>when you're so cucked you need to post in the american retardchan about german politics
Connor Baker
Noah Cox
Ryan Nelson
false cause fallacy you moron
Grayson Ortiz
Julian Mitchell
It sure is now.
Charles Davis
>germanpol >discussing german politics with other germs >in english
Luke Ramirez
So, why aren't you post these on KC?
Michael Robinson
They're too kcmodded for kc
Julian Perry
on an english board you utter twat
Charles Gomez
Can't tell if really stupid satire for lefties, KC-Shitshow Meme or a heretic that has been taken to the burn ward.
Charles Garcia
everybody watch the videos from munich security conference 2018
mach doch dein eigenes Board auf, wenn Du kein Englisch kannst. leaf?
Isaac Williams
my uncle got a ladder and removed these with his friends
Wyatt Lewis
btw germans arent tall or blonde
Liam Campbell
Hat Cred Forums euch rausgeworfen oder was? Mal im ernst kc wäre viel besser für sowas aber was willste machen
Mason Jackson
Joseph Collins
Cred Forums reaches has a bigger population. i don´t know if an afd general on kc would attract up to 60 posters
Jace Barnes
Kontrollierte Opposition
Was wir brauchen sind 60% NPD
Elijah Miller
You know why we're not on kc? Because we know you are.
Jose Gonzalez
I'll let the nigger educate me on what constitutes as white and the incelaffe from the bahamas educate me what is german. You go and do that.
Lass ihn, das hat politische relevanz ohne irgendeine bösartigkeit. dank Merkel geht EU uns äußere sicherheit uns mehr an als normalerweise. schließlich heißt es sonst noch mehr rapefugees, du deppenkind.
Elijah Smith
>So gecuckt sein das man mit anderen Deutschen auf englisch redet Episch einfach nur Episch
Jeremiah Hall
I am 1,98m and blonde and am a pure German midget discussing politics on Cred Forums you're right that's absurd
Hudson Nelson
You dropped your yamaka
Christopher Rivera
>talking english on an english speaking imageboard >english a language that is spoken all around the fucking world >cucked kek
Ryan Nelson
>1,82m red-haired lanklet with dark gray-blue eyes.
Josiah Cox
You're doing something right guys, Shills are seething in here.
Bump for Socialists at 10%!
Zachary White
AfD ist ne Partei voller Judenfreunde
Jason Johnson
NPD gonna get banned, the second they hit 5%. NPD is 50% V-Man anyway.
Jack Thompson
>unironisch aufhören deutsch zu reden weil englisch die Weltsprache ist >inb4 ja hallo ich mache das aber nur auf 4kanal Ihr seid ein Haufen Cucks und nichts weiter, Wegen so einer Mentalität geht Deutschland den Bach runter
Easton Barnes
el peruAno blanco
Ayden Parker
Hide your Powerlevel.
Nicholas Reed
>1,98m and blonde nice i cannot compete with my 1,92 you mutant kek
Charles Anderson
So we need a new, real NatSoc Party
Michael Rodriguez
Nope, just a German studying abroad
Jordan Ward
No Socialism.
Jonathan Fisher
>german studying in peru classic spic comedy
Xavier Smith
AFD is the first rightwing party that gives itself liberal enough to win the normie over and that is the only way to win politics. You ain't gonna win with extremism
>hurr durr we should write german on an English board where any language but English is against the rules if you wanna be a guest stick to the rules of the house motherfucker
no we don't need a natsoc party right now it would simply be too soon we gotta soothe the normie into the right direction and that can only happen slowly
Elijah Cox
Asher Gutierrez
make a picture from your window please volksdeutscher fren
Connor King
Why do you have a hard on against the commies?
Afraid of having state atheism and secure borders?
Ryan Edwards
>projecting your feelings onto another random dude on the internet kek
Angel Murphy
loide reagiert einfach nicht auf diesen troll
Benjamin Clark
Angenommen die AfD käme auf neunzig Prozent würde das irgendwas ändern? Die ganzen kanacken mit deutschem Pass würden die auch nicht rauswerfen, an der katastrophalen Bilanz der Geburtenrate zwischen Deutschen und Passdeutschen würde sich ebenfalls nichts ändern
John Perez
Er hat mich "motherfucker" genannt, woraus ich schließe das er mett ist.
Juan Miller
>be you >come to a asian shitposting board >complaining how bat it is for germany to talk english here I really feel sorry for you shall we call an abmulance for you?
Zachary Murphy
Elijah Hughes
>secure borders
Yeah, to keep people out, not in.
Isaiah Foster
Let me tell you something like this: After two mayor world wars and the biggest re-education of germans in history, turning them into anti-nativist, you have to dangle them with a real threat that is coming after their daughters and their life to nationally take up arms against it, you have to EASE them into the role, they have been nurtured into petting snakes and wondering why the snake bit him, then screaming in their poison-induced daze that #NOTALLSNAKES...
If you new jackshit about germany, you'd know how immune our people are against danger.
Kayden Wood
if germany would be so far that 90% vote afd it would already be too late for the introduction of a natsoc party we gotta wait for the moment when right-wing ideas become socially accepted
Luke Morales
A secular state will be enough thank you. Secure borders are nice unfortunately the commies always put their walls up facing the wrong side.
Colton Brooks
>can't handle the bantz kek
Julian Perez
Did you realize, that without Petry, there won't be eastern Germany support, which means no support?
Nolan Morris
>"The Worker has no Tribe, he has no Culture and no Roots."
Commies are not the Cure, but are the disease and would be SO in favor of globalism, at least ethnically speaking. of course not in a commercial sense, because they know fuck-all about trade and economics.
I saw the most gorgeous petit German girl with massive tits working tables at Hans im Glück last night. I was with my girlfriend. Damn I couldn't stop looking at her.
Alexander James
so the only evidence you have is an email anyone could have faked good job
Oliver Fisher
i get bored to argue with the trolls. but if you have fun, than it is fine.
feels bad man. now impregnate your gf. have a baby, impregnate her again repeat until reich
Ian Gray
*when i am arguing with the trolls, i get bored after a while. i hope the phrasing is better
Josiah Campbell
>I saw the most gorgeous petit German girl
Ryder Smith
nah nah im having fun especially with the citation needed guy
Jaxson Russell
weak soyboy chins. Oh my fucking god.
Parker Evans
>impregnate your gf. have a baby, impregnate her again >repeat until reich So simple yet so true
Josiah Gonzalez
keep going
Nicholas Thomas
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island has given the world more than any other country on earth.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island, has practically conquered the entire world with the British empire being the the largest Empire ever known to mankind.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island invented and popularised almost all of the world's major sports.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island has won football world cup, a rugby world cup and is #1 at cricket as well as being the GOAT at formula 1: has the most famous tennis tournament in the world, is great at Golf and one of the best all time nations in the Olympics.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island has produced more great literary works, more great bands and more great people than any other nation on Earth.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island has produced the most superior race and culture on planet Earth, the Anglo-Saxon.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island has done more for science than any other country on Earth.
>England, a fraction of a tiny little island is the reason the rest of the world isn't still living in mud huts.
>We are all right now speaking English
>Almost every single person on Earth has to learn English.
>tfw you won the lottery of life and were born English.
Blake Reed
Around 2,200 people participated in a demonstration against the ongoing Munich Security Conference (NSC) in Germany, local Bayerischer Rundfunk broadcaster reported on Saturday.
Pretty impressive for a former German colony I have to admit.
Michael Jackson
>Ruled 1/3 of the World >Is now ruled by the third world.
Brody Torres
At first I thought the waitress was American because she had this typical sexy wavey beach blonde hair American celebrities wear, but she said she was German. She also had full lips, unlike those slags. Overall she didn't look German at all, but was. Muh dick.
Tyler Nelson
fucking kurds, worst ethnicity in MENA after Palestinians
Owen Davis
INSA polls are tommorow, guys. Get ready for Heiko Maas hanging himself in his Office while listening to somber classical music.
Carson Phillips
that´s just mean
Gavin Roberts
>german women have had their chins bred out of them
Thanks Mengele
Lucas Sullivan
>I can't check easily provided info, that is on my fingertips >They admit it themselfes and backbaddles after it became public
So the AfD leadership was right about their fans.
Joshua Turner
howdy krauts.
could anyone tell me what your average German thinks about brexit?
Justin Anderson
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Wie es in den Wald hinein schallt, so schallt es auch wieder hinaus.
Gavin Flores
you're still taking this seriously? take a hint kek
Dominic Turner
>asking your waitress about her heritage justkraut/pol/things
Ayden Anderson
i think that the average German doesn't care i personally think it is hilarious
Carter Hill
>could anyone tell me what your average German thinks about brexit?
>it's bad cuz Der Spiegel told me so.
Landon Evans
It was a good thing, I hope germans wake up too and do the same
Luke Cooper
(breed your gf faggot)
Samuel Perez
wtf, just found this. Germany: ‘A slap in the face’ - Oxfam Deutschland on Haiti sex scandal youtube.com/watch?v=se0tX4Npq-0
>The General Manager of Oxfam Germany Marion Lieser said she is “shocked, dismayed and furious” over the recent allegations of sexual misconduct by Oxfam employees, while speaking from Berlin on Friday. “These events are a slap in the face for those who help us by investing money and time in Oxfam,” she said. Lieser said that Oxfam is taking measures, such as creating an external commission with “an expert in human rights” that will “evaluate the methods of Oxfam, test them, and verify them. Not only with current events, but also from the past, which means that will evaluate the cases of sexual misconduct.” “The whole reputation of Oxfam, and of all organisations, is under the spotlight,” said the Oxfam manager, admitting that it will take a lot of time “to win back people’s trust.” It recently emerged that staff working for Oxfam had paid for prostitutes in Haiti at a time when the country was facing an enormous humanitarian crisis after the earthquake of 2011.
pizza everywhere
Austin Rivera
Average Normies want to see brits bleed.
Every german here be happy for you since you are breaking free, thus limiting the belgian jew's monetary reach to fuck up countries.
If Germans were to leave, the entire EU would fall into disrepair. I want that.
Anthony Gomez
I know it's supposed to be "ebin banter XD" to piss off us Krauts but honestly whenever I see all your nations accomplishments I get sad to be living during its decline. Rather than going out with a bang it's slowly rotting away in a sea of cuckoldry and marxism. England deserves better.
Liam Rodriguez
Personally, I can't imagine that Germany would ever leave the EU. I mean who would then pay for the EU club?
Juan Carter
They will never vote for leave because Germany consists to 85% of Betacucks, women, muzzies and muhhh I always voted CDU voters
Sebastian Taylor
The AfD plans on either reforming the EU or leaving it entirely after their idea of things.
Their idea is a trader's union of sovereign Nations, one Country is not to be taken accountable for another country's failure (Greece or Spain for instance)
Good day, reverse-medic.
Asher Taylor
>ITT: AfD fans coping about their leaders despising them
OR COMING IN WITH A BIG BANG - GERMAN STYLE!!! >skip the moderate way of thinking >just retake your country >oppress everybody in your way >start the next WW >kill millions of europeans >start a new war, while you are having a war >leave everything in shatters
Alexander Peterson
okay, I'm gonna actually truthfully answer for once calling the average voter about as smart as a 14-year-old is being nice the average IQ in Germany is 98 which is fucking sad but true
also, i would prefer a national socialist dictatorship but as the philosopher Jagger once said: "you can't always get what you want."
David Wilson
>tfw it turns out "German efficiency" was actually German autism all along
Joseph Hernandez
Well Krauts, I really hope the AfD will succeed in reforming the EU to a pure trading union. The current state of the EU is a mess.
Brayden Sullivan
>be gullible mentally ill marxist NEET >project Wow never seen that before. Here is your (You)
Colton Johnson
You don't have to tell us.
Hunter Garcia
NPD is the German KKK >Feds larping as Nazis >honeypot for Nationalists
Landon Johnson
>fans It's called supporters not fans, Kevin.
Ryder Cooper
man ronny halt dein degeneriertes inzestmaul mit deiner lügenpresse-schreierei du abgewracktes fransenarschloch
Jordan Parker
>taking what i already called out as shitposting seriously kek
Gabriel Price
What d'ya guys think? Will the next INSA poll have the AfD surpass SPD? Considering they are semi-consistent with posting a weekly report, i'd say tommorwo it'll be out.
Hunter Clark
>politics on KC You know better, bdylo.
Robert Price
>35 >long past her prime >no steady relationship >suddenly wants to settle down >muh "carrer choice" Kek a classic
Bentley Wright
watch the whole video. it gets a lot worse. thx to sperm banks hordes of single old women will raise a new generation of fatherless and consequently fucked up children. we truly live in the end-times.
Cameron Brooks
Dominic Wright
Fatherless sons are attracted to patriarchal ideologies. I suspect a lot monarchists, fascists and Islamists are in the making.
Kayden Jones
it's rather the opposite. these harlots will raise a generation of effeminate and self-hating cucks.
this: strong-jawd and well built while still looking feminine and cute. the ideal woman to birth a new generation of giants and conquerors with chiselled jaw-lines.
Henry Bennett
Owen Robinson
Tyler Baker
Brody Brown
Leo Moore
it's all so tiresome
Thomas Cook
Tyler Howard
The commentators cheer for Cred Forums but "okay" for Cred Forums biased from the start.
Lucas Perry
ez game ez life boys
James Richardson
Bentley Watson
>to uneducated to understand that speaking english and being on an american website greatly benefits us legaly Also the morons unable to learn a language as closely related to German as English being excluded is another benefit.
Logan Cruz
>so ein autistischer Bernd zu sein, daß man die deutsche Rechtschreibung nicht beherrscht >inb4 "ß", die letzte ordentliche Rechtschreibung ist Stand 1996
Cooper Parker
At least in Germany we only have 2 (!) sperm donors, since the Supreme Court upheld that the right of the child to find out who its father is once it turns 18 is higher then the right of the donor's anonymity.
As a result, sperm donors identity has been revealed and the women who received the sperm sued for 18+ years of child support, which was retroactively granted.
Benjamin Bennett
dafuq? in that vid at least they had a whole catalogue of donors though. you got a source for this because that's totally nuts!
Xavier Turner
The NVA's appearence was not "cummunist" but intentionally derived from Prussian military tradition. As much as the Soviets shoved Marxism down our throats, they never denied us our German heritage. I'd love to see Bundeswehr soldiers goosestepping to Yorkscher Marsch in fieldgrey parade-tunics down Berlin's "Unter den Linden".
>Das BGH-Urteil hat es noch wahrscheinlicher gemacht, dass Spenderkinder künftig häufiger den Namen ihres Vaters erfahren werden. Das dürfte auch häufiger zu Fragen nach Unterhalt und Erbe führen.
Was Unterhalt und Erbe angeht, gibt es nämlich bisher eine große Grauzone. Das bestätigt auch die Berliner Familienrechtsanwältin Ulrike Silbermann: „Man kann gegenwärtig nicht ausschließen, dass ein Samenspender von einem Kind auf Unterhaltszahlung verklagt wird.“
Im selben Artikel steht zwar, dass das noch nie geschehen ist, aber ich bin mir sicher das ich darüber gelesen habe. Der Artikel und das BGH Urteil sind von 2015
Caleb Turner
>meanwhile in Denmark
Cameron Lewis
Explain this and why the SED wanted it so bad. Why did the SED wanted to demolish the building instead of rebuilding it so bad? Why did they insist on destroying buildings which had an ethnic styling?
Jace Jenkins
Just answer me straight Krautbros, is the 4th Reich coming?
Ian Morales
well thx. that's bad enough.
Michael Perry
He's a retard. The SED and the GDR explicitly broke with all tradition, considering themselves a completely new, socialist german entity with no connection to either the Third Reich or anything before it.
They certainly did not see themselves in a Prussian Tradition.
Holy shit look at that guy Cuckold lifestyle: The look
Colton Flores
That's honestly just creepy. >Danes are a superior race Not that you're not aryan af but come on.
Camden Martinez
I think it's either going to be a tie (noose actually) or a backstep to 15
Colton Foster
>0:57 Remember more than half of your taxes are invested into gibs for things like that, whiney Jews and unemployed commies.
Carter Wilson
Wer als Mann in diesem Jahr noch seinen Schwanz irgendwo reinsteckt hat eigentlich schon verloren.
Liam Lee
Judenfraktur. auch hübsch ;)
Wyatt Gonzalez
that one is epic
Jose Moore
AfD is currently serving it's purpose. It is not a natsoc party but they will definetly set the way for Fascism and National Socialism to become mainstream.
Michael Ramirez
This is the beauty of it. You can see many enough times where they go 1488, and then yet again have some liberal views for wealth distribution and stopping the devaluation of our currency by just fucking printing it for everyone like its fucking edible.
Isaiah Hughes
Elections will not fix everything. Most problems need to be solved through "other measures" anyway. This doesn't mean they are useless. Democracy can easily be used to create an actual resistance. People rallying behind parties, increase in demonstrations and other organizations (Identitarians, etc.) getting stronger. Whatever you want to do you need people to do things and Democracy (even though it is a terrible form of government) is the best system to get people to organize.
Because there was a difference between cultural and military perception of purpose. If you take away the trafitional roots of your army, you'll end up with a bunch of faggots ... see Bundeswehr. OTOH until the 1980s the GDR regime was on a damnatia memoriae trip like so many other regimes under Soviet hegemony. Thus, socialist brutalism in architecture was a thing. Yet, around 1985 they came to the conclusion that this method is counter productive -- too little too late. They started a policy of cultural revival. They decided to rebury King Frederick II. at his homested Sansoussi for instance and started producing an epic history TV mini series called "Sachsens Glanz und Preußens Gloria".
You're the retard. Educate yourself: youtube.com/watch?v=-SvGkk7F_O4 The NVA awarded the Scharnhorst Orden you bloody fool! How's that not traditional? It might not look like a typical Prussian award of merit but the name clearly speaks for itself. Does the Bundeswehr award a Scharnhorst medal? Or a fictional Gneisenau-Kreuz?
Does anyone here have any experience getting a gun license, be it sport shooting or hunting? Thought about getting a hunting license but seems like an awful lot of work.
Its true though, their 'memes'are mad cringey, still gonna keep voting for them
Christopher Myers
Like you said: Too little too late.
Hudson Davis
Getting a gun for when shit hits the fan.
Jacob Davis
You're better off just getting a gun
Ryan Collins
>Get a gun illegally >Don't care to organize in groups >Don't care about understanding the gun >Don't care about small unit tactics and firing drills >Get partyvanned for illegally owning a firearm
Charles Allen
Doesn't mean that a return to proper military appearance is impossibru. If it was possible in Marxist GDR it sure as hell should be possible today with a little bit of political will and an Overton window shifted back to normal.
Jayden Carter
slippery slope
Julian Gray
Kurrent and Sütterlin count among the fractured type sets. They're just not block letters but script.
Justin Young
A gun should be among the last things to look for as long as shtf/dotr didn't happen. You will be as useful as a nigger from Mozambique in the 70s if you leave out the others.
Elijah Cook
Whats your point? You assumed everything but >get a gun illegally
Evan Rodriguez
>Whats your point? You assumed everything but >get a gun illegally You answered your own question.
Ian Rogers
freedenis begins
Jace Ward
Then get a firearm license if you can ;^)
Easton Butler
Get ready for him being in a dozen of talk shows, warning the public of the AfD and shilling for the SPD.
Landon Thomas
Can I post again, m0ds? To heck, what even is "advertising"?
Nathan Collins
Nothing wrong with that. Problem is enough people on that website try to immediately get their hands on a Luty or AK.
Hudson Johnson
Welcome back, I guess.
Easton Stewart
ulf shilling hard already
Luke Hill
It's not that hard actually. It only requires your commitment to invest the time and money to either graduate in the "Grüne Abitur" (Jäger), your membership in a shooting club (Schützenverein) or accomplishing your extended Sachkundeprüfung to obtain a collectors licence.
If you're talking about a concealed carry licence, that's another story though.
Dominic Thomas
>freedenis begins
Jack Campbell
AFAIK Yücel isn't even in Germany right now. Was only there for a day or so.
Juan Rivera
Do you think this opportunity will be just given away? He will come here sooner or later.
Camden Harris
>160996818 Hello, Kameraden! I couldn't change my IP, so I had to sit throught the ban (oy vey!), but I am glad to be with you again, it was really disheartening to see none of you guys take the initative to start the threads for a few days, be consistent!
Sebastian Jenkins
Man, I won't stand for this, fixed: And, by the way, can anyone actually tell me what the bannable offense "Advertising" is? Oh well, I am glad to be back with you, when will we start roachposting for our "beloved" "Kulturministerin" Özguz?
Juan Jackson
what´s up. are you an avatarfag or just... someone?
Matthew Cox
>The Great Wall of (You)
Jack Cox
Remember muh 6 gorillion >>!
Colton Brooks
Jack Torres
Tayanon is this you? Advertising might be the donation link in the extended OP you posted.
Ian Sanchez
we should have stuck together from the beginning.
Isaiah Cooper
Just someone, I am that user that wanted to self-improve, also by working out, now, over 2 months later, I still haven't. (Albeit I could use my pathological knee-overtension as an excuse, but fuck excuses. I'll start tomorrow, and you'll recognize me by the phrase "Arbeits-user", because, as we all know, "Arbeit macht frei" :^)!) Hold me up to it, and if I didn't keep my resolve, you are free to adress me as faggot. Have any of you gotten into your resolves for the new year? I have at least managed to get a relative stability in my knee-joints again.
Oh, btw, how tall is the thumbnail here on Cred Forums in terms of on-screen pixels? And how much pixels is the max distance of an "expanded" image on here?
Jordan Howard
Nop, he is sadly not me, man, I am missing that autist. Really the nicest autist I know (and that is something, coming from a borderline-normalfag).
Asher Moore
You have witnessed my Adobe PS skills!! :DD
Jace Lopez
>Hold me up to it, and if I didn't keep my resolve, you are free to adress me as faggot. k, Schrödingers-faggot >Have any of you gotten into your resolves for the new year? hmm... my fitness is goign well and... i practically just want to have a gf and do more social sport like "Turnen", read books and gardening >I have at least managed to get a relative stability in my knee-joints again. nice >Oh, btw, how tall is the thumbnail here on Cred Forums in terms of on-screen pixels? >And how much pixels is the max distance of an "expanded" image on here? NOW I REMEMBER YOU. you are the anonf who always asks weird questions about formats and pictures. the upload limit is 4 mb. have fun with that info
Why is that jihadi whore Linda W. not dead yet. I am very disappoint. Why only six years?
Luis Scott
Hehe, yeah, I was actually that one user that wanted images to be uniformly uploaded in ".png", but I think that is more of a coinicdence, as it could have been any user. After all, I posted that first mass-reply wall and realized that it didn't look nice because of the way the image makes an indentation in the formatting. And then i asked myself about the pixel-height of that thumbnail/the number of lines that the thumbnail-view of images here displaces in a post. This could really have benn any user, or am being autistic? >#Krautism
Robert Torres
spurdo posting
Colton Wilson
you think that you are the Überautist?
Julian Adams
William Murphy
what's... wrong with him?
Justin Jones
>spurdo posting
An ancient art form of the righteous... ;)
Jack Lee
you ripped off this meme
Evan Brooks
Sebastian Bailey
That's what we were warned of
Elijah Ortiz
Christian Stewart
Hunter Powell
Hehe, you think an autist would consider how the things he does look for other people? No you think again! Audism for Germanis :--D Jews gan'd handle de audism masderraece X--D!
isn´t it the typical 6 feet and 5´11 feet from /fit/?
Hunter Reed
Here is a subtle one. (Man, Iove when this type of opportunity for shitposting arises!)
SOY O Y (Do German cucks already know of the soyboy meme?)
Did sandnigger dieded? >1.5 million more to go :^)
Josiah Wright
Brandon Sanchez
You have that knee problem too? It wandered for me
Christian Howard
no how to make a screenshot tab. Low energy
Parker Gray
>E-FG At min 10 she starts talking about not breeding is all she knows, because its hollywood and pedagogues who indiktrinated her alongside with arabs calling her nazi all her school life
Adrian Evans
>tfw over 6ft, above avg IQ and slightly above avg dick (though I will be balding, probably, and if it's not me, it'll be my kids; fug :----D) On my way to above average bodyweight/composition too! Can't really genuinely complain desu.
How tall are you? Did oyu gain muslce once and not work on t eflexibility; that is a big no-no. I'll be stretching when I get back into shape. For me it is a combo of not stretching + muscle growth (that is past now) and a minor injury that was excaberated by the protective stance that the leg unconciously takes, this lead to a constant tension in the muscle and a higher pressure on cartilage (it's not really painful, though, just feels like when you walked 10Km after not having walked for a month [in the knees, that is]).
What is the issue for you? Physiotherapy is a very good approach, incase it's not a physically recognizeable injury, and even if it is, the physio-lads usually have more useful approaches to getting it functional and robust.
What, are you not entertained? Wanna get mad instead, Pic related in that case, m8.
Kayden Barnes
Make Cred Forums Great Again, clean up these eceleb trash threads: .
Christian Baker
Charles King
i liked your screenshot tabs. but infinitychan? really?
anyway>>tfw over 6ft, above avg IQ and slightly above avg dick >(though I will be balding, probably, and if it's not me, it'll be my kids; fug :----D) >On my way to above average bodyweight/composition too! >Can't really genuinely complain desu. nice. are you by chance good with girls? got a gf? some of us need to reproduce, you know?
Thomas Martin
1,75cm, was always rather thin but used to ride bicycle a lot, so not muscular overall but well trained legs I guess
Charles Ortiz
good meme, honestly. very nice.
Chase Brooks
*m, sry
Benjamin Bailey
Glad you enjoy it! Dang it, I think I am turning into a Finngolian...
James James
Joseph Phillips
>dat manly Pepe...
Elijah Roberts
Fucking hell, this is awesome!
Kayden Edwards
You know, in the daytime Kraut/pol/ I opened today we had a quite meaningful discussion about political views and population genetics ... and now look at this thread! Not saying that I am not to blame for the most part ... but srsly, how did you manage to bring out the SPURDO in me to such an extent?! Daaamn...
>but infinitychan? really? What, they may be a little more of the hardliners, but the posts are quality, and that place is where some of the AfD-Chan OC originates.
>by chance good with girls? got a gf? No, and no, but then again, I haven't tried. Up until now, I think I have been to expectant of the female to do the first step, but this will literally only happen, if I'm muscular too and decently dressed. I'm not a total sperg, but I was pretty cucked in my younger years. Bullied a little, I was way too careful with those faggots, should not have cared and kicked that piece of shit down the stairs when we had that deciding scuffle. Then again, I have better things to do than give Achmed company in the JVA for Todschlag.
>always rather thin Man, I am pretty thin too, lower average in terms of BMI, you have to eat more (percievedly much more) food than you are used to. Do it, start with bodyweight if you want. Getting muscular is literally the first redpill to not living a mediocre life, I saw the transformation in one of my classmates. I myself was never consequent enough, but this discipline I will adhere to now.
And before anyone asks, yes, I am a >fucking virgin but desu, I'm not being a incel/r9k-fag about it. Honestly, it probably increases my potential to have a better bond to my future wife, with whom I might try to one-up my parents score of 3.
Dominic Parker
Gee, that guy's got a punch... :)
Austin Butler
Your inner Spurdo has awakened. Release the SPRÖLÖLÖ :DDDD
Ryan Kelly
Even if he was a pedophile, the AfD has 26409 Members. Scientist say around 1% of all adults are pedophiles, so that would mean that AfD is with one single pedophile way under the avarage wish would be around 260 pedophiles at a policital party this size
Wyatt Lewis
Sounds like > is also from that guy, do you know which song it is?
Jaxon Reed
Ah to hell with it! Might as well go with the flow... fugg :DDD
their style looks super comfy, I think only amish style looks better
Blake Allen
What's gonna happen with the SPD vote on the coalition deal?
Adam Ortiz
>No, and no, but then again, I haven't tried. >Up until now, I think I have been to expectant of the female to do the first step, but this will literally only happen, if I'm muscular too and decently dressed. you even don´t really need to much muscles. it´s just important that you dont look like a blob. with your heigt, you got something going on. >I'm not a total sperg, but I was pretty cucked in my younger years. who wasn´t raised that way. >Bullied a little, I was way too careful with those faggots, should not have cared and kicked that piece of shit down the stairs when we had that deciding scuffle. >Then again, I have better things to do than give Achmed company in the JVA for Todschlag. das rite!
you should try and read one book that helps you to flirt with ´women. i got indoctrinated by feminism and those dating books reversed a lot of the brain damage. they explain a lot from the biological point of view (why you have like a man in this and that situation, because women want you to be actually a man etc). if you are naturally uncucked, than it is fine. the biggest uncuckery did Cred Forums to me, by seeing them making fun of cucks
Christian Butler
Savage. You know what, I am not really attracted to martial arts, but we do have a public punching bag, perhaps I should work on simply being able to pack a good punch, then I am already ahead of the average achmed. Though, if I manage to reach my target weight in the next 2-3 years, he wouldn't fuck with me anyway. Based, I think learning a good punch should be required in the IB and generalla for anyone, that may be dealing with antifaggots any time soon.
I don't know, if you want to do something productive, you can always enlighten our Kulturministerin about what roachposting is on twitter, perhaps until this "Nazism" gets reported on in the MSM if you know what I mean.
John Wright
4 years of rapefugees, 4 years of #notall by general media and 4 years of right-wing rise.
A change of public opinion, but quicker than sonic.
Henry Cruz
Jayden Smith
...but those sideburns would irritate me like hell! Should go see the barber soon, hate it when hair dangles into my face.
Joseph Kelly
>You know what, I am not really attracted to martial arts, but we do have a public punching bag, perhaps I should work on simply being able to pack a good punch, then I am already ahead of the average achmed. >Though, if I manage to reach my target weight in the next 2-3 years, he wouldn't fuck with me anyway. >Based, I think learning a good punch should be required in the IB and generalla for anyone, that may be dealing with antifaggots any time soon. that´s a good goal. every man must learn how to throw a punch
Evan Brooks
Michael King
Nevermind. Thanks anyway for bringing this Mr Bond guy to my attention.
Jordan Brooks
Lucas Rogers
>indoctrinated by feminism Yeah, being the nice guy is a total meme, though, being Tyrone is subhuman as well. What book do you reccomend?
Heh, I love that shit, we need a version of this "man" for the german soyim.
Ayden Taylor
Nicholas Parker
>enlighten our Kulturministerin about what roachposting is on twitter
You mean something along the lines of pic related??
Ryan Morgan
you could tuck them behind your ears
Christopher Kelly
Sebastian Edwards
>What book do you reccomend? verdoppel deine Dates - David DeAngelo mein Tipp, weil der Typ alle wichtigen Punkte abdeckt und nicht zu viel um den heißen Brei herumlabbert. Er ist auch nicht so degeneriert wie andere Schreiber (ein Kollege hatte mal ein anderes gelesen, wo es um nichts anderes ging als ficken). Der typ erklärt noch ein bissl was bei einer Beziehung bzw Ehe wichtig ist. Geht auch sehr schnell, sind 150 Seiten mit nen leicht verdaulichen Schreibstil
Charles Brooks
Liam Cooper
Possibly the greatest shitpost in history.
Austin Davis
I am doing that but at work I am usually dealing with samples in very small plastic tubes so I have to constantly bend over the work bench to see what I am actually doing with my pipette ... try putting your hair behind your ear when you wear gloves and try to avoid contaminating your samples with shit like hair grease (one single flake of skin may already fuck up your samples for good!). Gonna get myself a proper German haircut again...
William Rogers
Yeah, though I'll make sure to have my arms out of the "twig-range" before I go there, don't wanna look like a total fag, there has to be at least some tone.
Hahahha, I love this. >#soap could also have been turned into somethign good... how prevalent is knowledge about Jews supposedly being turned into Lampshades/Soap here in Germoney?
No, it's much simpler, much cruder, much more of a pucnh in her stupid Kakerlakengesicht. Bild im Pfosten is realtiert.
>verdoppel deine Dates - David DeAngelo Okay, danke user, auf den Blitzkrieg aud dem Venushügel (oder eher nicht, ist irgendwie unttermenschlich, den Schürzen so nachzurennen; bin ja kein Achmed.) Wie schwer ist's ne schöne Waifu (optimal mit Blond+Blau um den Juden anzupissen) zu kriegen, wenn man kein Roidmonster ist (vor allem, wenn es sich um eine gerotpillte handelt)?
Wyatt Mitchell
Full Metal Jacket?
Ian Barnes
Russlianddeutsche I presume?
Jackson Reyes
>What book do you reccomend? Out of my experience it´s the best to go MGTOW and consume a lot of their Stuff, since i have this mindset i put myself before any female and don´t try to impress them or cater them in any way.
They really like me since i don´t give a fuck if they do and just do whatever i think is right. Although since i am so picky i did not find the right one so far.
A lot of this dating books tell you to be someone else than you are, this can work for getting laid, but when you are looking for something long term you will not have any use in pretending to be someone else. Being yourself is i a meme but the only way to attract someone who likes you the way you really are.
Ayden Wood
Simply EBIN! :D
Benjamin Morgan
like these fine gentlemen?
Matthew Gray
very likely
>Wie schwer ist's ne schöne Waifu (optimal mit Blond+Blau um den Juden anzupissen) zu kriegen, wenn man kein Roidmonster ist (vor allem, wenn es sich um eine gerotpillte handelt)? geht schon. musst se ansprechen und schauen was passiert. ist am anfang schwer, aber man hat dann irgendwann den dreh raus
Sebastian Lee
Yep, got a printout of it hanging right over my pipette stand ... my coworkers don't get it :P
Hudson Anderson
Nolan Lee
Good, now we can dox you without a doubt when we are in your company... >*hand rubbing intensifies*
Grayson Perez
Saved. Have some cuties in payment, good sir.
Dylan Lopez
>believing this shit also: >"Migrationshintergrund" =/= Migrant I am German by ancestry, but was nearly born in Poland due to the Uni my parents were at at the time. By that, I already qualify as "Migrationshintergrunddeutscher". >G-goyim, can't you see that you are all basically niggers already?!!?? Fucking shabbos goy.
Also, lads, I can't tell you how good it feels to have a functional mouse scroll-wheel again. It's bliss. If you are having problems, take that shit apart and fix the scroll-wheel shaft to the potentiometer-like switch, it helps t also chek if the occaisonally present rubber on the plastic body of the scroll wheel slips, thus also being part of the problem of the rotation not being transferred.
Hunter Richardson
i just realized something. if you look at the picture, you can see some dudes without the full number of teeths. during this age in time, your body sometimes had some time limit due to disease or injury. if your body show some first signs of weaknesses (and you already have had a wife and children) than why the fuck not putting your life on the line? You can only win!
Eli Long
Yes mostly, a little less trimmed down along the sides ... better in winter.
Ein ordentlicher Seitenscheitel muss auf jeden Fall möglich sein! Ich komm halt grad nicht dazu wegen Arbeitszeiten, seh inzwischen schon aus wie ein Troglodyt...
Logan Edwards
Henry Rivera
>*paranoia intensifies*
Colton Hill
This might actually be the solution in this secularized society. Former times, people were not afraid to die for a cause, because they would go to heaven. Nowadays, you might as well put your life on the line once rot starts to set in?
Landon Phillips
Kevin Ortiz
Extremely painful death perhaps? Combat back then sucked major ass.
Don't get me started on the inherent dualism of all things ... btw have I ever told you about my opinions on judgement?
Traditional Christian barbecue? ;)
Asher Price
Not long and it will be on national level.
Gabriel Cook
Jayden Watson
>btw have I ever told you about my opinions on judgement? Do it pl0x.
Connor Ortiz
Lucas Walker
Hehe, I am not really even a literal Hitlerite, but damn, perhaps getting high leather boots and putting in white laces would be a fun thing to do just for those faggots.
Wer noch der SPD vertraut, dem hat man das Gehirn geklaut!Hehe.
Ian Diaz
New bread?
Wyatt Edwards
Schulz train has been trolled hard ... bonus points if you get the reference in pic related.
>This is the Diasp- I mean Lebensraumfortführung, fellow goy-guys!..! : /\ )
Asher Jenkins
das ist keine körperverletzung, dies ist eine pädagogische maßnahme
Joseph Ward
what hurts more dying for the right course the faith of having to watch the corps of your nation, the one of your and your childrens origin, to slowly rot away? one has to die for the right course
>can´t watch because of german laws
Thomas Jones
lazy fuck
Jose Howard
Hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
Joshua Morris
And whatever has no brakes, won't take curves well.