Please post your worst and best cases of this deplorable act.
Racemixing should be forbid....ahhhh
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Contrary to Reddit propaganda, most hapas by ugly parents are usually better looking than either of them.
This is nancy jewel mcdonie from the K-pop band Momoland for thhe ones who are interested.
Racemixing tottally ok with asian brotherly qt's
with africoid ugly mongrels is forbidden
this guy has pure genetics, you can tell by his ruddy complexion. If he wouldve married an attractive white woman his child wouldve been gisele bundchen tier
I dont get it.. she looks like a doll made of plastic. What is the appeal?
Asians are even more racist than whites.
I'm betting that her life is a living hell, identity wise.
Métis people are one of the few race mixed peoples with a strong cultural identity.
It's easy to get over it once she realizes that they are just phenotypically jealous.
Of the two girls I ever loved, one was Métis one was hapa. Having a hard time forgetting the hapa. She had such a cute face and petite body. What the fuck am I supposed to do? How do I find another hapa? Even here they are rare and they are so prized by all men it's so hard to snatch one up and they're never single
Not really, seeing as she won't have any groups that will take her in. The collective racial in-groups won't touch her.
>doll like appearance without plastic surgery
>what is the appeal
100% retarded
The other hapas will take her in. They collect each other, I've seen it
They aren't so rare anymore.
That's the only way. If there aren't hapas around you're going to have a hard time. I suppose this will be less prevalent when mutting becomes much more prevalent but the early generations will take the blunt force.
>what's the appeal?
she's pale and skinny
>Roaming Millennial
fuck you, that shit is uncanny valley.
I think you all are drama queens that have a hard time realizing that most people ain't really picky to choose partner.
I have a cousin that looks like her and is 100% from White parents.
Too bad they're disgusting
This guy got over it and he's now balling in Japan.
One commenter said:
>He learned the power of his White Privilege later on in life. Boy have the tables turned lol
>Being mixed but looking white, but speaking in the native tongue. He must of climbed up the corporate ladder extremely fast lol. If he fixes up his English he will be a forced to be reckoned with lol
You are wrong the asians really like her hapa butt. Use googletranslate.
She also has some comercials.
what do we learn?
dont mix with the negro untermensch, mix with east aryans instead
Hapas have better bodies than full Chinks.
Yeah and whites even better.
I've heard many Japs say that mixed Asians have longer legs. They themselves have short dwarf legs.
>tfw your oneitis is a quarter Japanese, Slav, and Italian
Damn white girls look like this?
Khazar + white mix
These are dwarves though. Not just the legs are short.
"She" looks like a guy. Kind of the Michelle Obummer type.
Pale, skinny, attractive facial features. Maybe not to you but to a lot of other men.
>tfw qt asian gf
can't wait to make attractive hapa children
White genes are so beta. half breeds always look like the non-white parent.
I wanna bury my dick inside that pussy, no matter how haram.
Feels good bro. I'm just pondering when is the time right to ask her to marry me. How much do I spend on a ring and all that shit.
This threads are always fun.
Relax beta. It will happen organically when you turn 40.
Insect women exist to breed our rejects.
It’s called conquest if you fuck women of other races, Betacuck
Keanu Reeves is best hapa
Cred Forums
Waist up white supremest
Sure. That's why so many WMAF couples are in vogue now.
In China the men might be angry that their sisters or cousins are dating white guys but it's the same for the guys being angry at any girl of the same nation dating a foreigner.
The ones that might make trouble are allready virgin wimps or clinically insane fucks who you'll probably have legal justification to murder.
I mean, they look too Asian to me to ever be white, so I can only assume that they they look too white to other Asians. It's just how the game goes. It's nothing personal. I don't think they have a trouble with hook ups seeing as they're pretty rare as it is, but the identity group thing thing is not going to go away.
It's not fair how am i supposed to reprodu e if I am mostly white and some black who do I reproduce with no matter who it is it is racemixxing
Pol never wants to answer the mixed question
Go back to /r/ Hapaggot
Most white men want white wives, but if we get asian wives out of anger at white women reproducing with niggers to create halfbreed niggers:
>create a race of extremely beautiful hapa girls
>possible risk of having a hapa boy
>the beautiful hapa girl will grow up and fuck the disgusting half breed nigger
Ethnostates will never be formed if more people catch onto hapas.
Now I understand why Cred Forums hates them so much.
plenty of qt3.14 mulattoes out there
Why is it that when you take
Asian + non Asian = Child has predominant Asian features including the hair, hair color, eyes, and face.
Same with black + non black = child has features from the black parent. Yes, there are dominant and recessive genes that are passed down and may not be expressed but I find it fascinating how those two races basically curbstomp the others genetics expression. Why are their phenotypes almost always the dominant ones? Reading up you only get basic stuff like hair type, hair color, and eyes color but the overall facial features are stronger with Asian dominating the offspring. Why?
>White genes are so beta. half breeds always look like the non-white parent.
my white genes dominated my wifes chinese genes and my son is 95% white. Skin, hair, build...all me. The only asian feature is the corners of his eyes.
White women are only for asian men white boi!
asian women are already getting plastic surgery to look more white anyways, isn't a hapa pretty much that without the surgery?
>beefcake !
He's just bulking up brah
pick one and only one
Low effort Igor over here
Stop posting crap.
ah yes, the frenchmen with Indigenous rights
I'll be banned if I post better stuff.
Unfit, old, and ugly. Yeah no one in America would mate with that
They wouldn't have trouble hooking up even if they weren't rare, since hapa characteristics are mostly favored in the Asian mainstream (eye shape nose shape, body proportions, 3D facial profile). Looking like a full Mongolman has never been an advantage either in the West or the East.
they’re white lol, they look like any western foreigner
your descendants will either be 56% face or hapa master race, it depends entirely on the geographic location where you raise them. those are your only two options. pick a side
>they look white
i see it's la creatura posting hours again?
I suppose only non-white people can't tell.
The screencap from the top of this page with nancy's parents is from this video min 4:46
I think it's a school graduation ceremony of some of the momoland members.