering another black (or anyone for that matter) while they should have been in school. I guarantee that the chance-in-percentage of blacks who drop out of school and shoot people is markedly higher than the chance-in-percentage of white children who shoot up schools.
Just because they do not kill children inside of schools does not mean that they are not killing their brothas in the streets. The marked difference is that Blacks kill other blacks that have no chance in life. School shooters kill children trying to do the right thing, learn, and contribute to society.
Nothing of value is lost when blacks dropouts kill other black dropouts.
>15-19 #1 homicide 48.6%
Shieeet neegroo.
>Its because despite their broken families, drug problems, EBT culture, and lower IQ they do have a common unifying culture in which there is a male ideal and a female ideal.
They are common in their culture this way but also in that they shoot each other as dropouts. They kill each other at a much higher rate than any other group of people. This is why BLM is such a farce. If they'd quit killing each other I'd be willing to listen, but this will not happen.
>White kids have nothing to strive for, no one to look up to, no cultural ideals. In fact, they are told they have no culture and that having a culture is Nazism.
This is very true. We must stop this revisionism of history to make the past seem to be much different than it was. Without the truth of the past we are only doomed to repeat ourselves. They think they are pushing an ideology of kindness by doing this but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
This Mohammad was blessed by Hitler to tell the truth.
You dumb or something?
Niggers went absolutely murderous across the nation in the 90s and majority of hood schools have security checkpoints at entries with metal detectors and cops on site at all times. That is why.
Otherwise we'd have a nigger school shooting every day. Instead we have niggers killing each other every day after school, but no one cares about niggers killing niggers so it doesn't get 0.01% of the attention that white school shootings gets.
>t. Chicago
So, whitey schools now need security checkpoints and metal detectors and armed staff now. Not a gun problem, it's a security problem.
The days of "open campus" high school in America is over. Say hello to bulletproof glass, being searched, and key fobs instead.
Only a moron would not home school thier kid anyway. Who the fuck cares.
yep, this is correct. the media don’t cover it as widely but shootings by black students happen all the time. it’s just usually motivated by gang violence or petty disputes. for some reason, homicide stemming from situations like that do not get any attention, but a mentally unstable kid in some florida suburb will grip the nation for a week.