> God tier politics, Conservatives are gaining population each year, also the Green party
> Fucking cheap to live
> Max tech savvy systems
> Heavenly dairy products
> Niggers/le 56%face are srsly hated
> Huge number on aryan chad&staceys
Pic realted is Eesti cheese, notice the blue eyed blond hair as white as can be waifu there? godess?
Why Estonia is the greatest country on plaent earth right now?
Don't you need to sign into the internet with an ID or something fucking crazy like that though
no jobs
no money
filled with russians in the east who refuse to speak estonian
wow so great
This is Argentinian flour
yes, it's so great half the country drinks itself to death
Sounds great.
> no niggers
sign me up
More like Saint Petersburg's suburb
The wages are shit tho.
le face strikes again
employment has been increasing for quite some time retarded pasta penne
Russians are in the East and nobody goes to the East anyways zez, it sucks there
what the fuck
Radikaalne arvamus vennas!
Classic tshurka! Stay mad Khasasthan tier shitskin
Wages are for wagecucks tho.
Also, mida türa? Kus?
>t.Chechen refugee from Tallinn
I forgot Estonia existed until I saw this thread. And even now I can only picture Elbonia from Dilbert.
Bulgaarias. Delfis oli täna uudis, vaata ise, spamfilter ei lase linki postitada.
OP is a fag.
We have a socialist government, and the taxes comparable to Norwegians.
Also, we have out fair share of refugee migrants who are already setting fire their wives. And feminist appoint convicted rapists into culture-sharing programmes.
Worst cuck country ever - we were cucks for nazis, cucks for commies and now cucks for whoever is more cucked - embarrasing.
You need to die soon commie roach
its called freedom ossinovski
>We have a socialist government, and the taxes comparable to Norwegians.
In 2012 the total tax revenue was 42.2% of the gross domestic product. Many direct and indirect taxes exist. Proovi leida palun mitte kommunistlik valitsus EList. Kas ma mitte ei maininud, et valitsus on muutumas sa Silly Willy munn?
You sound like a whiny old bitch, good job.
being taxed to shit is not fun tough and its not like they are ever gonna roll it back
Raising taxes only to lose revenue, good job Einstein. Keep it up, bud
??? Our country is a post soviet shithole with cucked politicians who sold us out (again). Enjoy paying 40% taxes, increasing leftist degeneracy and increasing wealth gaps.
to be honest people voted to sell themselves out, we deserve it
Isn't your suicide rate off the charts?
Thanks for the beer, bud.
My bad, that's Lithuania.
I heard there is a high incidence of HIV and intravenous drug use, disproportionate to the population. Could it be the 25% Russian population responsible?
By the way what's it like living with 25% Russians? Do they integrate? Are they a fifth column for Russian policies and shill for annexation? Are there any Russians that actually are patriotic for Estonia, or are they like our Mexicans i.e. they say Viva la Mexico, fuck you gringos, then they get deported and cry about the inhumane conditions in Mexico and how they'll never survive there.
Most people have no idea whats going on in the world and fill their days by looking at funny pictures on facebook.
more russians immigrate here then fuck off to russia so we are fucked. And now add ukraineian shits in the mix
Apparrently we are 33rd by that metric(WHO data)
Been Tallinn, cool fucking place.
Hot white girls.
Good beer.
Good food.
Problems with Russians using it for weekend fun.
Problem with Russian shutting down your entire state using cyberwar.
Women hot but contrast with Finland, where they are superhot.
>Women hot but contrast with Finland, where they are superhot.
How? they are all fucking fat
Enjoy your aids.
they do integrate, I used to hate them but actually working with them has changed my opinion
there are obviously russians who hate us and hate Estonia but there are plenty of those who consider Estonia their "home" now, not the Russian Federation
also bear in mind our russians aren't the same as the russians across the border anymore, we call them jokingly "domesticated russians"
(((planet))) earth.
Better than seeing half of our country kill itself through heroin overdoses
it looks like a kid tried to draw he starbucks label
Esti Just