Why doesn't USA annex Canada and Northern Mexico???
Why doesn't USA annex Canada and Northern Mexico???
Canada is full of liberals and Northern Mexico is too populated with Mexicans
Because we live in the real world
>Canada is part of NATO
>USA must attack any country that attacks Canada
>USA attacks Canada
>USA attacks itself?
Yeah why?
Because we want LESS leftists and spics
Because mexico is full of mexicans and canada is full of canadians
Why in the fuck would we want either of those?
We don't want any more libs and sipcs who want gibs.
> canada is full of canadians
The preferred nomenclature is “Chinamen.”
Because Mexico has enough problems without the USA.
Also 95% of Mexicans live below your federal poverty line. We would cost you trillions in welfare.
Why doesn't Russia just annex Ukraine?
Oh wait
That gave me a hearty chuckle
Right down to the Panama canal so the wall doesn't have to be so wide
The arctic too, all of it
With free trade agreements we already derive as much if not more value from those places as we would if we conquered them outright
For Canada: To resolve the Alberta question and establish the NW passage as an international waterway (Canada does not have the naval support presence to do so.
For Mexico: to create a buffer zone from the effects (more from the violence than the drugs) that arise from our massive cross border black markets. And to establish controls over and tax thier cheaper labor force.
I'm not advocating for or against, just listing some reasons as to why you might want to do
I’d rather Canada annexed us republicans can have the south the midwest and Texas.
Civil war was a mistake, on behalf of the union, I set ye free
It will happen. North American Union.
Only butt-hurt Kremlinites annex sovereign nations.
Study up on NAFTA. They already have.
I think you mean, Why doesn't Canada annex USA and northern Mexico?
That would be to much genociding.
There like 100 million spics in mexico alone and like 50 million in america (not including mutts)
You mean Chinaperson
Annex the Prairies. You don't want ontario
For starters,
What he said
And the US would need to fight off most of the western world and commonwealth/anglosphere if such an event happened...
too many leftists
let's work on a plan to keep things almost as is but replace the entire government with patriots, problem is there's no such thing as a canadian patriot so we'll have to stick to your ideology and assimilation tactics, i see the power in it now more than ever
We did annex northern mexico
It could work, but immigration would have to be stopped 100% for the next 100 years, to allow for full integration between the three countries.
because this is real life kiddo
Annexing the US supplies millions of Democrat voters, essentially equivalent to the US attacking itself