Mixed babies are the cutest Bc the genes are so different from each other it’s a battle for which ones show up and only the superior will prevail so mixed babies have the best genes and mixed people are the most attractive
Mixed babies are the cutest Bc the genes are so different from each other it’s a battle for which ones show up and...
Other urls found in this thread:
>posting some ghoul looking clown
kinda destroys your point there achmed
la creatura...
>Mixed babies are the cutest
>Mixed people are ugl-
Those are albinos whose parents were both black. They are an abomination and the origin story f the white race.
la goblina...
Guess which race will take her in
ya they are
Absolute state of (((pol)))
We allow this threads instead of deleting them
Chaimods doing well here
Also ugly af and sage
just don't let the jungle niggers cut your arms off to smoke and get magical powers.....
>people grab my hair on the street
Do these people have no concept of personal space? WTF is wrong with you?
>crying about being a mutt
>in the USA
Bitch, you're 56%-land. It's atypical NOT to be a mutt.
How many generations of bleachings would it take to make the coal go away?
Weird that they evolved to become beautiful compassionate intelligent and the apex form on this planet. Oh wait albinism doesn't even work that way you're just a retarded nigger
Actually Humans originated in the Balkan peninsula given new evidence. It is darker skin which came after, a mutation as some human groups migrated south and eastward to sunnier climates.
Muh dik biotch
how would a full blown sjw even respond to this? would they call the child racist?
She's gorgeous. She just needs a big dick white daddy to show her what it's like to be an individual, not a collective soul.
>tfw no qt awkward mixed gf to cuddle with
It's funny because every time you see a mongrel and it's mom in a grocery store or public place, everyone looks on in disgust and nobody ever talks to the mom. But you see a mom with a normal non fat white kid and everyone is always fawning over them and commenting. You can actually see the mudshark mom's ready to cry when they notice it.
>mixed is the future and it is beautiful
even if she's pretty, the point is she feels like a freak for being so different
this made me feel good
That's an ayy lmao
hello shlomo
nothing better to do then promote your lies?
> pic related
She's a dog and a mutt.
You don't pet doggos on the street?
SHed look super fuckable with makeup
T.gook that makes wife pour on makeup before having sex
It's true. I used to work in a grocery store near the hood, so lots of mudsharks. Everyone, especially old people give them the stink eye. But see one normal cute white kid and it's "OH SHE'S SO ADORABLE LOOK AT THOSE BLUE EYES!".
Mudshark mom's always look like they want to cry when they see it. It was hard not to start laughing each time. You can literally see their shame and self loathing dawn on them
Blacks are collectivist tribal people. No innovation. No individualism. No mind to stand alone. These "people" that she's referring to are not people at all. they are niggers. No concept of personal space, Rude, mean, negative, always "roasting" or cutting her down, making her feel like shit for being beautiful. no white person would engage in this kind of behavior. she hangs out with niggars. and all her complaints are against nigger culture not human culture. she doesn't have enough white influence in her life which is why she feels the pain of banishment. If she had a white daddy to fuck her good and tell her that niggers are the lowest scum on the planet her pain would go away as she joins the white future.
After 3 you can't really notice black features anymore. I've mistaken 1/4 blacks for Jews before.
their solution is to mix more people
you arent very bright are you finland
One drop rule gentleman.
Wow nice propaganda, dipshit. Do you have a source for that?
My benis is bigger than yours Sambo
She is actually kind of cute. would breed with. Nice white skin.
half Swedish have Somali its everything I hate but the end result is good I dont know what to think anymore
>half Swedish have Somali
so 100% swedish then
tfw no mulatto gf
kill yourself you fucking shill
>1 post by this ID
>all these replies
Sage this thread
Christ I hate just being a castizo. I can't imagine how shit this girl must feel. At least everyone just assumes I'm only European. She doesn't have that luxery.
>> mad because muuuh fragile narrative
Congratulations on your first muttpost.
When your country hits the 44% goblin threshold you'll understand why this isn't just about some 6/10 freak that made you diamonds because of your mutt fetish.
Who are they? Can I receive a fast explanation?
Holy shit, another one that looks like missing link.
Race mixing is simply bad, expecialy between extremes. Like pure Negro from Africa with Red Hair Irish, or Scottish. Or Chinese with Swedish blond viking. The results are atrocious.
Only two of them look arab
Whatever helps you sleep at night your shitcunt
And that's pretty, lololololol....Look at the huge man Jaw on her.
Fail example.
there is nothing wrong with her jaw
We are not from this planet user, what people confuse for ancient aliens, were actually ancient humans, see the ending of battlestar galactica for example.
give pics without make up
golden rule of dating, imagine girl without make up
it can be applied here as well
Dude, seriously, she's not ugly, but that's a manjaw from being high T, from being a half-breed negro. Plus, what does she look like without makeup.
Here's a pic of a non-mixed girl for comparison.
Only beta fags hate race mixing, especially when its hb8+ high IQ cuties from other countries.
You're typical soi boi loser isn't even able to get a decent looking white woman, especially so in foreign races.
Stay made with your western feminist land whales bois
Nice try Ahmed.
I have never seen a somali and a swede together in my life.
That woman is less than 30% asian.
Must have something like 75-85% european genes.
>only beta fags hate race-mixing
>posts girl who is 100% iberian by blood
Ana de Armas isn't asian. You're just being fooled by the dress and haircut.
>queen zed
>You can literally see their shame and self loathing dawn on them
There's outbreeding and there's inbreeding. Youd be hard pressed to not get a fitter offspring with people in france mating with a german for example or even a person in europe mating with a white in latin america. But any more than that -- for example white-asian or black-asian -- even if the offspring may be less sickly.. it's just too different... atleast in this insane jew world where everyone is told they are the same.
my sides user
ugly parents, ugly children
who would known!
I'd wipe out worries of her identity with MUH DICK
The bigger the hoops the bigger the whore.
Is the mom a giant midget?
>only the superior will prevail so mixed babies have the best genes
Are you retarded or do you actually think this is true?
search for:
kym and bogdanoff
Many mixed-race people have identity issues and it's the parents fault. Of course you don't care about that because you're likely an ugly evil disgusting Jew.
put on all of the makeups.
>albinos are mixed race
What an ugly bitch
>best genes
Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder.
- Sickle cell is an inherited disease caused by a defect in a gene
- Having a family history of sickle cell disease increases your risk for the disease. In the United States, it mainly affects African Americans.
You’ll be surprised how many of the problems we are seeing in these days, are because really shitty parenting, no matter what race or social class, because if that girl in OP at least had some decent parenting, you wouldnt see all that self loathing, i will even bet that shes living with her single mom.
I feel bad for this creature
quick rundown?
She looks black in white skin.
> whites unironically sees her as albino black
> blacks sees her as white
Damn. Life's not fair, lol.
Jesuchristo!!!!! EL GOBLINO!!!!
If they get really sick and need blood matches for something, they're in trouble.
I am a pure white aryan and I will accept nothing less in a woman. The one drop rule is the only rule for me
This is the worst nightmare for women.
They only can follow previous trends, so that girl is fucked up.
Poor girl is redpilled on how her parents fucked her over by breeding
Looks like a nafri
>nigger abomination
all in order
That girl is a case study in how the irish were made
Why go mixed?
Gr8 b8 m8
You mean sandnigger bastard race, right?
It is irrelevant, the genes have been forever altered, and thus the damage has been done.
She's fairly cute and I get the feeling she hates the fact that she is seen as different. Believe it would be easy to turn her into a trad wife
do you know these pictures where your eyes don’t know where to focus on. i get the same feeling looking at these people.
I would unironically fuck her brains out.
Well, Mediterranians are considered handsome, and they are basically a mixture between arabs and whites
She's kinda cute, I'd date her and pound her pussy into a different universe.
She'd actually look pretty normal/white if she didn't style her hair like a negress. She obviously wants to look like she does.
Attention whore.
>tfw no mulatto gf
Talk for yourself Jamal
me too, insecure cuties make the best gf's.
Disgusting curly hair is an abomination
Her kid is probably whiter than you chink.
>Mixed babies are the cutest
my dick
If all black women looked like that, the white race would be dead.
their ape like features stand out even more!
Reminds me of a girl I used to date.
Be nice to these mutts Cred Forums, they get the worst of both worlds from Blacks and Whites.
Yep I see this daily here in muttland
>theyre part nigger
wtf I hate the bogs now
Shes a take-a-knee, black lives matter, black supremacist. But Id still cum in every orafice in her body
>it’s a battle for which ones show up and only the superior will prevail
>OPs understanding of genetics
Diversity is our strength!
donkey and horse mate, it's a battle for the best genes! but wait a Mule is an infertile animal.
the hell is that thing
MENA people are mulattoes basically
>dominant gene that entails low iq
surprise your babys a spastik retard
I'd Bleach her she cute af
fully digested food is the most delicious
That's why poor people literally shouldn't be allowed to have children at this point. The more disgusting poor people reproduce, the more euthanasia will be needed. What's not needed anymore is mass human labor, so we need to start sterilizing people. And yes, that would include 95% of pol. If you can't pay you can't play. Every shitty poor parent who produces shittu poor children is making the world worse for everyone.
She'd probably make a ton of cash modelling, they like unique looking people.
What's the consensus on light-skinned Latina + white?
Ugly shits lol
>"Mixed babies are the cutest Bc the genes are so different from each other"
who are these guys? I need a quick rundown
Mental illness and fuck load of plastic surgery
>mixing with africans
Why, why do they do that
Scandis are extremely attractive and have strong genes. Scandi+anything mixed kids are usually attractive especially when the other parent is relatively good looking for their race (which usually is the case as Scandis are inherently high SMV).
Women crave big dicks
So even women follow muh dick tier logic. I've really inflated their value lol