>She will not stop until men treat women with equality
Emma Watson Donates $1Million to fight Misogyny Online Campaign
>Times up, sweetie :^)
A fool and her money are soon parted
>celebrity launders money
news at 11
i see grimes is aging like fine milk
Too bad she's washed up
She should donate to cosmetic surgeons to fix up that milk aging face.
She's so oblivious about the differences between men and women its not even a joke anymore.
Cool story babe, get back in the kitchen
If she gave me a million dollars and promised to give me head I will stop being a misogynist
>She will not stop until men treat women with equality
By the time she realizes this is impossible she'll be an embittered old roastie who can't admit she wasted her life on a fantasy and will do what all old cat ladies do - blame men and lie to younger women.
she just donated 1£ million to some feminist advocacy
makes sense. she had to get dicked in the ass by an obese jew to score those sweet gigs.
is that what she looks like now? hahahahahahaha
why do feminists make themselves look like shit now? back in the 70's feminists were the hot ones
>"no one finds me attractive so this is how I will retaliate to fill the empty void that is my existence"
checked and would have thought - soo true
No no no no no
The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal- Aristotle
Victim culture
i'd still fuck her tight ass
no refunds
Go here to counter her efforts.
Please stop telling us about this decaying, brainwashed cunt.
this photo cannot be real... surely not...
looks like she is using meth as well. the area around her mouth is all fucked up.
She's got the thousand dick stare thanks to ol Harvey. Why doesn't she go after the pedophile Jewish elites that do this? She's fucked up in the head big time now. I bet 750 XVG that she had a total breakdown within 1 year.
hope the bitch gets raped and killed.
Sad...isn’t it?
It is real
And don't call him Shirley.
>treat women with equality
How do we know they're women online? Oh that's right, they tell us. And then they throw a fit when we don't get white knighted like they do in real life.
Unequal treatment of women online is really just them not receiving the same privileges they do in person, and being butthurt about it. Like the 'there are no girls on the internet' screencap says.
i'd still be her personal toilet cleaner in her london property
Deep down she does as well!
She thinks it will help her get over the depraved sex acts she had to perform on Harvey to get acting rolls. kek
Can't wait for her lesbian sex tape to finally leak.
Where's the sauce faggot?
She's going to lose her mind.
There's a reason Cred Forums is called the final boss of the internet.
fuckin kek
Damn what happened to her? She looks like she's aged 20 years in the past 5.
She made a sex tape with some guy. Search porn
>men treat women with equality
Men are treating women as they would treat other men, and that's a problem.
Women don't want equality, they want "equality"*
Well I still hate women, niggers and everyone else.
Who is this cunt?
The only good feminist is a dead feminist.
I don't even wanna see it now. Since she had that fat slimy kike Harvey in every hole, every which way, she is now repulsive,v absolutely disgusting
Women don't even want equality. They want men to dominate them. This is just bullshit shit-testing, they're pushing men in the aggregate to push back because they think men are too passive and effeminised, and they're right.
Shit like this is a prime example of what I'm talking about. Emma Watson herself has said publicly that she wishes men were more assertive etc. She doesn't like "nice guys", and now she's spending money to restrict men's freedom of speech online in the hope that they'll push back and take the reigns once more. The internet is pretty much the last bastion of hope for free communication between men. And they know this, that's why they're attacking it. Censoring men online is an attack on manhood itself, with the likely futile objective of making men fight back and reclaim their right as the heads of society.
This shit is like clockwork.
All they have to do if find some average cunt punter and low their ridiculous standards but here they are being bitter and loney.
>why don't you have kids, huh user?
Yeah we need more alcholic ass holes.
She's not obvious, she knows full well what the differences are, as do all other feminists.
When a feminist says there are no differences between men and women, she doesn't mean objectively, naturally, and that's how it's always been. It's BS code for "men right now are nothing more than women in disguise", it's a subtle, coded insult to todays men, and they're right. Men today are nothing more than women in disguise.
>man used to take their coats and pamper us before we went all fucking crazy and demanding
>we demand man treat us with the same affection while we go crazier and more demanding
Anyone wonders why she still single?
You know most men just get a hobby or something I dunno why women need men so bad and then say they don't when it's all they talk about.
Jesus fuck I'm fine with bond fires in the sticks.
Who this qt 3.14?
no one has written more clearly on what women want than Rollo at rational male
This comment.
Nope yea cunt its just white UK sluts getting to the wall.
She's not a young cunt anymore.
Good god, she hit the wall at terminal velocity.
The new term people are using is 'equity'. The idea that everyone shouldn't be treated the same because some people have disadvantages.
If doubles Hermuhsoginy an heros herself this year
>stop being a male human
Another fine gentlemen of the Cred Forums estate.
On the internet we cannot fuck you and therefore don't care about your opinion.
man, she wasn't pretty ever, but nowadays she looks JUSTED.
I love when women lose their "beauty" then realize they're worthless
>fight misogyny online
OP's title is a fake news. It's against sexual harassment.
I actually don't see anything bad in it. It doesn't look like she does it for attention whoring, furthermore according to her filmography she has good contracts now.
>time's up
How old is she? Looks like time is going to be up pretty soon.
What's wrong with fat ugly man getting some pussy?
Are you one of them Cucks who can only get off watching 9 inch long buff guys fucking their girlfriends?
Fucking faggot
And people are still starving and dying across the globe without access to clean fucking water, but no make sure people are nice to women online.
Fucking self centered asshats.
Yes, the idea that nobody's allowed to have a better life than anybody else, so we have to drag successful, hard-working people down to the level of niggers.
What a stupid cunt
Stay away from my fuzzyfu!
I'd like to see a liveleak video of Emma Watson getting raped.
Imagine if some gay harassed you in the past.
Tyler the creator is alright for a black man.
Men die here in a 2000:1 ratio probably and somehow a womans death is a "feminicide" lmao.
It's not about helping or justice, it's about pushing an agenda.
She was hot back in Harry Potter days, now my fantasy of fucking her has ended, since she's lost all her glow.
leave now and never come back
Men throw fists to hurt one another, women throw psychological knives because it takes less effort and maximizes the damage. They're evil.
She sounds dumb. Which Jew is getting their claws on the million?
If she wants to stop herself from aging, what she should actually do is donate to SENS.
First she dates a jock, then dates an older business man. Where can she go from here? 70 year old billionaire who made his fortune in make up?
>women throw psychological knives because it takes less effort and maximizes the damage.
Nah, women Suck shit at that too.
Going for a rip with the boys and fucking hang around sluts is still a good past time in most of North America.
I think this chick needs a fuckings.
Youre right though women speak venom in your ears.
This one my good man?
How awesome would it be to see her in a video being gangbanged?
Pretty please tell me
I'd like to be her tame vodka-nigger in London.
not her
Bet the shirt she is wearing was made in a sweatshop and i also bet she does this to avoid taxes like she did in the panama papers.
Emma Watson DP'd and pooped on.
Is she buying protection so that she won't be accused of remaining silent on Harvey Weinstein for career purposes so that Harvey could go on preying on other women?
Has #Time'sUp become a protection racket?
Lurk moar
She hit the wall running. In a couple of years she's gonna look like Nicola Sturgeon from the SNP.
Close enough, where is the salsa Negro?
Came here to post this.
I am really starting to hate white women at this point.
Why are you doing this me?
A group of homeless men peeing on Emma Watson.
Nobody online gives women a pussy pass and that's an outrage! Equality means being treated with silk gloves everywhere.
Jesus Christ that's what she looks like WITH makeup on.
Not fair, you know how heavy a fucking leg is?
That guy has allot of advantage against those qt's
Because I already claimed her. Get your own waifu.
>after Weinstein
She kind of looks like a tranny.
because men treat each other with respect, always, and never insult each other.
Has the internet completely forgotten the fact that she made a video of herself in the bathtub? They did a really good job of covering that one up, apparently.
It was probably Disney, because she was the star of Beauty and the Beast, which was coming out in just a few days, and then her nudez leaked. Somehow they silenced everyone.
Most "actresses" in Hollywood are trannies. It's part of the satanic cult that controls everything. Why else do you think they are pushing this transgender crap?
Source: I am a Hollywood director.
>She will not stop until men treat women with equality
awww :3
And she does this by hopping in bed with mega-perv Weinstein?
No. The goyim have simply become desensitized to it. Even though it is really her, all the features are hers, they are not satisfied unless they can see the face.
GTFO with you illuminati nigger stories
10 points for Griftingpoor
Damn I'd pay $1 million to blow my load on her face
What about the fembots who hate her guts and treat her like shit on the Internet? SMELLS A BIT SEXIST TO ME EMMA...
what a fucking retard
That's a good point. She didn't pan up and show her face, so I guess plausible deniability was a factor. Once the autists matched the date and found photos of her wearing the exact same bracelet the next day, I was convinced. Then the freckle matching just sealed the deal.
Yet it was like the entire internet just refused to give a fuck.
why doesnt she and other feminists march around mosques or rappers houses?
o forgot feminist is code for antiwhite man despite treated our women best. maybe we should stop
Its real nibba hours now pablo
AnnaSophia Robb. I got you bro
Gib me acting job plz. I'll play a fat, retarded autist
Her Bathtub video is still uploaded. It was never taken down. DESU she looks good.
Maybe some kind of SSRI. She'd have boils by now if meth head.
I'd fuck her if she wash my dishes
If shes up for women's rights and all that Jazz how about tackling this lot (pic). Girls in Afghanistan get shot for dare reading or going to school.
She is just a 'jew feminist'
No i meant the one of her being sexually humiliated by four or five Hooters girls
99% of people wouldn't risk their lives, she would likely to support it inly if it was mainstream otherwise it's just asking for terror in your life
Thank you user
Oh are you going marching through Rotherham then? Are you going to say one thing about the industrial scale abuse of your own women and children by racist islamic and African gangs? No? Then shut the fuck up you silly celebrity twat.
why doesnt she donate 1 million dollars towards catching pedos and child trafficking rings
fuck off useless cunt
Tax scam.
this is likely
what are guys talking about? she still looks really good
The problem is that niggers are a bottomless pit of niggerdom.
You could give every nigger in the United States $100,000 a year in free gibs money and they would still kill each other and squander the money on bullshit.
Achieving nigger equality is unatainable even in theory because at the end of the day they're niggers.
Seriously underrated! Spot on mate.
1 mill down the drain, thats like donating money to promote cleanliness at a shit factory
God, she never was really good looking and I never understood the hype about her on 4chinks, but now she looks like a trap.
She really did hit that shit at like mach 2, either that or being a feminazi slowly turns the outside to match the inside.
If I was a bit younger and single, I think she'd make a good dungeon wife and produce fine rape babies. Pretty sure she doesn't have personal bodyguards, so she is available to takers. She would soon slip into obedient Stockholm Syndrome, no doubt. Her psychologcal profile screams that she is desperate to be dominated.
>prime watson will never look at you this intimately
Shoo bob
Kek that's real bad
I only liked her in the first two films
hear hear
This is now a waifu thread
This is an oxymoron, because these women call it misogyny when they are treated like men treat men.
I can see every single sign of aging on her face with my 4K monitor. So sad.
That is why the response to her and other self righteous aging harpies should always be, "what a beautiful family you have with your husband and children".
Lee Harvey Weinstein did nothing wrong
You mean she spends 1 million coins to fight the opponents of feminism?
the bitch made a deal with the devil, now that weinstein has her soul, you can see it in her face, its like the picture of dorian grey, except the jew is fucked now and cant promote her anymore, she finished
Most likely posted by a feminist shill
is she ever actually going to do something with her life?
Bitch, you don't want me treating you how I treat other guys.
Do any child actors? Seems like they all just retire and do hobbies.
wow has she gotten ugly, i've seen sexier traps
That's from sucking Weinstein's dick for work.
kek she looks like a heroine addict now, what a great use of a million dollas, i bet she certainly doesnt spend millions on coke now, no no she only spends her millions of dollas for only the greatest causes
also how many times has weinsteins weinstein been up her haggard shitter
But I love women.
Just not 3d women.
weinstein definitely doesnt coke her up n rip her anus to shreds no no
i honestly think shes transitioning into a man
Hahaha stupid bitch. Only a woman would waste money like that
Nah she's just british.
Aging like fine spoiled milk
Holy shit father time and its stand Ze walldo takes no prisoners
Unpopular opinion: She wasn't that hot before.
Tomboyish, bushy eyebrows, fridge body, no curves, etc
once a feminist, always a whore
Why would anyone be so stupid as to ear no underwear ? Especially celebrities?
>tfw you will have to take it up the ass tonite
Wow, she waste 1 million with this nonsense while african children are starving, racist much?
Such a punchable face
She gon be poor
Fuck.... the horrors of war man.
I was studying that picture and I can see some pretty brutal wrinkles. I can also see that she waxes her moustache and missed a few hairs. There are some dark hairs growing back on her chin too.
Fuuuccckkkkk the absolute horror. The horror!!
Is it normal for me to feel a bit sorry for women? I genuinely feel kind of sad about all of this...
Men portraying as feminist grills, for money, someone get on it!
Its a shame, she had one of the best faces as a kid imo. I suspect she has been doing lots of celeb tier drugs such as coke. How else can one explain such decay ?
I feel sad too, but also puzzled. She looks young-old... why would a wealthy 27-year-old look like she's been living on the streets?
She does drugs.
Top kek.
she just aged poorly
But wouldn't she have access to the best plastic surgeon, even if she had abnormally bad DNA?
she should get the death penalty
By taking more drugs than the average street-walker.
the stare of regret is priceless.
I would hope she does realize what cunts she and many other women are, but judging by her campaign, she doesn't realize anything.
>time's up
did her biological clock design that sweater?
holy fuck a smart nigga
Someone tweet her about Saudi Arabia or African countries where women get their clits cut off. Her priorities are ludicrous.
Like how we treat other men? I don't think women would like to be treated like that.
So is this the closest thing we will get to an admission that she got Weinsteined?
If so, poor girl. That money is pretty much her way if getting atonement for selling her body and empty shell of a soul
Sad what happens to child-stars.
Literally who? Another dumb cunt sucking kike dick to get screen time preaching equality.
She works or worked for UN ffs,she'll never care about the women that live there
She knows but she's not allowed to acknowledge it.
Feminists get even more crazy after years of force-suppressing reality.
But maybe at this point she's been Truman Show'd and surrounded by Weinsteins into thinking that all men really are evil.
Jesus fucking christ what the acutal fuck.
Thanks for killing my boner forever you cunt.
>Majority of people treat other people just fine.
>Surely donating one million to some lunatics will fix all the Weinsteins that people, including Emma, hang out with voluntarily.
Maybe she has more money than sense
Probably feels guilty for working for (((Weinstein))) and wants to get rid of that jew money
If she wants women to be treated like men then let's start laughing her out of every venue and calling her a whiny pussy. That's how a man would be treated doing her bullshit
who cares what Harvey's fucktoy thinks
she doesn't care she want to embrace her uglyness because she is a feminist now
She may as well have set it on fire. At least then it would have provided some temporary warmth. Stupid cunt obviously doesn't pay that close attention to politics or she would have seen how the soros shillbucks already went.
surrounded by autistic troglodytes, no wonder celebs look down on the little people
what do her kids make of all this??
I wonder if Ms Watson would agree to equality in custody of fathers and their children?
Not wearing makeup makes a huge difference, too. Even a little touch of eye-liner can mean night and day. But yeah, she looks older than she is.
She's infected with the mind-virus of 3rd wave feminism and SJW-aids. Being perpetually angry ages you. Anger is the worst kind of stress, and being under constant stress really fucks you up. It can literally damage your brain. That is not a meme.
>It doesn't look like she does it for attention whoring, furthermore according to her filmography she has good contracts now.
>believing her handlers
You can't escape Hollywood when you're into too deep.
Of course it's for attention, to her and the narrative Hollywood is trying to push that they're having a huge purge of sexual predators. Soon they'll act so congratulatory that they managed to "get rid of all the corruption" as they throw their fall guys under the bus.
These responses make sense. Becoming an ugly person on the inside eventually shows on the outside.
So...it's like she has put out a 1 million dollar contract on all the 12 yr olds at Cred Forums?
Good luck with that, Hermione.
Lmao holy fuck. What the fuck happened to her
yea it's funny the biggest pieces of shit do the most virtue signalling because of their conscience, they are obsessed with people seeing them as virtuous because inside they are rotten.
Merciful Christ in heaven!
Is this real? I mean, is Emma Watson really a hag in the Trump timeline?
ya fucked up countries like saudi arabia, and londonstan
this bitch literally just donated a million dollars of her own money to fight me personally, fuck her.
>Times up.
Yeah, Times up on that face.
I still want to know who the blonde is.
She took Harveys dick up the bumbum
Good, less money for them to take and make more kids, and she wastes hers on something stupid that will get no results.
No wonder she hates 'fellow white' men so much.
it's fair enough as a statement of belief, but what will it achieve? nothing, i guess. it will be preaching to the converted and the interested. no man is going to give a hoot about some campaign to reduce nasty tweets
Good god almighty. No wonder she's so pissed off now, I bet when HP started drying up she had to beg to give sexual favors in return for film roles
Daisy Ridley's next, calling it now!
She has always been ugly AF. She looks like Nicola Sturgeon.
stop making everything about sex you virgin
>Nicola Sturgeon
Fat men don't deserve love or sex unless its with another fatty.
Guarantee she makes it to 40 childless.
When women complain that they'd like to be treated like men, it's usually because they are.
IE she's being a cunt
>implying she isn't already a roastie
Men treat men like shit online too. It's equal already
By having Anglo genetics.
fuck, what a waste of money, I coulda used that for good not evil
Has anyone ever legitimately witnessed blatant misogyny taking place? Memes obviously don't count. It seems everywhere in the world that isn't a shithole is actively bending backwards for women to have "equal" rights in fucking everything.
Send all the fucking niggers and these feminist delusional roasties with their soyboy pets to live in israel. Let them make it the real life wakanda
that bitch is never getting married.
makeup causes ugly
yeah. get out more. or are you a russian bot?
Wait isn't this the same retarded millennial who ruined stat wars?
Her comments about British men are so funny, that none ever asked her out. Nobody wants a shrill feminist. I dated one once for shits and giggles and she was so much the stereotype it was funny. All the lefty narratives, no critical thought, constantly brings up politics where it isn’t wanted etc
If I actually want to date a woman I ask her out. I can do better than most women, as can all educated men, so I rarely ask someone out. It is definitely the same across the board for brits
Example or stfu. Because everywhere I go I only see doors being opened for women, women in top rolls in the work place, women exclusive jobs, etc etc etc
/nofap ruined once again since noon
i don't get it
Sharpie in the pooper
But women dont treat men equally...
It's too late to fight misogyny online, we all woke now niggah.
>wont speak out against weinstein
>wont address her "this is what a feminist looks like" shirt line being made in a female sweatshop in bangladesh
>wont address the pakistani rape crisis in her home country
white women are the devil
They can be really beautiful. Most of them are a mix of Briton and various Germanic settlers.
Just IMAGINE Harvey's video stash.
>fight Misogyny
>I know one.
Can this lady pay me, well let's be real, 100.000 to kill her ?
>She will not stop until men treat women with equality
But they do, everyone gets constant shit flung at them on the internet, they seem to think they are exempt because they tell everyone they have a vagina. They don't want equal treatment, they want to be treatewd better than everyone else like they are in the offline world. But their vagina has now power here, there's no repercussions to treating people like shit on the internet, she's never going to fuck either way, so why treat her well?
they can't even get the signs ordered
Fake title, it's the campaign against harassment
Is she really from a recent Star Wars movie? Looks like it's from a porno, but it's getting hard to tell.
I find her to be uncanny looking. her mouth is too big, and it's too close to her nose.
she chose that amount because it sounds really impressive to the "little people"
She was probably raped so hard by Weinstein
>this woman is two years younger than me
>tfw you've got less wrinkles and crows feet than a likely touched-up picture of a movie star
I don't know if I'm just aging better than my peers in general or what, but I've got a better and healthier facial complexion than a lot of people I know. I went to trivia with a bunch of coworkers the other day and a girl who is 25, maybe 26, has worse crow's feet than this pic of Emma Watson and way worse than me.
I'm a dude, btw.
But how can u assign sex to text user? Are ur thoughts sexist towards me as you read this sentence? There are NO women on the internet.
She’s going to look like Thufir Hawat by 40
>until men treat women with equality
This explains everything!
When they say they want equality, they mean they want "women to be equal" (to other women), they never actually claimed they wanted men and women to be equal. Everything makes sense, that's why they're never happy! It was all a big misunderstanding all along. They don't mind if they're all treated like cumdumpsters so long as there's no exception.
>Such a punchable face
uh, excuse me, uh, advocating for misogynistic racist violence against PoC women is like eh, NOT ok, OK !
What a waste of money
Is she saying that about her self since her internal clock will be running out soon?
>tfw you will see a once hot girl turn into an old crotchety spinster in your lifetime
Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.
>What a waste of money
>muh poor oppressed millionaire giving money ot other poor oppressed millionaires
they should film these girls taking a shit and playing with each others shit
harvey told her to
stop, I can only get so flaccid
at least she puts her money where her mouth is
Weinstein cock?
>harvey told her to
hot desu
>eyes in first pic full of warmth, happiness, hope and optimism
>eyes in second pic glazed over, mind-controlled fembot, hope is lost, constantly visualizing weinstein's hairy ballsack
Her final form is Lena Dunham.
I'm sure she asks her bf to spank her in bed and to call her a dirty whore.