Devs Feb 18 >E Ghouta:Tiger forces start massive artillery barrage against jihadists defense lines in Masraba,Ayn Tarma&Beit Sawa >Kurdish media:SAA will enter Afrin following deal with Kurdish militia >IS traps US-backed forces in counter attack in Al-Bahra village >Afrin:TFSA capture Al-Muhammadiyah. Kurdish fighter claims Turkey using napalm, chlorine in Afrin operation >Kurdish foces attack HQ of Turkish Army in South Turkey, claim several soldiers&TFSA fighters killed >Netanyahu:Israel is readyto 'act'against Iran if 'necessary'-while hovering piece of Iranian drone. >Iran's response:Israel using aggression as a policy, does mass reprisals against neighbor’s, daily incursions into Sy&Lebanon.Israel invincibility crumbled since the downed F16 >Turkey denies using chemical weapons in Afrin >IS pocket in Homs-DeZ desert:Constant raids and ambush attacks on SAA. Gen. Jamal Razuk died in an ambush >New Al-Qaeda affiliate group called Jaysh al-Malaheem appeared in Sy >Houthi forces strike Saudi Army positions in the Jizan Region >Taliban attacks gov forces in SE Afghanistan killing 5. Afghan Air Force conducted several strikes on talibans in Farah prov >IS strikes back in Sinai, claims several army vehicles destroyed
>ANF: "alongside the possibility of the agreement including the undertaking of a joint military campaign on al-Bab area and Jarabulus, located under the control of Turkey"
>Operation will be led from east to west #EasternGhouta #Damascus Finally they learned
Christopher Lopez
Holy shit the soldier at the end is a fucking whale.
Joshua Fisher
Bomb the Kurds!
Leo Harris
I want him to sit on my face
Jaxon Walker
do the pics get more lewd or am I getting weaker upon being exposed megumin pics..
anyways.... >hnng
Kayden Ortiz
Fuck you zhid, they send delicious Valio food and Matti muesli
Bentley Jenkins
>#Syria #Damascus #EastGhouta #EasternGhouta #Tiger_Forces #Tigers_Men Soldier part of the New Military Operations said 4 Hours Ago. "Nashabiyya under fire. Tiger forces have started operating" and posted a photo of a map showing Nashabiyya which looks to be the intended target
Noah Ramirez
>44 >Finally they learned Is the east side always less defended?
Or is this because the Republican Guard attacked the western side and suffered heavy casualties? Or is it the general rule of urban combat to not to attack buildings head on? Or was
Cameron Jackson
bomb bomb bomb
Robert Fisher
Why do you worship disgusting luddites? Russkies and Arabs are both the same backwards cancer and should be destroyed for the sake of the progressive modern white world.
Ian Harris
Brayden Stewart
You are getting weaker mate.
Ayden Brooks
Jose Smith
Michael Sullivan
>160977994 What is in there?
William Carter
#Syria #Damascus #EasternGhouta #EastGhouta #Tiger_Forces #Tigers_Men Soldier says The tiger's hurricane has started We will shake them and burn them and theres no escape from Nimr but death The decisive battle in ghouta has started we ask for your prayers #SAA #SyrianArmy
Lucas Barnes
t. 26 years old girlfriendless kissless handholdless waifuless meguminposter avatarfag exclamation point abuser(like a 12 years old girl) pillow fucker non-white ugly fat 56% amerimutt kurdophobe roach-rapebaby depressed autistic socially awkward NEET virgin weeb
Henry Torres
republican guard so far attacked western parts which is more foritfied but only because these operations never had agoal to clear full ghouta but goal was to gain more ground to ensure better security in Damscus in terms of shelling and attacks by rebels
Evan Rogers
The Republican guard frequently targeted Jobar District. I think it had more to do with securing that highway that goes through the district since it could reduce the time to deploy troops and move supplies.
Xavier Evans
what the fuck? it's an aboriginal brit, a tuatha de dunann, i didn't think any were still around today
Logan Harris
>rumors that syria will deny TAF their air space At last a potential happening
Aaron Hughes
see the cuckfedrate flags post
Jaxon Rivera
Dogfights soon fellow Anglo
Landon Rogers
>non-white >ugly > fat >56% >depressed
Those are new.
Kayden Sullivan
it was no brainer that full scale offensive would be conducted from east towards west ,one could even argue attacks on western parts were to force rebels to focus on fortifying west while ignoring east as preparation for fullscale offensive that would start from east
Christopher Bailey
I really cannot understand how they can boast themselves like that. they really think they can take on Turkey if this is true.
The Republican Guard offensive is for more lebensraum for Damascus.
And this offensive from east is because the enemy is focusing their defenses westward?
Zachary Jones
>mfw rusty battle scarred su-22 vs f-16 dogfights
>Shieet, nigga that means declaration of war. No it doesn't, unless you want to declare war on syria
Carter Hall
Isaac Green
that means turkmany will declare war on syria to defend their ally/genetic parent state of turkey, will france declare war on turkey and germany to defend their colony state of syria?
Jace Carter
>Ivan Sidorenko #Syria #Damascus Words from the #Tiger_Forces #Tigers_Men Today Eastern Ghouta militants have fled their locations and the response (of tigers) will be very strong Brigadier General Saleh Abdallah Special operations Tiger Forces Dumair military airbase Victory is coming
Julian Baker
>unless you want to declare war on syria Erdoğan just might.
Jonathan Garcia
wait a second, are you saying that the h*uthis are losing?
Levi Robinson
A vassal of Russia can not declare war on another vassal of Russia silly.
Jack James
>cuckfederate Now I see it, jeebuz cwythe memeflag is gonna get its face pancaked.
Brandon Williams
>the mere announcement of the tiger's offensive position causes the combatants to flee yeah this war is over
Aiden James
>Erdoğan just might. >dragging yourself into a conflict with experienced foes with possible disastrous geopolitical consequences He is stupid, but that stupid? I don't think so
Adrian Jackson
stop asking the same question idiot
David Cox
I can't say for sure, but if the word that Syria closed airspace to Turkey leaks to the TRMSM, expect a sharp, vertical increase in aggression and conflict in between.
Isaiah Bennett
Wael Al Hussaini
@WaelAlHussaini 8 minprije 8 minuta Više Op #DamascusSteel
An SS-21 missile just landed on a terrorist group while trying to establish a fortification line in Misraba #EastGhouta
Isaac Edwards
Jack Adams
Finally some happenings again
Cameron Diaz
tochka, the SRBM system that keeps on giving
Nicholas Kelly
did someone say EXPLOSION?
Sebastian Taylor
Free gas to Israel, of course.
John Howard
Ryder White
Anybody got any good links to documentaries about Iran
Just wanna learn more about its history, the geography, nature, etc. of it. Don't really know anything about it other than we coup'd it
Nathan Anderson
>denying another country's air force access to your airspace is an act of war as expected of Turk poster
>to repel turkish attack >turkey out of nato OH FUGG
Connor Brooks
yeah no
Camden Collins
>inb4 Assad downs USAF jet and you came here angry and frustrated It is just counter terrorism bro, no hard feelings because we inv- I mean borrow the empty space above Syria airspace.
Thomas White
LOL the powerful kurds are PATHETIC
Noah Hill
>Assadists will go to Afrin to get bombed with Russia's blessings This can't be real.
This is getting too confusing. Did the Kurds time their decision once the offensives in E. Ghouta has started? Or was the E. Ghouta pocket clearing an omen to the kurds that they have been stupid for too long? I doubt Erdy would just halt offensives, and neither would the FSA/nusrats/HTS/(insert any other jihadi name) stop pushing as well.
Maybe the Kurds want to steer in SAA so that the TAF would have other things to bomb instead of them?
Brody Collins
Fuck kurds, communist pieces of shit who go in american universities and whine about "cis white men".
Carson Adams
Kurds and SAA have been negotiating for a long time regarding Afrin.
Kurds are probably just accepting that their best option is to handover the region to SAA and thereby stopping the Turkish offensive.
If the airspace over Afrin is closed off and can’t be utilized by turkish jets they won’t be able to advance.
It still has to be confirmed by the SAA though
Brayden Thomas
Thanks bud
James Scott
>Eastern Ghouta militants have fled their locations Enemies flee Suheil in fear, they don't want their boypussies raped.
Julian Torres
RIP to this brave westerner who died fighting for the Kurds.
Nicholas Fisher
Also this brave hero.
Blake Lee
1823780172301st time SAA and YPG made a deal regarding to Afrin guise.
dont forget, with this deal Assad will attack us in Al-bab too and give the land to his beloved k*rds because so that they can link their cantons. a k*rd official just said it after all.
Andrew Fisher
>reading comprehension I assume the bong poster is also Turkish and English is not his native language. I'm saying, if Syrian govt downed a USAF plane over Syria, I would not be mad, although the other 99% of the citizens of the USA would be.
Tyler Gutierrez
Second this, very good.
Owen White
>Kurds and SAA have been negotiating for a long time regarding Afrin. So, is it only Afrin?
And if ever Afrin handover to Syria is green'ed, Would Idlib still be under TAF presence or would the TAF just go back to Turkey?
Jacob Price
>assume the bong poster is also Turkish and English is not his native language. Offended, i'm just drunk
Jose Price
it's a decent image but doesn't really fit the Hugh meme imo
Jackson Richardson
I'll ask again but with a picture this time.
what's the % of loyalists and mercenaries in Assad's army?
Wyatt King
Ethan Barnes
>if Syrian govt downed a USAF plane over Syria, I would not be mad, That is what I understood too, so I said you are getting older to hype for supercool jets and also a bit of sick of its demogracy distribution. >hurrr you are all illiterate retards
Henry Murphy
>Eastern Ghouta militants have fled their locations and the response (of tigers) will be very strong Wouldn't that be more problematic, not only for the SAA, but also for the local populace as well since you have jihadis running away?
Or, will locals gun them down as payback?
Leo Robinson
this dude was apparently pretty right wing, if you can call it that. excuse the link to r*ddit:
Hard to estimate, but probably 70/30 western media paints it as 40/60 sometimes though
Cooper Jenkins
Camden Thomas
don't be offended, I was just playing the odds. I misunderstood what you were saying. yes I am getting too old to chase after the happy merchant's burger on a stick these days
Kevin Peterson
>. Heavy pre-emptive bombardment started on E. #Ghouta. Artillery & airstrikes bombing most locations in Western, Central & Eastern parts. Pic from Mesraba.
Zachary Martin
Yes just Afrin, IF there is an agreement in place which is a big IF.
Idlib situation wouldn’t change. Perhaps Turkey would increase support for militia in Idlib and near Afrin.
Sebastian Peterson
Thanks to Allah the merciful Syria will be saved by the Black Panther
Asher Bell
Nice anytime some leftist fag on Cred Forums says "HURR THERE ARE LEFTISTS AND ANARCHISTS DYING RIGHT NOW WHAT ARE THE RIGHT DOING" I will provide a link to this page.
Robert Williams
>Turkey will attack Russian backed Syria >where russia is free from article 5 implications and NATO has no duty to help >Erdo will do it anyway
I sincerely hope Erdo isnt that stupid. We are moving nukes into Romania because of him, and he keeps tip toeing the fucking abyss anyway.
Thomas Butler
thats just in northern Hama it says though
Carter Nguyen
not bad, Gadaffi had plenty more right?
Elijah Carter
> yes I am getting too old to chase after the happy merchant's burger on a stick these days When you say it out loud, its pretty depressing. Stay safe burger.
Jordan Nelson
Nice nice
Bentley Flores
>Ukraine Before H., who grew up in the Randstad, went to Syria, he spent a few months in the Ukraine, where he fought on the side of a right-wing militia against the Russian-minded separatists. He told us that he had traveled to Syria because he thought 'that war was more important'. "That war is about power, this is about freedom," he said. Looks to me that this guy didn't fought for left-right ideological reasons. It looks like he fought for whom he believed was fighting for freedom or some vague shit.
Isaac Scott
>tfw the South African mercenaries didn't get Gadaffi out
I bet he would've been welcome back after 18 months of utter chaos and taken charge again.
Charles Brown
Juan Nguyen
to be fair he sacrificed his life in defense of a rather left-wing and borderline anarchistic movement. I'm not sure if he was really ideologically attracted to the YPG, or if he simply wanted to see combat and noticed that YPG was recruiting internationally. The only right wing angle I could see motivating someone to travel to Rojava and join YPG would be if you're a strong believer in the right of ethnic Kurds to national self determination, or something. But the YPG itself will deny accusations of being a nationalistic movement, so idk.
Samuel Peterson
Camden Jones
Looks like a Jew head facing left with no body just both his legs open ready for the pounding that is coming.
Jonathan Ortiz
Just so you guys know, Cred Forums is gonna play Cred Forums in a few minutes. Here's hoping Assad scores
Andrew Allen
Luke Nelson
Jordan Green
I think current conflicts like in Syria/Ukraine are a good spot for war-tourists to fullfill some of their fantasies.
Camden Adams
Please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please god let this be real
No offense to the Turks, but you lads need to get rid of that watermelon seller ASAP. He is going to kill you all, and take NATO down with it by splitting everyone on a false flag attack to call article 5
Elijah Torres
The conflict is so complex, with half of the forces probably beheading little kids, that I wouldn't touch this conflict with a 10-foot pole. What are the outcomes? The US and Israel get their way, Russia and Syria get their way, etc. I can't imagine risking my life over there when there's so much meaningful work to do here.
Carter Ortiz
>#Syria #EastGhouta #EasternGhouta Activist : The alarm sirens are filling the towns and cities of the eastern Ghouta now amidst heavy bombardment by the Syrian and Russian airforces, at the same time as heavy preliminary fire by hundreds of missiles and artillery raining down.
Isaac Hill
Its not fun when the enemy have an airforce though, only fun when you know you're not going to get blown up by something you cant even hear coming.
Cameron Sanders
LOL now I remember Russia denying a cease fire
Samuel Walker
Cred Forums is shit, Cred Forums should win
Isaiah Butler
How the fuck are there any buildings still standing in Ghouta? It's non stop bombardment every day.
James Ward
He probably just went to fight ISIS or Turkey and didn't really give a shit about what the Kurds believe. The Kurds aren't really "anarchist" either, "Rojava" is run by a military government. The anarchist stuff is mostly LARPing to gain support from Westerners.
Joshua Reyes
>Its not fun when the enemy have an airforce though, only fun when you know you're not going to get blown up by something you cant even hear coming. Oh I agree, but lets be fair, a lot of them joined while the US provided some kind of support in the past. Right now with the Turkish operation, they are learning the hard lessons of being nothing but a pawn on the global stage.
Connor Moore
Mfw Syria vs Turks Mfw Turks out of NATO Mfw Suheil gonna beat E. Ghouta up Mfw happening inbound t- 48 hours
Lads next week is going to be interesting.
Isaiah Fisher
>get rid of that watermelon seller ASAP Yeah, not happening.
Jaxson Ross
yes and what happens if they surrender (if they are even allowed to surrender), a life sentence in a Turkish prison.
Camden Jones
More bombardment is not always a good thing, like when Hitler bombed the living shit out of Stalingrad. It just created more cover for the Soviets. Couldn't use tanks, house to house fighting versus using their armor advantage.
Idk about nowadays though..
Thomas Thompson
t. ırk haini
David Perry
Russians could polonium his tea
Wyatt Torres
i hate erdomeme probably all of you combined but i still want him to stay just so he can cause more butthurt among idiots all over the world desu.
Oliver Lee
>Mfw Syria vs Turks Doubt theyre going to let things escalate if some afrin memedeal happens tbqh >Mfw Turks out of NATO Didn't happen
Ayden Adams
Leave it to the t*rk to bring misery to others
Owen Ward
turkey could've turned into a modern country but no, the memes and annoying people are more fun
Luis Myers
I support roof top throwings.
Jaxson Mitchell
>Initial reports say at least 4 killed in car bomb explosion in #ypg held part of #Qamishli.
Isaiah Jones
Shhhh.... It's all gonna happen trust the unicorn fish.
But seriously, I'm quite excited for this week's developments. If SAA moves air defences and observation posts, more Turkish jets getting downed... Oh my word
James Torres
I support mediation, allow them to set fire to the homosexual and let him burn for 5 seconds then push him off the roof, a cage with and opening trap door could be used for this to prevent getting hurt.
Chase Myers
Fucking Toyotas, they never listen....
Matthew Parker
Cred Forums is going to beat /p*l/‘s arse
Gabriel Cruz
Cred Forums is an absolute mess at the moment (hentai, black male rimming, cartel skinning webMs) why isn't kara boga poster taking advantage of this?
Jackson Williams
Why does he spam Cred Forums though
Benjamin Morgan
They will get the boot if they start war against Syria and Russia. Russia will hold their ground because any rational country would cease immediately, while both sides try to stop erdomeme, but Erdo will call the bluff even with NATO help being unlikely, because he thinks that's a bluff too. Will he be that stupid?
Cesium 137 in table salt senpai. Ask the russians.
Evan Allen
after Cred Forums Cred Forums is probably the best board for getting reactions to blacked posting
Parker Hughes
>If SAA moves air defences and observation posts, more Turkish jets getting downed... Oh my word IMO, SAA would prioritize defending the airspace over DeZ since the DEMC still has ami airpower backing them up.
Zachary Taylor
Adrian Richardson
do you guys actually foresee TFSA continuing to receive Turkish air support if Syrian govt forces back up YPG in Afrin? I would assume that the Turks would just back down, I can't recall the last time they pursued an offensive against Assad government itself.
Justin Cruz
What is H?
Adrian Roberts
Thomas Hill
I think part of any deal between the SAA and the kurds would involve the kurds holding off on attacking the SAA anywhere else
Jackson Morales
Jeremiah Phillips
They were betrayed by the perfidious jews.
Gabriel Perry
afrin has 0 leverage, they do not have any say in any deal. they either submit to SAA or die in our hands. so thats why i dont get these "deal" stuff at all.
James Flores
He won't. Earlier today there were pics of new russian bodyguards assigned to him after previous failed assasination attempt.
Brayden Hughes
Kayden Rodriguez
probably just a wooden shack with a 56IQ conscript in it
Leo Gutierrez
Afrin hasn`t shit, but the SAA probaly wants a calm front in DeZ so they can focus on retaking the area around Damascus
Xavier Adams
God I wish that were me
Jose Gray
Euphrates shield was over a year ago, friend.
Jaxson Walker
>SAA probaly wants a calm front in DeZ DeZ is already calm m8. SAA can focus on pockets without any problem.
Carter Lee
So an average turk?
Brody Wilson
Isaac Brooks
The Kurds possibly are hauling ass towards Afrin to reinforce the kurds holding there. The kurds also turned over control of N and/or NE of Syria to the DEMC.(IIRC)
I think that when they found out that amis ain't gonna follow them to Afrin, they considered the offer of the SAA since they have a lot to lose politically and militarily inna Afrin if they continued believing their delusions of grandeur.
Brayden Butler
true commie/anarchist/gaylord shit is just that, a pr larp. Granted they used to actually have a commie past. Would they be to establish a kurdish state, they would probably establish a very left leaning one though granted they would actually be able to run it ofc
Nolan Perry
DeZ is currently calm, until the USAF decides that it shouldn`t stay that way. However, even if that is complete bullshit (it might very well be), its still in the interest of the SAA to come to terms with the kurds before they enter Afrin, least they have to fight their way trough there, and it certainly isn`t in their interest to make the invasion any easier for Turkey
Benjamin Brooks
>wake up >The Tiger is on the offensive again It's a good day
Isaac Miller
>Cred Forums game >Assad is red BUENO!
Jackson Hall
dude do you really think afrin has any kind of leverage seriously?
whats hard to understand about "either you give land or you die"?
Isaac Turner
Angel Powell
of course ASS*d is a filthy commishit
Josiah Turner
Because "or you die" actually leaves out that the SAA actually wants the Kurds to not die, at least not before the Turks are dead. If the SAA starts fighting Turkey the USAF will respond, but as long as the kurds do it no-one cares
Zachary Cox
death to maghrebois, of course
Caleb Anderson
Cred Forums's entire defense is red. Gonna be tough
Daniel Cooper
SAA wants k*rds to die if just look at the yellow stain on any syria map senpai. if erdomeme wasnt this stubborn and just allied assad like a year or so ago we wouldnt have a k*rd problem at all.
Luis Reyes
>/lgbt/ match tho
Luis Murphy
>i hate erdomeme probably all of you combined but i still want him to stay just so he can cause more butthurt among idiots all over the world desu. democracy was a mistake: the post
James Hall
>SAA wants k*rds to die if just look at the yellow stain on any syria map senpai. if erdomeme wasnt this stubborn and just allied assad like a year or so ago we wouldnt have a k*rd problem at all. >Forgetting Hafez
Carter Rivera
well i never voted for him i dont get whats your point?
Elijah Lee
Jaxson Ross
I miss Banaposting
Carson Williams
hafez didnt even give k*rds indetity cards kek. considered them to be "sub-syrians" hence they were "lower class" compared to arab syrians. they werent allowed to universities and shit.
Isaiah Sullivan
nevermind got it, normal sma'hc'st
Logan Murphy
But what about his firing everyone connected to Fetullah Gülen, trying to destroy the republic, and putting military checkpoints on public roads all over the country?
Kayden Peterson
William Wood
>putting military checkpoints on public roads all over the country? yeah so that they wont search for isis / pkk terrorists.
>But what about his firing everyone connected to Fetullah Gülen, faggot is 15 years late for that
>trying to destroy the republic turkey is more of a republic compared to USA desu
Chase King
Or purging their officer corp to the point where they turned into a standard middle eastern military.
Liam Perez
Adrian Price
its truly sad to see such a close friendship go awry for such shitty reasons
Owen Hernandez
The Star wars prequels did not show the model for a proper republic. Those were works of fiction.
Adam Rodriguez
ask me about it. oh well. we could be killing k*rds together with syrians right now you know.
Leo Cooper
>have 2 parties to vote to >both of them do same policies and shit >calls choicelessness republic wow.
Aiden Miller
>relates everything to star wars stop being such a bugman
Carson Peterson
It didn't end well for the fatty in ops pic.
Isaac Turner
look how happy they looked, do you think eiher of them are smiling now?
Dominic Edwards
i am not smiling either.
Evan Bell
>tfw sometimes wonder what happened to this slut
William Reed
just think of what could have been
Jose Cooper
she's still at it tho >tfw she probably has a record for the most pictures of dead children posted online by a 8 year old kek
Christian Anderson
n-no. dont remind me.
Henry Collins
Cred Forums BTFO.
Joseph Fisher
in 3 years Assad will be visiting turkey like any old leader and received warmly
Dominic Miller
Grayson Adams
I think that's another fat guy.
Brayden Powell
This is why Kurds will never have a nation unless as a defacto state of America. They have a long history of devastatingly stupid mistakes. As a result, everyone around them wants them dead.
John Long
what a filthy normie
Dylan Walker
tell me erdogan, was it all worth it? what you threw away your best friendship for
Luke Peterson
yeah he WILL
Brandon Thomas
p-pls dont.
Leo Edwards
David Long
Adrian Jenkins
Brayden Bailey
why in the fuck is she meeting with Colin Kaepernick this is too intersectional for me
Charles Williams
>dat pic >amiddleeasternlovestory.mp4 Top jej.
Aaron Sullivan
I hate her
Grayson Russell
this is P O W E R F U L And Experts Say "That's A Good Thing."
Julian Allen
Hey that's quite romantic
Jose Carter
Isn't that the entire middle east in a nutshell?
Leo Cooper
>tfw she probably has a record for the most pictures of dead children posted online by a 8 year old
get the s400s live bois, roll in the s300s, i want SAF interceptors scrambled now
Justin Bailey
>A red color alarm in Sderot. This is how the residents' reality looks
Zachary Lopez
fuck lads, why does he keep doing it?
Cameron Campbell
Death to Israel Death to Israel Death to Israel
Thomas Russell
He's a monster.
Mason Cooper
Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Tyler Wright
Aaron Long
>being friend with the pkk untermenschen
Connor Diaz
Why do they Lie and LIE and LIEEE?
James Hughes
Because despots usually don’t care about collateral damage
Isaiah Myers
You rather be friends with Israel and Turkey?
Eli Myers
>#Syria Battle for the eastern Ghouta of Damascus is a battle of sectors. Participation in it has been divided to different military formations in the Syrian army. Preliminary fire began on 1 of these axes. But the zero hour did not begin yet for the cooperative work on the ground
Eli Campbell
>he thinks being friends with the kurds is different than being friends with israel kek
Carson Barnes
genocide lol
Joshua Jackson
I have a question for you please respond
Adrian Edwards
Here is the best scenario >Kurds give up their heavy armaments and some hummers from burgers, manpads and what not to SAA in return of their protection >SAA enters Afrin, takes the weapons, whilst we don't attack >Then SAA leaves >And we keep bombing them
Julian Torres
>implying the pkk isn't a jewish puppet
Brandon Hall
israel yea he's stated so and implied as much no less than every time he's ever posted, turkey probably not so much
Jayden Diaz
Christopher Jackson
>implying anybody isnt a Jewish puppet
Alexander Flores
>Israel bombs Syrian military positions >Kurds fight side by side against ISIS with Assad Yeah its different.
Ryder Bennett
>t. kike sympathiser
Hunter Martin
>hurr durr >hurr durr >hurr durr >not knowing who Israel is
Carter Miller
im a Russian puppet
Lincoln Collins
>90 civilians injured and killed >no militants, just civilians.
Sebastian Phillips
VBIED attack in #Syria's #SAA held #Damascus kills 5 people
Leo Hill
>when the Zyklon B hits
Wyatt Gutierrez
You're irrelevant tho
Hunter Nguyen
nah, more like >turkey gets punted from nato >US ramps up support of the kurds >kurds liberate kurdish turkey and become a world superpower, a new world wide holiday starting from the day they publically anally rape the watermelon salesman and then burn him alive >kurdistan is recognized as a official country around the globe >kurdistan is accepted into NATO
Hudson Jenkins
Oy vey goyim Turkey is totally not an ally of Israel.
Charles Bennett
less irrelevant than poleland
Owen Cox
some wish dude.. wtf
Jaxson Green
K-Khazar milkers
Jose Gonzalez
Netanyahu says "we will not forget, we will not forgive" @3:23
>Then SAA leaves why would this happen? every inch, my friend
Carter James
>netenyahudi in a guy fawkes mask i knew all that lenonymuss shit was kike shit from the moment it appeared
Chase Russell
Jeremiah Walker
anyone hear about alreadyhappened getting followed by people after researching the patriot system in syria?
Noah James
What a faggot
Jackson Long
Baking Fresh Bread
Josiah Rivera
>SAA takes all weapon >SAA instead of protecting Kurds starta the process of de-kurdification of Syria, makes deal with Erdogan that Erdogan accept Assad Goverment in exchange of Kurdish population hiting 0.0% in Syria. TFSA starts continues genociding Kurds and taking over HTS, they agree on Assad terms as they will get free land and house based on per killed Kurd. Half of the alive Kurds become Turks/Arabs out of fear. >Peace settles in Syria.
Huh a man can dream/
Brody Gutierrez
their existence is a mass-psychosis where they convince eachother that they really are the best people on gods green earh. they refuse to accept that they have ever done anything wrong, they can't bear it. They refuse to recognize how shit they are, so they can never learn. source: a diaspora kurd posted a long self-hate post on r/scw around the time of the kirkuk stuff.
Bentley Johnson
Erdogan is the moderate force in Turkish government what a super reliable source
Jayden Garcia
>what a super reliable source how would you explain it then? why won't they stop being idiotic assholes?
Thomas Nelson
Henry Smith
because USA protects them for now.
Gabriel Rivera
>#Syria #Afrin #Efrin #Efrine #EfrinKurdistane #عفرين ʿAfrīn - ʿIfrīn - Efrîn - Afrîn - #ܥܦܪܝܢ - The outrageous terms set by the Syrian Government / Syrian Arab Army during the Meeting with #Kurds #TwitterKurds #Kurd #YPG last night.
Logan Davis
>outrageous this is what i exactly said before, afrin has 0 choices, they either submit to SAA fully or die in our hands.
Asher Lee
>outrageous terms Of everything else in history, pride has caused the most defeats. The k*rds will learn that the hard way.
Jaxson Hill
>outrageous >implying
They chose secession and now are reaping their reward. They are in no position to negotiate any special privileges. The racial heritage of the Kurds does not denote them some sort of higher status than the average Syrian Arab, Druze, Assyrian, and other minority.
Anthony Young
fuck jews
Jonathan Hughes
Full report Via @ejmalrai
Wyatt Wood
>yfw when Poland is suddenly hit by an ISIS terror attack
Josiah Reyes
exactly how much would they hate to have to fight for Bashar?
David Clark
>mfw Assad knows 4D chess >mfw Assad wins again
Luis Ortiz
i still have my doubts about any kind of deal going on desu but whatever.
Joshua Hill
I hate the jews
Juan Cooper
someone baek
Joseph Davis
Dylan Thomas
>Urgent: violent clashes between Brigade 56 and ISIS near Riyadh town, W Kirkuk Gov'
I know you are on this thread Tom! Don't be like those other Twitter cucks that use "BREAKING" and all of those other clickbait headline titles.
Jackson Thompson
Wyatt Hernandez
10/10 >every inch, my friend After we killed the last Kurd, Assad can have his Arabs and whatnot along with the fucking useless mountains that are called Afrin.