Why do blacks ruin everything? Is it in their dna to destroy? Just look at your average black neighbourhood. Look what they’ve done to Paris. I can’t handle these Black panthers niggers claiming this and that when they can’t even build a civilisation or at least keep one that was already built.
The natural environment of the black is the jungle. In the jungle they just grab fruit from the tree, in the city they just break stores to grab stuff. The back has no sense of property, that's why they steal. In the jungle you break, grab and drop shit in the ground. The negro simply is not compatible with civilization.
Kevin Rodriguez
theyre different than you.
Aaron Brooks
I see, even crows are better then them.
Hunter Diaz
I read somewhere that they have no sense of time so they dont think about where the thrash will be tomorrow their mind simply does not look that far ahead.
Matthew Cook
Read "Confessions of a Public Defender".
Jaxon Powell
>I read somewhere that they have no sense of time Explains the term “black-man time”. This nigger who I used to work with on the railroads used to turn up 45 minutes late every time then chimped-out when he got fired.
Samuel Cox
There is no answer my friend. They're our burden to bare.
Blake Miller
Is that by Jared Taylor? Just done a quick search need to confirm.
>Can't have a cheap yet nice neighborhood >Can't have a normal store where you just buy things >Have a surveillance state which you both hate yet need >Always need to have a weapon on you >Can't have social support projects because blacks abuse them >Can't have community events without blacks inviting themselves >Can't enjoy a night walk >Can't enjoy a day walk >Nigs write on everything, nothing goes unmarked >Can't go to a nice school in the city because nigkids ruin it >Can't go to a nice rural school because nigkids get bused out there >Can't live anywhere quite because the oogabooga music is too loud >Can't live close to work because there is a black blockade between you and the industrial zone It doesn't stop
Juan Bailey
isn't the average IQ of a black person around 70-85? That I guess, should tell you something.
Josiah Ramirez
Adrian Sanchez
That sounds like "Morality and Abstract Thinking – How Africans may differ from Westerners"
Jack Hall
Blacks are complete and total fuck ups.
Henry Bailey
>Nigs write on everything, nothing goes unmarked Does this means what? Graffiti on buildings? Damn if that's it, because here in Brazil is one of the biggest problems to not make our cities look like slum. We have to paint most buildings many times a year because people paint it with their bullshit every time
Low iq. Incapable of sustaining a civilization. It's not a black thing. Only Asians, whites and Jews and maybe a couple more races of humans can have functioning societies. The rest are just above monkeys in terms of evolution
Jace Anderson
You can dig through the site, but generally Cred Forums acts as a pretty good filter and someone posts a cap of the best stuff. like pic related. Just lurk Cred Forums long enough and build up a collection.