What are your thoughts on mandatory military service? Macron is re-implementing it in France after it was removed by previous governments, but it is quite controversial right now.
Service Guarantees Citizenship
considering that even the militaries of the west have now been feminized and subverted, it wont help the soyboys
the rug must be pulled out from under this broken shell of western civilization
If it's not used completely as an indoctrination force it can be very beneficial. Being in the army forces at least some character growth and personal accountability which is missing greatly in our society. The only concern is anything with government and mandatory is usually terrible and corrupt as fuck.
We had it before but we threw it out to be in line with faggotry directives. Seems that we will bring it back though.
What a fucking pussy
You're not a real man until you walk #amileinhershoes and wear "empathy" bellies, kek.
Macron is a fucking populist. He knows that many retards in France, both left and "right" wing kept crying for years about wanting conscription back, as they believe sending niggers and sandniggers in the military is going to make them better members of society.
Really makes one think.
I want that to happen just to see it blow in the boomers face.
Imagine sending criminals to forced military service expecting dutiful citizens back and instead you get criminals with combat training.
That whole thing is retarded, why the fuck do soldiers need to simulate what it's like for a pregnant troop on the battlefield? Since when are we getting pregnant women sent into the shit?
right after you get your influx of rapefugees now you have to train them to kill you as well
If they want a real simulation, give them promotions and honorable discharges when shit hits the fan.
When you conscript a load of 2nd/3rd generation immigrants with no loyalty to country you have an army willing to oppress your own citizens.
Never known a time when we didn't have it. So I haven't thought much about it. I guess it's something we must! have.
You don't live next to Sweden for more than a millennia without realising that everybody should learn to fight.
I liked it.
Only soyboy countries don't have conscription
I think if you want to make it work you need to have alternatives to military service (even the government in Heinlein's book had non-military ways for people to earn citizenship, it was just that enlisting was the easiest and fastest way for most people).
Split it up into three branches - at age 18 you apply for one of the programs and commit to a two year term of service:
National Defense - Military service. Straightforward.
National Support - Domestic charity work. Helping the elderly or infirm, volunteering with veterans programs, maintaining infrastructure or national parks, etc.
National Outreach - Charity work abroad. Working with aid organizations, first responders for major disasters, managing refugee camps in crisis areas, projects in developing regions, etc.
During service, you are credited with wages earned (slightly under federal minimum wage equivalent, more or less depending on the option you choose). Except in extraordinary circumstances, these wages are only paid out upon completion of a two year term of service. You can receive your payout as a college or trade school tuition voucher or small business grant (which are tax free) or cash (which is taxed accordingly), the idea being that the untaxed options provide incentives for these new citizens to do something productive with their lives - learn a trade, start a business, get a higher education, etc instead of just cashing out.
US gets cheap domestic labor at home for maintaining infrastructure, healthcare, etc, people making it look good abroad, and a constantly cycling influx of fresh, able-bodied soldiers. Citizens get some money to put towards future goals and careers and an appreciation for their rights and countrymen. The people too dumb, lazy, or unmotivated to do a term of service don't get to be active members in the decision making process.
Conscripts are fucking borderline retards and conscript armies are entirely incompetent and useless. Conscription is a stupid policy for a nation's military, not because or any moral or ethical reasons, but because professional soldiers that actually want to be there will always be more useful than someone who was forced to put on a uniform and given a few weeks of basic training.
Its a good idea. Especially now with the degrading of values and entitled attitudes nurtured by generations of parents since vietnam war. Compulsory service will harden resolve and promote cohesion on many levels as a nation.
>Mandatory military service
No. There was no mandatory military service during the Revolution and those that choose to serve are far better than those who are forced.
Not mandatory unless you want to be able to vote.
Who is that faggot and why is he lying on the internet?